Last night was amazing. When I woke up the next morning, I was still floating on cloud nine. I was looking for a new place to live, my best friend from work was looking for a new roommate and yesterday started our weekend sleepover to see if we were compatible living together. It started as a slumber party and ended up with me being restrained to her bed and us admitting we liked each other in a more than friendly way.
I had wanted her to touch me so much last night, but as punishment for stealing a kiss from her, all she did was tease me. Even though I still felt like I needed her to dip her fingers into me, somehow last night had been perfect. I had never been so horny before, denied, and somehow satisfied. Heck, there was a whole lot that happened last night that had never been in my area of experience.
As I came back to the waking world, I found that Melissa and I had our arms wrapped around each other. I don’t remember when exactly she released me from the restraints but I noticed that my pajama top was also buttoned up again. Glancing around I wasn’t sure what happened to my pajama bottoms, but I wasn’t overly worried. Though as I became more focused, I saw that even though the straps were no longer restraining me to the bed I was still wearing the leather cuffs around my wrists and ankles.
It seemed that the cuffs were attached to the straps, and instead of undoing the lock that she had fastened to the metal buckles of the cuffs, she had just disconnected me. I bit my lip to restrain a giggle, as I didn’t want to wake her up. But to me, it was entertaining to still be under her control.
Though my shifting about in the bed must have caused her to stir, as she fluttered her eyes open and beamed a tired smile at me, “You are still here. I dreamed that after I let you free of your restraints, that you retired to go sleep on the couch.”
Shaking my head I gave her a little pout and replied, “That doesn’t sound like a dream. That sounds like a nightmare.” This elicited a little hum of agreement from her as she closed her eyes and pulled me in even closer to cuddle.
“So you still want to be mine, even after a night’s rest? What do you think being mine might possibly mean?” Her questions were good questions, and without a doubt, the first one was easy to answer. I wanted nothing more than to be hers. But the second question was more challenging. My only other romantic relationships had been extremely normal and unfulfilling.
Previously I had thought that they were unfulfilling because I hid from my previous boyfriends that I was a nerd. That was still true, but now I also understand that there were things about myself I didn’t even know, and in my previous relationships there was no attempt to even discover those things.
After thinking carefully, I tried to answer. I couldn’t believe how patient and understanding she was, waiting for me to find my words that did a poor job explaining thoughts about anything, “I do want to be yours. I’m not entirely sure what that would entail, but it just feels right. I want to make you happy while being at your mercy.”
Lightly struggling my hair, she slid it behind my ear, “I like the sound of that, but I want you to be happy too. If we explore this, you have to promise me that you will use your safeword if you need to. You might give up control in all other ways, but not that one okay?”
Nodding, I understand what she met, so I said, “Yes, of course, I promise.” While saying this I wondered what might we do together that would get me to say my safe word. I had no clue as to what my limit was.
Suddenly my thoughts locked onto something I said last night and now feel like as good a time to ask about it, “So, does this make me a lesbian then? I’ve never even imagined being one but I mean here I am now exploring a relationship with you.”
To this, I could actually see her obviously wince before she answered, “I am perhaps not the best person to ask that. I know some people feel the need to identify as gay or straight or this that or the other thing. But I personally have never felt the need to find a label like that for me.”
As I listened to her, I shifted one of my hands in between us and lightly held her breast. I nodded slowly as I took in her words, while also enjoying the feeling of someone’s boob other than my own in my hand. It didn’t feel off-putting to hold her like this. Her breasts were a bit bigger than mine, and as a further test, I gave them a gentle squeeze.
A moan escaped Melissa’s lips as I did this, her eyes watching me with curiosity. As I played with her breasts she finally asked, “And what if one day, I had you strapped to the bed and had someone fuck you.”
This caused me to freeze completely, and I stammered out, “You wouldn’t actually do that would you?” I, of course, know about three ways though I had never been in one. But the way she so bluntly suggested the idea put me off guard.
Humming now she lightly touched my nose, “Perhaps. Perhaps not. But what if I did? Do you imagine me having a man stick his penis in you and thrusting until you scream for mercy? Or do you see me putting a woman’s face between your legs and having her make a mess of you? Or is the very idea of me sharing you with anyone a hard no?”
Her cruel words brought a flush to my cheeks as I imagined both. I was torn suddenly, I wanted to be hers. But the idea of being used by someone for her pleasure was intriguing, “I don’t think it’s a hard no, but I don’t know. If we are just talking “what if” I think I would rather you have a man fuck me.”
Reaching down and gripping my ass in her hands, “That’s a big part of being mine. We will discuss many “what ifs” and when I think you are ready, those “what ifs” that I feel suit us the best will no longer be “what ifs”. They will be happening, and you will have to decide if you use your safe word. Here is another, whatwould you do if I said you couldn’t touch pleasure yourself without my permission?”
Letting out a squeak at having my ass squeezed, I replied, “Well I suppose I would promise not to. But how would you know if I did or not?”
Smirking now at my response she said, “That is an interesting question. I guess you’ll just have to find out. So let’s hear it. Let’s hear this promise that you won’t touch yourself.”
For a moment I blinked, her words not fully registering in my head. Then I asked, “Wait you mean now? We aren’t talking in theory anymore, you want me to promise right now to not touch myself.” To this, she nodded, a wicked grin on her face encouraging me. “All right then, I promise that unless you give me permission, that I won’t pleasure myself.”
Giving my ass a pat she replied, “Okay then, you promised. Now, why don’t you go take a shower and then make us breakfast? I’ll let you decide what we have.”
Lifting my wrist to show her that I still had the leathe cuffs on I asked, “Did you want to join me in the shower, and shouldn’t you remove these before I get them wet?”
Shaking her head now, “Nope to both. It’s okay for those to get wet, the metal won’t rust. As for me joining you, while I would love to, there is something I need to do while you shower. And don’t ask what it is. I’ll take a shower while you cook breakfast. Now get moving and no stalling.” This last bit was accented with a sharp slap to my ass, that made me squeak again.
While I was curious about what she had to do, I decided not to pry. We might be closer than we had ever been, but I understand that perhaps there were things she just wasn’t ready to share yet. As I showed, my thoughts wandered to all the things we might do together. I know I had literally just promised her that I wouldn’t touch myself, but I was still hot and bothered from last night.
With the water running over me, I explored between my legs with my fingers, as I imagined her findinging me out through some hidden camera. In my mind, the reason she didn’t join me in the shower was that she was watching the hidden camera footage on her computer. I imagined her waiting outside the bathroom door to tell me she had caught me, and that I needed to be punished. I had no clue what the punishment might be, but I muffled a moan as I felt myself release.
But as I finished my shower and dried off, I felt guilty. I had already broken a promise I had made to her. I got dressed and opened the door, half expecting to see her there with a look of disapproval on her face. She wasn’t though, I could hear her moving about in her room that now had a closed door.
So I went to the kitchen and started to make breakfast. I could feel a sense of dread in me, as I heard her leave her room and go into the bathroom. I Just knew she somehow knew what I had done. But she couldn’t know, could she? The cameras in the bathroom were just a fantasy, and I had been so quiet that surely thesound of the shower had fully muffled my quiet moaning. And I didn’t take that long to shower, I had been so pent up it had only taken a few moments for me to reach that climax.
Just as I was finishing making us some scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast, with a glass of orange juice for each of us she came out of the bathroom and sat down at the dining table. As I brought the food out, I saw her Raise an eyebrow while looking at me, so I slowed down and tried to pretend like nothing was strange and asked, “What? Did I spill something on me?”
Shaking her head she smiled and teased, “No, I just don’t remember telling you to shower, get dressed and make us breakfast. I thought I only asked you to do two of those things. I’ll have to be clearer with my instructions in the future.” Oh my god, somehow she didn’t know. Did I get away with it? No, surely I hadn’t. Carefully I placed the food on the table feeling myself shaking.
Suddenly I found myself apologizing to her, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I couldn’t help myself.” I wasn’t even aware I had gone down to my knees, but I now found myself kneeing in front of her begging for forgiveness, “It was a mistake, please forgive me. I’ll never do it again.”
This seemed to catch her off guard and she started to ask, “Never get dressed again? I was teasing, it’s not a big deal.” But then through my tears, I saw it click for her what I was apologizing for, “Oh you have been a bad girl, haven’t you? I wasn’t expecting to have to punish you so soon. But it will have to wait until after breakfast. I’m hungry. Aren’t you hungry?”
Shaking my head, I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. She was right, I had been a bad girl, and now the idea of eating felt wrong. She watched my face as I refused to eat and with a serious look on her face said, “Well I’m going to eat now, you can stand in the corner and I’ll give you a punishment after. Perhaps then you’ll be hungry, though it is a shade your food will get cold.”
It was so strange, as I walked to the corner and stood with my nose to the wall and my hands behind my back I felt somewhat better. Not entirely okay, as I knew she was disappointed, but at least I didn’t feel sick anymore. I listened as she ate her breakfast, not saying a word. The silence filled the room making every little sound seems loud. Time didn’t seem to be moving forward for me either.
After what felt like entirely too long, she got up from the table and stepped over to me resting a hand on my shoulder. Turning towards her, I revealed that I had been crying the whole time. Calmly she wiped my tears away and took my hand in hers and guided me back to the dining table. She turned her chair around, sat down and without saying a word opened my pants and pulled them down to my ankles.
Meekly I lay across her lap as she pulled me down, my panty covered ass perfectly positioned for the spanking I was to receive. Caressing my ass she asked, “And why am I about tospank you?”
Quietly, I answered, “Because I was a bad girl and broke my promise not to touch myself.” As I said this I felt a sharp slap across my ass. This was not some playful little smack, but it took me right back to when I was a child when my own parents would spank me.
What followed was a string of questions. After each one, I would answer and I would receive Another swat to my butt cheats.
“Why did you break your promise?”
“Because I couldn’t control myself.” A sharp wack struck me.
“Why couldn’t you control yourself?”
“Because I am a bad girl.” My ass burned from the pain.
“Were you bad because you wanted to be punished?”
“No, I just couldn’t control myself.” Surely After this I would have a bruise.
“Is that true? You didn’t fantasize about me catching you and punishing you?”
“I’m sorry yes, I fantasized about that.” I wasn’t sure if I would be able to sit comfortably for sometimes.
And then a pause, and she stroked my panty covered ass. “Tell me about this fantasy. How did I catch you? Is this the punishment you imagined?”
Shaking my head, “I had no idea how you would punish me. I imagined you had a hidden camera in the bathroom and had watched me the whole time, and that’s why you didn’t join me in the shower.”
Five quick yet still painful swats met my bottom after I gave that answer. But suddenly her serious tone was broken and she asked with humor in her voice, “My sweet little girl, do I need to show you why I didn’t join you in the shower so your imagination doesn’t run away again?”
I started to rub my ass, but she gently pushed my hands away and gave me a pat to indicate I should stand up. As I got up, I replied to her now curious about what she had actually have been up to, “If you would like to show me. I know I’ve been a bad girl though.”
Snickering now, she shook her head, “Perhaps you were bad in the shower, but you were such a good girl during your punishment. IReally enjoyed your idea of putting a camera in the bathroom. Perhaps I’ll do that in the near future.”
As I pulled up my pants she stood up and stepped away from the chair, standing in an open area of the room facing me. “Are you ready to see?” she asked with such crisis cheeses, that I quickly nodded hope to learn why she was so suddenly embarrassed. As I wiped the tears from my eyes she opened her own pants and pulled them down.
It took me a moment to realize what I was seeing. She was wearing a pair of adult diapers under her pants. Somehow, even when I was laying on her lap I didn’t notice she had them on. But now I was confused, she took a shower after me. Surely she put this on after the shower. What had she been doing before her shower?
Noticing my confusion she started to explain, “I’ve got a thing for wearing diamonds. I wear them almost all the time. I was actually wearing a pair last night under my pajamas.” Wait so the softness I felt when she was straddling me last night was in part to the padding?
Transfixed I stared at her diapers and had to ask, “Do you just wear them, or do you use them too?” I raised my eyes to look at her face, I could see my answer written clear as day on her embarrassed expression.
Slowly she nodded and said, “I only wet them. I know some people like to mess them too. That’s not my thing. This morning, I had to change into a fresh diaper while you showed.”
I swallowed, as the gears turned in my head as what she said registered, “Wait when did you wet your diaper how did I not notice?”
“I wet it while we were both still sleep. I assume you didn’t notice because these are very absorbent diapers. I’m sorry, it’s too much for you isn’t it?”
“What? No! I’m not judging. I’m just wrapping my head around it all. But, do you plan on making me wear diamonds too? Or is that just your thing?” Oh my god, I was about to do it wasn’t I? Just like when I saw the bed strap and asked to try it,I was about to ask to try on a pair of her diapers.
She tilted her head pondering my question, “I don’t know. I hadn’t thought that far. I’m just glad you still haven’t freaked out.”
Fuck it, I had to ask, “May I try a pair? Please?” as I asked, I flashed her a smile and batted my eyesashes at her. Even if I decided it wasn’t for me, I wanted to be able to understand why she chose to wear them.
Snickering at my request she seemed to relax a bit, “Okay, but just know you asked. Once you have it on, it stays on until it’s wet. No bathroom breaks until that happens.”
Okay wait up, I only wanted to try it on to know how it felt, now she wanted me to wear it until I wet them? No bathroom break until that happened? Again I was in a state where I heard myself asking before I even realized what I was saying, “What if I have to do more than just pee?”
Snickering at my question she took my hands in hers and guided me back to her bedroom as she answered, “Well as ISay, I don’t care for doing more than wetting the diamonds, so if you have to do more than just pee use the bathroom, but that’s the exception. So let’s get you in a nice clean pair, and then you can have your breakfast.”
At her reminding me of breakfast, I realized my stomach had finally settled and that I was actually rather hungry. But I also realized that if I didn’t stop her, she would be sure to see my pussy as she put me in a pair of diamonds. Was this really how I wanted her first proper view of me to go. I could still say the safeword.
As I pondered these things, she helped me back into bed and pulled my pants off. Even with my panties still on I felt so exposed right now. Carefully she then slide my underwear down my legs saying, “Perhaps it’s a good thing we are putting you in diameters. My, your panties are soaked.” Oh shit, she was right, I was so turned on right now. Why was I so turned on? She was putting me in diameters and I was so horny.
Finally, she turnedHer eyes to look between my legs, and she let out a gasp, “You are so smooth. Not a hair to be seen.” Embarrassment washed over me as it was true. I didn’t even have a trail of hair. I didn’t normally go this smooth, but I had recently had awaxing and had been curious what it would be like. To my surprise though she said, “I love it. This is how I want to always see it.” I can Only imagine how crisis my face was when I nodded back to her agreeing to her request.
The actual act of her putting me in a diaper didn’t take long. She simply went to her closet and pulled a pair out of a bag she had stashed there. After unfolding them she slid the pullops up my legs and I shifted my ass so she could get them all the way on to me. As I lay there on the bed wearing nothing but my shirt and bra along with the cuffs and diaper, I feel so strange. My ass was so sore from the spanking, but now it was covered in such soft padding. She helped me up from the bed and walked with me hand in handback to the dining room. My pants were left where she had dropped them on the floor.
I didn’t know why but for some reason neither of us talked. She pulled a chair out for me, and when I sat down, feeling the wood of the chair press against the padding cover me, she guided my hands behind the chair and linked the cuffs around my wrists together. She then picked up my plate of food and sat on my lap facing me.
Forkful by forkful she fed me my eggs. Stealing a bite of my bacon, she then fed that to me a piece at a time. She slide the toast into my mouth, getting the jelly spread on my lips. First licking her own finger she then rubbed the goop, cleaning me up. Finally, she lifted the orange juice glass to my lips, helping me drink.
The entire time, not a word was spoken as everything seemed so perfect. I Was her little girl and she was feeding me breakfast, what needed to be said? Sliding up from my lap she gathered her dishes along with mine and went to the kitchen andstarted cleaning them in the sink. I was still seated with my hands behind the chair, just watching her with complete adoration.
After she finished washing the dishes she came back to me, she patted the front of my diaper with her hand checking if they were still dry and finally spoke, “It might take a while before you’ll be able to wet them. Your body has trained for pretty much your entire life to only go while sitting on a toilet. If you feel like you have to go but can’t, let me know. I remember some tricks I used to get myself to go in them my first time.”
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