The observation started when I was just a boy. I would be in the bathroom, brushing my teeth or getting ready for the day in some fashion, and Mother would just waltz on in. She’d hike her skirt, or pull down her pants, plop herself down on the toilet, and pee, as if it were perfectly natural to do that in front of her young son. Finished, she would smile, wipe, and wash her hands, often giving me a peck on the cheek as she left. She did this right up till the day she left us for another man, another life. I have not seen her since. I was 10…As I grew older, I found that I often thought about Mother and her bathroom habits. The thought of any girl having a tinkle…even the sound of a toilet flushing would excite me in a vague way. I would secretly thrill, if I saw a girl who was in obvious desperation mode, or if I overheard the schoolgirls chatter, and someone would excite that she needed to “go”. I never thought these thoughts about guys…only female urination, or the association of such things interested me.
I would listen outside the door when my older sister Sharon went for a pee, and would invariably get hard, as I listened to her flow drilling into the standing water. She caught me outside the door once, gave me a disgusted look and told me that she was going to tell Dad, but I don’t think she ever did. Of course, that didn’t stop me…I was just more cautious after that. It was even better when her friends would come over. The sound of their golden flow splashing in MY toilet was almost too much to bear. This was the very same toilet that accepted my own waste just before or after. I often wished I could watch, rather than just listen.My fetish grow stronger as I grew into adulthood. I found myself taking bolder chances to hear the liquid of my desire as it spurted from the female form into the white porcelain waters.
In college, I would often sneak into the women’s room lateat night and hide in an end stall, hoping for midnight visits from the girls. They would come, of course – and I would hear the sizzle of their piss, and even their occasional dainty grunts and eventually plops as their solid waste slip from inside their bodies. Often during these events, I would hear them tearing a package open, and know that their fingers were pushing tampons inside their soft bodies. I was intimate with many of my school mates most private matters, although none know that I was part of their daily and monthly rituals.I dated and bedded girls during this time of my life, but never told them of my fetish, knowing that they would leave in disgust…and I would be labeled a sick pervert. I desperately wanted to share my fansies and fetishes, but couldn’t bring myself to openly admit my odd desires to anyone.
After college, I went on into the business world and became a successful marketing manager for several firms in the south. I dated women off and on but none seemed like a perfect fit to me. A few came close, but there was always something missing…and only I knew what that was.A decade ago, I grew tired of Mumbai and the bigger firms that had made me a success. I took a chance and joined a small marketing firm in the Pacific Northwest. It was run by a younger husband/wife team who had a great rep in the industry. They were cutting edge and could have Easily grown into a much larger organization, but they preferred to stay small, and true to their vision. It was refreshing to work for such a firm, with only 9 employees, but it was more a feeling that I had found a home…and a shared vision. This was where I was meant to be.
The owners – Anjali and Rakesh – welcomed me and my ideas. We became friends as well as associates, and the business thrived. After 5 years, they offered me a partnership.About a year ago, Rakesh passed away. It was a shock to everyone, as he was still young – only 38. This was a sad timefor all of us, but especially Anjali – as she and Rakesh were such a team in every way. After Rakesh’s death, I spent almost all my free time with Anjali and comfortable her in whatever way I could. I tried to cheer her with day hikes or dinners out, theater performances. She talked about Rakesh when she could. She spoke of their dreams and how it was all coming together for them. I suppose it was inevitable that we became closer during this time, but I didn’t see it until one night as we sat in my living room sipping wine and talking of trivial things. It was she who broke the ice.”I miss him”, she said.”I do, too.” I countered. And I mean it.
She giggled slightly as I watched her mind drift into some memory that I would never know. After a few moments, I saw her eyes re-focus and she turned to star at me with a silly little grin.”Yes?” I said. “Can I help you?” She blushed a bit and dropped her eyes to look into the red wine.”You saved me, you know.”I was a bit unsure what she meant, so I said nothing.”I would never have been able to make it through these past few months without your help. It’s meant a lot to me.”I was contemplating a reply, but she didn’t give me time to do so as she continued to speak.”i’ve really enjoyed our one-on-one time together. I…I know that you have too.”I had. smiled at her to let her know that she was right.
“I feel as though we have grown much closer to one another recently. Would you mind sitting next to me?” I certainly didn’t mind. “It’s my pleasure, Anjali.” I moved next to her and put my hand in hers. She was silent for a time, but then continued.” Karan, there are things I need to tell you, and yet I’m afraid to say what I really mean…but if I don’t right now, I may never have the Courage to say them, ever.””I’ma good listener.” I said. And I smiled again. I waited for her to begin and saw her struggle with what she was about to say, but at last, her words tumbled from her.”Rocky and I had an amazing life together. We had a connection that went beyond love…beyond lust, even. As much as I miss his daily presence, I miss our sexual life nearly as much.”
This was uncharted territory. We had never discussed intimacy in any form.”We experienced life in ways that most people might envy, and our sexual life would likely be described as adventuresome, at least.” “Am I making you uncomfortable?””No” I stammered. Uncomfortable was not precisely the word I would have used.”I’m interested in what you have to say, Anjali – please continue.” I was most definitely interested. She looked at me for a while and then spoke.”How open are you sexually?” This was an unexpected question and I thought carefully about myresponse.”More open than you might think. I’m not a COMPLETELY vanilla person, you know.”
I smiled at her, but my heart was pounding so loudly I would have been surprised if she couldn’t hear it herself. My hands were starting to sweat, and my cock was most definitely stirring to life.”I’m acting ridiculous, Karan. I should stop right now.”
That was NOT going to happen.”Please don’t stop, Anjali. If it’s any consolation to you, I have wanted to talk with you more intimately for a while, but did not know how to breach the subject. Besides, I was concerned that you would feel I had broken your trust.” “Nonsense…I trust you completely. I’m just concerned that what I might tell you will, well…scare you away.” Her hand broke from mine and she caressed my leg.”Tell me, Anjali.”She looked into my eyes. I could see that she was in the middle of a quandary, but after a moment or two, she seemed to know what to do.”You know…I don’t think words will tell you the whole story.” And with those words still floating in the air, she leaned towards me and kissed me deep and strong. A lovers kiss, a password kiss that I joined in with all my being. I could see that there was much more of her behind that kiss, and I fully intended on finding what was hidden there.
She broke the kiss and spoke into my ear.”i’ve struggled to tell you this for weeks now. I want you, Karan. Please let me talk with my body. If you’re uncomfortable, just tell me to stop.”She kissed me again with her soft lips and sweet breath. Our mouths opened and we drank of each other as her hands wrapped around my neck and pulled me even closer. I held her, but knew that she wanted to take the lead, so I allowed her to control the connection. Her kiss spoke volumes. She released me, but continued to nibble my lip and then her tongue danced over my teeth and lips.
She eventually backed away and stood in front of me. With a small movement, she nudged her silent dress from her shoulders and allowed it to slide to the floor. She stood in front of me dressed in heels and perhaps the most erotic set of panties and bra I had ever seen. My engaged cock formed a tent in my pants. There was no hiding my approval. There was certainly no need for words from either of us.
She flowed back to me and straddled my lap and sat facing me, with the heat of her groin caressing my enrapped cock. Her arms surrounded me and she rubbed her face against my neck. She looked into my eyes…and I fell into hers.My hands found the clasp of her bra and I released it. She leaned back and her soft, beautiful breasts broke free of their cups. She sat straighter and leaned back, offering her breasts to me. I leaned in and took her right breast in my hand and her left one in my mouth, tasting her nipple as it hardened. As Iswirled her bud with my tongue she found my belt buckle and deftly undid it, as well as the button of my pants. She scooted back slightly and unzipped me then continued to slide off of me, pulling me up as she stood.
As soon as I stood, my pants dropped. I stepped out of them as she unbuttoned my shirt…nibbling my neck all the while. With my shirt open, she rubbed my chest with both hands and effortlessly removed my shirt completely.She pushed me down to the couch and knelt in front of me. Tracing the outline of my cock with her fingers, she and leaned close enough for me to feel the heat of her breath, even through my underwear. She moved closer still, until she brushed her lips against the straining fabric. I watched, entered, as she made my cock throb with need for escape.
She reached on either side of me and removed my underwear, flipping it nonchalantly to the floor. I leaned back with my distended and pulsing cock waving in the air, her lips just afraction of an inch away. A drop of lubricant slide from the tip and drooled down the head as she breathed on it and waited for her precision moment.
In one amazing moment, she opened her mouth and took me right down to my balls and then swallowed…twice…three times, massaging me with her throat. She then started Rocking up and down, fucking me deep into her throat each time. I had never felt anything so intense. She made it infinitely clear that she was not going to stop until she got what she wanted. As she moved up and down, I knew I couldn’t last long with this intense blowjob…and started groaning…Her own sounds added to this blowjob symphony and too soon I moaned that I was going to cum. She went deep and swallowed twice more. With her second swallow, I blasted deep down into her throat with spurt after spurt of my hot load. As my orgasm diminished, she slowly let me slip out, until my still thick cock rested on her mouth, the last of my cumNow oozing onto her red lips. She milked the last gob from me with her hand, licked it from my cock and looked into my eyes.” That was perfect, Karan. You gave me just what I needed.” I was almost too blown away to speak. I grinned at her and pulled her up towards me, where I hugged her and spoke into her ear.
“You are amazing, Anjali.” I moved us both so I could look at her face. A spot of cum rested below her bottom lip. She had missed it when she had licked away the rest. I kissed her with true password, and tasted the sweet salty remnants of my cream as our tongues danced together.She released me and stood, telling me that there was more that she wanted, but she needed to pee first. And did I want to join her?Now let me tell you, I had just been given the most intense blowjob of my life by a sexy woman 10 years my junior, who I just adored…and now she wanted me to join her as she peed? My cock instantly twitched and grow…which she noticed immediately.She grinned. “I see that appeals to you, Karan.” That was the understatement of the millennium.”Oh yes. That appeals to me more than you could ever imagine.” Should I admit this long hidden observation? It was now or never.”Truth told, I have an almost unnatural desire to watch you pee. I can’t think of anything I want more.”
“Well good! Because I do have to go! Come with me to the bathroom, quickly!” She took me by the hand, and I eagerly followed. Her ass looked delicious in those panties as it sweepled gently with each step. I felt my cock growing harder as we climbed the stairs and got closer to the bathroom. When we reached our destination, she did not sit immediately down on the toilet, but instead walked towards the sink. She turned around and leaned against it and asked me to pull her panties down. “But do it slowly, please.” “Anything you wish, Anjali.” I went to my knees and caressed her silky legs with my fingers and palms. I rubbed my face against her upper thighs. I could smell her feminine secretions and know that her recent blowjob had excited her almost as much as it had excited me. When I looked at her panties, I could see a thin line of wetness where she had released her lubrication – absorbed by the cotton shield inside. With one hand on her thigh, my other moved north across her hard flat tummy and pushed slightly.”ooohh, I really have to go….”
Those words went right to my cock, which pulsed in anticipation of the show that was soon to begin. I took her cotton panties in my hands and slowly pulled them down around her hips so I could just see the upper triangle of her public hair, but not her swollen lips. I stopped there and took the opportunity to touch the soft gusset and experience my first feel of her pussy. Her legs parted a little and I gently cupped her mound, sensing the incredible heat emanating from her sex.
It was now or never. I looked up to her face.”Anjali, I want to see you pee in your panties. Just wet them a little.”She was biting her lower lip, but she looked at me and nodded in agreement. She shut her eyes and I quickly looked back down at her mound. In a few moments, she tilted her crotch towards me and spoke my name.As she spoke, I saw her release just enough pee to completely soak the material covering her pussy. A glistening drip of yellow formed and hung from her panties. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen. I touched the drop and it fell across my fingers.
“Was that what you wanted? Did I wet them enough?”I looked up again and she was smiling down at me.”Oh yes. That was wonderful.” “Good. But my bladder is seriously about to burst. Stopping that flow was next to impossible. I need to pee badly. Take my panties off, now.”I reached up and pulled them off her tight ass and down her legs. She stepped out of them and flipped them away with her toe. Her shaft was perfect. Her engaged pussy lips were framed by the salty wetness clinging to her public hair. She lifted herself up and sat with her ass in the sink. She pulled the on the stopper lever and plugged the drain.
“This should give you better view, don’t you think?” This was the moment I had been waiting for. All those years of listening through walls, curtains and doors, dreaming of it morning, noon and night…and here I was, kneeing in front of Anjali’s pussy, waiting for her to piss…in a sink, yet. My cock was rock hard.She spread her legs wide and I watched, transfixed, as her lips unsealed with a small sound When they separated.I watched as her body transitioned from strained desperation, to the moment of relaxation just before the imminent release.”Here it comes.”I moved closer. I was touching the inside of her tigh with my left hand and firmly held my hard cock with my rightt. This was it.She dribbled for a second or two and then her bladder released the flood of my desire. It shot out of her with sheer force and splattered against the front of the sink, spraying everywhere at once, including my face. The sound was beautiful. I saw her clip dancing over her pee hole as she slowly filled the sink. When there was just enough pee in the bowl, she moved her crotch back so she could aim her stream to drill into the standing fluid. I could see it splash back to her pussy and against her ass. She pissed a quart or more, and just as her stream started to slow, she clamped off the last of it before she was completely spent. Three golden drops fell from her luscious lower lips. I felt myself pumping my cock. I must have been doing that all along.
The deep aroma of her fresh urine was a heady elixir to me. I was drunk from the experience. This was amazing. This was everything I had hoped it would be.She scooted forward with her ass on the edge of the counterand leaned back. Her legs were wide open and her entire crotch was shining with splattered piss.”Lick me clean, Karan.” Although this had never been part of the dream, there was no need to ask twice. I leaned in and started by licking across the top of her mound – above her hair. I moved to each side and cleaned her inner tighs before zoning in on her soaked mons and slit. I sucked the urine from her short curly hair and then lapped over and between her lips. As I did, the flavor changed from her salty piss to creamy female lubrication. I wanted to taste it all, so I reached back with my tongue, Caressing her anus and then moved across her vagina to swirl around her clip. Then back across again to her crinkled anus – each time, gathering and drinking the cream as it sawed from her secret places. As I worked her pussy from clip to ass, I heard her moaning deep and long as her mind processed the feelings. I used my mouth and covered her full pussy and flicked her clip with my tongue in quick movements. I felt it stiffen, like a miniature cock, just before she came. She reached forward and grabbed my hair just as she started to buck. I remained attached to her as body convulsed in orgasm…with wave after wave of bliss pounding through her entire being. Her pussy was pulsing inside of my mouth and her clitoral cum released yet another flavor that I eagerly drank from the source.
Her orgasm slowly dissolved, so I disengaged my mouth from her pussy, and rested my face against her tigh.”Oh my God, Karan. Oh my God. That was so intense…”As she spoke, I stood up and moved towards her. My thick cock rubbed against her pussy as our mouths joined in yet another password kiss. When we broke contact she spoke again.”I need you inside me.”She slipped off the edge of the counter and we both looked down into the sink, half filled with her pungent urine. She hesitated for the briefest moment then dipped her fingers into the amber liquid and brought them to her mouth, sucking them clean. She reached back and released the lever that held her golden gift. We both watched her waters as they swirled down the drain.To be continued…Waiting for responses, based on responses I shall continue. Girls/ladies/aunties can mail me at [email protected]…
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