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Mistresses, Cassandra and Cerces continued to play with each other while waiting for Their Mistress Calista to summon them to the Tower Dungeon. To amuse themselves the two lesser Mistresses fondled Robert relentlessly, bringing him near orgasm several times without allowing him release. All of their fondling involved soothing sexual pleasures, without any hint of pain. Robert was appreciated each time one of the Mistresses touched his genitals, expecting to be tormented at any time. As they played with Robert, Edward entered the room and motioned to Cassandra. “Hurry Cerces, Mistress Calista has summoned us,” said Cassandra, “and we’re to bring this wretch with us,” referring to Robert.
Cerces grabbed the guide chain and roughly jerked it, pulling Robert painfully at his balls. “On your knees, slave!” commanded Cassandra, “You will crawl, to present your miserable self to your Mistress Calista.” Robert dropped to all fours and crawled as fast as he could, trying to keep up with the two lesser Mistresses. Cerces continued to jerk the chain, causing him great disappoint, although she deliberately avoided inducing heavy pain. They led him to the Tower and had him crawl up the stairs on all fours. His knees hurt as they scraped the stairs, but the women continued to climb, and pull him along by his balls, without regard for his comfort.
The three of them reached the top of the stairs and entered the Tower Dungeon. Robert kept his eyes down gazing at the floor, fearful that he might be disciplined if he looked about. A bright spotlight illuminated the center of the Dungeon. The rest of the room was in shadows. Robert could hear chains rattling and people moaning softly, but he dared not look up. He recognized Mistress Calista’s laugh and sumised that it was her walking about, clicking her high-heeled boots on the wooden floor. The boots stopped in front of him and the boot toes were underneath his chin.
“Robert, lick my boots,” ordered Calista. Robert bent his mouth to the boots and began to lick and draw his tongue about them. “Enough, Robert,” Calista said softly, patting his head as if he were a pet, “Look up and see how Willa and Beresford are bound, restrained and ready for my pleasure.” Robert raised his head to see Willa restrained by chains. She was bent over so her tits hung down. Her legs were spread wide and her ankles fastened to rings in the Dungeon floor. She was naked, with her cunt, ass and tits totally exposed and vulnerable. Beresford, too, was naked and similarly bound.
Mistress Cassandra was placing a ball gag over Beresford’s mouth and head to keep him quiet. Robert could see thick pre-come forming at Beresford’s cockhole, his cock long and hard. Calista snapped her fingers anda form moved out of the shadows into the light. It was Nell and she too, was naked. Calista handed her a glass and motioned for her to drink from a pitcher of iced tea. As Nell drank, Calista kneeled down to cup Roberts chin, and kiss him sweetly on his forehead.
“Look, dear Robert, Willa is neatly open to my will. She is a total, complete and absolute lesbian. Never has she lain with a man. She Despises all things male, especially cocks. She longs for Nell’s tender cunnie, but it has been denied her. Tonight she will get what she needs. Isn’t that so, Willa?” said Calista to her client.
“Yes, Mistress,” Willa replied with anxiety.
“Robert, Willa comes here to satisfy her base perversion for discipline. She craves and needs the whip more than she needs cunts and tits to frolic with. Willa dares not tell her lover this, however, she only tells me. Her lover abhors our lifestyle and would leave our Willa, if she ever found out. Each time I ask Willa about herself, sheOnly tells me, that she hates men and would never submit to any man.” Mistress Calista moved to Willa’s side and gingerly fondled Willa’s nipple. “Tonight, Willa, you will submit to my desire for my amusement!” declared Calista. “It will amuse me to watch you get fucked by Robert.”
“Never!” shouted Willa, as she strained at her chains, “don’t you dare even think to do this to me, you bitch!”
“Bitch? Did I hear you call me a bitch, dear Willa?” said Calista sweetly, but with a sneer. “We’ll see whose will prevails!” She moved to Robert and had him stand upright. Mistress Cerces quickly fastened a cock ring tightly about Robert’s cock. “You’ll fuck and suck this cock until you’ve come enough to satisfy me, whore Willa,” Calista told her.
“You fucking whore, Calista! You said I’d have Nell tonight! You lying cunt!” shouted Willa.
“No darling, you weren’t listening. I said you would get what you needed…not what you wanted.”
“You fucking cunt! Release me this istant!” cried Willa, “you rotten bitch, I didn’t pay you to have me raped!”
“Oh, Willa, you won’t be raped, you’ll be fucked and you’ll suck a cock! You won’t like it, but it will so amuse me and my fellow Mistresses, won’t it, dears?” Calista cooed to her two assistant Mistresses. She motioned to Nell to drink more tea and then walked to stand next to Willa. Calista opened her hand and Cerces placed a long buggy whip in her palm. “Tell me, Willa, do you like Golden Showers?” motioning Nell to drink more tea.
“No! God damn it, Calista, this is over! I quit! Release me now!” cried Willa.
“Oh I think not, Willa, remember, I have all this, and other, sessions on tape. We could show them to your lover, your boss, your co-workers and who ever else you think might like to know what you love and crave,” Calista smiled sweetly at Willa, and brought the whip harshly across the top of Willa’s defenseless tits. Will screamed and cursed Calista, which earned her another sternlydelivered stroke across the tits.
“Damn you, Calista! I’ll ruin you! You fucking cunt, don’t you dare threaten me!” shouted Willa. Calista pulled Robert’s chain and he came to her side. She grasped his rock hard cock and showed it to her bound captive.
“See this thick drop of clear fluid coming from his cock hole, Willa? Please stick out your tongue and lick it away.”
“Fuck you!” responded Willa, hattily. Calista smiled and struck again at Willa’s tits, raising a welt across both breasts. Willa’s screams pierced the Dungeon as Calista pummeled Willa’s tits unmercifully. Welts, deep red and purple, marked the top and underside of Willa’s breasts. Tears were running freely, as the screams died out to soft sobbing. Willa hung alone in her chains, as Calista offered her Robert’s cock once again. “No! Bitch! Fuck you, you whore!” Mistress Calista walked to Willa’s front holding the whip down at her side. She smiled as Willa looked up at her, then cruelly brought the whip hard up on Willa’s cunt, striding her full on the clip.
Again, the screams squeezed through the Dungeon, as Calista repeated the strokes every few seconds, not giving Willa time to catch her breath. “Willa,” said Calista sweetly, “please lick the pre-come from Roberts cockhead before it drops off and soils the floor. Be a dear and please your Mistress.” Willa shook her head, no, and Calista delivered a fierce blow, that broke the skin of Willa’s cunt lip and bruised her clip. The pain was so intense that Willa opened her mouth to scream, but no sound came out.
Willa hung from her chains, her eyes rolling in their sockets, as Calista readied to deliver another blow. The bound lesbian opened her mouth and slowly put out her tongue. Her Mistress brought the cockhead to her and she licked the drop of pre-come off Robert’s cock and swallowed it. “Thank you, Willa,” said Calista as she brought out a pair of nipple clamps and clamped one on each of Willa’s nipples. A chain joined the clamps and Calista fastened a weight to the center of the chain. She watched the terror in Willa’s eyes, as her slave realized that Calista was going to drop the weight.
Willa Shook her head, as her Mistress smiled sweetly then dropped the weight. She groaned with pain as the chain abruptly stopped the weight. Pain sered through her nipples, as Calista patted Willa’s cheese. Her captive was now totally subservient. Calista brought Robert’s cock to Willa’s mouth and she began to lick and suck it. Robert strained, as Willa’s tongue aroused his balls and they began to boil and draw up tight against his body to release their heavy load of cum. He strained and tried to cum, but the cock ring contained his relief. Calista next offered Robert’s balls to Willa and she dutifully licked and sucked at them as well.
Calista motioned to Cassandra to lower Willa’s chains so the slave was lying face down on a padded bench. She brought Robert between Willa’s legs to stand in front of her exposed pussy. “Fuck the cunt, Robert!” ordered Calista disgustedly. Robert placed his cockhead between Willa’s cunt lips as she shook her head and moaned ‘no- no’. Slowly, Robert inserted his cockhead into Willa’s pussy and keep pressing it forward. He felt resistance, as his cock shattered her maidenhead and violent her virgin cunt.
The backstroke revealed a trace of blood from her maidenhead, which pleased Calista and the other Mistresses. Robert kept fucking the defeated Willa in deep penetrating strokes. “Fuck her until she cums, Robert,” said Calista, as she motioned for Nell to drink more iced tea. Will lay motionless, as Robert continued fucking her. Will decided to deny Calista the orgasm that her Mistress had declined. She would show Calista that she was a true lesbian, and her will was just as strong as Calista’s.
Willa was determined not to cum. She tried to think of other things to avoid sexual arousal. Her attempt at self-discipline, though admirable,was doomed, as her loins began to stir with desire. As Robert’s cock dove deep into her cunt, it rubbed her clip with each forward and backstroke. Soon, Willa began breathing heavily as her desire was transformed into password. Now she began to thrust her hips towards Robert in rhythm with his strokes. Her thrusts became more pronounced, and she moaned with lust as she fucked Robert as hard as he was fucking her.
Mistress Calista sat near Willa’s head, sipping wine, as her slaves were fucking for her amusement. Willa began to grunt and gasp with each stroke, feeling her juices flowing heavily. She began to arch her back and grind her cunt against Robert with every in stroke. Suddenly, Willa screamed and gasped, as her orgasm exploded deep in her cunt and throughout her ravaged clip. Her eyes rolled in Her head with orgasmic pleasure as she continued coming from the wonderful cock in her cunt. She shuddered through another orgasm and looked deeply into Calista’s eyes and smiled as she came again.
Exhausted, Will relaxed her body and enjoyed the last few strokes that Robert delivered before Calista stopped him from fucking her. “Well, Will, I guess that you were telling the truth about being a virgin. Robert deflowered you in fine fashion, don’t you think?” Calista asked her. Willa did not answer. She continued to breathe heavily and tried to catch her breath. “Those were excellent orgasms, Willa dear. It pleased us all. Even Beresford enjoyed watching, though he was speechless,” joked Calista about Beresford’s ball gag.
The other Mistresses raised Willa to her original position. Her weighted nipple clamps revived the pain in her nipples, as Calista moved behind her to examine her asshole. “Tell me, Willa, is this asshole also a virgin? I think not, as you’ve told me your lover likes to finger your asshole, doesn’t she?” asked Calista. Will, still breathing heavy, nodded her head. “Well, let’s introduce it to a cock, shall we?” Calista pulled Robertto Willa’s backside, using the chain around his balls.
Calista reached between Willa’s legs to gather her cunt juices and rub them on her asshole as a lubricant. Resigned to her fate, Willa gasped as she felt the tip of Robert’s cock, touch her asshole. Slowly, he shoved his cockhead against her tight sphincter. It resisted and he pushed harder, but to no avail. It would not open. Calista wet her finger in Willa’s cunt and thrust it roughly into her ass. The finger penetrated the sphincter and Calista moved it about to loosen the tight orifice.
Robert tried again and again, but her sphincter resisted. After several attempts it painfully surrendered and admitted his cockhead. Robert deliberately pushed his cock deeper into Willa’s asshole until it was fully embedded. Willa moaned as the pain rose in her ass from the fullness of the cock invading her last stronghold of lesbianism. As Robert began his penetrating strokes, Willa cried out from the pain. Her tears were rollingdown her cheeks as Calista put her tongue to Willa’s cheek to taste the tears. While Robert fucked her ass, Willa’s pain slowly transformed to pleasure as the oils began to boil within her again.
Robert quickened his efforts and was rewarded with a cry of delight, as Willa erupted in orgasm. She grinned and laughed at the joy she felt in her ass and cunt, as another wave of orgasm consumed her. When the orgasms subsided, Calista moved Robert to Willa’s front. “Open your mouth, cunt!” Calista ordered her, and she thrust Robert’s cock deep into Willa’s throat. As Willa began to suck and lick Robert’s cock, he felt Cassandra, release the cock ring from around the base of his cock.
Willa realized that Robert no longer was prevented from cumming and she pulled back, pushing the cock out of her mouth. “No!” she screamed, “I won’t have him cum in my mouth! I won’t.” As she spoke the words, she felt a burning pain on her asscheeks, as Mistress Cerces cruelly began to lay hard strokes upon them with the whip. Willa screamed again from the pain, as her ass was marked with red welts quickly rising up from her flesh. She kept refusing to suck Robert’s cock, as Cerces redoubled her efforts and began to break the skin on Willa’s ass.
Finally, Willa captured to her Mistress’s demand and took Robert’s cock back into her mouth. Cerces kept rubbing the whip on Willa’s ass cheats as a reminder of What was in store for her if she stopped sucking Robert’s cock. Robert felt his semen boiling deep in his balls. He had not cum in his ordeal with the two couples and he fought hard to keep from cumming now, lest he be punished. Willa’s tongue was maddening on his cock head and it began to throb each time her tongue licked the sensitive underside of his cockhead.
Mistress Calista marveled at Robert’s endurance and she withheld permission to cum just to see how much longer he could go without cumming. His knees buckled, but he recovered and continued to strain not to cum. His cock was throbbing and Willa’s eyes were opened wide, as she realized that he might cum in her mouth. She tried to pull back, but the threat of Cerces whip kept her to her task. Robert was in obvious turmoil as he struggled in a losing battle against cumming. Tears were forming in his eyes and he bit his lip to prevent spilling his seed.
Calista sipped her wine and casually whispered, “You have permission to cum, Robert.” When Robert heard the words his eyes rolled back and he literally exploded in a massive orgasm. The thick creamy semen burst out to strike Willa’s throat in volley after volley of frothy nine goo. His balls were obviously contracting to explore the pent up cum through his cockhole. Robert’s knees failed him and Calista and Cassandra held him upright to continue delivering great globules of semen into Willa’s mouth.
Willa swallowed his cum to enable her to breathe. It seemed to her as though Robert would never stop cumming. Each time he filled hermouth with semen she swallowed it, only to have it replaced by another mouthful. Finally, Robert’s orgasm began to subside and he spurt smaller dribbles of semen into her mouth. Calista forced Willa to milk Robert’s cock with her lips to extract the last remaining drops of cum into her mouth and swallow them.
“What have you to say to me, Willa?” asked Calista of her bound and captive slave. Still answered by Calista’s forcing her to fuck and suck a man, Willa, refused to answer. Mistress Calista raised the whip and struck another fierce blow to her tits, breaking the skin on one of her nipples. Will screamed and sobbed at the savage blow, gasping to catch her breath. “Again, dear Willa…what have you to say to me?” she asked. Savaged by the ferocity of the blow just delivered to her tits, Willa understand that Calista was determined to have her way. The bound slave looked into her Mistress’s eyes and spoke softly.
“Thank you, Mistress,” she said.
“Your Welcome, Darling,” replied Calista, “I’m sure you haven’t forgotten our sweet naked Nell and your lust for her, have you Willa?” Will reacted with all her strength, at the prospect of making love to Nell. She raised her head to see Nell standing about a foot away from her face. The young slave was drinking the last of her iced tea and handed the empty glass to Mistress Cassandra. “Step closer to Willa, Nell, but don’t let her touch you,” ordered Calista. Nell moved within a few inches of Willa. The bound slave strained to touch Nell. Willa could smell Nell’s scent wafting from her sweet young cunt. “Beg me to let you have Nell,” Calista told Willa.
“Please, Mistress, don’t deny me. I’m sorry for calling you names. I was wrong. I didn’t mean it. Please let me have her, please,” begged Willa.
“Quiet, slut!” commanded Calista, ” I may let your nostrils drink in her musk, if I choose. Nell, open your tender sweet cuntlips so Willa might place her nose between them.” Nell moved forward to comply as Calista roughly grasped Willa by her short sweat soaked hair and looked deep into her face. “I’ll whip you until you can’t stand, Willa, if you try to touch Nell’s cunt with your tongue. Do you understand me?” Willa nodded as she slowly moved the tip of her nose between Nell’s fragment cunt lips.
“Breathe deeply, Willa. Tantalize your senses with her sweet fragment,” Calista taunted her. “Wouldn’t you love to roll your tongue on her honey clip to taste her nectar, Willa?” She handed Nell another glass of tea and motioned to her to drink. “Willa, her nectar is as sweet as honey and her fluids are the same color as honey. Would you like to see and taste her nectar, Willa?” The bound slave nodded yes, but was careful to avoid tasting Nell’s cunt.
“Willa, when I tell you to ‘taste her’, you will stick out your tongue to lick her nectar. Do you under stand, dear?” Calista sweetly told Willa. The slave nodded and her heart began pounding in her chest at the thought of possessing the sweet Nell. Mistress Calista nodded to Nell, then cooed into Willa’s ear, “Taste her.” Will open her mouth to suck Nell’s cunt. Just then, Nell spewed forth a stream of hot honey colored pee, splashing over and into Willa’s open mouth.
Willa screamed in outtrage, as Calista grabbed her by the back of the neck and pushed her face full into the yellow stream spurting out of Nell’s urethra. The young woman continued to empty her bladder onto Willa’s face. Nell was thankful for the opportunity for relief, after drinking huge volumes of iced tea. Will spared no obvious in condemning Calista’s treatment of her. Finally, Nell stopped streaming pee onto Willa’s face and stood leaking from her cunt and onto her thighs. “Clean her, Willa!” ordered Calista.
Willa’s desire for the young Servant girl overcame her anger for her Mistress, and she began to lick the salty liquid into her mouth. “Service her cunt and clip, you lesbian bitch.” Willa took to her new talking with unbridled enthusiasm and sought out the sweet nub nestled between Nell’s cuntlips. Soon, Nell began to sway with desire, as she felt her orgasm building in her loins. Cerces and Cassandra, each placed an arm behind Nell to steady her through her impending orgasm, and began to fondle her cute little nipples.
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