Are you all sickoS in here !

Snoochies said:

This isn’t the place for it but…..

I don’t believe in god because after 9 years of catholic school in which I had 45 minutes of religion class a day (including tests and quizzes) you really get to KNOW the bible. When you have to scrutinize it (the way a person does with a text they’re being tested on) and memorize it and know every detail and study the same sections over and over and over you begin to notice how inconsistent it is. How far fetched. How poorly written. You can’t study the bible as well as I have and not have some SERIOUS questions that no one can answer without saying “you just have to have faith” or “it’s true because it’s in the bible…that’s just the way it happened”. That’s not enough for me. I’ve always been the kind of person who asks questions and if I can’t get an answer Igo find my own. In the case of religion I continued to study the bible because I had to for class. But my parents encouraged me to research other religions (in hopes I would find one that suited me). And, after all those years of research and questioning I decided I was agnostic. I didn’t care if any of them were right and I didn’t care if there was any kind of god. Then one day I realized that I was Only claiming to be agnostic because it’s not as contrasting as being an atheist. So one day I finally came to terms with who I am and declared myself an atheist. I’ve never regretted it and I’ve never looked back.

And might I add that most (if not all) of the religions in the world think THEY are right and everyone else is going to hell for not believing or believing something else. Someone (possibly everyone) has to be wrong.

I’m also against believe in something simply because I’m afraid of the alternative. “god fearning” is not a phrase that makes me want to jump up and join any little groups. Perhaps I’d be more receptive if it wasn’t for the fact that nearly every religious person is the same faith as their parents. I mean doesn’t that SAY something? In my mind it’s just a matter of brainwashing. “Get ’em while they’re young”. If religions TRULY had something to offer people would be more encouraged to find their own faith instead of just believing what they were raised to believe.Click to expand…


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