This is a true story. One night me and a few of my female cousins were all just hanging out drinking or whatever and we got on the discussion of sex, which was nothing new we always talked about sex every time we all got together but before this night we had never done anything with each other. As the night grow we were starting to get more and more into the conversation and drinker from the more alcohol consumption. One of my cousins in particular is very pretty and she has the biggest tits I have ever personally seen and she was the semi ring leader of the sex conversation. There was a knock on the door and it was a couple of guys of which who were not of any relationship to us so they started drinking along with us and joined in on the conversation, so as it got later I could see one of the guys giving my cousin (let’s call her rachel) the eye and she was eyeing him back so she got up and went to the back and so did the other guy. Well it was really late and everyone had started to go their separate ways but I had to wait on rachel b/c she was riding with me. Meanwhile, my cousins’ whose house we were at( let’s call her Freda) called me into the back so I went in their and she was telling me how horny the conversation had made her and was upset b/c her period was on I had to pee really bad so I use her bedroom bathroom I didn’t close the door behind me and I started peeing it was really loud, she was like damn you sound like a horse pissing on concrete I said well I’m hung like a horse and we both laughed. I really couldn’t believe I told her that but we kept laughing and when I got finished she was standing behind me, she said that she wanted to see if I was hung like a horse so I showed her my 8.5 inch long penis which is really fat she said ooooohhh boy. I put it back in my pants and she said why did you do that and that she wanted to touch it, I was drunk she was drunk so I let her touch it it was hard as a bag of rocks she dropped down on her knees and took it in her mouth her mouth was hot and wet she was slurpin and sucking immediately I leaned back on the bathroom countertop and enjoyed as she was almost taking my whole 8.5 down her throat it felt so good she kept on slurpin and I started to let out low moans as I could feel my balls tingling with excitement I told her I was about to cum giving her a fair warning instead of blowing my load off in her mouth not that she would have minded just being curteous she kept slurpin my moaning was getting slightly louder and just as I was about to blow my load her son opened the door I couldn’t help it I was stunned as I blew my load in his moms face she told him to get out but he just stood there as her face was covered in cum, I turned away and cleaned off her son left out of the room and it was a very ackward moment we didn’t say anything I left out of the room as she cleaned her face off. When I got into the living room Rachel was sitting on the couch half waiting waiting on me I asked her if she was ready to go she said yes so we left. As we were on the way to her house my mind was wrapped around what had just happened with Freda and also what Rachel and the guy were doing in the back but for a while nothing was said and all of a sudden I reached out and put my hand on Rachel’s thigh and told her how I had always fantasized about being with her putting my lips on her big tits and even eating her pussy she was looking directly at me and she never attempted to move my had, she said really how long have you had these fans I said since we were kids she asked me why didn’t I ever say anything I told her I didn’t know how to tell my cousin I wanted to fuck the shit out of her and suck her big tits, and we both laughed so by that time we were pulling up to Rachel’s house she asked me if I wanted to come in I know where this was going and I said yes of course she said that I would have to wait b/c she had nosey neighbors and she did not want her HUSBAND to find out, yes Rachel is married her husband works away for 2 weeks at a time so he couldn’t catch us but nosey neighbors could tell him so she came to the door and signed for me to come in we were sitting on the couch looking at tv it was already late so I didn’t want to waste anymore time so I started touching her thigh again and by this time she had put on a night gown so I was rubbing bare tigh as I went up further I realized she was wearing any panties my heart starting beating really fast and the bulge in my pants grow bigger she reach over and touched it I thought I was going to blow my load right there in my jeans. We started hard passwordately kissing I went down to those huge mounds and started sucking on them she just about went crazy moaning very loud saying how good it felt from hearing her moan I like to blew my load again so not wanting to waste time I went straight for the goal. Her pussy was shaken with justa v-shaped strip of hair it had no smell at all I played around with her clip with my tongue and she really like it b/c she started bucking like a bronco her pussy was very wet and I could tell she had already came b/c she settled for a while but then started back I was really enjoying having my face buried down between her legs giving her all that she could stand and my dick was getting harder and harder it seemed not know how she would feel about me sticking my big dick in her I started putting on a condom as I had my face still buried in her snatch and them with one movement I thrusted upon her and jammed my dick in her wet slick whole she almost bit her tongue off her pussy was so hot and wet before I knew it I was shooting my load off, I was kind of embarrased b/c I usually last longer she said it was ok b/c she knew her pussy was good and wet and we laughed it off I rolled over and laid their she must have been more spent than me b/c before I could ask her how it was for her she was sound sleep. I put my clothes on and left I called her the next day and she wanted to know when we were gonna do it again and we have been fucking ever since then and that was about 10 years ago.
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