“Liam?” the young lady stood in the doorway of the waiting room called out.
There was only one person in the waiting area of the clinic, and he slowly tilted his head up to meet the gaze of the blonde nurse stood a few metres from him.
“Dr. Vince is ready for you, love,” she said and smiled at the 19 year-old, a hint of sympathy on her face.
The sofa, wrapped in clear plastic, creaked as he stood up. Walking the few steps towards the nurse, he read the tag on her left breast.
Nurse Ella Pointer – Registered Regression Nurse.
She led him down a short hallway, making a right turn which led into another short hallway. At the very end was a tall wooden door, which she grabbed the handle of and turned with some difficulty. It was clearly an older building, having been a dental practice before it was turned into a small little clinic on the edge of town.
The wooden floors of the hallway didn’t feel very medical – and the dim lights in the ceiling made it feel almost cozy. The pitter-patter of raindrops on the roof, desperately audible through the thick layer of soundproofing, created a calm atmosphere in the building.
Poking her head inside first to make sure the doctor was ready, she fully swung the door open, gesturing for Liam to enter as she held it.
He set foot inside, and immediately the whole atmosphere was different. No longer was he in a cozy little hallway with wooden floors and dim lights, but instead in a harshly lit consultation room.
He first saw the doctor, Dr. Vince, sat behind her desk in front of him. She looked very much unlike he had expected her to. Her face was round and lightly freckled, with dark brown eyes and plump, light pink lips. Her hair was a very dark brown, with a purple sheen to it. It looked lovedly under the bright lights of the consultation room.
The riffled dark blue carpet looked harsh, and he traced along it until his eyes met the main attention of the room. A somewhat large medical table which resembled somewhat of a diaper changing bench. Liam gulped, noticing the nursery-like wallpaper which surrounded it. Its blue leather padding looked almost… inviting, though. The cabinets on the walls were a light beige colour with silver handles, hiding away any scary tools from the curious eyes of a patient.
“Have a seat, love,” Dr. Vince’s voice snapped him out of his anxiety gaze.
As he slowly sat down on the comfy leather chair opposite the doctor, she grinned at him as she extended her soft hand. He met it with his own, and they shook hands. Her grip was surprisingly firm, he noted.
“You’re Liam, right?” she asked sweetly, looking over his file which Ella had placed in front of her.
“Y- yeah,” he stuttered nervously.
“Okay, very good,” she said absent-mindedly as she quickly scanned his file before looking back up. “Well, I’m Dr. Vince, but you’ll call me Dr. Lily, got it?”
“O… okay,” he confirmed, nodding slowly.
“Okay, who?” she asked, raising her eyesbrows in expense.
“Okay… um… Doctor Lily,”
“Very good,” she nodded, taking a pen from the little stationery holder to her left.
It had already started, they were already making clear that they were his superiors. He gulped again, more nervously than before, as she placed the tip of her pen on the page.
“And you’re here for… therapy,” she read from his file before looking up at him. “I know we keep things rather secret over the phone here, but you can let me know what exactly this therapy entails now.”
She smiled as she waited for an answer, tapping the other end of her pen against the desk softly.
“I… um… re- regression therapy?” he stuttered.
“Right, OK. That’s a good start, mind expanding on that for me?” she spoke sweetly, looking deep into his light brown eyes. She knew most first-time patients had trouble opening up about their needs, lucky she had a calm composition to allow them to think about their words and open up to her.
“Age regression…” he continued, feeling his heart rate increases with every word he spoke. The doctor nodded, encouraging him to continue. “With the… um… fem- feminisation therapy t- too.”
“And is that all, love?” she asked after giving him a few seconds. He nodded quickly, his face flushing a bright shade of red. “Thank you, Liam. I’m sure that wasn’t easy to open up about, but I’m proud you did.”
She scribbled a few notes down on his file, he noticed she was left handed.
“And will this be done over separate visits, or would you like an extended stay?”
“The… extended stay,” he answered.
“That’s a lot of commitment, Liam. Are you sure? I have to warn you that an extended stay has a much bigger toll on someone’s mind than a visit-by-visit plan does.”
“No… I’m sure,” he replied, a sense of desperation clearly audible in his tone.
“Okay, I just want you to knowWhat you’re signing up for,” she explained. “And you’ve read the information on our website, I hope?”
“All of it,”
“Good, what’s the word?”
“Pacificer,” he recalled the so-called catch word, a word put in the info page of the website to make sure the patient has read it all.
“Great,” she smiled as she ticked a box on the page. “All of your medical information is already on Here, I see… no allergies or chronic illnesses or medicine, am I right in saying that?”
He nodded in response.
“Are you currently on any medicine?”
A shake of the head.
“Great, well I don’t see why we don’t get started,” Dr. Vince said, putting her manicured hands together. “I’m going to leave you two alone for a few minutes. Nurse Ella’s just going to be doing some preliminary checks, alright, love?”
Liam had almost forgotten about the small blonde nurse stood a few metres behind him. He instinctively turned to look at her.
“I’ll see you in abit,” Dr. Lily said as she exited the room, leaving a trail of deft heel clicks in her wake as she walked down the wooden floors of the hallway.
Nurse Ella closed the door behind her, and turned to the boy. He looked at her properly for the first time. She wore a traditional nurse’s outfit. The white dress reached down to an inch or two above her knee, the rest of her leg encased in sheer white stockings. Her feet rested in white high-heeled pumps, creating a lovely white uniform which made it very clear what her position was. The golden nametag on her chest shimmered under the lights of the consultation room. She had a light blue stethoscope hanging around her neck.
Physically, Nurse Pointer was naturally very pretty. She was very short, though helped along a few inches by the white pumps. She had light, creamy skin which looked extremely soft. Her fingernails were painted a shade of light blue, a colour she found had calming effects on her regressed patients. Her blonde hair was loose and hung on her shoulders, her sharp face compiled by it. She had deep blue eyes and a small nose, with thin lips. Her face was devoid of makeup, so her freckles were clear to see.
“Ready?” she asked him sweetly.
He nodded softly.
“Lamb, I’m afraid nodding won’t do any more,” she said as she approached him, reaching out a hand to pinch his chin softly. “Dr. Lily doesn’t appreciate it, and neither do I. It’s Yes, Nurse Ella or No, Nurse Ella… alright?”
Despite the strict nature of her words, her tone was ever motherly and soft. As she let go of his chin, she let him try again.
“Y- yes, Nurse… Ella,” he stuttered, stumbling over his words in sheer embarrassment.
“Good,” she smiled, and tugged on his arm, motivating him to get out of his chair.
As he stood up before her, she was thankful for her heels. He wasn’t the tallest, maybe around 5′ 8″ at a quick guess, but when you’re used to working with female pations, he seemed almost a giant.
Dispite her heels though, she still had to look up at him as she guided him to the middle of the room.
“Now, honey, from this point on, you’re part of our age regression program,” she explained to him as he nervously looked into her blue eyes. “That means, you have no more responsibility until we give you responsibility. You’re our patient now. And that means you’ll have to do everything we say, no questions asked, alright?”
Liam thought it over for a few seconds. The way she phrased it made it sound endlessly frightening. But he knew he had nothing to lose.
“Yes, Nurse Ella,” he replied, just as he was taught.
“Gooooood,” she giggled. “You will have a safe word, however. You’ll use it if ever things get too much for you. When you use it, any treatment will immediately be halted and you’ll be allowed a breather.”
She placed her hands on his shoulders as she spoke, hoping he’d understand the weight of the decision he was making.
“Your safe word is turkey,” Nurse Ella continued. “Say that back to me.”
“Turkey,” he responded softly. He was getting more nervous and embarrassed by the second.
“Good job,” she cooed. “You safe word will not completely stop a procedure, I need to make that clear. You’ve signed up for this, there’s no backing out. We have a Responsibility to complete your program, and we will be doing that. Is that clear?”
“Yes, N- Nurse Ella,” he confirmed, his voice slightly shaky.
“When you have something blocking your ability to speak, you will snap your fingers twice to pause the procedure, understand?” she said, and he responded positively. “All your paperwork is already done, so… welcome to the program, love.”
She embraced him softly, knowing he might struggle coming to terms with it. He hugged her back, holding back his tears. They weren’t tears of sadness however, if anything they were the opposite. It was like a dream come true.
Once they had finished their little hug, Ella collected herself again, returning to a some professional yet motherly tone.
“I’ll be undressing you, I don’t want you to fight it. I want you to just let it happen, alright?” she said, and got him to put his arms up.
It wasn’t the easiest, pulling off a hoodie when you were three inches shorter than someone, but she managed to. Placing the blue hoodie on the surface of the exam table, she smiled at the cute pink tee he had on underneath. It came off next, exposing his bare chest.
There was some hair around, and she spotted some under his armpits, too. Not much to worry about, and such small patches would easily be taken care of.
Having folded his shirt and hoodie nicely, she turned her attention to his shoes. They were purple high-top Converse, and took some extra effort to unlace, but once they were loose enough, she pulled them off. A small cloud of odour escaped, making her nose wrinkle slightly. But sheHe’d soon be free of any nasty body odour.
She undid his belt next, and Liam could feel himself getting excited. He tried his best to ignore it, he didn’t want to seem disrespectful to the sweet Nurse. But something about the situation was extremely exciting to him.
As she curled her short fingers into the waistband of his skinny jeans, he instinctively reached down to stop her.
“Tsk-tsk, none of that,” she said, waiting for him to let go. She slowly brought his jeans down his relatively thin legs, noticing his leg hair was quite a bit longer than any of his other body hair. She also picked up on the, pretty obvious, erection that was pressing against the material of his white briefs.
Liam stepped out of the jeans as Nurse Ella rolled them down all the way, leaving him in only his undies and white socks.
“I’m going to need to take your height and weight, darling,” Ella smiled, looking up and down the boy’s frail little body.
He was by no meansskinny, in fact he had a noticeable belly on him. But something about him seemed… frail. Maybe it was his confidence-lacking Stance, his slumped shoulders and his long hair. It all screamed of someone who was unhappy with themselves. Someone who Nurse Ella knew she could help.
Directing him towards the scale with a comfortable palm on his lower back, she let him step on it. She made sure to have him turn away from where the reading was displayed, instead letting him face the opposite wall, which was about six metres away.
“Why don’t you go ahead and read that chart for me, honey?” she asked, positioning him perfectly to where the little blue footprint cutouts on the scale were pasted.
Liam saw the eye testing chart, just like the ones he’d seen in lots of doctor’s offices before.
“E… F… P… T… O… Z…” he started, with ease. It became more and more difficult as he went along, though that was to be expected.
She couldn’t help but grin toherself as he read them out. She loved her job.
Of course, the eye test wasn’t really necessary, it was more just a way to distract patients from their weights. This was more often than not a touchy subject, especially for those who were booked in for gender reassignment, like Liam.
She joked his weight down on her clipboard, seventy-six kilograms. He had finished the chart as far as he could now, so she had to think of another plan to keep him distracted.
“So… have you thought of a new name for yourself, hun?” she asked, bringing the little sliding piece above his head down to on top of his head.
“I… um… I like… Julie, Nurse,” he stuttered, feeling himself blushing.
“Oh that’s such a pretty name, love!” she cooed, noting down his height. One hundred and seventy-one centimetres.
This would mean he was slightly overweight, but that was nothing a bit of hormone therapy wouldn’t fix.
“So… sweetie… that’s the boring part done,” she said, gesturing for him to get off the scale. “You can go ahead and sit on the table for me, I’ll be with you in just a moment, alright?”
Liam waddled over to the exam table and clambered up, sitting on the edge and absent-mindedly swinging his legs back-and-forth off the side. He watched the nurse as she fished around in a few cabinets, placing miscellaneous instruments on a rectangular silver tray next to her. It took her a few moments to gather all of the necessary tools, before she placed the tray on top of a mayo cart. Placing a paper sheet over the tray to hide its contents from the patient, she wheeled it towards the padded table.
Looking up from the tray, she saw the boy absent-mindedly looking at her, probably not even realising he was staring at this point. She smiled, and walked over to him.
“Dr. Lily should be coming back any moment now, love. I’m just going to take a listen to your heart quickly, okay?”
“Y- yes, Nurse Ella,” he stuttered, he could feelHis body grow more nervous by the second.
She took the light blue stethoscope from around her neck, and inserted the ears into her small ears. Lightly exhaling onto the chestpiece to make sure it wasn’t too cold for Liam, she brought it to his chest.
Starting a bit to the right of where his heart would be, she held the bell tightly against his skin. She made sure to instruct him on how to breathe for her, and was pleased that he followed her instructions perfectly.
Ella loved hearing the sounds of a nervous patient’s heart. There was something sweet about it, an element of it felt very intimate. She could tell just how he was feeling, based only on how quick his little heart was beating. Noting his somewhat heightened heart rate, she moved the chestpiece across his skin with a wide grin on her face.
“Very good, hun,” she prayed him, walking around the table.
At first Liam turned to the side she was walking to, but she giggled sweetly at him andtold him to stay as he was.
“And now I’m going to listen to your lungs, so just take some deep breaths like you did before, alright?” she cooed, before once again heating the bell with her breath.
He jumped slightly as she pressed the diaphragm to his back, but she kept him still with her free hand on his shoulder.
Nurse Ella was just about to finish listening to his lungs, When there was a knock at the door. It opened up, and Dr. Vince re-entered the room.
“How’s my newest little patient doing?” she asked tenderly, approaching the boy.
Ella removed the earpieces from her ears and placed the stethoscope around her shoulders once again.
“Oh she’s doing great, Doctor,” Ella confirmed, placing her small hand on his back as she looked at Dr. Vince.
Despite the female pronoun being some lowkey, Liam definitely picked up on it. He felt himself blushing, unsure on how to feel.
“Brilliant,” Dr. Vince replied, looking into Liam’s nervous browsern eyes. “Now, hun, I know you’ve read all about the extents of this therapy. So you’ll know we need to take a look at everything, right?”
“Yes, Dr. Lily,” Liam nodded, his voice shy and low.
“Good, so I’m going to ask you to lie back on the table for me, and Nurse Ella’s going to take your undies down so we can take a look… down there. Is that alright, love?”
The patient nodded, and Nurse Ella helped him lie back on the table as the doctor instructed. She made sure he placed his head down on the soft white pillow, and as he settled down, she instructed him to lift his bottom up for her. As Liam did so, she inserted her fingertips into the waistband of his white briefs, and warned him before pulling them down his legs. His erection had subsided by now, but his soft genitals were by no means un-impressive. Both ladies noticed, but said nothing.
The nurse tossed his underwear aside, onto a chair a few feet away, and took a place by the patient’sside. With Ella in position, Dr. Lily removed the sheet covering the mayo cart and looked over all the instruments her nurse had placed on it. There wasn’t a wide array of tools on it, but there was enough to conduct a pretty in-depth check-up. Tossing the crumpled up paper sheet into a bin, the doctor walked over to the wall behind her. Mounted on the light blue wall were a few cardboard boxes, all filled nearly to the brim with Different colours of latex medical gloves.
She pinched a pair of her personal favourites, the pink pearl ones which glimmered nicely under the bright lights of the room. She also made sure to take a pair of the light blue ones, size XS, for her nurse.
Walking back over to the table, she handed the blue gloves to Ella over the exposed patient’s body. The ladies quickly slide their hands into the latex gloves, making sure to snap them to their wrists. Seeing Ella tug at the blue cuffs made Liam feel anxious all over again. All of a sudden, he realized just how real this was becoming. He was officially enrolled for intense age regression therapy, something that would change his mind and body forever. He desperately hoped he wouldn’t regret any of it, but he was questioning it in his head as he heard the loud snaps of the ladies’ gloves.
“If you could just scoot your bottom all the way down to the edge of the table for me, love,” Dr. Lily said, Helping Liam to move down the table until his bottom was almost hanging off the edge. “Good.”
The doctor extended two steel stirrups from the end of the table, and guided the patient’s socked feet into the little silver footrests. Liam felt very exposed now, and as Dr. Lily patted his inner thigh to get him to open up his legs for her, he gulped.
Liam shivered slightly as he felt the doctor’s gloved fingers touch his genitals tenderly. She made sure to check all around his shake, noting the short public hair surrounding it as well. He gasped softly as she slowly retracted his foreskin, which was loose enough to pull back but still a bit taut. Nurse Ella kept him still after he jumped at the doctor’s fingertip lightly caresing his glans to check for sensitivity.
Dr. Lily allowed him to relax before continuing her examination, checking his glans for any dryness or briising. Happy with what she saw, she rolled his foreskin back up and let him take some deep breaths. She saw that his hand was holding tightly onto Nurse Ella’s gloved hand, and she grinned happily as she saw how well Ella was comforting him. It really was her forte, or at least one of them. She excellent at calming down nervous little patients, no matter how anxious they might’ve been. In fact, she’d go as far as to say she was the best at it out of all the nurses that were working at the clinic.
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