Jeri watched as Simon came in with Kit. Jeri met Colette’s eyes. And Colette rolled them. Jeri, Colette and Audrey, Simon’s ex wife all came into the Tawse club when they were newlyweds back in 1993.
It was such a neat thing that they all had had in common!
The girls’ husbands had asked them to be dominant, and at the Tawse Club, you could find others who were interested in This particular sex game.
They had little else in common. Jeri was a waitress and aspiring folk singer, Colette a paralegal in her husband’s law firm, and Audrey just a homemaker who painted scenery.
But they’d been great friends, had giggled when exchanging “slave husbands” for parties, and it had gone so well.
And they were all friendly with other couples, a pair of academics who teach at Buttermilk State, a selectman whose wife kept him in occasional adult diapers…
But the “scene” was less important than the community. You know, like a book club where people mostly gossiped.
But Audrey was gone, and Kit was Simon’s fiancee now. A year ago, Simon and Audrey had split up and Audrey had left town.
Jeri and Colette and some of the other uh, classier ladies missed her a lot.
Kit was different from the others, and perhaps not fitting in so well, although you knew she wasn’t really aware of it, or if she was, she didn’t say anything.
Colette referred to Kit as a “one trick pony” because BDSM seemed to be her primary purpose.
Kit was so different. Tonight while everyone else was in jeans and sundresses, Kit wore tight black jeans and a tube top from 1984, teased very big hair…
She strutted through the door on six inch heels, with poor Simon trudging behind.
Simon, who had been a founder of the Tawse Club.
Most of the other couples were what you might call “weekend warriors” if that.
Have your husband be your slave for the weekend? Sure. Then you go back to laundry and work and whatever else. The kids comehome from Grandma’s and it’s all normal again.
But look at Kit stomping around in that tiny tube top (In a woman of forty-five?) and she was a real dominant. She’d been a professional Mistress and had rented a suite at the Paincafe, Buttermilk Fall’s famous BDSM theme hotel.
And watch Kit as she comes in. What a contrast. Simon, short and balding, and Kit acting as if she were auditioning for the role of Rizzo in “Grease”
Kit now turned to Simon as they watched and snarled something at him, and there, in front of everyone, Simon took off all his clothes and knelt next to Kit’s chair.
This was ridiculous. Sure there were parties that were Clothed-Female-Naked-Male, but this was going a little too far. Kit had only been coming with Simon for a few months to the Club, and now she was making him strip NAKED?
But there was no rule against it. A few months ago, at the annual picnic in Colonel Buttermilk Park, Kit had ordered Simon to strip and she’d whipped him with a cut off branch from a lilac bush, just because he’d put too much ketchup on her hamburger.
But c’mon guys. Simon should really explain to Kit that they didn’t go all out at these gatherings. And look how mortified he is!
The Tawse Club was very tame. Someone would lecture on a topic, such as wrapping your partner in Saran Wrap, or how to be a good transvestite, or how to give a safe caning.
Then everyone socialized afterwards, maybe going for a late dinner at the Pizza Hut.
It was much like when Jeri went out on Thursdays to sing in the church choir, and then for a few drinks at the Cheesecake Factory.
Jeri and Colette and Audrey’s other friends kind of frozen Kit out, probably from loyalty, but they might have warmed up to her if she hadn’t been so unusual.
Kit was never “off”. A month before, she’d come up to Jeri and Colette, who were discussing soy milk or something, and Kit had said “Last night I teased Simon’s cock for three hours beforee he cried, and I locked him back up good in that belt. I may whip his balls tonight.”
They were upset for Audrey, ‘cos she’d been kicked to the curb, but at least this bimbo could be a wee bit normal.
What could Simon see in Kit, after being married to a gourmet cook with a Master’s in fine arts from the Sorbonne, over there in Paris? Audrey had been remarkable!
And here Simon was, now undressed except for his belt, kneeing next to where Kit had sat down.
And now Kit had handed him the key to the chatity belt and gave him a nasty look, and Simon, after pleading a bit, removed the belt, the last cover to his nudity.
And there was Simon’s little red penis, bulging out, and he clearly had not had an orgasm in some time.
The precum was immediately rolling out. He probably had been teased already today. This was so embarrassing. And terribly vulgar!
What made Jeri so mad was, all the Tawse Club husbands seemed so fascinated by Kit.
Jeri’s husband, Oswald, a normally reserved chap who owned a chain of tennis shops, was always talking about what a “shame” it was that Kit put poor Simon through so much.
Sure, Oswald always said “I’m sure glad, Jeri, that you don’t give me thrashings, public thrashings.” or “We really miss playing golf and watching sports with Simon, but that bitch Kit won’t let him out at all.”
And Colette’s husband Dabney had commented that it seemed like Kit and Simon were going too far “Can you believe she made him suck her boyfriend’s dick?”
But Dab talked about it so much, as if forced bi was his only topic, but yet it “horrified” him. Like the Bard says, “I think thou doth protest too much.”
But the guys were clearly drawn to Kit, even though she, by far was not the most attractive woman in the room.
True, Kit had an amazing shape, and didn’t weigh much over a hundred ten, and perhaps she was a comic-bookish Bitch Mistress, that might be fascinating to the guys.
Jeri understood that she and the other wives, perhaps they mostly did the whips and chains things to please their husbands, but it wasn’t really their THING, not the wives.
The guys had the real BDSM “sickness” perhaps from a youthful trauma.
Oswald couldn’t get it up to fuck Jeri, even in the beginning of their marriage if she didn’t take him over her knee and pull down his pants, going at it with a spatula till his butt was hot…
And actually over the past few years, Oswald mostly did his own thing in the basement man-cave, where he watched BDSM porn.
Simon used to come over and watch it in the basement with Oswald now and then, but now he didn’t leave the house except for work…Kit’s rule!
Jeri had an on again, off again lover, Moe, but she and Moe had long since quit making love in front of Oswald after tying him up.
Now Moe just came by and picked Jeri up, honking the horn outside, while Oswald stayed at home and beat his meat infront of the videos.
And no, Jeri didn’t dress like a three dollar who like Kit did. Jeri doubted she could even fit into one of Kit’s miniskirts.
Now, Colette leaned over and whispered “I can’t believe it. Look at the little bastard’s dick.”
“Simon’s penis?”
“Jeri, who else has their bare dick poking out? She must really lock him up all the time; he looks so horny and frustrated. I have let Dabney wear a belt for you know, seventy-two hours at a time, and then he begs me to unlock him, and then we, you know, we do it.”
“You and Dab still fuck?”
“Well, it’s really been a long time since we played or fucked. But still, I think Kit is going too far with Simon, and remember 2 weeks ago when she made him drop his pants and jerk off on her boots? He was so grateful to do it, man.”
“And remember who it was who lent Kit a belt to whip Simon afterwards? It was Dabney, my husband, and he played pocket pool while he watched it going on.”
“But you know, Simon seems happy with um, Kit.”
“How would you know, Jeri? Simon brought Kit to the damn group, and you know how loud and social he’s always been, but now he’s not allowed to speak when he’s with her.”
“That’s true, Colette. Kit does all the talking, and I think Simon’s lost touch with his male buddies too. But he must love her, look how he’s stroking Kit’s leg.”
“Look, Jeri, she just slapped his face and he’s got his hands back on his thighs. Everyone is looking at them, and he’s so humiliated.”
Colette snorted. “Dab is probably going to sneak off to masturbate in the boy’s room now. My husband so gets off on all that. I asked Dabney if he wanted me to treat him like Kit treatments Simon and he said no, not at all, but I think…oh, I don’t know.”
Jeri looked at Simon, shivering in the cold room. “He’s not even listening to the lesson, Colette”
“What’s the lesson about?”
“You’re not listening? It’s on enema play.”
“Watch Kit takes notes, Jeri. She’ll probably stop at the pharmacy and pick up a fleet enema to use on Simon at home.”
“Oh, well. Oswald has something important to tell me tonight, and we might be leaving early.”
“Oh, I hope he’s decided to buy that camper you two were looking at.”
Simon felt so ridiculous kneeling naked like this. There was Ellard Bayers grinning down at him, but of course Simon’s dick was so hard.
Simon looked up pleadingly at Kit.
“Don’t even complain, Simon.” Kit said through gritted teeth. “I’ll make you suck Ellard’s dick after the meeting.”
Kit took a big puff and blew some smoke rings.
Of course smoking wasn’t allowed in here. It was 2018 after all. But who would dare to confront Kit about this?
Simon knew he had to keep his sweaty hands on his thighs as he knelt there, exposed to everyone.
Simon was not to touch his dick and Kit would really let him have it with the coiled two-foot dog whip she had in her pursuit.
Simon was, in fact, the only nude man here, the only nude PERSON here.
All his old friends were staring.
Certainly that had been an old, humiliating fansy of his. Simon had never thought it would become a reality.
Kit was so unpredictable!
When Simon had told Audrey that he had been traumatized by a school bully from years ago, Audrey had suggested a PTSD counselor, said she’d pay for it out of her grandmother’s inheritance.
When he’d told Kit about it, she’d looked the guy up, invited him over, and had him beat the shit out of Simon with the dog whip, and then fuck her in front of him.
That was what Kit was like!
But he loved it.
Simon and Kit had nothing, absolutely nothing in common except for the dom-sub relationship. When Kit, his long time $300 a week dominatrix had told him she wanted to retire but wasn’t sure she could afford it, he’d proposed marriage immediately.
Audrey had been shocked when Simon drove home andgave her the news. Audrey had understood about him seeing Kit, she always understood everything, even when she’d been a domme, she’d not wanted to “hurt” him.
And Audrey had been moved out, Simon’s dad had hired some powerful lawsers that fixed it so Simon could keep the house, and poor Audrey was subsisting in her mom’s basement on a 23,000 a year alimony back in Poughkeepsie.
At first when Kit had moved into the house and told Simon he’d have to fire the maid…
And be TOTALLY responsible himself for the housekeeping (the maid’s salary to go to the Humane Society) Simon had been excited, but then found that actual housework was a drag.
Every night, coming home from work, disrobing and doing deep cleaning. Scrubbing baseboards dusting the chandelier, washing the curtains, ugh.
On his knees, naked, Kit walking by, commenting “You missed a spot, shit-head” and swinging a switch that bent and cut between his butt-cheeks, scarring his nutsack…
And ofcourse being in chatity was much harder than fantasizing about it. He didn’t get to cum much, and of course when he did, Kit made it awfully humiliating.
Not cumming in so long…
Simon was now trying desperately not to touch his cock. Normally, of course it was locked in the belt except when Simon was tied down and Kit was running her French manicure over his ding dong…
Or when she was larruping his dick with a wet switch she’d cut when they were out at Simon’s summer place.
But now he had to keep from touching himself and oh, it was so tempting. Kit keep looking down and smiling cruelly, she knew her Simon was suffering.
And, although they’d been engaged, a couple of nights ago Kit had informed Simon that she’d decided to marry someone else, although he could still live with them.
In his house!
“Oswald, he’s married to that wet noodle Jeri, he wants to be my sub and get the operation to become Olivia. He’s going to tell her after the TawseClub meeting tomorrow night.”
Now they were at the meeting, and Jeri looked over and saw poor naked Simon looking at her.
Jeri gave a finger wave and smiled sympathetically.
And, Simon smiled back even more sympathetically.
And Kit smiled, watching them…
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