The Reluctant Dom

They say that life is what happens while you make other plans. The thing is, Jimmy Porter hadn’t really made any real plans. He was an average guy and he lived an average life. Like many boys, he did odd jobs for extra money while he was in school, but unlike most of the rest, he was extremely good at it. He started out mowing laws, moved into landscaping slowly as he grew, and when it came time for college, he decided to take a year off and earn some money towards the cost.

The thing is, Jimmy got so much work, he soon had to hire his out-of-work dad to help him. By the time Jimmy was twenty six, they’d added two more employees. So much for college. Ah well, he didn’t mind, he hadn’t really wanted to go anyway. He enjoyed his job, and all the women he met while working. He wasn’t into playing with another man’s wife, but he sure wasn’t above looking and flirting.

Jimmy liked his women a bit older than himself too, he always had. His favorite, at the time this story began, was Mrs. Ellen Sarko. This woman was about ten years older than Jimmy, and married to a sickly man in his sixties. Mr. Sarko may have been frail, but Ellen was a goddess, tall slim, tight waist, sweetly curving hips, big but not massive breasts, lots of wavy brown hair, crystal blue eyes, and a smile that lit up the world like a morning sun. She smiled a lot, especially when Jimmy was around.

Jimmy was anticipating that smile one morning, as he pulled into their driveway and turned off the truck. Stepping down to the ground, he heard the crack of a whip striking flesh, and heard Ellen’s yelp of pain. He had been told never to enter their garage, but at the second crack of the whip he burst through the side door like a hurricane. A glance showed him Mr. Sarko, in his wheelchair, holding a whip. Ellen was naked, her hands bound together, and hanging from the ceiling, her feet barely touching the floor.

“What the hell are you doing, you crazy old bastard?” Jimmy snarled ashe snatched the whip from the man’s hand and shook an iron fist under his nose. “I ought to bust you up good, you…”

He got no further as Ellen was suddenly between them, and she was angry. “Stop it, don’t you dare hurt him,” she hissed as she put her hands against Jimmy’s chest and thrust him back.

“Me hurt him? Cripes woman, he was…. Hey, how did you get out of Those ropes?”

“Idiot, did you really think a man in a wheelchair could have tied me to the ceiling? I did it myself, and it was easy to get out of.”

Poor Jimmy, he had gone from the hero to the fool in a heartbeat. He was confused, and the sight of this magnificent woman, stark naked, eyes ablaze with protective fury, had made his pecker rock hard. “I don’t understand. What…”

“Ellen, it’s alright, bring Jimmy a seat. We owe him an explanation.” Mr. Sarko’s voice was firm, but gentle. She turned instantly and brought Jimmy a folding chair, then she sat on the cold concrete floor and laid hercheek on Mr. Sarko’s knee. She kept her body between Jimmy and her husband, watching Jimmy carefully.

“Sit down, Jimmy,” Mr. Sarko smiled as he stroked her hair affectionately. “I won’t let her bite you.”

“You promise?”

“I swear it,” he chuckled. “Tell me, Jimmy, what do you know of BDSM?”

“Nothing at all,” replied Jimmy, “really.”

“Well, for us it is about dominance and control. Before I became ill, I had a deep need to dominate and control a woman completely. Not to do great harm, mind you, but to help her discover her limits, her natural desires, and to grow as a person.”

“Really?” The doubt was clear in Jimmy’s voice. It was also clear he did not want to hear or believe this.

Ellen reached out to gently touch his knee. “Jimmy, please listen without judging. Just keep an open mind and listen, please?” Her anger was gone now, and her eyes were pleading with him, begging him to understand. Damn he wish she would put on a robe so he could concentrate. Her nipples were rock hard and they were messing with his mind.

“Look, as long as everything is Ok here, I don’t need…”

“Yes you do,” interrupted Mr. Sarko, “and we need you to listen. Jimmy, that need was a driving force in my life, just as the need to be dominated and controlled is a driving force in Ellen.”


“Jimmy, it is true,” Ellen put in softly. “My poor Eric sufferers so, trying to help me these days. I try to tell him he doesn’t have to, that I can live without it, but he won’t listen.”

“My darling girl,” smiled Mr. Sarko as he gently stroked her hair, “I swore to meet your needs for you, and as long as I am alive I mean to do just that. Jimmy, this is no longer about me and my needs, for I am well past the ability to have sex. It is about Ellen and her needs.”

“So, you’re telling me you get off on being tied up and whipped?”

“Yes, that is exactly what we are saying, but there is more to it, Jimmy. Eric is the master, I am the slave. He can do whatever he likes with me. I do like a certain amount of pain to stimulate me, but I enjoy being totally controlled as well. I love to be bound, helpless, and taken by my man.”

“It sure didn’t sound like that when…”

“I know, I know, but it is part of the fun.”

“Part of the fun?”

“Yes Jimmy, part of the fun. I like to yelp, squirm, whimper, and beg him to stop, but that is all part of the game. If I was truly hurt, I would use my safe word.”

“Safe word, what the hell is a safe word?”

“It’s a magic word that tells Master that I am in trouble. He will instantly stop and take care of me.”

“Jimmy, I can see you are still not completely convinced,” smiled Mr. Sarko. “I think a hands on demonstration is in order.”

“Eric, no…”

“Quiet woman, I was speaking to Jimmy,” said Mr. Sarko sternly. Ellen instantly hung her head and fell silent. “Jimmy, are you willing to help me, us, here. I will tell you what to do and guide you through this. You will then have a far better understanding of what this is all about.”

“I don’t know…”

“You find Ellen attractive, don’t you? That bulge in your pants says you do.”

“Well, yes,” blushed Jimmy.

“Then what’s the problem?”

“It is just that I don’t think I can hit a woman, especially her.”

“That’s very sweet, Jimmy, but I like it.”

“That whip, it could really do some damage. I…”

“Oh, you’re not ready to use the whip yet,” laughed Mr. Sarko. “You have a lot to learn first. So, here’s the deal. I will teach you, and you will help my poor Ellen stay sane, agreed?”

“Well, Ok, I guess.” Jimmy still wasn’t sure what he was getting himself into, but the sight of her naked form was leading him astray. “What do I have to do?”

“First, bring that rope, I will show you how to tie her hands. Then you can put it through that ring on the ceiling and raise her up, not enough to hurt her, but enough to keep her onher toes.”

“Ok, now what?” asked Jimmy as he secured the rope to the wall. Ellen’s delicious body was dancing before him, her arms pulled above her head, and a smile of anticipation on her lips.

“Take this, it is called a flogger. Start with light strokes up and down her body to get her used to the feel of it. Watch out for the wrap around, you don’t want to hit her face. Remember, if she says RED, stop instantly and get her down.”

“Got it,” replied Jimmy as he gave her a few very gentle swats with the flogger.

“Oh for goal sake, is that the best you’ve got?” Ellen taunted. “Even my grandmother could do better than that.”

Blushing deeply, he gave her a harder swat across her butt. She laughed at him and he forget himself. He gave her a strong slap across the butt with his bare hand, bring a yelp of surprise out of her. Both her butt and his hand stung from that, but he didn’t notice. Her deliciously squirming body had him mesmerized. It was her giggle that brought him back.

Jimmy blushed again as he tore his eyes away and stuck his hand into his jeans to adjust the painful hard-on he had. “Ohhh my goodness,” purred Ellen, “somebody liked smacking my ass.” Jimmy just blushed deeper.

“She’s being a very bad girl, Jimmy,” chuckled Mr. Sarko. “Here, take this paddle and give her a spanking.”

Jimmy took the paddle and gave her a gentle swat with it. She giggled and taunted him again. He slapped her ass harder and she yelped then squirmed and giggled. Once more the paddle connected, each time just a tiny bit harder. Before each stroke Jimmy looked to Mr. Sarko who gave him the nod.

A few moments later her butt was as red as an exit sign, and Ellen was starting to moan with pleasure. Jimmy, at Mr. Sarko’s direction, returned to the flogger once again, this time using a bit more force. She yelped, giggled and moaned as he continued. It had been far too long since her husband had been able to do this properly for her.

“Check her hands, Jimmy,” directed Mr. Sarko. “Make sure she has good circuit.”

“They’re a little cold,” he replied as he reached up to feel her bound hands.

“Take her down and bring her over here, Jimmy.” The wheelchair was now beside a strange looking bench.

Jimmy untied the rope and lowered Ellen down. Only then did he look at her face. She was flushed, and her eyes were ablaze with lust. She licked her full lips and dropped her gaze to his crotch and now rather obvious hard-on. “Mmm, yummie,” she purred. Once again he blushed to his roots as he led her to the benchmark.

Following Mr. Sarko’s instructions, Jimmy put her across the benchmark and fastened her wrists and ankles with the restraints attached to the benchmark. Ellen was now bent helpfully over the bench, her ass high in the air, her legs held well apart, and her sealed pussy fully exposed. Jimmy was now completely lost in a mad world.

“Alright Jimmy, slap her ass and ask her what she wants.”

Jimmy gave her a sound smack on the butt. Ellen gave a little yelp then, in a deep sexy purr, she spoke. “I want you to fuck me, Jimmy. I want you to take me and pound into me until you exploit. I want to suck your cock, I want you in my ass, I want you now.”

Jimmy was a bit taken aback by the animal lust in her voice, but Mr. Sarko just chuckled. “She’s being far too demanding, Jimmy, make her beg for it. Check her pussy to see if she is even wet, then make her beg for it.”

With shaking hand, Jimmy reached out and felt her puss. It was dripping wet and he easily slipped a finger inside, bring a low moan of pleasure from Ellen. That was followed by a groan of protest as he removed it. Jimmy brought the finger to his lips and first sniffed then tasted her nectar. He was completely lost.

“Dear god, Jimmy, you’re in worse shape than she is,” surprised Mr. Sarko. “You are going to have to develop some self control. Ah well, we can work on that later. Strip off your clotheses and take what you need.” Jimmy just looked dumbfounded. “It’s alright Jimmy, she needs this, and so do you. Go on.”

Jimmy’s decision was made for him when Ellen started to beg him to fuck her. “Please Sir, please fuck me. I need your cock in me. Please come around here so I can suck you.” She kept begging, but Jimmy didn’t hear her, he was too busy ripping off His clothes. At this point he didn’t care if the devil got his soul forever, he just had to have her.

Ellen gasped in surprise and delight as he suddenly stepped to her and entered her from behind in one swift stroke. Jimmy wasn’t an overly large boy, but he had a good average sized stress, and Ellen was far tighter than he’d expected. She groaned with pleasure and tried to thrust her hips back to meet him. “Oh gods, Master, yes, fuck me, fuck me hard, take what you want, use me…”

She continued to talk dirty to him, but he could no longer hear her. He stroked in and out of her at increasing speed until hewas on the edge. Panting like a freight train, he forced himself to stop for a moment, gently running his hands up and down her tights. Being very ticklish, Ellen squealed and squirmed, to Jimmy’s great delight. She begged him to stop, but he held her fast and allowed her delightful wriggling to push him over the edge. With a loud groan, Jimmy allowed his world to exploit, and as his knees turned to Jello, he slid out of her and sank to the floor, breathing deeply.

Ellen was a long way from finished though, and her whimpering protests brought him around. He walked around to her head and presented himself. “You’ll have to make me hard again,” he said softly as he gently cradle her head in his hands.

“Yes Master,” she panted, “come closer, let me suck you, please come closer.”

He moved a bit closer and she practically inhaled him. Her agile lips and tongue soon had him ready for more, but she didn’t want to stop sucking him. Finally he made her stop and went behind herOnce again. This time he was able to last longer, and he brought her to several orgasms before he explored once again.

As Jimmy gently stroked her bottom, Mr. Sarko passed him a large vibrator. “She’s been a very good girl for you, Jimmy. Give her a reward now.” Using the vibrator on her clip, Jimmy was able to bring her to another earth shattering orgasm. Ellen screamed as the waves of ecstasy ripped through her body, and slowly she melted onto the benchmark.

“Quickly now, Jimmy,” said Mr. Sarko as he passed Jimmy a thick terry clothes robe, “unhook her and wrap her in this.” Jimmy did as he was told, and Ellen first snuggled into the robe, then melted into his arms. “Carry her over here to this day bed, and lie down with her in your arms. Hold her gently and tell her what a good girl she is. This is called after-care Jimmy, and it is of utmost importance.”

Mr. Sarko disappeared while Jimmy laid her on the day bed and lay beside her. He folded her gently into his arms andcuddled her close. “Did I please you, Jimmy?” she asked softly as she snuggled into his arms.

“Beyond my wildest dreams,” he replied as he softly kissed her forehead then hugged her close. “You are indeed a very good girl, but now I’m ruined forever.”


“How can any other woman ever compare to you?”

“Flatterer,” she giggled as she nuzzled his cheek. “I can’t thank you enough for this, it has been nearly two years.”

“You can call on me anytime,” he chuckled.

“I’ll just bet,” she giggled as she lightly poked him in the ribs, then snuggled even closer. They lay together for a while longer, then she gave him a tight hug and released him. With a sight of contentment, she sat up and tousled her hair. “Gods, Jimmy, I feel alive again.”

At this point Mr. Sarko returned with a tray of tea. “Let me, Master,” declared Ellen as she took the tea tray and began to set up a small table. She poured a cup for each of them, then Mr. Sarko spoke again.

“Well Jimmy, did you enjoy your first lesson?” Jimmy just blushed and grinned. “Jimmy, my health is failing fast, and I need to know my beloved Ellen will be cared for after I’m gone.”


“No Ellen, we have discussed this and you know my mind on this.”

“Eric, Jimmy won’t want an old woman like me…”

“Actually, I’ll be the judge of that,” put in Jimmy. “I’ll admit I’m feeling a bit strange about all this today, but I will also admit I have wanted you for some time, and now more than ever. Sir, if you are suggesting what I think you are suggesting, then I’m certainly thrilled, but the decision isn’t mine or yours to make.”

“Agreed. Ellen my love, this young buck truly does want you, and I believe he will be good to you. I also know there are many others who would take advantage. I trust this, Ellen.”

With tears in her eyes, Ellen gripped his hand tightly. “Eric…” She stopped and drew a deep breath, then began again. “I have always trusted your decisions on my behalf, Master. If this is your wish, and Master Jimmy truly want me, I will comply.”

“I do want you, woman,” surprised Jimmy, “but only if you want me too.”

“Of course I want you, silly man. I’ve been throwing myself at you for months, but I’m not a free woman.”

“You will be soon,” said Mr. Sarko softly.

“Oh, Eric…”

“No girl, I am at peace with all of this now. Jimmy, there is a lot more I have to teach you, and I have little time in which to do it. I need you to move into the guest room. We can hold classes in the evenings.”

And so it was. Eric Sarko taught Jimmy the ways of a dominant, and so ensured the woman he loved would be safe after his death. Jimmy learned all that he could, although he was always a bit reluctant to cause her pain. Mr. Sarko passed away in his sleep one night, and Jimmy was there for Ellen to lean on. They came to love each other deeply, and married just a year after Ellen became a widow. They’ve been together for many years now, and Ellen still has to taunt him to get a proper spanking.


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