The Secret of My Sluttiness Ch. 01

I’d always said I would never go to Las Vegas. It never held any appeal for me previously and it seemed like a good way to waste a lot of my hard-earned money fast.

So, of course, fate put me on a crash course with that very same city. I won a trip to Las Vegas at the company I work at. Now this trip did not just come with a few days off and a little spending cash it came with an all-expenses paid, 2 week paid vacation with $20,000 in spending cash.

Now, how could I possibly turn that down? I got to get away for a few weeks, maybe make some new friends, possible win or lose all of my money and just generally be a lazy bum with time to kill.

I should have known better than to actually accept the trip!

Now I know what you are thinking–Is he nuts? Not accept a trip with all those benefits to it?

It began simply enough. My Achille’s heel was used against me.

We all have one. Don’t think you don’t!

In my case my Achille’s heel is the fact that Ihave always lived by certain codes. The same types of codes that I guess can be summed up simply by the codes of Bushido and the Code of Chivalry. I never leave a lady in distress.

I had been out one night and I came across this woman with her clothes torn as if she had been attacked. Somehow, judging by the amount of blood on her, I think she one the fight but it took she had to do it. She really appeared ragged and beaten.

Being the gentleman I am I could not leave her like this. It took me several minutes to convince her I mean her no harm and that I only wanted to help her.

When she finally realized I was just trying to help her she let me put my arms around her and lead her to car. Thankfully her car was nearby, not that she was heavy, because when someone is basically dead weight They are tough to maneuver and move around.

When I went to put her into the car the honeytrap was sprung.

I feel her hand go around my face and over my mouth and nose and as I inhaled I began to get dizzy and I passed out.

When I finally awoke I realized that I was not in Kansas anymore. Although, considering I did not know how long I was actually out for, I am actually be in Kansas by now.

I finally woke up, but I was definitely not in the Bellagio penthouse suite. Of course, for all I know the Bellagio now does their penthouse suites in early Torquemada.

I was bound to the wall, spread-eagle, naked and unable to move any of my body with the exception of my cock by twitching those muscles.

“Well hello there Sleeping Beauty,” said a sickembodided female voice.

My body trembled not know what to expect, but whatever it did expect it was not what I saw in front of me now. What I saw was a full-size movie screen with me gambling away all my money, borrowing more than I could ever repay in a normal life and then being used sexually by numerous people.

As the female voice explained to me that my night of debauchery wasSomething I would not want to make it back to my hometown I wondered what was to come.

You must understand that I come from a hometown stuck somewhere in the 17- and 1800’s. Church is very big there and I was an altar server and singer in the choir over the years. I attended vacation Bible school as well as taught it. How would it look if I were exposed as a slut in front of all my peers at home?

I still am not sure how those pictures got taken. I am sure that they are of me though.

“I know you want to know what is to come so I will tell you,” the disembodied voice said. “It is really quite simple. From now on you are to be a male whore for us until such time as you pay off the debt you incurred.”

My cock throbbed thinking that getting extra sex might not be a bad thing, but then my mind wondered just how much did I owe and how long would it take me to pay it off?

“Don’t worry. It shouldn’t take more then 15 or 20 years to pay off your debt,” said that voice again.

How ever would I explain leaving town and not even going back to pack up my belongings? What about my friends? My family? Surely my friends and family would miss me.

It turns out that problem had already been solved. I am dead—at least to all appearances as they have faked my death for me. Well I guess that will definitely drive the bill collectors nuts.

I fight valiantly. I resisted every attempt to get near me. Unfortunately, my captor was better at breaking down one’s resistance then I was at resistance.

The methods used on me were many, varied and straight out not only the CIA torture handbook, but science fiction as well.

The lights went on & off at random intervals. Cold water was splashed on me also randomly. I ate and drank from dog bowls raised out of the floor that I slept on. Also, I was kept naked at all times and had to defeat in a bucket. I urinated into a drain on one side of the concrete room I was in.

Basically, I was treated like an animal and broken the same way.

Eventually, my mind succumbed to what was being done to me. As my torture took place my mind retired deep within itself. All I became was the result of my mind retreating to the point it would not come to the forefront without prompting by my new owners.

I grew used to electrodes being attached to my body to stimulate the various muscles and harden them up. Imagine, If you will, of electroshock therapy being used to keep your muscles toned, your body without fat and your cock always ready for your next appointment.

I received daily treatments. Pounds melted off of me and I didn’t have many extra to begin with. My food was supplemented with a vitamin regime to help with my weight loss and increase my ability to produce ejaculate that was great in both quantity and taste.

As my body changed my torture stopped, but my lessons continued through the use of subliminal training programs that were designed to affect my subconscious mind. I ceased to be me and simply because property of my hidden captors.

When I was ready I was released and given the opportunity to leave or to work off my debt as a male whore in a Nevada brother for a very cruel and demanding madam. Even after all I had been through, or maybe because of it, I could not leave I had to pay off my debt properly.

“I will pay my debt Madam,” I said while on my knees in front of her.

“That is good,” she said.

“Now, I must make something clear to you. You no longer have a name other than what we choose to call you. You are simply a slut we own until you have paid off your debt with all interest. From this point on you have no rights or privileges other than those we allow you to have. You will never refuse a customer any service whether it is something you enjoy or not. You are bisexual from now on. Any man or woman or group thereof can use you at will. We will collect all monies for you and take care of tracking yourdebt to us—no use having a slut try to think—it is a waste of time. You are the lowest of the low here and are never to be in clothes that we, or our customers, decide to put you in. Am I clear slut?” she into.

“Yes Ma’am,” I replied.

I did not know what to think, as that ability had been systematic removed from me, but I did know what to do. I went to my knees before the Madam and asked her If there was anything I could do to please her.

Of course she wanted a demonstration of all of my newly learned skills as well as the ones I possessed before my “treatments” with the sickombodied voice began.

Since I had no mind of my own as a result of the treatments I simply awaited her orders as to how she wished to be pleased. I did not wait long. She had me strip her down to her birthday suit, lay her on the bed and make love to her.

As my only abilities now were in the area of ​​sexual pleasure I did my best to work her body into a frenzy. My tongue slide acrossher slowly. I started at her left foot meticulously licking it and sucking each of her toes individually and together as if they were cocks to be brought off in my mouth. Then, as I watched with glazed expression in my eyes, I slip my tongue up her calve so lightly I could feel each of the goosebumps that I caused. Up her leg I went every so deliciously tasting every part of it—the back of her knees made her quiver Especially. When I approached her upper thighs I spent forever working my way from the outside to the in and back out again. I avoided her moist pleasure center however—a slave does not rush these things.

Up her left side I continued. I tasted the tight skin on her hips, the sides of her large but firm breasts, worked my way around her neck and started back down the right side of her body.

By the time I nearly her face she was purring like a kitten, but as sex crashed as a nymphomaniac. She pulled my lips to hers and kissed them with all the forcefulness expected from someone who owns another. Her lips said to mine, “You are mine. I own you.”

Now, of course, like any slave, I am totally naked. My owner could see my arousal, it was quite evidence and throbbing against her as she kissed me password carefully. I felt her hand on me, weighing my cock and balls as one would breeding stock getting ready to be auditioned at market for its stud services. She slowly pulled on me while whispering to me, “Do not cum slut.”

I yearned to do just what she had told me not to.

She pushed me off of her face with a slight pressure designed to say continue slut and we will see what happens. My tongue slid down from her face, across her silent neck and straight into the valley between her 55DD breasts. I feel her hold her breasts together around the side of my head.

“I want you to lick my breasts and suck on my nipples slut,” she intoned.

No reply was necessary other than that I do as instructed. I tasted each and every wonderful inch of her bReass. I missed nothing. Her nipples were the most sensitive I have ever seen. Madam came as I sucked on her nipples like a baby searching for milk.

As Madam’s body bucked beneath me she pushed my hand around her waist and had me hold her firmly but gently while she came. She then pushed my head away from her breasts and started my journey back down the right side of her body.

I devoured her Like a gourmand at a meal served in the Four Season’s Restaurant in New York City. When I reached the bottom of her foot, having bypassed that which I know she desired I save for last, she was cumming non-stop.

The juices flowing from her, the smell of her and her sex excited me to no end. As she turned over I started again from scratch and did the same things to her but on the opposite side of her body.

Finally, after many hours of worshiping her body, I was allowed to please her 2 pleasure centers.

I had never performed analingus before, but at cunnilingus I was anExpert and I used those same skills to drive my owner wild. I even pushed my wet, willing, slutty cock of a tongue deep inside her. She must clean herself with an enema daily because I did not even get dirty doing this. Quite the contrary, she tasted like she performed the task with something fruit flavored.

As I broke through the flower of her ass I felt degraded at doing so while also feeling truly inspired by Such a woman. I ate her as if my life depended on it, but not out of the necessity of my position as her possession. She gently pushed until I was as deep inside her with my tongue as I could be then made to ride my tongue like a cock.

My owner was slow and sensitive one moment and riding me like a bronco the next.

I could sense my owner was going to cum again and prepared myself for it. As she came on the bed sheets my tongue was squeezed and locked deep in her ass. I loved the feeling of being so controlled by another.

My rampant member yearned to do just what she was in the most spectacular of ways, but I was forbidden that until she gave me her permission. I came to think of my owner as my Goddess.

I worshipped every part of my Goddess until she came and could not stop.

When I was allowed, finally, to eat my Goddess’s pussy I thought I had died and gone to Heaven. She tasted even better than I imagine the Ambrosia of the Gods could taste. I lost myself in worshiping her with every sexual trick I knew to bring her to the peak of ecstasy and then over it. And I brought her over that peak again and again.

Goddess squeezed my head between her tighs every time she came and she came often and hard. I nearly passed out several times as she went over the edge into Dommspace. Her hand on the back of my head and neck told me not to stop.

I thought I had done something wrong when the pressure on my head suddenly abated and her thighs spread open almost of their own according. It turns out I had not—she had simply passed out from the pleasure.

I did not know what to do so I curled up on the end of the bed like a cat and awaited her next command.

Several hours must have passed before the feel of a soft, silican hand struggling my cock to erection awakened me. It was not my Goddess who awoke me though but rather one of the female whores—my new co-worker.

I was silenced with a finger in front of a nose and followed her as I was led out of the room by my member. Quickly and quietly I followed her as she led me on an inspection tour of my new residence and place of business.

Not all that happened on the tour was strictly business—unless you count her showing me the proper usage of all the toys, equipment and clothing as business. I was not only shown how to use the equipment but what it felt like by having each demonstrated on me.

Now I have always been attracted to the BDSM lifestyle and a switch myself so I was not surprised to see what was in the room dedicated to such, butThis was definitely a fantasy made real to me.

The room was huge!

It was, indeed, one room but with numerous sharing walls that were not large enough to break it up into individual rooms. I saw spinning St. Andrew’s crosses, stationary ones, a shrink wrap machine, several sets of stocks, wall after wall of implements of all types and made from numerous legs, a swing, a sex chair and a sensory deprivation tank all within 50 feet of me.

I could only imagine how much use this place gets that it has its own shrink wrap machine—obviously for people into the mummification thing. I was placed on the machine by my guide and told to stay still. A piece of the shrink wrap was loosely put in my hand and the machine started to work its way up and down repeatedly until breathing became difficult for me and I was unable to move.

Only my head was not encased in the material that now bound me tight. I had the material binding me tight except for my nipples, cock and ass that were exposed by means of gently cutting the wrap.

“So,” began the female whore.

She then proceeded to suck on my already erect nipples.

“You want to be a whore do you?” she continued.

“No,” I replied, “I have to work off a debt and this is how they choose for me to work it off. I had no say in the matter.”

“And you could not just run away?” she asked.

“Of course I could run away now, but I am property now and property does not do that,” I answered honestly.

“Ahhh, I see,” said the whore, “So you have been trained to please a woman properly then.”

“Yes,” I said. It was all I could reply at the time as she worked on my nipples and thus had me scanning hard to breathe, as I was so excited. Her hands worked in unison. While one hand gently but firmly stroked my cock the other was working my ass in a later and really turning me on. Now I have always been a bit anal-erotic to begin with, but I have never truly been stimulated by someone whowell and truly know what they were doing there and this whore was a pro at it.

While I was being stimulated I wriggled a bit in response, but not so much as to cause myself to fall over—a definite possibility given my current condition. My cock was very on edge, my ass was ready for whatever this who chose to do to me and my nipples were so stimulated it was right on the edge of being painful to me.

Now, I don’t Know about you dear reader, but as for me being stimulated and totally controlled by a drop-dead gorgeous, 4′ 10″, dominant, black female with almond-shaped eyes and the longest, straightest coal black hair leading to her ankles and brained all the way down is a major turn-on for me.

Having the same woman described in front of you, on her knees, stimulating you as I was being would probably have the same effect on you it would on me—it was driving quickly towards the point of no return. I wanted to just relax and let myself cum right down her throat. Shesensed she was close and backed off at all the right times though. She never let me cum.

While she was enjoying herself I could see that she was thinking of what to do next to me. It didn’t take long for her to figure it out either. When I saw her get up off her knees and leave I got worried. How could I get out of this if she left me like this? What if someone else found me like this? What if the Madam found me like this? What could they do to me? Would I enjoy it or regret my position?

My questions were all answered soon enough. The gorgeous hooker was back and she had brought not only some toys, but some friends. I did not see who or how many and that choice was quickly removed as I was placed in a hood that totally blocked my vision and only had openeds for my nose and mouth. The hood had openings for both the mouth and nose and both could be zipped closed by anyone.

I was scared. More scared then I have ever been in my life. Whenever I have done something trulydangerous I was in absolute control of my destiny, not in this case however. I could have my entire air supply cut off by the means of 2 zippers and I could die—no control of my destiny, just simple, quick death.

If my eyes could have been seen by anyone they would have known the terror I felt. Alas, noise could see my eyes. I felt something strapped around my evidently hard cock and something hard, thick and long shoved deep in my ass.

Now I have used a cock and ball harness, as well as a Gates of Hell, enough to know what both feel like and this feel like a combination of both. As for my ass I can tell you that whatever they put there was definitely not belonging to a human for it was way too hard, too thick and too long to be. It also was not the temperature of a human, but it warmed up quickly after being inside me body a bit.

I felt completely filled. Completely fulfilled. Completely used. It was the greatest feeling I thought I would ever feel. That changed assomeone came close to me and attached the intruder in my ass to them and began fucking me senseless with it. I was a ravaged slut and all I desired was the ravishment.

My cock tried to grow harder, but it was restrained. As my cock tried to grow longer and harder the pressure increased. It was an erotic and painful pressure. I did not know whether to cry out from the pain or pass out from the erotic pleasure. I was held on a razors edge and I yearned to get cut by it.

Hands, many, many hands held me and leaned me forward. I could not move. I could not fight the person fucking my slutty ass, nor did I want to. I was a living, breathing sex machine and I yearned to be used.

My nipples were caressed and sucked as were my cock and balls. Since I could not move I was simply one large nerve ending and I was a raw one at that. The wrap around my body was causing me to heat up in more ways then just what you’d expect. Its feeling against my skin was a simulation of death, yetSomehow erotic. The heat caused my breathing to change and my blood to move faster to my exposed extremities. That which was exposed was also considered more sensitive as a result of the blood rushing to those extremities.


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