Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here…My lifelong attraction for her was ignited in one instant. I came home early from school and was going upstairs to change. I passed by my mother’s room and she was standing in front of the mirror in her room with the door open. She was naked from the wait up. When she saw me all she did was sort of bring her arm across and say, “Hi sweetie, how come you’re home so early?” I stammered something about the special privacy day and she said, “Oh” and I went on my way.I was amazed. This was not an Everyday thing; my mother didn’t walk around half naked all the time. The most I’d ever seen was her tights when she put stockings on. I’dlooked at her full breasts and big pinkish nipples and she’d acted as if it was the most natural thing in the world. For a moment I thought that perhaps she didn’t realize …but how crazy is that? A person knows when their clothes are off don’t they?
Mom and I lived alone in a fairly large house that was paid for with insurance money we got after my father died. I never really knew him. Mom worked four to five days a week and didn’t go out much. We always had a great relationship and I told her everything? Except about how I started to feel about her after that day.My nightly fansies, both wet and dry, progressed from my seeing those beautiful boobs to my imagination I was touching them and then every other part of her. She was a pretty woman then and still is; it always amazing me that a body that well formed was hidden under the plain clothes she wore. It never really impacted on me that it was my mother that was the object of my sexual desires. She was just the woman I wanted. I watched every undulation of her ass and every movement of her breasts when she wasn’t looking.
I had one recurring fantasy that stayed with me for years. On many agitated nights I used it to bring me closer to sleep. I would walk in to the house and hear my mother in the den on the phone. I could see her through the slight opening of the door but she didn’t know I was there. In my imaginations she’d wear a white nylon negligee through which I could make out the outline of her breasts and nipples. Her hand is Between her legs and she slowly rubs as she talks.My mother says into the phone, “…I don’t care Gina…i’ve lived with this for a long time and I’m ready to say it and I’m ready to do it…. I want Robby…He’s always been the one I wanted and now I admit it. I want him to make love to me…I want him in my pussy, in my mouth…oh God, Yes I know…but I don’t care and I’m notashamed…oh Gina I’m aching…I’m aching all over and all I can do is touch myself and think of him…” She says her goodbyes and hangs up. My mother closes her eyes and continues rubbing her pussy; she’s whispering my name. I walk in and go over to her. I kiss her and slide my hand over her fleshy breast to her swollen nipple. She looks up at me and say, “Oh my baby…momma’s been waiting for you.” We make love on the floor many times. At the end of each fantasy I come in my mother’s mouth.
It wasn’t until I was in college that anything actually happened between us. It began when my grades started to slip. I couldn’t concentrate and didn’t care. I was getting depressed. I came home on weekends and just hung around the house. My problems in general weren’t different from most guys my age. I wanted a woman. Specifically, it was a lot different. I was thinking about my mother more and more.I wasn’t badlooking but I was painfully shy. I wouldn’t have even gone to my high school prom if mom didn’t coach me on what to do and say with Karla. It was just the hardest thing for me to even talk to girls that were in my classes. When mom saw my grades she flipped. “How could you go from A’s to C’s and d’s?” I told her how I couldn’t concentrate, especially with girls on my mind. She said, “Oh honey, that’s nothing i’ll help you and we’ll fix it.” First she got me a tutor, a junior named Brian. He helped a little mostly because he became a friend that I could talk to. Mom encouraged my non-existent ‘love-life’ with advice and attempts to fix me up. My grades still stunk. After a semester of exasperation she said, “Robby, what’s going to be? I hate to see you throw your future away…I’m worried…who can I get to help you?”
“Sharon” I said.”Sharon who…me?” “Yes mom, Sharon you””Of course baby… you know I would do…””No mom you wouldn’t and I wouldn’t expect you to…I just can’t keep it in any more so I’m going to tell you…I love you…no mom don’t say it…I know you love me but I love you differently…I want you…I want you sexually. I’m sorry mom…but it’s true.i’ll never forget her kindness at that moment. I expected blows to rain down on my head or at least a screaming diatribe but all I got was her soft hand on my cheek when she said, “Let’s talk about this Robby…let’s think about it together.” It was the best day I’d had in years. What a relief; everything was out in the open and we talked about it all. When we had both said Everything we probably could and she had told me how lovely it was to be wanted but how crazy it was and all the reasons we shouldn’t, I said, “Ok, you’re right mom…but I’m still going to want you forever.”
My mother looked at me for the longest time and said, “All right baby…i’ll try…i’ll love you that way if that’s what you need…but listen to me honey – it has to be my way and Robby…you have to keep your grades up and you have to promise me that when I say it’s over…it’s over.” We shared our first kiss and I was pleased by the unexpected entry of her tongue into my mouth. She unbuttoned her blouse but left it on. Her sheer white bra lifted easily over her ample breasts and I almost frozen not knowing how and when to touch them. I was emboldened when I finally stroked them and she moved seriously with a soft murmur. Her voice came out in breathy whispers when she said, “Oh God…I can’t believe I’m doing this with my own son.”
I’d like to say what a wonderful lover I was that first night but that would be far from the truth. We kissed for a long time and we were both a bit shy. When I had mom’s panties off she looked at me, a bit unsure of herself and said, “Do I look all right or are you disappointed?” I could hardly speak because she looked so good to me. I told her what a wonderful body she had; my stiffness was ample evidence of What she did to me. Up close her full breasts looked as beautiful as they did in my dreams; I loved that they were big and translucent so that just a hint of fine blue-green traced through them and across her round puffy nipples. Her pussy was well trimmed and I could see the swollen lips that my hard cock had spread only in my fantasies; they were a bit shiny from the fluid around them. I kissed and sucked on them without really knowing what I was doing but my mother was moaning and that made me feel good. She tasted like something I could never eat enough of.
Mother went down on her knees. She said, “You have a lovely cock Robby” and took it into hermouth. I watched myself pass her lips and felt her tongue press along the underside of my fully expanded shaft. She hardly began sucking on it before I was grabbing her head and a torrent of cum exploded out of me. My mom was sucking my dick better than in my wild imaginations and that was just too much to control. I watched as the shake, shiny with cum, went in and out of my mother’s mouth. After leaving every drop either on or in her mouth, I started to apologize and said, “Oh mom…I’m sorry I came in your mouth…I couldn’t help it.” My sweet mother stood up and kissed me and said, “It’s all right love; you’re supposed to come in my mouth.” She then sent me off and told me I should go back to school the next day and not come home until I had an ‘A’ on an exam or a paper.
Picturing my mother waiting for me at home, open and willing, turned me into a demon at school. You can imagine how hard I studied after that and you can imagine how hard I was when two weeks later I came home with my first ‘A’. That was a weekend of firsts. I was almost twenty but it was the first time I would be inside a woman. I was as nervous and excited as I could be thinking that my mother would be my first.Mother attempted some foreplay with kisses and touches but I only had one thing on my mind. Mom gave a little laugh when she realized it was hopeless and took her panties off. She opened her legs and used her fingers to show me the pink. She said, “Come my love.”
The first penetration into my mother’s pussy was exhaust. As my cock found it’s way into her, I told her that it was all I ever wanted. Her wet vagina squeezed my stiff cock as I pushed up into her belly. There was no better feeling. I was fucking my mother and she was smiling up at me. I didn’t know much more than to do what came naturally as I pressed in and out of my mother’shot wet opening. I made up with enthusiasm what I lacked in experience and in the morning mom laughed and said, “I certainly didn’t expect to be your first Robby but it was quite a surprise when I turned out to be your second, third, and fourth during the same night.” She got serious then and kissed me softly on the lips and said, “I’m proud that you wanted it to be me baby.”
I know she didn’t have an orgasm that night but she told me how good it felt to have me in her and how she loved the way I filled her up. It didn’t take too many weeks before she was coming as much as I Did I learned; I had help. In addition to being the sexiest woman I knew, she was a great teacher. Over the next months she taught me how to be a lover and how to pleasure and satisfy her. She didn’t have to teach me how to love her.She never let me get ‘excessive’; we had plenty of oral and straight sex but she always put me off when I suggested anything adventurous. I know where her limits were and I wasn’t complaining. She always downplayed the affair and kidded that I’d soon tire of the ‘old lady’. I never did and those days were just the best.
Once my mother visited me on campus and I took her to a place a bunch of the guys had rented. It wasn’t a fraternity thing, just a room with a T.V. and some weights. I told mom that it was where my friends brought their girls. She asked me if that was why I brought her. I just started kissing her and opened her blouse. I had my hand inside her bra when Brian and two other guys walked in. She jumped and practically ran out of the room. I apologized to her but the incident didn’t hurt my report. For the next few weeks, guys I hardly knew were asking me about the ‘hot older woman’, especially Brian. Long after the others forget about it he was still pumping me for details.It turned out that Brian was very turned on by what he saw because he had a thing for mature women. After long talks on the subject he admitted that he found his mother sexually attractive. I liked Brian and I trusted him. When I finally told him that the woman he saw me with was my mother, he flipped. “How…what…God…” He bombarded me with questions. “You actually had incest with your mother…how did it feel…did she…?” On and on until he got to the real question that was roiling in his brain, “…I wonder if I ever could?”
We talked about it from every angle for weeks until he decided he was going to do something about it. His father was often away for weeks at a time and he was now alone with his mother. He came up with all kinds of wild schemes but finally settled on talking to her about it. After a few tenative starts with hints and innuendo they finally had a conversation about it. He just wasn’t sure what she’d said.He told me about it the next day. He said, “I asked her about a son having sex with his mother and she told me that it should never happen but that sometimes when people really love each other things could get out of control. Then she said that she thought it could also happen if the son took the mother against her will. Now I’m just not sure if she was telling me…Robby, do you think she…?” I said, “Whoa man, I’m not getting into that one. You’re going to have to find your own way…just go slow.”The next time Brian’s father was out of town he told me, “Brian, I found my way.” I said, “What do you mean…w what happened?”
He said, “Late last night I went into my mother’s room and stood by her bed. I could tell she was up by the way she was breathing and moving but she didn’t say a word. She was on her stomach and wearing a short nylon top. She didn’t have panties on and the top wasn’t covering her ass. Her legs were slightlyapart and I could see a bit of her pussy. I had brought in some rope with me. I tied her hands to the bed and she never moved. When I finished, she raised herself on her haunches so her ass was in the air and Said, ‘Brian, what are you doing? This is wrong…oh God…please don’t fuck me Brian…please don’t …please don’t.’ I told her she had no choice and when I put my hand over her pussy and started rubbing it, she was soaked. I was so hard I didn’t wait for anything. I just put my cock into her and stated fucking. As I gave it to her, one minute she’d says how good it felt and the next she’d says how wrong it was.
I came pretty quickly but I stayed on her and kept touching her. When I got hard again, I put it in her again from behind. Man, she has the most beautiful ass you ever saw. I pushed into her until I was up against it. She was grinding it and yelling into the pillow, calling me a mother-fucking bastard and every other tHing until finally she said she was coming. She squeezed every drop of cum out of me until I was drained. I untied her and left. The next morning we didn’t talk about it. All she asked as I left was whether I would be coming home before the weekend. I just smiled and she smiled back.” I listened to every word of Brian’s story with my mother and me in mind. There was no way I was going to wait until the weekend to go home. I went home that night and told my mother the story. She was as turned on by it as I was. I skipped school and she skipped work the next day.
The next term I graduated and on my last day of school mom said, “Honey, the time is here. Remember your promise. I love you sweetheart and I don’t regret one minute of what we did but we both have to get on with our lives now. Come give your momma a kiss.” I tried to convince her that we could go on the way we had been but she just shook her head ‘no’. She could hardly speakand I could hardly hold back the emotion but I kissed my mother long and hard and moved out of her bedroom that night.I soon moved out of the house. Mom said I should stay but there were two things I couldn’t do at once: look at her and not touch her. We both resumed what some might call the semblance of a normal life. We spoke often and I put on a good front for her but still took enough opportunities to tell her how much I missed what we had. She always said something to the effect that it was wonderful but we both had to go forward. She told me about the men she saw – thankfully without details. She seemed to fall into a pattern; she’d see someone for a month or two at most and then it would be over. This went on for almost a year until Perry moved in with her. I went out a lot with Karla and the best I could say is that we were both comfortable and it was convenient.
In the meantime things with Brian and his mother had sorted themselves out after a close call. I spoke to him after it happened and he said he was in the shower with his mother when his father came home unexpectedly. They didn’t hear anything with the water running until he knocked on the bathroom door. Brian said he was actually inside her when it happened. Somehow his mother got his father to go out for something and they were able to get themselves together before he came back. That night she asked him for a dividend. Exactly one week later he was out of the house.
Brian said that the night his father left, his mother almost seemed possessed. He said, “Every time I came, it was only a few minutes later that she was working me up again — not that it took that much. She kept telling me how happy she was now that I could fuck her every night. I’ll tell you man, we wore each other out that night; my cock was sore the whole next day.” Brian said that it wasn’t long after that they made each other promises. They knew they were in love andintended to stay together. I envied him.I lived about twelve miles from my mom and went over for dinner ever weeks or two so I wasn’t surprised when she invited me one Saturday night but I was concerned when she said we had to talk. I figured maybe it was about her job or Perry or maybe…I didn’t really know what to think or hope for. When I arrived she was dressed in a blue dress I always loved her in.
When I got there it was the worst of the possibilities I had considered. She told me that it was getting serious with Perry and that he was talking about marriage. We talked about all the pros and cons but I couldn’t bring myself to ask her if she loved him enough to spend forever with him. I guessed she loved him enough or we wouldn’t have been talking. As I left that night, my whole body ached and I was moved to kiss her full, the way we used to. I tasted her mouth and inhaled the fragment of her sweet skin and then I stopped. “Why torture myself?” I thought. I left and said, “I wish you happiness whatever you decide mom and I’m here if you need to talk or anything.” I went out with Karla that night and I fucked her with a vengeance. I pulled at her and pounded her and almost choked her with my cock. She seemed to enjoy it well enough but I didn’t. I broke it off with her the next time I saw her. It wasn’t what I was looking for and it wasn’t going anywhere.Over the next few weeks mom called a lot and seemed to be leaning towards marrying Perry. I told her I was happy for her and when she asked about Karla I said that everything was great. She said quietly, “Good honey…good…that’s good.”
The next day she called and said, “Sweetie I’m in the car just driving around…can I come up to you for a bit?” I told her it was fine and when she came in we sat and had some wine. We were talking casually and as we sat across from each other, I watched here eyes fill. “Robby” she said, “I think I made a mistake…and I’m afraid I’m about to make a bigger one. I miss you so much…oh…this is probably the biggest mistake of all…oh honey I don’t love Perry…I’m not telling you this to interfere with you and Karla; I know you love her now and I want you to happy but I had to tell you…”Mom, I said, there is no Karla. I don’t love her and I’m not even seeing her anymore…mom, it’s always been you.””Oh Robby honey, it’s all so impossible. Whoever I’m with…I’m thinking of you…nobody touches me with love like you…sex isn’t enough…I need what you gave me…but how can we…?””Mom, we can because it’s right for both of us…don’t you know?€¦we love each other?””Yes but baby I’m eighteen years older than you…by the time i’m…”Sweet Sharon…mom…none of that matters. How we got here doesn’t matter. Who knows what crazy thing tomorrow brings let alone years and years into the future? Mom, do you love me?”Of course darling…Oh honey…I didn’t even know if you wanted me anymore.”
“i’ve never wanted anything more than you… because i’ve never loved anyone more than you…but I don’t want to just have an affair with you mom, I want us to have something more…something new…I don’t even know what to call it but I’m ready to see where our love will take us…are you mom…without any reservations?””Yes baby…I’m ready…no more affairs …I’m ready to start loving you forever …I’m ready to do anything to …be yours …I’m ready to love my beautiful boy.”
We went into my bedroom and undressed each other between long, deep kisses. I’d almost forgotten how silent her skin was, how fully her breasts filled my hand, how wether pussy could get. I wanted everything at once and my hands roamed all over her. I held my mother’s sopping pussy for a moment in my palm as she inhaled deeply. I felt the puffy circles behind her erect nipples between my fingers as I sucked on the tips. They seemed longer and harder than ever and I was practically chewing on them when mom said she could feel it all the way down to her pussy. She pinched my nipples playfully as she pulled away from me to get to my cock. I could feel her hunger as she filled her mouth with me. Her head bobbed as she frenetically drew back and forth on the shake. She used her tongue to paint my legsery sack with saliva and then continued to the tip where she sucked out the small amount of white cum that had appeared.
The first time my mother had sucked my cock, all I heard was the ocean rushing in my ears and all I felt was the urge to come. This time the delight of her mouth on me was there to savor. Every movement of her soft lips on my shake registered, every lick of my mother’s hot tongue left a trace of electricity along my cock. I looked down at my beautiful mother and could hardly believe the moans that came from her were because her son’s cock was in her mouth – because my cock was in her mouth. She looked up at me and said, “I missed this Robby; I missed all the things you did to me. I missed the way your cock fills me. I missed loving you”.
The most beautiful sight in this world is when someone filled with love is looking at you. My mother looked up at me that way.I urged her to stand so I could take her dress off and hold her warm sweet body on mine, so I could kiss her with all the love I felt for her. Between each kiss she repeated, “You’re my darling…my darling…my darling…” My hand massed between her legs and she lifted one foot onto the bed to give me access. I slipped my cock up into my mother’s warm and slippery pussy and returned mylips to hers. We could have stood there all night.
I let my hands glide up and down her silky back to the curve of the meaty globe that I kneaded with my fingertips. I slowly raised and lowered myself as my cock slide up into her. As we kissed and touched and loved she said, “I want you so much Robby…more every day…I want to give you everything.” I was so hot for her at that moment that even being in her pussy wasn’t enough for me. I wanted Something I’d Never had from her and reached around to her ass and slipped a finger that was slicked by her pussy juices deep into the small hole. Her mouth was by my ear and she was repeating, “Yes…yes…yes…” I alternatively played with her pumper and drove my finger into her. I could tell she liked it by the sounds she made as she squirmed around on my probing finger. As my finger moved around inside her ass she said, “Yes honey…make me yours…that’s what I want…to belong to you…make me yours baby.” I directed her onto the bed and she knew what I wanted because it was what she wanted. Her round ass was raised and her hands spread the globes in anticipation of my entry. She said “Do it baby…do it…put it in your momma’s ass.”
I knew I should probably get some luxury to get into her small hole but I didn’t want to wait. I used saliva to ease the initial insertion. The sight of my mother waiting for me to put my cock into her behind had made it into a straining straight rod. I pushed hard to get passed the tight ring and she let out a loud “OH”. The knob of my cock was on fire as her ring closed around the back of it. It seemed as if she had stretched to the limit to accommodate my fullness.As I started to force the shake deeper into her ass she started talking loudly as if to mask the pressure she must of felt from having my thickness opening her that way. “Yes baby” she said. “Yes Robby…yes…i’ve waited for months to have you in me again…day after day I went over it…t telling myself it wasn’t fair to you…you’re my son…but all I could think about was having you back in my arms and mouth and…back in your mommy’s pussy…I even wanted you there…where your big cock is filling me up now.” The deeper I got into her ass the louder she got. “Oh honey…nobody ever…fucked me there…yes baby…in your mother’s ass…for you… only for my baby… what I need…oh…your so deep in me…it’s so good to have you in me again…fuck me Robby…please fuck me… please fuck me…”
Her whimpering had almost become crying and I soothed her with my hands and words telling her how much I’d missed her and how much I loved her. My pumping slowed almost to a stop as I ministered to her but she wanted more. “Don’t stop baby…please don’t stop…fuck me…do it for me…do it for yOur mommy…do it baby…”I pounded into her and gave her what she wanted. “Yes mother…yes…this is for you…” As each stroke speared into my mother’s hot ass she cried out with pleasure. I gave her the full length of my cock until I was pressed up against her meaty globes. It felt so good to know that my mother needed me this way and loved me this way. I pumped hard enough to make a slapping sound as I contacted her fleshy spheres. We were both almost incoherent when my orgasm hit. When the first shot of cum jetted into my mother’s ass, she screamed and came with spasms and trembling. I’d never see her experience an orgasm that intensity. As her whimpering sights decreased she turned to share an unending kiss.
There are times when words fail; that was one of those times. It seemed as if we were both in a state of non-ordinary reality; the place where your emotions allow you touch the love that surroundings us all but is usuallyly just out of reach. Before we fell asleep my mother whispered, “I loved having you in me like That…so big…I was so filled with you…I thought you would split me…but it was so good sweetheart…so good.” I kissed her eyes good night.Hours later, a soft light illuminated my mother’s lovely breasts as I awoke. She was up and watching me. We just smiled at each other as she glanced at my hardening cock. I took her beautiful heavy breasts into my hands and I felt the weight of each as her nipples elongated into my palms. She gently stroked between my legs and I asked her, “Mom, when did you know?””You mean about wanting you honey? The first time I had you in me I thought, ‘after waiting all this time this is what I need; how strange…my son’s cock is inside me and I’m at peace… it’s incest…I’m his mother but I’m past that now… because I know it’s my son’s love and my son’s loving that Iwant…my son’s loving is what I need.’ Most of the time, I never thought I could really have you because I thought that I shouldn’t. I figured I was going to get old and never have the only one that could make me happy. I thought…oh baby it doesn’t matter now…all that matters is that we love each other…and you’re in my hand…and in my mouth…”
With that, she straddled over my legs on all fours and my cock slowly disappeared into her mouth. As her tongue pushed and pressed she took me to that ‘other’ place. No one could do to me what she did and I said, “Mom, everything with you is the best.” She stopped long enough to smile up at me and say, “That’s because I love you the best.” I watched enrapture as my cock filled my mother’s mouth. Both of her hands surrounded me as her thumbs massed my balls. She rolled her hot tongue around the swollen spongy head and then took the knob between her lips and sucked it hard. Time and again she teased me as I waited for her mouth to envelope me. When finally she filled her mouth with my cock, I started thrusting as much of it as I could get into her, over and over again. She rubbed the sides of my shake with both hands as she sucked. Every once in a while she would relax her throat and take most of the length of me down; I couldn’t believe the sight or the sensings I was Feeling.
I watched my mother loving me. I watched my mother sucking on her son’s cock until I couldn’t watch anymore because my unstoppable eruption had begun. I bucked up into her mouth and she stayed on me as my moans punctuated each release. I couldn’t tell how many times I filled her mouth with my cum, but I didn’t see a drop escape her lips. When she had sucked me dry I was exhausted and she came up and kissed my forehead and said, “My sweet tasting boy…my sweet love” She started getting up but I pulled herback in bed and began licking the outer lips of my mother’s pussy. They were glistening with her juices. My tongue slide easily all over the fleshy covering and into her inviting hole. I snaked in as far as I could reach and flicked at her insides. She moaned when I licked my way to her clip and applied pressure with the tip of my tongue. I circled with the mix of my saliva and the juice from her wet pussy and I could sense the trembling of Her soft thighs besides my head. “Oh Robby baby, don’t ever stop loving me and don’t ever stop wanting me. I need your love…I need this…I need this…”
My mother was squirming and grabbing my head as I sucked her. She couldn’t stay still; she raised and lowered herself off the bed. She stiffened and stretched her hands and legs as her moans and Exclamations got louder. Finally she said, “Give me your cock baby…give momma your big cock.” I wasn’t quite ready to enter her yet but I laidmy cock over her soft wetness and slide up and down over it. My mother’s spreading pussy brought my cock to life. Within a minute I sank my hardened shake into my mother’s waiting opening. She made a sweet noise as I penetrated her fully and I asked her, “Does that feel good mom?””Yes baby, it feels perfect. When you’re in me this way I want it to go on forever.” I stroked her with my love and with my cock until we were both bathed in perspiration and continued until I could feel the heat inside her from the friction. The walls of her channel grasped at me as she involuntarily flexed and practically flailed her arms. My pitch and grunts and pounding got higher and harder as we both got closer to orgasm. I reached up deep into her belly until it seemed my cock was at the end of her and our bodies touched at every point. She begged for release. “Come in me love…come in your momma…oh Robby…Make me come…baby…now…make me…oh God…come with me…oh…oh…”
The first hard stream of cum shot into her and she laughed at the relief of coming. She bucked a few times while we both thrashed. Her arms and legs wrapped tightly around me as I fought to complete the last thrusts that left her pussy filled with my hot cum. After a long satisfied sight, she placed lots of small kisses all over my face and I laughed because I could hardly breathe from the strength of the hold she had on me. And that was our hope for the future; the hold we had on each other.As she lay in my arms afterwards she said, “If this is the first night of our ‘something new’, I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.” Her soft tender lips reached for mine.Tomorrow rarely brings what people expect. We were no exception. We were uncomfortable in the community we lived in and moved. We wanted to be together as much as possible so we opened a toy store using most of our resources. What we know aboutbusiness could fill a thimble but we were friendly and worked hard to develop a small following. We eked out a living until the economy turned and unemployment rose drastically in our town.
We were working long hours and I became irritable and a lot less loving. It was a slippery slope that took me from blue to black. I started stopping off for a ‘few’ and came home later and later. I even accused her of ‘looking’ at other men. My mother became unhappier and that only annoyed me more. At my lowest point I took up with one of the waitresses at the bar.The affairs was as unsatisfying as the taste it left in my mouth. I didn’t like her and the sex was never once as good as it was with my mother. So why would I do it? Why indeed.It didn’t take long for my mother to figure it out. She was so hurt and uncomprehending she could hardly utter a word to me. I battered her with inanities about ‘suffocation’ and ‘moodiness’ and my ‘we’re not married’ line. My rationalizations probably hurt her as much as my actions. She said she couldn’t live like that and I said, “Fine, go.”
A day or two later I heard from Brian; we had stayed in touch and spoke every few weeks. I asked him how things were going and while talking about his relationship with his mother he said something that struck me; he said that being with his mom had shown him that when you love someone, you want to Gve more than you take. When I thought about it I realized that was what my mother had been doing all along; that was how she loved me. When I came home she was sleep on the couch and I just sat and watched over her. All I could think was that I loved this woman and wanted her to be happy. That night when I saw her start to pack, the enormity of what I had done hit me. I couldn’t breathe. I knew in my heart how much I needed her but somewhere else I thought she would always be there no matter whatI did. The sight of her suitcase brought my life back into focus. I begged her to stay and give me the chance to make it right. I promised to stop drinking and said to her, “Mom it doesn’t matter that we have thirty dollars in the bank, I only need you; please let me be your love again.”
My mother’s forgiving heart opened to me but it was years before I forgave myself. That night she told me why the remark I had made about not being married had been so upsetting to her. We were lying in bed and I told her about the fantasy I had had for years about her on the phone. She laughed and said, “i’ve had one of my own too baby.” I kissed her and urged her to tell me about it. As she began to talk I rested my hand on the satisfaction material that covered my mother’s pussy and massed gently.” From when I was a girl,” she said, “I fantasized about my wedding day. It starts after the ceremony and I’m in a room alone waiting for my husband to join me so we can change and leave on our honeymoon. I take off the dress and I’m in all the frilly white garters, underwear and stockings when my new husband walks in. It’s a little embarrassing…when I realized that I loved you as a woman and not only as your mother, you were the first actual person I ever put in my fantasy…and when you see me standing there and you say, ‘Let me love you, my beautiful wife’. So when you said that stuff about us not being married it kind of jolted me.”
“I’m sorry mom…I…””No baby, that’s not why I’m telling you this; I’m telling you because I want to be close to you and let you understand.” She covered the hand that was rubbing her pussy and continued. “You see baby, for me we were married…we were always married…you were always the one who came to me on my wedding day…every time I had the fantasy…you came as my husband and madelove to me…””Tell me what we did mom.”No baby, it’s better if I show you what we did.”My mother went to her drawer and took out a white bra, panties and stockings. She put them on and stood before me. I told her, “Let me love you, my beautiful wife.” She opened her arms to me as her eyes filled and I felt a tightening in my throat. We kissed softly at first and then as hungrily as if it was that first day. I devoured her mouth as her tongue teased and promised. I started to say, “Mom i’ll never…”
She covered my mouth with her hand saying “No baby, shhhhh…everything is OKAY…momma’s here.” She reached into my briefs and touched the hardness she always brought me to. I went to my knees and pulled off her panties and started sucking the moist lips at her center. I held her legs apart at the junction of the silky stockings and her smooth thighs. I could always make my mother come quickly with a circuitling pressure on her clip. Her short spasmodic cries and the unintentional pulling of my hair soon announced her first climax.
My mother took a few shadow steps to sit on the edge of the bed after coming. I stroked her hair as she rested her head on me. When she caught her breath, she began kissing my cock over my briefs. The straining hardness became evidence through the tented cotton. She reached in to free me and I was so stiff I thought she would break it off. Any disappoint was quickly eased as her mouth enveloped me.I’m convinced that nobody could ever suck me the way my mother does. Her hands, mouth and tongue could each do me in. When all three are attending at once, it’s as intense as it gets. I had to stop her a few times because I wanted to come inside her. She took a few more long licks on the underside before I had to pull away.
When I brought myself back from the blink, I spread her legs and prepared to enter her. I sank deep into her pussy immediately. I couldn’t remember her ever being so sopping wet. When I gave her the few more inches I had left, I hit the spot she calls her ‘pleasure place’. As I contacted it over and over my mother said, “Yes baby, that’s it…there…yes…I have all of you in me…oh Robby…my sweet son…you’re my husband…my lover…everything…”As I approached the moment of exhaust release, I thought, “Yes mom that’s all I ever want to be.” I held the globes of my mother’s ass that were at the edge the bed and began pumping my ejaculate into her. Each hard stream led to another. Somewhere in the distance I could hear her coming too as the rush enveloped me. It was like the opening of floodgates as more and more cum poured into her saturated channel. I pushed deep into her a final time taking her breasts in my hands and pressed them between my fingers – probably too hard. The mixture of noises that came from my motherbecame muffled as I covered her mouth with mine. I stayed pressed into her long after we each finished our final diminishing spasms. It was a moment of excisite peace. That weekend I surprised her with matching gold bands.
As it turned out, business turned around when a little stuffed animal called a “Beanie Baby” came out. We sold them as fast as we got them. That took a lot of pressure off and we settled into a new life that surprisingly included Brian and his mom for a while. We were ‘unfaithful’ with them. Actually we never saw them but our ‘affair’ with them began when I talked to Brian one day and he said something about his always thinking that my mom was a ‘hot piece of ass’. I laughed and said, “Do you want to tell her that; she’s sitting right here?” He took it as a challenge and said that he would. I put her on and after they were done talking and I had finished my conversation with him, she told me allthe things he’d said. He told her how beautiful he’d always found her and what a spectacular body she had. I asked her if it turned her on and she smiled and her raised eyesbrows said “yes”.
That incident gave me an idea. I asked my mother if she thought phone sex with Brian and his mom might be fun and she said she’d be willing to try it. We talked it over and agreed that we would only do it if all four of us were on at the same time. We got headsets so we could talk ‘hands free’.
The first time we did it Brian talked to my mother. I had told him that she sometimes fansizes about ‘rough’ sex and that’s where he went with it. Mom had on a light knit dress and I suggested she took off her bra and panties, which she did. As he started telling her how he was going to strip her, I could see was getting hot but she wasn’t sure what to do about it. I unbuttoned the top of the dress and exposed one of her breasts. I put it in her hand so she could play with the nipple. I watched it stiffen as he described how he was going to touch her all over. I took out the other title and fastened my mouth on it. I didn’t know what Brian’s mom was doing on the other end but I could hear him breathing harder as he spoke.Brian was quick to pick up the cues my mother gave him. When mom said she could feel him behind her he said “Yes Sharon that’s right…I’m going to fuck you in your favorite hole…I’m going to butt-fuck you so hard you’re going to think a steel pipe was shoved up your ass…I’m going to stretch that dark, hot hole of yours with my big cock.”
Mom was really into it now and she was just repeating, “Yes…yes…yes” over and over. By this time I had her dress up to her waist and was licking the sweet juices on her pussy. It was sort of a paradoxical situation, Brian is going on about how he’s going to practically rapher and I’m gently circling my mother’s clip with the tip of my tongue. At any rate, mom was going crazy.As Brian started talking about shooting hot cum into my mother’s ass, I realized he sounded like he really was about to come. I found out later that his mother was sucking him while all the talking was going on. When he did come, there was no doubt about it; he was gone and yelling. This brought mom close and she said, “Make me come baby…make me come.” I fastened on her clip and drew it between my lips, flicking and sucking until she raised her ass and gave a loud sight. She stroked my hair and said, “You make momma come so good honey.”
Over the following months our game of ‘virtual unfaithfulness’ evolved so that I did Brian’s mom sometimes and she did me or mom did Brian while I ‘worked’ on her. The game trailed off over time. I guess none of us was interested in taking it to any other level because each of us loved the person we were with.Today mom is fifty and it seems like yesterday and a lifetime ago that I first made love to her. It’s been an unconventional life so far. The road isn’t easy for any of us and we more than likely find the unexpected – hopefully along with acceptance, joy, and love.I still find her as sexy now as I did the first time she turned me on. Last night we sat on the couch and kissed for about an hour before we went to bed. I love kissing her and I love loving her. She told me that it makes her happy that after all this time we still want each other as much as we do. She told me, “Robby, I love doing everything with you honey but I have to tell you, that the first time I let you have anal sex with me I thought I was doing it more for you than me. I wanted to give that to you but now when we do it, I do it for me. Do you know, when I fantasize at work sometimes, you’re always filling me that way…deep in my ass?” She said the last part in a whisper and laughed. Even now she’s a bit embarrassed to say things like that unless it’s while we’re having sex.
Of course as soon as we went to bed she was on her stomach and my hands went to her ass. I urged her onto her knees and her pussy and asshole were well exposed. I licked her in both places for the first time and it sent a shiver through her. I stood and started on her pussy. I pushed in to the hilt and her wetness coated my cock. The bed bounced as I speared into her and at the end of each thrust she yelled into the pillow. I came out of her pussy with her juices slathered over my cock.I approached her at an angle. I bent my knees to position the knob of my cock on my mother’s asshole. Her honey on my cock was enough to ease the initial insertion although she did inhale a loud “OH” as I entered. When I started pressing into her the movement of the bed again bounced her up to meet my cock, which went deeper into her. Her moaning sounds told me how much she liked it, and then she told me. “Yes baby…like that…yes…I love it when you do it like that…oh fuck…yes…Robby…”
As I penetrated to her depths, I slowed and made each insertion long and deep. I loved listening to the sounds of pleasure escaping my mother’s lips when I pushed my cock as far into her as it would go. As my hard shake was squeezed in her hot channel, I could feel myself getting ready to come. When I couldn’t wait any, I began giving it to her as fast and as hard as I could. I wanted to hear her voice as I filled her ass with my cum and I said, “Tell me what you want mom…tell me what you need.” She said, “I want you honey… you… in my mouth…in my pussy…I want you in my ass…I need you in me… loving me…” Cords of cum exploited out of me and as our slippery juices mixed, I heard my mother’s loud cries of orgasm. Even whenn I thought I was finished, mom brought one last excisite release out of me. As we rested in each other’s arms and I listened to my mother’s trailing soft murmurs I said, “How can we both come so hard after all these years?”
Mom smiled and said, “Because we love each other baby… because we love each other.” We kissed for a long time.Did u like the story? Please rate it and post ur comments to me and one thing more, this story is not real. It’s just made by me for ur enjoyment.There is another information for all the readers that, I m a young call boy. I give services in all the areas of I.P.EXTENSION (Delhi) and other areas attached with it, with a nominal fees of just Rs. 130/- for 1hour and 30 minutes. I m quiet experienced in this job as I have satisfied around six girls through this facility.So, any married / unmarried women, unsatisfied aunty or a girl above 15 years of age desiring for a soft core or hardcore sex can mail me.Your secrecy / privacy would be maintained at any cost and the satisfaction of sex would be guaranteed by me.You have to just pick up ur computer and mail me ur comments to [email protected] enjoy, because life fucks everyone!!
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