Author’s note: I’ve tried to write this as a standalone work, but the characters pick up a story that was developed in ‘The Bisexual Submissive’ series. This new story continues chronologically from part 4 of The Bisexual Submissive but focuss on male submission, a topic close to my heart. I hadn’t intended to at the outset, but the story does link up again with Nikki, though she isn’t the central character Here. For my existing followers who may not be as interested in male submission, I would encourage you to stick with me as I have plans for Nikki (and Ryan) beyond this little escapade.
I would also like to thank my husband for his input into this story. He has experienced some of what follows (that’s another story!) and has helped provide the male perspective for me. I hope you enjoy and as always, I welcome feedback.
Ryan was driving back to his apartment having left his girlfriend, Nikki, at hers. They had been a couple for almost three years, the longest Ryan had ever been in a relationship, but they continued to live in separate apartments. This was largely due to the fact Ryan used his apartment for work. He was a professional photographer and had managed to secure a spatial apartment in an old warehouse conversion. With high ceilings and big windows it was perfect for his job, providing lots of natural light into the area he had earned for use as his studio. The apartment had a large open plan space that encompassed living area, work studio and kitchen, with just two rooms off it, one a bedroom and the other a shower room. The living space had been divided by the clever use of freestanding shelving, such that his work studio and living area were well separated.
Ryan was unusual in that he covered a lot of different styles of photography. He had always been a little insecure and had decided that if he was going to make a living from his password, he would keep his options open. So as well as the portraits, baby photos and fashion shots he did in his studio, he also covered travel assignments and larger events that required him to spend time away. Nikki had always found it odd and slightly unnerving that he often had beautiful women ‘in his apartment’, though her insecurities had lessened as their relationship had strengthened.
As he guided his car through the early morning commuter traffic, his mind was drawn back to the events of the weekend that had just ended and what he had agreed to do for the next four weeks. Over the last few months Nikki had developed a submissive streak, something they had stumbled on when Ryan had been taking some photos of her. That had led Nikki to ‘meet’ an online dominant, or Dom, on Twitter and a relationship had developed, which had included Ryan taking photos of Nikki that were sent to her Dom. Things had become more complicated when a female dominant had made contact with Nikki and it had subsequentirely translated that she lived not far from the young couple. As Nikki became more drawn to her Mistress, they had discovered there to be a code of conduct between dominants that prevented a submissive from transferring their allegiance without the consent of both dominants.
Nikki had then met the Mistress and after a particularly intense night of submission, had approached the Dom to see whether he would release her to the Ownership of the other woman. His condition for doing so was that Ryan would have to serve as his submissive in Nikki’s place for one month. If Ryan succeeded, Nikki would be free to pledge herself to the Mistress. If he failed, Nikki would have to cut all ties with the woman who had captivated her and revert to the Dom’s ownership.
Initially Ryan had baulked at the idea, never having considered himself as submissive and never having had any sort of sexual relationship with another man. But the Dom had cleverly turned the challenge onto Ryan, making itclear that he would be submitting for Nikki, the woman he supposedly loved, making the submission a test of his commitment to her. And so, as he drove home, he found himself having agreed to the test, with his first appointment with the man he was now trying to see as ‘his Dom’ set for 5pm that afternoon. The one consolation Ryan clung to was that this would be an exclusively online relationship, unlike Nikki’s with her Mistress.
Ryan had been instructed not to contact Nikki in any way until Friday and to be available to communicate with his Dom from 5pm that evening. From their previous dealings with the dominant, Ryan and Nikki had sumised that he lived in the US with a 6 or 7 hour time difference. He had also been told to let his Dom know what work commitments there were over the next few days and his mind was picturing his appointments for the week ahead. He had a fashion shot in his apartment the next day and had set aside the rest of Monday to prepare. He also had a tripaway scheduled for the Wednesday and Thursday, taking some marketing shots for a hotel under new ownership. The hotel was situated on the west coast, on the edge of the Lake District. Living in the centre of the UK, Ryan was looking forward to some time by the sea and had decided to stay overnight after the shoot, so that he could explore the area a little before setting off back home. He had an idea of taking Nikki on a short break later in the year and wanted to see what the area had to offer.
As he pulled into his parking space at the rear of the warehouse conversion, Ryan was trying to imagine what would be expected of him. His only point of reference was how Nikki’s relationship with the Dom had developed. Having set some ground rules, Nikki had been required to send various photos as described by her Dom. Initially scantily clad, she had then been ordered to appear nude and eventually to explicitly expose herself. Spankings and other forms of punishment were ordered, with Ryan either participating or taking photography evidence to be sent to the Dom. Ryan assumed his four-week ordeal would follow a similar theme.
Ryan decided his best option was to concentrate on preparing for the week ahead, which he managed to do without dwelling too long on his new status as a submissive. Having laid out the studio for Tuesday, he organized the equipment needed for his trip and packed an overnight bag which he left in the bedroom. He even had time to take a break for lunch and a stroll to his local park, yet still found himself completely up to date by just gone 4pm. It was unheard of for Ryan to be so well prepared. The regular models he worked with that knew him well always teased him about how unprepared he was for their shoots. Feeling a sense of achievement, he decided to settle onto the sofa and started scrolling back through Nikki’s timeline, the tweets reminding him more of what had taken place and what might lie in store.
At exactly 5pm the firstmessage arrived.
— Hello subbie. I hope you are ready for what lies ahead? —
Ryan couldn’t remember being more nervous. His hands were shaking as he typed out a reply.
— Not really. But there’s a bigger picture I’m going to keep focused on. —
— Whatever it takes, subbie. We’re going to start by discussing limits. Tell me what you’re not prepared to do. —
— OK. But before we start, should I call you Master? —
— Of course. —
— Very well Master. I can tell you all the obvious limits, but you know I’m new to this so I’m sure there are some things that I don’t even know exist that you could throw at me. —
— I know you are new subbie. I’m used to that. I just want to get a Feel for where you would draw the line. I don’t want you making limits up as we go along whenever you don’t like the look of something. This is an important test and you’ll have to work hard to earn your girlfriend’s freedom. —
— I understand Master. Well, nothing illegal. Nothing involving minors, animals, nothing that will draw blood or leave me scarred. No scat, no breath play, no electric play. No needs or drugs. I’m not into sissification or dressing in female clothes. And I’m nervous about sending photos. —
There was a pause. Then the Master replied.
— OK. So you’re relaxed about me involving someone else in our little arrangement? And you’re comfortable with public nudity? —
— What. No, no. They should have been on my list. Sorry Master. —
— I’m teasing you, subbie. It’s impossible for you to just give me a list that covers everything this soon. I’m going to build up your degree of difficulty and we will see how you cope. To start with, you can say no at any time but you will do so in the knowledge you’ve upset me and you will have to explain to me why you are saying no. Is that fair? —
Ryan’s sense of panic subsided. He had feared that he had been backed into a corner, but it sounded as though the dominant was not going to take advantage of his naivety in the world of submission.
— Thank you Master. That makes me feel a little more relaxed about this. —
— Good. Then we shall begin. For your first task, I want you to spend at least three hours this evening looking through Twitter. I want you to fully immerse yourself in the world of submission and dominance. Then before 10pm your time I want you to send me six tweets. Three that show things you fear and three that show things that excite you. You will find that most of what’s on Twitter concerning male submissives will depict female dominants, there aren’t many male:male contributors. But don’t worry about that. Hopefully as we go further into this you will come to see me not as male but simply as your dominant. I will message again just after 10pm when I have received your selection. —
Ryan read the message and feel a little confused. How could he see this man as anythinging other than a man? The suggestion that he would be able to look past his gender seemed luxurious. But now was not the time to start questioning the dominant.
— Thank you Master. I will ensure you receive what you have asked for. —
There was no reply. Ryan waited a few minutes to be sure and decided during that time he should switch on Twitter alerts to ensure he didn’t miss an incoming message in the future. Then he fixed himself a coffee, checked his work emails and his website enquiries inbox before strolling into the kitchen area and looking in the fridge for some inspiration as to what to eat.
After he’d rustled up and consumed a quick stir fry of chicken and vegetables, Ryan settled onto his sofa and started on his assignment by searching using the word ‘submissive’. As he typed it, he contemplated his situation. He’d never really thought about his character prior to his girlfriend’s exploration of that side of her sexuality, seeing himself as neither dominant nor submissive. He had enjoyed the evening when he had taken control of Nikki, on her Mistress’s instruction, and made her dance for him, that session culminating in her dancing naked in his apartment with the lights on and curtains open. He had intended the session to end there but hadn’t anticipated the spectator in the hotel across the road, nor Nikki’s growing sense of arousal at being watched.
Then his thoughts turned to the first night they had met the Mistress and what she had done to the young submissive woman who had been presented, naked and bound, for the dominant’s entertainment. He certainly didn’t think he had it in him to dominate Nikki in the way the Mistress had done that night. He didn’t think he would have been able to beat Nikki with the various instruments that had been used on her body, inflicting pain on the woman he loved. What did that made him? Certainly not a dominant, but probably not a submissive either. He chuckled as he started to look throughthe results of his search, ‘probably just confused’ was his conclusion to his own question.
As the Master had suggested, the majority of the tweets that came up with the submissive tag showed male/female combinations, most featuring submissive females. He didn’t spend too long on these results, but he did find himself drawn to a few of the images, especially those where the women were clearly in a submissive pose but apparently there of their own free will. Those that sensed the woman in front of the dominant, often naked and with their legs spread wide open, eyes down and hands positioned either behind their backs of resting on their open thighs, more so than the more hardcore pictures of the women bound and in the process of being violent.
Not wanting to spend too long dwelling on the area of female submission, Ryan refine his search to ‘male submissive’. The results were certainly more in line with what he had been tasked to look at, though as his Dom had indicated,most involved female dominants. As Ryan worked through the results, he clicked on the profile of tweets that piqued his interest and scrolled down their timeslines looking at the other tweets appearing there, choosing to follow the account if there had been a number of tweets he had stopped to look at more closely. He then started looking at accounts that had been retweeted by those he had followed, figuring correctly that in most cases people stick to the same subject for most of their tweets, retweets and likes.
Ryan’s reaction to the constant stream of nudity and sexual content surprised him. He couldn’t quite believe how much explicit content there was. He’d been on Twitter using an account he’d set up for work and found it quite boring. It was only when Nikki had immersed herself in this very explicit corner of the service that he’d set up Another account that he was using now. Whilst he’d seen naked men before, it had been in the context of the man (or men) being the dominant party with their penis either inside a woman of about to be. Now he had spent some time looking at submissive men and he’d found a lot of the images excited him, especially those with a dominant woman involved. He found himself imagining his own feelings were he to be in the position of the men in the photos, but always when he looked up to the imagination dominant his mind had pictured standing over him, he saw the Mistress who seemed to be completely taken with his girlfriend.
Ryan had also noticed how many of the submissive men were pictured in chatity. At first he had not been able to work out how the cages stayed on, but a quick diversity to search male chatity had revealed the majority used a technique called ‘ball trapping’ whereby the cage and its mounting mechanism used a base ring fitted underneath the tests and connected to a cage that encased the penis, with a gap too small for the testicles to slip through and therefore holding the cage in place. He wondered whatat it would feel like to be locked in that way and, more scarily, if a dominant woman had the only key. When he stumbled across the alternative type of chatity involved the penis being pierced and a retaining ring being fitted through the hole, his interest turned to fear.
Suddenly his thoughts were brought back to the present by his watch beeping. It was 8pm and the beep signed he hadn’t moved for the last hour. He jumped off the sofa and decided a beer was in order. Settling back into the seat with a cool glass in one hand, he again picked up his phone and allowed his thoughts to travel back to the night when he had met the Mistress for the first time. The focus had been all about Nikki and Ryan had largely been a bystander, there to ensure the Mistress didn’t take advantage of her submissive and also to take some photos of the event. But he began to imagine himself being more involved and he found after an hour of staring at images of submissives, his natural inclination was to picture himself in Nikki’s place, rather than being the dominant. He shook his head briefly, wondering if the overload of submissive images was playing tricks on him. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized the majority of the pictures he had been looking at contained dominants and submissives, it was just that he was being drawn to look at them from the submissive’s perspective. He dismissed the idea; it was Only natural given the task he had been assigned.
‘Time to focus.’ He said it aloud, again trying to clear his head. He had used up half his allotted time and hadn’t selected any tweets, let alone rationalised why he had selected them. He took a sip of beer and retraced his steps, intending to find some of the earlier tweets and bookmark those he was planning to send. The image of the penis in ball trap chatity was definitely one he planned to include on the exciting list. He was intrigued by the whole concept. The image of the prince albert chatity cage went on the scary list. He didn’t like the idea of his manhood being pierced one little bit.
By a little after 9pm the selections were complete and Ryan messaged all six to his Master. The exciting list was formed of a picture of a man, naked but for a chatity cage, standing next to a fully clothed women who wore what appeared to be the key to the cage on a chain around her neck. Their heads had been cropped from the photo to protect their identities. The second selection was a short video, or gif as they were called, that started with a naked man lying on his back, again in chatity. A woman appeared, also naked, and carefully positioned herself above the prone man before lowering herself in such a way that her pussy sat on top of his face. After a few seconds she throw her head back and groaned with pleasure, making it clear what the man was doing to her. The final selection was a short video, this one of a naked man unencumbered by a chatity cage. He was standing naked and erect in front of a sofa on which three clothed women sat. Another woman, also fully clothed, stood to his side. She said ‘ready?’ and then as the man answered in the positive, a riding crop appeared into view. She proceeded to strike his erect penis several times to the chefs of the audience.
The scary selections then followed. The first was the close up image of the piercing holding the chatity cage in place. The second also involved a riding crop, but this time it was wilded by a woman dressed in a figure hugging PVC suit in what looked to be a basement or dungeon, dimly lit with bare brick walls. In front of her was a man, naked and tied down, with his testicles bound and presented to the woman as a target for her crop. The final selection was another gif, this one showing a graphic scene of a man lying on his back on the edge of a table, his legs held spread open and high above him by a naked woman who was penetrating him with a straw on dildo.
Having pressed sendfor the final time he sat back and waited, deciding to continue the trawl of Twitter and never ceased to be amazed at just how many tweets there were on the subject of domination and submission. The addictive nature of Twitter took hold and he became absorbed in identifying more accounts to follow. It was only when his phone alerted him to the arrival of a new message that he realized the clock had ticked past 10pm.
Ryan opened the message, dragged back to the reality of his situation.
— Interesting selection subbie. Let’s unpick your thinking behind these shall we. —
It appeared to be a statement rather than a question but Ryan decided to be safe rather than sorry.
— As you wish, Master. —
— You like the idea of chatity? —
— Yes Master —
— Subbie, you need to learn to expand on your thoughts when you answer. During our time together you will learn submitting involves exposing your mind as well as your body. WHY does it appeal? —
— Sorry Master. I like the idea of not being in control, of not being allowed to touch myself. The thought of a woman holding the key that locks away my manhood arouses me. But I’m not sure I’d be so excited once the novelty of the situation wore off, Master. —
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