The Secret Restroom

(Disclaimer: Story contains extreme fetish scenes, including toilet play- if this isn’t your thing, then no need to continue…)

Melanie sat straddling Tony’s ripped, muscle torso, feeling the fullness of his newly released load inside her tight, tan body. Still panting, she brushed her honey-blonde hair out of her face and basked in the afterglow. It had been a long time, maybe too long, Since she had felt that satisfied. It brought a zen-like peace to her.

It had been a long time… since, well, as a matter a fact, since the last time she had visited this secret getaway. (And cheated on her boyfriend with her favorite calmion out here on this island, she thought to herself.) Besides, she was a young, hot, beautiful woman, desirable in every way, never wanting for male attention, so why not treat herself to a little adventure once in a while? After all, this was the same excuse all of the women used who came out here, and it worked for them.

Our secret getaway, she thought. Us, the beautiful ones.

She leaned forward and began passwordately kissing Tony, feeling as his tongue gently probed her, then reached back around to grab his cock, which was already growing stiff again.

Both of them were hot, dripping, and sweaty from a long night of password and sex. It was the way of this place. You came here to get away, to get satisfied in ways your man at home could never give you. And none better than this hunk beneath me, she thought. Though in terms of personality, he was certainly not her type at all. Built like a brick, and about as smart as one, too, unfortunately.

Her thoughts turned back to her boyfriend, probably still sleeping in on a Sunday. She had told him she was visiting her mother; every other Saturday was “Mother Daughter Time” she had told him. He never questioned it, or if he did, he never let on. Such a sweet, sweet man. And a decent lay too, but Tony… She had to admit, despite his lack of personality, Tony gave her something Michael never could.

Raw, deep, hard and pounding, passwordate sex. The kind that a deep, inner part of her secretly craved but which Michael was too nice of a guy to provide.

Nice guys finished last on this island. Many who tried to get on the inside here found this out the hard way; she had even known a couple such unfortunates personally. Some of them were still here too. Though unlike her, they wouldn’t be getting laid tonight- or any other night.

Eventually she got up. Still dripping with sweat and spent body fluids, she told Tony she needed to take a quick shower. He suggested they both go grab breakfast later downstairs.

In the next room, she could hear more sounds of love making. Danielle and Troy, by the sounds of it. Danielle was Always pretty, well, “Vocal” during her sex, she thought, and Troy- well, like most of the men on this island, Melanie wouldn’t mind “borrowing” him some time.

It wouldn’t matter. No commitment, no strings- this place was all about fun and pleasure, and only the best, most choice male specimens were allowed into this special swinger’s club to provide that.

“You’re a fine male specimen,” She told Tony, as she stepped out of the shower and into the room. He grinned, not even grazing the hidden meaning. Still naked, he was sitting on the bed, cock hung out, staring at her.

She quickly dressed, finding her bikini bra and tiny pleated miniskirt she often wore out here to these events, and quickly tossed them on. Her panties lay on the floor, but instead of donning them, she simply stuffed them in her purse. Melanie figured she wouldn’t really need them. The men here preferred her “bottomless” and sometimes, those dang things just got in the way anyway.

She glanced back at her lover, still sitting there staring into space. The smell of California’s Finest Herb now filled the room. She was never really into that stuff; it always made her head too foggy andmade her feel more self-conscious and paranoid. And she thought it just made Tony dumber (more so than he already was, she thought.) But she never scolded him or said anything; to each their own. That was the motto out here.

“I’ll see you downstairs,” she said.

“Uh, like..okay dude… uh, I’ll be down in a bit. Hey, aren’t the Rams on TV later? I just Thought of something. The Rams. Playing the Packers. Huh huh, get it?”

“No. I’ll talk to you later.” Melanie replied.

She walked into the long hall. No doubt, the other amorous couples on the third floor would soon be greeting the day. Although the suite she had recently shared with Tony had its own bathroom, there was another bathroom off of this hall, a “Special” bathroom, that, as she was told, required special permission to use, despite it clearly being labeled “Ladies.” This room had a door that was always closed. So far, she had never known who to ask for permission, or why anyone would need permission to use only this one, specific bathroom.

“Woman only- Special Permission Required,” said the sign on the door. What was so special about it anyway? Man, dang this place and its silly secrets, she thought to herself. Just for a tease, she knocked on the closed door.

“Occupied,” came a woman’s muffled reply from behind the door.

“Okay, whoops, sorry,” Melanie replied quickly, then hastened downstairs to breakfast.

This mansion had at least ten bedrooms on the upper two floors, but the first floor had a vast kitchen and dining area, adjoining a huge ball room for parties and an office and game room off to the side. It was the lap of luxury. The billionaire who had bought this island and built up the infrastructure certainly knew what he was doing as far as entertaining guests, she thought.

The table had been generally set. There were bowls of fresh fruit, big vats of coffee, bran muffins, sausages and scrambled eggs. In the kitchen, she saw the two cooks still bustling around. She grabbed a paper plate, a scoopful of fruit, and the obligatory eggs and sausage- and coffee. Melanie loved her coffee dark and unsweetened- better fuel for the day. It was a bright, Sunday morning. She figured she’d catch a yacht back to the mainland about noon-ish, after lazying around a bit.

She grabbed a seat next to her friend Lyndsey. The two giggled and gossiped, about work, About their boyfriends back on the mainland (though in Lyndsey’s case, her “Boyfriend” was now her newly-wed husband, and, like Mike, he seemed to have no idea what- or who- Lyndsey did on her “Visits to her Sick Aunt Maggie.” And, they wentssiped about the men on this island. Who was better in bed, who was bigger, who was thicker, who could last the longest, who made them cum the quickest. Melanie was, of course, partial to studly Italian types like Tony, while Lyndsey preferred long-haired blonde “Conan the Barbarian” types- of which her date for the previous night, Frank Martin, had sTrongly resembled. Laughing and giggling, they raised their coffee cups in a toast to last night’s sexual conquests.

It’s good to be beautiful and desired, she thought. And then, she thought somewhat violently of Mike, sleeping at home by himself. She wondered what he was doing right now. Maybe I’ll catch a ride sooner rather than later, she thought. We could still get a hike in at Steckman’s Park this afternoon if I get back in time.

Eventually, people drifted outside into the island’s morning air, while the service types began to clear the paper plates and leftovers away to load the garbage scow at the dock. A place like this needed servants, and the servant class was drawn from the men who were admitted to the club, but deemed not “desirable enough” for fantasy dream hookups. Which means that most of them were still decent enough, average looking, average built men. Just not, well, “physically perfect.”

The catch was, there was a certain cadre of females who got their kicks off by not only bossing them around- after all they DID have essential jobs, but bossing them around cruelly, as in, with paddles and whips. These men were known as “Roosters” Slave Sluts, and “Hell Victims.” The deal was, if you were a male who was refused exclusive club membership, you could still be admitted as a service, in which case you were said to be “In Hell,” and subjected to All kinds of humiliating and degrading treatment. They were also forced to dress in humiliating frilly sissy outfits, and even worse- they had to wear these locked metal chatity cages on their weeners, to give their captors an extra measure of control over them. These stayed in place full time, even when they were off-duty! While the regulars could get all the sex they wanted, these poor slips could only orgasm when their overseers unlocked Their cock cages and allowed them to- which was typically only for “Good behavior.” (And “good behavior” usually means extra degrading and humiliating tasks.)

Melanie didn’t know all of the details and didn’t want to. And it did actually both her, the way some of these poor dudes were treated. Oddly, though, most of them seemed to get a perverse pleasure out of it, especially the longer they were subjected to it. She didn’t understand that, and really didn’t want to, but that’s how it was. She had even known a couple of these men, who were nice decent guys, Before they had been admitted to the club- as part of the “Rooster” class.

She saw one of them walk in, accompanied by Lacey Gessler, the wife of the island’s owner (who had, with her husband’s explicit permission, mind you, nonetheless slept with half of the men on the island.) “Oh Hi, Melanie!” he said, as he walked past. “Zach! Hey! She smiled brightly at him, and watched as his face lit up. Zach Thomas had once worked with her at the office, many months ago, and had landed what he had thought was his “dream job” after the owner approved of his designs for the island’s power plant. Unfortunately, what the owner didn’t tell him was that, as a pudgy, middle aged balding man, Zach’s experience on the island would not end up being what he had hoped it would. Melanie felt sorry for him. He really was a decent guy.

“Bitch Slut Zach! What are you DOING!” Lacey suddenly screeched, sternly.

Lacey was a stunningly beautiful redhead, and under other circumstances, arguably would have been Zach’s dream crush. Along with most other men, actually. Even Melanie was some jealous of her looks, though, with her own shoulder length honey blonde hair and petite athletic build, Melanie thought she was plenty desirable herself. Just ask Tony, she thought.

“How DARE you speak to our guests without permission!” Lacey screamed at Zach. Everyone suddenly wheeled around to witness the confrontation. Melanie had seen scenes like this played out dozens of times nearly every day, with a half dozen lucky beta males, but it still made her a bit uncomfortableable. The one part of this whole deal she could do without, she thought. She blushed, again feeling a bit of goal for Zach.

“I’m sorry, mistress.” Zach pouted.

“Are you? Well, you need to be punished. Stand over there, against the wall.” Lacey commanded.

Zach, sulking, compiled.

“Spread your cheeses. Pants DOWN. What, are you embarrassed everyone will see your tiny, caged pathetic cock?” Lacey asked. “It’s not like you have anything large to hide. Pants down. Now.” Lacey commanded.

Zach pulled down his pink, frilly shorts, and Lacey drew a small black wooden paddle out of her purse. Melanie turned away just in time to hear three loud whacks, and heard Zach give a muffled groan at the last one.

“Now, Get upstairs. Get to work! I need you to clean all of the toilets and change the sheets on the beds in the empty rooms. And stay out of the third floor woman’s room. You know the one.”

“Yes Mistress!” Zach said, eagerly and perhaps relieved that thePunishment hadn’t been worse. He disappeared upstairs hurriedly.

Melanie decided to escape all this drama and head for the beach on the southwest corner of the small island, to maybe take in the waves and sun for a bit and get some air, and maybe digest. And, to avoid Lacey, who she had begun to secretly dislike.

She made her way across the island, following the footpath through the woods and down the steps by the cliffs to the small expansion of sandy beach facing the open sea. It was a very small island, barely more than half a mile from end to end, and less than a third of a mile across. It couldn’t have been more than a five minute walk at the most.

She lay down on the beach, donned her sunglasses, and watched the waves roll in, basking in her satisfaction. It had been a wild night, but it was a good day. There wasn’t else out here yet. People were either still sleeping in or else hanging out by the main lodge and pool; it was still early after all.

Eventually, she saw a young man saunter by, splashing in the surf and running and jumping in the waves. Cute, bleach blonde surfer kid. You had to be of legal age to be out here of course, but this kid looked to be no more than 19 or 20- at the most. Just a boy, she thought. But he sure is cute!

She watched him for a while. He reminded her a little of a younger version of Ben, a young man closer to her age Who had once worked with her and Zach at the office. Like Zach, Ben had tried to join this swingers club, but also like Zach, when he did get in, it unfortunately did not go well for him. When he was here, he was usually under the stern, and some cruel government of Aurora, one of the “Sisterhood of the Lash” who kept him on a short leash- quite literally- and treated him much the same as Lacey and Erika Typically treated poor Zach. Melanie rarely saw him out here and when she did, she typically avoided him- both out of embarrassment for his situation, and not wanting to get him in tbade. But once upon a time, when they were co-workers, she had even had a milk crush on him- and he seemed to show reciprocal interest. But sadly, like many guys, he was too timing to make his move. And when he came out here and applied to join this exclusive club, it was that timing that had cost him dearly.

She continued to watch the young stud run through the surf and dodge incoming waves. After a While, a nasty thought creeped into her mind. This kid seemed so young, so carefree.

“Hey!” She called out.

He wheeled around. “Yeah? He said, with the cocky confidence of a brash 19 year old.

“So, are you new here? I haven’t seen you around before.”

“Yeah, uh, I just joined a week ago. But I don’t really know very many people here. I’m just kind of chillin’”

“I’m Melanie. Come over and sit by me!” She said, smiling.

“Okay. I’m Tom. Nice to meet you.”

“Pull up a towel, Tommy boy!”

He joined her, and they sat, chatting idly, watchingthe water.

After a bit of boring small talk, she suddenly asked, “So, do you have a favorite here? Who’s your favorite?” She could tell he was not used to small talk. It made him nervous. But the way he blushed while trying to exude such confidence was also alluring.

“Uh, well, I dunno. That redhead in the blue bikini, Lacey, she seems nice I guess…”

“Oh, you don’t want to be with HER! She’s mean! She’s such a snob.”

At this point, Melanie feel a slight stirring in her abdomen, not enough to do much more than register in her subconscious. She ignored it, however, and continued chatting.

“Maybe I could show you around?”

“Sure,” Tom replied. “I’d be up for that.”

“I mean, the thing is, out here, sometimes you have to be forward. You’re cute, and I bet you could have any girl on this island you want.”

“I bet I could!” He replied.

The truth was, he probably couldn’t; a lot of the women here preferred older, more experienced men who knew what they were doing. Tom was just so young, still just a kid…

“How old are you?” She asked.

Smiling, he said, “Don’t worry, I’m 19. Just started college last fall. I do like older women though.”

“Am I an older woman?” Melanie asked, somewhat self-consciously. She liked to think of herself as young, and in truth, other men had told her she Did look younger than her 28 years.

“Well, um…you’re not THAT old.” He replied.

“Well thanks,” she said. “Would you like this old lady to teach a young guy some new tricks?”

“You mean…like, really, right now? For real? Sure!”

(At least this kid knows how to take a hint, she thought.)

“Yeah, right here, right now. You got admitted to our little play group, so show me what you got, Boy!”

“Do you wanna…we can, like, go up to the lodge? Or maybe, I think one of those cabinets may be unlocked.” Tom replied.

“No, I mean, right here. Us two, on the beach. Here, just lie down on this towel…”

“But what if…”

“Come on! I don’t care if anybody sees us. Neither should you. It happens. That’s what this place is for! Just lie back, relax…”

He leaned back, resting on his elbows. Melanie gently pulled off his board shorts, and exposed his growing member. His young cock throbbed to full staff in the gentle morning breeze. It was a nice one for sure, she Thought, longingly. At least eight inches of manhood. Tan, like the rest of his ribbed, youthful body.

She leaned over his reclining figure, his erect cock in her hands.

“You’ve been sunbathing nude, I see. You’re already tan down there…no tan lines!”

“They told us…that we should. Should start sunbathing nude, for that reason. Lacey told me it makes us more…ahhhh!” He said, as she wrapped her lips around his penis, in part, to make him shut up about Lacey.

She imagined herself as a young schoolgirl, being his very first. Of course, he had to have been around the block already,Even after only two weeks here. And like a young, eager, and naughty schoolgirl, she quickly got to work.

She forced his organ down her throat as far as she could, and began sucking passwordately, with loud slurps. Her head began to bob up and down on his rock hard cock as she tasted him, devoured him, like the young cream-sicle he was. Her lips and throat rubbed him up and down, up and down…

She grabbed the lower part of his shake with her hand, near his balls, and began struggling it, while keeping the tip and top five inches of him in her mouth, bobbing on it hungrily. She looked up, her eyes meeting his innocent blue eyes, as she continued extremely sucking and struggling him. As soon as their eyes met, it seemed like it set him into overdrive. He groaned loudly and shuddered. She felt his whole body go tense and his back arch.

“Oh….yeah…” he cried, as suddenly Melanie felt a blast of hot, sticky, salty jizz filled her throat and mouth. “Ahhhhh…” Tom saidThen.

Melanie drew her lips back and licked the tip of his dick clean, then just for good measure, grabbed it in her hand, and licked his balls, tasting the rank odor of young man ball sweat, and lovingly relishing it. She swallowed hard, wiping ropes of spend jizz off her face.

“You’re gonna do real good here…real good.” Melanie whispered to him, then swallowed again. She leaned forward and kissed him on the lips.

After several moments, Tom, panting and dizzy, asked, “You think anybody saw us?”

“I don’t know. Does it matter?”

“No, I suppose not!” Tom replied.

“Well then, your education has begun. Welcome to the club!” Melanie replied.


It was then that she felt a tightness in her abdomen. This time it was harder to ignore. She sat there, next to him on the beach, chatting idly for several more minutes, watching the waves, before she thought, maybe I really shoulderd take care of some personal needs.

“Tom?” She said suddenly.

“Yeah babe?”

“I’m going to run back to the lodge and freshen up for a bit. I’ll see you around though.”

“You gonna be around this afternoon?” He asked.

“Well, actually, I was going to catch a ride back to the mainland here in a little bit. I do have a boyfriend, you know.” She smiled at him then. As long as he doesn’t think he’s my boyfriend, he’ll fit in just fine, she thought. “If you’re going to stick around, I think some of the guys are going to have a beach volleyball game later. That might be fun.”


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