The Twins: And Teacher by Alberta Graham

LLP-346 The Twins: And Teacher by Alberta Graham

Chapter 1

Miss Appleton carefully pinned up her long dark hair before leaving her
apartment for her first class of the day. Reflected in the mirror, she
saw a pretty oval face with deep-set blue eyes fringed with long dark
lashes. Her creamy complexion needed almost no make-up, and Alice
contented herself with applying just the slightest bit of lip gloss to
her small but perfectly formed lips. The somber-toned charcoal-grey
dress molded well to Alice Appleton’s curvaceous figure, but not too
closely. Alice preferred the more conservative approach to everything,
and she knew that she was admitted at the school because of it. She was
an excellent teacher of English, and the young twenty-three year old
took great pride in her work with the boys of the Scotsdale School.
This was the attractive brunette’s second year now at the school, and
Alice felt that she would like to stay for a long, long while.
It was easy to spend most of her time studying, planning lessons, and
Correcting papers. That way the pretty dark-haired teacher had little
time to think of the past. Even so, however, there were moments when
that past pressed into the present, bringing with it unwanted memories.
This was one of those disturbing moments, and Alice blinked her eyes
rapidly at her own reflection in the mirror, when she realized that she
was no longer thinking of the class that was to come, but of him.
Martin’s hands running over her soft exposed skin, there in the fresh
night air; the feel of the blanket beneath her; the longing in her
loins as she felt him pressed closer and closer to her trembling body.
How good it had been to lie back, her head feeling the bumps of the
grass against the blanket and up above, beyond Martin’s hovering form,
the night sky and the stars, and then the feel of her skirt being
pulled up, the sound of her own acquirescent sight as her flimsy silk
panties were eased down over her trembling thighs, and she knew what
was going to happen. The way her legs had parted–or had he parted them
with his own–and then her closed eyes, the naked heat of him against
her, and the awful pushing pain. Her cry of fear rising to the night,
and then the pleasure, the powerful, moving pleasure filling every
portion of her quivering young body, making her know that she could,
indeed she would live forever as long as she remained in Martin’s arms.
“OH GOD!” Alice turned away from the mirror and curried into the small
bathroom that all the teachers’ apartments had. There she dabbed witch
hazel on her face with little cotton squares, feeling the cooling
liquid bring her back to normal. The trembling of her legs had ceased,
and Alice felt she would be able to go to her class now. She reminded
herself firmly that Martin and all that was finished, far behind her.
She was no longer a foolish eighteen year old, silly enough to fall for
the phony promises of a man older and more cunning than she. No, there
were no men in Alice’s life now, and there had been none since Martin,
and that was the way she wanted it. Much better to enjoy her quiet but
rewarding life as a teacher, than to risk everything for a man’s
unfaithful caresses.
Refreshed and determined, Alice made her way from her apartment in the
left wing of the main building of the private boys’ school, the central
portion of which housed some of the boys’ dorms on the top floors and
most of the classrooms on the lower floors. The left wing was in
reality a recently built extension to the main building, designed
Specifically to house the faculty members who lived on campus.
“Morning, Miss Appleton.”
“Nice day, Miss Appleton!”
“You’re looking lovely today, Miss Appleton.”
Alice blushed and said thank you to Mr. Boyse who was the last person
she passed in the corridor that lead to her classroom. A fellow-
teacher, she couldn’t bring herself to be rude to him, even though she
often wanted to tell him that his personal remarks were unnecessary.
For some reason, though, today Miss Appleton didn’t mind Mr. Boyse’s
remark as much as she might have. He was harmless enough, and there was
no danger whatsoever that the chemistry teacher would seek a more
intimate relationship with her. Yes, Miss Appleton felt quite safe at
the school, and it was a relief to know that she was secure at all
There was a special little lift to her feelings today, however, as
Alice entered her classroom. She was a few minutes later than usual, it
being her habit to arrive a good fifteen minutes early in order to
greet the boys on their arrival and prepare her papers and books. Today
Several of her students were already in their seats, and Alice was
Pleased to note that the Larsen twins were among them. Such good boys!
she thought as she greeted them with her sunniest smile, a smile
reserved only for her best students, and never, for example, for a
teaching colleague.
As she sat down at her big oak desk, being sure to pull her sensible-
length charcoal-grey skirt down over her knees, Alice thought she knew
Why she was feeling that little lift. It was certainly because of the
papers that the Larsen twins had handed in, and which she had read
plesurably the night before. Miss Appleton had had them read their
composition papers to the class two weeks before, and as she bent her
pretty dark head over the current assignment, Alice decided that she
must have them repeat this performance.
Gradually the classroom filled, and Alice pretended not to notice the
little whispers and scuffles that always were a prelude to the final
bell. When the bell rang however, the students were always forced to
observe the most rigid silence, as Alice Appleton stood and seriously
Surveyed them from behind her desk.
“Good morning, boys!” she said now, taking them in one by one, noting
by each boy’s expression whether or not he was likely to have shirked
on his homework.
“Good morning, Miss Appleton!” the boys chorused back.
Miss Appleton was in her element.
“First of all,” she began, strolling over to the large windows that
lined one side of the room, “we will collect your homework assignment
… the two describe paragraphsabout an art work of your choice.”
Knowing that the art department of the school was particularly poor,
Alice had enjoyed taking her class to the local museum, and she was
looking forward to their comments on the paintings and sculpture they
had seen there.
“Do I have a volunteer?” she asked, turning away from the pleasant view
of green fields and trees below to face her class. “Yes, Tim, you may
collect the papers,” she smiled, an absent-minded, thoughtful smile
that made it clear to all who observed her that she was thinking of
Many important things related to her teaching.
A short while later, Alice was once more seated at her desk. She looked
up as Tim arrived carrying the sheaf of papers. Tim’s blue eyes held
Miss Appleton’s for a brief second before Alice turned away.
“How many did you count, Tim?” she asked.
“Fourteen, Miss Appleton,"; Tim replied.
“Fourteen? There are fifteen students in this class. Will the boy who
did not do his homework please raise his hand?”
“I didn’t, Miss Appleton,” Tim admitted. He was looking at the soft
swelling of his teacher’s breasts, two large mounds of flesh that
seemed to want to escape the drag coverings that Miss Appleton always
gave them. He thought about them now with considerable interest,
Comparing them mentally with what he know his father’s ex-wife’s
breasts had looked like. Of course, it was all imagine at the moment,
but Tim was confident that soon he would be able to make the
comparison, yes, he and Bennie both would know whether Miss Appleton’s
breasts were prettier than old Carolyn’s had been.
“You, Tim?” Alice was shocked, and the glasses that she had been about
to place on her almost upturned nose fell to the desk. "But … I don’t
understand. Do you have a good reason Tim? I’ve never known you to
shirk your duty!”
“Uh … not really Miss Appleton,” the blond thirdteen year old reply.
The class sniggered and Alice looked up sharply. Recovering her
composure, she spoke with renewed authority. “We’ll have to discuss
This after class, Tim. You know that.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Tim replied, turning to go back to his seat.
Throughout the rest of the class, Alice felt flushed and perturbed. It
was so unlike the Larsen boy not to have done his homework, and then
Not to have a decent excuse at that! The whole thing was very
unsettling, and Alice hurried through the day’s lesson, postponing her
suggestion that the twins read their short stories to the class until
Another time.
When finally the last bell rang, Alice gave a particularly long
homework assignment which was greeted by groans from her students.
Ignoring the groans, the pretty twenty-three year old bid the boys
good-day and began to leaf through a poetry book that was usually on
her desk. The title swam before her eyes, Love Poems of William
Shakespeare. The title was decidedly embarrassing, Miss Appleton
decided once and for all as she waited for the classroom to empty. But
There had been something special about the book when she’d first seen
it in the bookstore, that had made her buy it. Perhaps, she thought,
she would cover it, and that way she would not be faced with the rather
blunt title every day.
“Miss Appleton?” Tim waved good-bye to his brother Bennie and stood
watching Alice Appleton with curious interest. How long he had been
standing there observing her, Alice could not tell, but she decided
that she was angry. Yes, she was angry with Tim Larsen, and she was
going to let him know it in no uncertain terms.
“Tim Larsen! What do you have to say for yourself? I must say I am
terribly disappointed in you. As you know you and your brother have
have been at the head of this class, and I certainly expect you of all
people to set a good example for the others!”
For the first time in his third years, Tim understand the expression
that he’d read and heard on television couched as a joke: You’re
beautiful when you’re angry! For Alice Appleton was most certainly
beautiful at this very moment, Tim thought, far more beautiful than his
former stepmother who had never been pretty when she was angry, which
was quite often.
No, Miss Appleton was something special, that was for sure, and Tim was
glad that he and Bennie had chosen her for their little experiment. She
would make a perfect subject!
“Well, you see, Miss Appleton …" Tim began, then hesitated. He would
have to make this turn out just right for his purposes.
“Yes, Tim? Yes?” Alice was anxious to hear something, anything from the
boy that would help restore her faith in him.
“I … uh … Well, none of the paintings and stuff turned me on enough
to write about them.”
Miss Appleton was generally worried. “But … that’s just not
possible!” she declared. “A boy so sensitive … so …”
“My stepmother always said, Art is bunk!” Tim was stealing it from
something he’d learned in history. It was Henry Ford’s infamous remark
that “history is bunk”. Actually old Carolyn had never opened her mouth
to either one of the boys about a subject as lofty as art, and Tim had
no idea what his father’s ex-wife thought about the subject. His
statement produced exactly the right effect, however, for Miss Appleton
replied, “Why, you poor boy … I … I mean … Didn’t I read in your
record that your father is, uh, no longer married to … uh … your
“Yeah, they got divided just a little bit ago … that’s when we came
to this school!” Tim guessed what Miss Appleton was thinking, and he
was quite accurate.
Poor children … no decent guidelines. What kind of woman must their
stepmother have been? And now to have no one at all. I’ve been
neglecting my job. Tim and Bennie both need special care … special
attention and guidance. Such bright boys … but unfortunately there are
other areas in which their education has been lacking. Why, I might be
able to influence these boys so that they go on and do great things.
By the time Tim left Miss Appleton, it had been all arranged that he
and Bennie were to have private tutoring sessions with their English
teacher twice a week during their usual study hour.
Tim rushed to the cafeteria where he found Bennie in line for the early
lunch shift.
“She bought it! We’re in!” he declared to his identified twin.
“Great, we’ll activate the formula this afternoon!” Bernie was
enthusiastic, and his heart pounded in his chest as he stood in line
for the luncheon of Salisbury steak, mashed potatoes and peas that was
offered by the school that day.
Without speaking another word about it over their lunch, each twin knew
that the other was thinking about the manner in which their father’s
ex-wife had reacted to the first crude version of the ‘formula’ they
made, using a recipe they’d found in one of her erotic books.
There was no doubt about the success of their own primitive
aphrodisiac, as the still smoldering memories of each boy were enough
to spur them on to a more perfected version, a perfect formula, in
Later on they passed Mr. Boyse in the hall. “Going to the lab, boys?”
he inquired.
“Yes, Mr. Boyse, we still have some notes to take on our experiment.”
“Great, boys, that’s just fine! One day you’ll be great scientists.”
“Maybe, Mr. Boyse!”
Ed Boyse looked down at the two serious faces that were upturned to
his. Such dedication he read in their eyes. “Perhaps, one day you’ll do
me the great honor of letting me in on the details of your current
experiment!” the thirty-three year old chemistry teacher said with a
The boys retired down the hall, and Tim waved back at their congenial
teacher. “Maybe someday we will, Mr. Boyse!” he called.
* * *
The next afternoon, Alice brought to school her big beautiful Skira art
books, and she’dalready marked out several sections that she planned
to discuss with Tim and Bennie. She knew that she was correct in
planning these little special sessions for both of the twins because of
Bennie’s paper. Why it was almost worse than no paper at all! The boy
said such disparaging things about the masterpiece they’d seen that day
in the museum that it was clear he needed some guidance.
The pretty dark-haired teacher sat in the empty study room, at one of
the small desk seats designed for the students. They were all in a row
and connected to one another in a pattern that stretched back, filling
the entire room. When not used for study, this room was used as a small
lesson hall and sometimes movies were shown there rather than in the
larger auditorium. Alice was looking forward to seeing the boys even
though she’d already seen them earlier that morning in English class.
But this wasdifferent … more meaningful, really, and she felt the
odd little lift to her spirits that made her feel more alive, more
vital than usual.
When at last the door opened and the two blond youths walked in, Alice
was surprised to feel her blood racing in her veins. They were such
handsome children, and she in a sense represented their salvation. Much
later they would go out into the world as much more complete human
beings, as men, because of her tutoring.
“We brought you a present, Miss Appleton!” Tim and Bennie chorused as
They approached Alice’s seat.
“Oh! How sweet,” Alice cried, “An apple for the teacher … but this
one is glazed isn’t it?” Alice took the large bright shiny fruit and
turned it in her palm. Little tears of gratitude formed in her eyes.
Obviously the boys realized what she was trying to do for them.
“Yes, we glazed it ourselves,Miss Appleton, in the kitchen. The cook
let us.”
“What entrepreneurial children … uh, I mean, young men!” Alice said,
placing the apple on her arm rest.
“But aren’t you going to eat it?” Bennie asked, his blue eyes wide.
“Why … uh why yes, of course. Now you boys sit down … one on either
side of me. I’ve brought some books for us to look at. I’m sure you’ll
find them fascinating as I do. My, this is delicious.”
The twins’ eyes met triumphantly as Alice took several large bites from
the specially glazed apple.
“It’s a special recipe, Miss Appleton,” Tim said, “Oh … what’s that
picture there?”
The tutoring session was going so well, that Alice felt her head
swimming. The extremely reproduced photographs began to blur before
her eyes, and sometimes she was seeing the images in triplicate. In
addition the twins were crowding in close to her on either side to see
the book that was spread before her, and on more than one occasion one
of their small hands brushed hers as she turned the pages or as they
were admiring a picture. On her right side, Miss Appleton became
Increasedly aware of Tim as he moved closer and closer to her, his arm
pressing against hers, his soft, hairless chef almost touching hers;
While on her left side Bennie began to rub his arm slowly along the
length of hers.
Abruptly, Alice stood up, letting the expensive book fall to the floor
of the study hall. “Oh … I … I think I must go back to my apartment
boys … I’m not feeling terribly well. Something … something seems
to be wrong!”
The twins leaves to their feet and insisted upon accompanying their
teacher back to her room. Students weren’t normally allowed in the
section reserved for facultimate, but Alice’s obvious pallor and the fact
that her students were assisting her in a moment of malaise suffered to
satisfied the one guard they encountered, who was in reality a kind of
glorified switchboard operator.
Alice was grateful for the boys’ help, for she was not at all certain
of herself. For one thing she keep getting hot and cold flashes and
Then there was the blurred vision. A strange and ominous tingling had
gotten hold of her arms and legs, and on her high heels her numbered feet
would have made many false steps had it not been for her solicitous
Students. When finally they arrived at a dark corridor and Miss
Appleton indicated that the door to her apartment was at the end of it,
she attempted to persuade them to leave, but they were not easily put
off. Tim and Bennie insisted upon seeing her safely in.
“I … I’ll be fine boys I just have to lie down … right now!” Alice
stumbled forward into the small living room with its walls lined with
books, and fall upon the studio couch that pulled out into a bed. Her
dark hair had become unraveled and the deep blue of her dress
contrary pleasantly with the plaid bedspread as the boys stand
eagerly by.
“Are you sure there’s nothing we can do for you, Miss Appleton? A glass
of water … an aspirin?”
Alice lay sprayed upon the studio couch, painfully aware that the boys
were watching her in this disheveled state, and embarrassed that she
did not seem to be able to get up. Her heart pounded and palpitated,
and the tingling that had begun in her hands and feet was spreading
Rapidly to the rest of her body. At first the tips of her breasts, and
Then the dark silky triangle hidden high between her thighs were the
recipients of the insane tingling. It was all she could do at first to
stop from touching herself to ease the irrepressible sensings that
were overcoming her. And then the pretty dark-haired teacher knew that
she could no longer hold out. She would go stark raving crazy in a
moment if she didn’t do something! In a sudden burst of energy that
frightened her two price pupils, Alice jumped up, running towards them,
her eyes with a dazed expression of incomprehension.
“OUT, OUT!” she cried, “You’ve got to get out!” Furiously she pushed at
them, and the boys, try as they might to resist, found themselves
forcibly evicted from their teacher’s apartment.
“But … but …” they stammered, but it was no use. The effects of the
formula within her system were only beginning and although strong,
Alice’s sense of the propriety was at the moment still strong enough to
protect her from the curious stars of the scheming third year olds.
Standing outside in the dark hallway, Tim and Bennie felt completely
defeated. How on earth were they going to find out the results of their
experiment if they couldn’t be around to see that was going on?
Bennie’s hand ran along the length of his hard-swollen penis, and he
saw Tim do the same as his eyes grew accustomed to the darkness.
“Maybe we can see in, the keyhole!” Tim suggested hopefully, and he
bent down to look. The keyhole did afford a glimpse into the brightly
lighted apartment, and Tim could even see a portion of the studio couch
“But I don’t see Miss Appleton anywhere!” he said aloud to Bennie.
“Probably doing it to herself in the bathroom!” Bennie offered by way
of explanation. He wanted to do it to himself right now too, the way he
felt. It was a terrible disappointment, getting all excited like that
and then being locked out!Neither he nor Bennie had known that
splendid sensing of a woman’s softly clinging cunt since the last
time they’d made love with their father’s wife right in her own
bedroom. That had sure been something!
Tim continued to star through the keyhole, hoping for a glimpse of
Miss Appleton at some point anyway. Bennie speak softly to his brother
while he keep watch.
“Remember old Carolyn, Tim? Remember how it was fucking her?”
“Yeah, sure,” Tim replied. “But I’ll bet Miss Appleton’s even better!”
“Yeah, Alice has class … old Carolyn was a nowhere chick!”
“Too bad we had to get rid of her, but it was really for Dad’s sake as
well as ours!” Tim mused.
There was still no sight of Alice through the keyhole, but both boys
had begun to massage their lustfully aching young penises in an attempt
to soothe their emotions. Just thinking of how they had tricked their
former stepmother, by putting some of their more primitive formula into
her toothpaste was making them even more excited than before.
“Yeah, Dad didn’t like her trying to get us to fuck her, did he?”
Bennie said softly. Up and down his hand rubbed harder and harder as he
leaned against the door to steady himself as the rising tide of desire
took hold.
“If only he knew that we’d already fucked her … but good!”
“HEY!” Tim suddenly cried. “I see her … critics … she’s stark naked
… what a pair of tits … what a …!”
“Lemme see … lemme see too…” Bennie crowded against his brother,
but was prevented from seeing anything by a deep voice that suddenly
spoke behind them.
“Who’s there?” Heavy footsteps approached, and the boys were soon
Standing and trying to look as innocent as possible under the
circumstances when Mr. Boyse appeared out of the dimness.
“Uh … good afternoon Mr. Boyse,” the boys gulped.
“Why, what are you boys doing here?” Ed Boyse asked. “Don’t you know
you aren’t allowed in this section?”
“Why, yes,” Tim began. “We … uh.”
“Miss Appleton wasn’t feeling very well, so we helped her to get back
here,” Bennie added.
“Not feeling well?” Ed Boyse thought about how fine Alice had looked
When he’d seen her earlier in the day. He’d thought he’d stop by to
borrow a book, just so that he could get to see her again, in fact, and
Perhaps talk to her a little, break down some of that frigid reserve of
“Well, you boys run along. I’ll just check and see if there’s anything
I can do for her!” The chemistry teacher was thinking that he knew
Precisely what he’d like to do for Alice Appleton, and that was
probably precisely what she needed too!
“I said run along now, boys!” For some reason, Ed wanted the boys to
Leave before he knocked on Alice’s door. Probably because he didn’t
feel like being a teacher just then, after all, he was in the faculty
wing and he had completed all his classes for that day. He was a
‘civilian’ now, so to speak.
Tim and Bennie hesitated for as much longer as they dared and then
reluctantly turned to walk back down the hall.
“And by the way, boys … you left the cover off your guinea pigs this
morning. Got to watch that kind of thing, you know!” One last reminder
that they were lowly students in the faculty wing and the boys hurried
away from Mr. Boyse’s sight.

Chapter 2

The knock at the door was terrifying and yet Alice had the wild feeling
that help was at hand. Whoever it was … whatever it was … somehow
she would be better off than she had been so far, locked in what had
becomes the claustrophobic walls of her small apartment, all of her
terrors and desires loosed as though she had been drugged, or as though
she had suddenly lost her mind. In her frantic attempt to ascertain
what was wrong with her, she’d recalled reading an article about
hallucinogenics and their effects. What she was feeling now was a lot
like that, and yet there was more to it, much more.
Her clothes lay straight throughout the apartment, and in the bedroom,
lay the brush, the horrid, wicked hair brush which she had just
withdrawn from the peculiarly unassuaged depths of her dark-curl-
covered pussy.
“Oh God, oh God … the door … I’ve got to … got to get something
The knock came again as Alice looked desperately for something with
which to cover her cream-white nakedness. The terrycloth robe tied in
front and was easy to put on, but Alice was in such a state that she
didn’t even realize that she hadn’t closed it all the way. So that when
she opened the door to Scotsdale’s chemistry teacher, Mr. Boyse, Alice
presented a picture so outrageously stunning that Ed was left
speechless for a long moment.
The tall dark-haired teacher of chemistry could see nothing but the
absolutely wanton beauty of the female whom he had previously known as
pretty and prim, but had never, not even in his wildest fansies,
envisioned like this. Worthy of the most avant-garde French film
director, Alice’s dark hair tumbled to her shoulders in sharp contrast
with the stark white of her terrycloth robe. The robe was fastened, but
it hung loosely so that Ed could see the full tantalizing plump mounds
of Alice’s breasts in the open “vee”, including half of her dusky right
nipple, as she stood there gazing at him. Then below, for his eyes
could not help but wander over the vision of loveliness before him, Ed
took in a fascinating glimpse of white midriff flesh that led to a
deeply indented navel, and then continued down to a shiny dark triangle
of public hair shaped in the “vee” of Alice’s totally revealed and
mesmerizing cunt.
“Christ, Alice!” he gasped, and that was all he could manage to get
Alice didn’t even notice Mr. Boyse was calling her by her first name
whereas she had specifically asked him on more than one occasion to
address her as Miss Appleton. Instead, she feel herself operating on
Some subconscious level, and even knowing that he was Ed Boyse, the
chemistry teacher, she spoke at last.
“Martin… I’ve been waiting … what’s kept you so long?” The
maddening desire that quivered throughout her lusciously endowed body
shimmered just beneath the surface of her body, beneath the surface of
her mind. It seemed to Alice to be dripping from her words as she
“Are you … all right?” Ed asked. “Who’s Martin?” She was certainly
acting weird, he thought, but Christ what a body … what a face! He
entered, and closed the door carefully behind him, then stood
uncertainly near it, nervously observing Alice Appleton.
“Come … come sit with me … be with me … I’ve been so lonely!” the
dark-haired beauty pleased.
Drinking … she’s been drinking … Christ … Alice is a lush and I
never suspected it! Somehow the thought that the prissy English teacher
drank made Ed feel just a trifle surprising. All those airs she’d been
putting on with him for two years now … and all along, if he’d had
the guts to come to her apartment, he’d probably have been fucking her
all along. Just the way he used to fuck the last English teacher, Sara
Covington, before she finally married her finance and left the teaching
Ed sat on the sofa close, very close indeed to Alice, and tried to see
if he could smell whiskey on her breath. He couldn’t. There was only a
sweet smell, like candied apples, and Ed decided she must be a vodka
fiend. But it was difficult to think about anything now, with her being
so close and acting the way she was.
“Martin…” she said slowly and her fingers were working at his jacket
sleepe, compulsively, kneeing almost like a cat as her big blue eyes
looked deeply into his, seeming to plead with him.
Ed felt as though he were in some kind of science-fiction movie. Alice
Appletonbore so little resemblance to the person he was accustomed to
meeting daily in the halls and from time to time in the faculty lounge,
that he was completely taken aback. The thick tip of his penis throbbed
Impatiently as the loosely tied white terrycloth robe came completely
undone, and Alice didn’t seem to notice or care.
“Christ, Alice!” he repeated. Christ he wanted to fuck her … This
usually stuck-up little bitch, this tight-assembled little cunt and her
high-minded dedication!
“Aren’t you going to take your clothes off, Martin? Please hurry and
Take them off!”
He was Martin … Alice convinced herself of it briefly. Who else could
it be … who else could she feel this way about but her darling
Martin, come to his senses at last, and returning to her from that
awful woman he’d married instead of her. “I know all along you’d leave
her, Martin… I knew you’d remember the good things we did together
… what we mean to each other!”
The words were slurred and the image of Ed Boyse who was now rapidly
tearing off his clothes was dim at best. A raging fire was out of
control in the middle of her trembling loins, and God, Martin was here
at last to take care of it, to love her the way he had taught her, to
touch her where no other man but him had touched.
The drugged teacher flung off her robe revealing the starting beauty
of her totally naked hips, breasts and thighs. Voluptuously
proportioned, the young brunette teacher lay back as if to flaunt her
perfection before the man she supposed to be her erstwhile lover.
“Oh darling, darling,” she moaned over and over, the heavy
eyeselids closed now, fluttering nervously, but closed, as her trembling
white thighs parted sensitively, and her fingers moved down to the
silken black hairs that surrounded and protected her desire-drenched
She could sense the naked man coming closer to her, and her eyes
fluttered open just the slightest bit and she knew that it was not
Martin. Yet, she had to imagine that it was, that this desire she felt
in her fully awakened breasts and belly and in the soft fleshy folds of
her tingling pussy below were all for him … all for the one and only
man she had ever loved in her short lifetime.
Ed was slowly struggling his throbbing hard penis, reaching down now to
cares her soft exposed flesh, so fragile, so beautiful, so cock-
suddenly played beneath him. He groaned and began to let his hand
rove nervously and excitedly across the tender feminine flesh.
Beneath him Alice closed her eyes once more as she feel her body
growing more and more responsive to the clumsy cares that were
Turning her flesh into a sheet ofwhite-hot password. A rash of goose-
bamboos covered the sensitive skin of her arms and legs as she moaned
with growing desire. Yes, she wanted him. He was Martin … He was! The
normally subdued young teacher’s nakedly exposed body ached to be
touched gently the way Martin used to do, but touching, any kind of
touching, would do at this point! Her brain swam, and her senses reeled
as she felt the thunder building up deep inside her aroused by his
Maddening fingertips moving steadily over her defenseless white
“Oh Martin … take me take me … take me, my love!”
“Martin, my foot!” Ed Boyse muttered, his eyes feasting lewdly and
greedily on Alice Appleton’s half-conscious body as she wronged
obscenely on the sofa.
* * *
“It’s my turn … it’s my turn to see now!” Tim declared, shoving
Bennie to the side and, on his knees, placing his eye over the keyhole
where his twin brother’s had just been. Behind him he heard the
familiar slap of his brother’s fist against his tensed loins as he
furiously masturbated in sympathy with the erotic scene they’d been
watching since the beginning. Tim stayed on his knees there and
commented on what he was seeing so that his brother could know what was
going on.
“I think he’s gonna screw her now!” he whispered. “I can just see the
bottom half of them. Can’t see her face or anything. But she’s
spreading her legs … Cripes, Bennie, that should be us in there!”
“Never mind, it’ll be us soon enough!”
* * *
The lewdly aroused chemistry teacher edged around on the studio couch
and, animal-like, crouched on all fours over the young woman’s
unresistant body as he climbed onto the sofa-bed with her. With his
knee he pushed Alice’s willing white thighs farther apart than before.
Then he slithered nakedly in between them, his knees pressed her
slender ankles apart and his handsome face but a few inches above the
hair-curled “vee” of her openly glistening cunt.
Jesus! He’d never seen anything as lovely as this surprisingly sexy
English teacher. His mouth watered as his eyes separated down at her wetly
welcoming pussy rotating sensitively, expectedly, only inches from his
drooling lips.
Saliva dripped from his open mouth to mingle with her womanly juices
that were already secreting warmly from the wet pink slit of her cunt
and trailing down between her widespread white thighs.
Alice wanted everything to be perfect for her Martin. She could feel
the flat palms of his sweating hands clapped against the tender
softness of her inner thighs, holding them wide apart, and suddenly she
wanted to be even more open, more vulnerable for him. Her most inner
secrets must be completely open and available to his every wish. Oh,
Martin … Martin, you’ve come back to me … you’ve come back to me.
Then suddenly, she watched as his beautiful face lowered slowly …
second by ageing second coming closer and closer to the very center
of her password.
“Oh yessssssss…” she hisssed from between clenched teeth as she felt
his hot, moist lips close over her openly played vagina. And Alice’s
vision blurred as her lover planted hot, wet, tingling kisses on her
lust-fired pussy flesh, his tongue slashing insanely at the tiny
quivering opening.
Alice’s hands moved sensitively down over her throbbing breasts and slide
slowly along her smooth, flat stomach, coming to rest on either side of
His lewdly bobbing head. Her fingers stroked softly for a moment at the
flexing hollows of her own inner tights. Then, slowly, with her own
fingers, she spread open the fleshy pillows of her young urban mouth
to allow his hungry mouth complete access to her yearning inner cunt.
Every muscle in the drugged teacher’s body seemed to react to the
heavenly pleasurable licking of her aching vaginal slit, while
uncontrollable moans of ecstasy tumbled from her parted lips.
“Thank God, you’ve come back to me … oh Martin … Martin … don’t
stop. Oh my own wonderful lover. I’ve waited so long for you to come
back to me … go on … go on … yes … this is what I’ve wanted …
wanted for so long … yes …”
Nothing else mattered … Insane electric-like jolts were setting her
whole body aglow with needle-like prickles of carnal enchantment.
Suddenly Ed’s tongue probed deeply into her open vagina and Alice
gasped out louder, moaning and twitching beneath him on the studio
couch. He sensed the movements of her beautiful head tossing back and
forth as his selling tongue shot out once more, its smoothly flicking
tip circulation her quivering little cliporis. Then he sucked the warm,
soft folds of her inner pussy lips deep into the hot wet cavern of his
mouth, while his tongue continued its moral-shattering lashes against
the tiny nervous plexus between her thrashing legs.
Alice groaned unashamedly from deep in her throat as the hot probing
tip of Ed’s tongue worked its way obviously up and down the length of
her narrow wet urban slit, starting with the tiny pulsating bud of her
swollen cliporis and pressuring his way down over the elastic rimmed
opening of her claping vagina and into the crevice of her flexing
buttocks, and then up again. Her hips ground wildly down into the sofa,
While soft mewling sounds of animal pleasure escaped pitifefully from
between her password-clenched teeth. She groaned throaty, sounds that
were originating deep in her chest, while the lewdly searching tip of
His tongue wriggled in and out of her hotly clazing vagina. She felt
His hands move down to the backs of her knees that were played out
luridly wide on either side of his head, then raise and press them up
over her body so that the kneecaps touched her heaving breasts,
exposing the whole flat plane of her desire-wracked loins to his eager
Then the gasping twenty-three year old’s hands were tangled in his
hair, guiding his face tighter against the palpitating opening of her
cunt. He ran his tongue deep into the soft-rimmed flesh, flicking
teasingly for a moment, then withdrawing to taunt the fluted pink edges
and force soft little half-screams from her desire-contorted lips. Her
soft warm thighs closed convulsively around his moving head, and he
could feel the wet velvety flesh of her vaginal passage slip moistly
around his extended tongue and begin opening and closing in a lewd
sucking motion of its own, attempting to pull his tongue deeper and
deeper up inside.
Ed could hardly believe what was happening. Little Alice Appleton,
stuck-up bitch that she was most of the time, had obviously gone over
the deep end! In his most warped sexual dreams, the incredulous
Chemistry teacher could never have imagined the chemistry of Scotsdale
School’s frigid English teacher! It was incredible the way she was
giving herself to him. Every chick had some hidden sex streak inside
Somewhere, but this was fucking unbelievable. Alice was out of her mind
with sexual lust and she was driving him even further out of his.
Ed worked with a frenzy, feeling her soft wet pussy curls brushing
tantalizingly against his cheats as Alice strained her loins up against
him, her body completely lost in the fire of the moment. Every muscle
she had been tensed as she strained towards the slippery probing between
her parted legs. She had never dreamed that Martin could wring such
pleasure from her body … it had been so long, so very long since she
had been touched. Her deep love for her fiance drive her wilder than
ever as her updrawn legs and thighs opened and closed in convulsive
response to his lewdly driving tongue.
“Oooohhuuuu!” she moaned softly. “Don’t stop. Don’t ever stop. Oh God,
lick it there … lick it harder. Faster!” And then there came a
rushing of lust in her ears as Ed answered her urgent requests. And
Then the ceiling seemed to cave in as with a great resounding crash she
gave herself up to the sweet intolerable delight of this tongue-fuck,
Wanting it to go on forever and forever! It enduredfor a long, long
While, and sensitively, Alice compromised and twisted, her face a mask of
unbearable ecstasy as her desire-tormented limbs went though the
intense spasms of climax and her own hands pulled the man’s head deeper
into her receptively spread pussy flesh.
And then when it was over and she lay gasping for air and slowly
recovering, she opened her eyes and saw Ed Boyse’s lewdly kneeing form
before her. The lascivious way in which the chemistry teacher was
regarding her helpfully exposed flesh made a shiver of fear run
Through her naked body, and she wondered, what am I doing. I’m nothing
but a slut … a whore, letting him do these things to me. Wanting him
to do them! But … but I can’t help it … I just can’t seem to help
“Ed…” she squeaked, finally jolted out of her drug-induced reverie.
Alice’s breath caught in her throat now as her fellow teacher, a man to
whom she had spoken only a few brief words–a man to whom she had felt
a revulsion beyond that which she had felt for most men since Martin–
This same man began to massage and knee, to stroke and cares her
nakedly palpitating breasts, pinching at the tiny hard tips of them and
causing new and rousing sensings of desire to jolt excitedly
throughout her entire system. With a shudder, Alice could only close
her eyes again and hope that it would all be over shortly … that this
lust she felt would soon know its course, for it was beginning again as
strong and compulsive as it had been before, despite her recent orgasm.
Ed Boyse could barely contain the excitement that he felt at the
Realization that within moments he was going to be fucking prissy Miss
Alice Appleton’s little cunt good! He’d give her something to remember
all right! Abruptly he brushed the long rigid shaft of his penis
against her parted thighs, seeing by her tremor that it satered her hot
flesh and produced her into the awakeful realization of her wanton
carnality. To his amazement, though, Alice reached her hand down to
Grasp the throbbing shaft of his penis, blotting all else from her sex-
famisheed mind. Ed raised himself up above her on the studio couch, and
she clutched harder at his lust-heavy thickness, her breathing
quickening momentarily at the feel of the hot penis in her hands.
“MY GOD!” she gasped. “Oh!”
“Is it big enough for you, baby?” Ed hissed down at her.
It was big … bigger than Martin’s had been, and Alice wondered about
its size, as appealing as it might seem. It had been a long while since
… But there was no time for second thoughts now as Ed bent to kiss
her lips and she found herself responding wildly, thrusting her tongue
as far back into his mouth as she could. Then once more she felt the
bulbous tip of his lustfully swollen cock moving up and down, parting
her soft password-wet public hair and nudging between the throbbing lips
of her moistly heated cunt. And all of a sudden the small mouth of the
drugged twenty-three year old’s tingling vagina was being pressed open
and the tight elastic entrance put up a near-virginal resistance as she
Felt the tip pushing hard into her, making her suddenly choke with the
pain from the hard cruel pressure.
“OOOOH!” she cried trying to resist, even though what she wanted, what
she had to have, was a long thick penis pistoning relentlessly in and
out of her wildly hungering vagina.
A wave of sadistic pleasure washed through Ed at her soulful protest,
and the thirty-three year old chemistry teacher couldn’t conceal a
twisted grin of pleasure as he shoved a littleharder, causing Alice to
emit another long low groan from deep in her throat.
“Oh please … please …” But Alice didn’t know if she was asking him
to please continue or to please stop, and Ed continued to grin over
her, watching the young woman’s beautiful face as she reacted to his
thrusting, burrowing penis inching its way deeper into her tightly
contracting cunt.
Alice whimpered practically as the blunt tip of Ed’s inevitably worming
penis thrust harder and harder against the little hair-surrounded
opening between her thighs. Then with a little rush, the blood-engorged
tip slipped inside, just beyond the sensitive ring, and it spread her
open so far that she felt as though she were going to split wide apart!
To ease the pain, she slithered downward on the sofa, and without
warning, Ed thrust forward again, sending the entire shaft of his
heavily throbbing cock plunging high up into the moistly accepting
Recesses of Alice’s little-used pussy.
The lewdly skewered teacher’s mind reeled as the pressure spread within
her belly and she found herself hopelessly filled, every inch inside of
her unprotected little cunt filled with Ed Boyse’s turgid male
Ed could hardly contain the excitement her whimpering was causing him
at the slow relentless penetration of her defenseless pussy, and again
and again now he flexed his hips to sink farther into her stretching
vaginal passage until at last he couldn’t stand it any longer. He had
to fuck her fast. He had to fuck her right now!
He thrust forward unmercifully, dropping his full weight upon the small
voluptuous shape spread beneath him on the narrow studio couch. Beneath
his hard chest he could feel her full firm breasts pressed warmly
against him while he thrust his long thick penisslithering forward
into the school teacher’s captive vaginal flesh, moving the soft flesh
in rippling waves before it in its quest for satisfaction. There was no
holding him back now, and soon Alice lay groaning beneath her wildly
aroused school colleague. The hot pain of his entry still tore fiercely
at her loins, yet his massively throbbing penis presently began to move
in and out of her tingling depths at a steady tempo, causing the
drugged brunette to flex her urban muscles tightly together in an
automatic attempt to elicit pleasure from this crazy experience.
Deeper and deeper Ed sunk, fucking in and out between her legs with an
established rhythm that Alice forced herself to adjust to, the pain
Receding while those first sensings of password returned, courts
Through her veins, arousing all the literary little chills that began
once more to creep along the base of her spine as she felt the even-
measured cadence of Ed Boyse’s urgently plunging penis. As he surged
into her she could actually feel the tickling hairs of his cum-bloated
testicles where they slapped solidly into the crevice of her widespread
ass-cheeks. Alice ran her tongue around the pared edges of her
feverish lips, and spontaneously, it seemed, her nakedly defendedless
body began to twitch and respond of its own volume beneath him. She
could hear the small mewling sounds that were coming from her own
constricted throat as they filled the entire apartment. Her dark curls
spread outward, and her head rolled from side to side on the plaid
couch cover in her intense lunges upward to receive his pleasure-giving
penis. The desire-ridden teacher’s shaped hips had begun a slow
rotation beneath Ed’s penetrating hardness sunk deep in her soft white
belly. And above her Ed clenched his teeth tightly together as he felt
the young brunette’s growing response. Christ, she was sure getting
with it now!
Alice didn’t try to understand the new wave of entrance that
saturated her unwittingly drugged body. She was only aware of the
Maddening sexual electricity that spread outward from deep inside her
cock-filled womb and moved relentlessly over the raw nerve-endings of
her naked flesh. The aroused young teacher was a mass of exhaust
pleasure between her cream-white thighs as Ed undulated and rotated her
hips with the lewd motions of his impaling thickness, feeling her
hungrily pulsing vagina dilating and shifting in tempo to his own
rhythmic throbs. The delicate folds of her nibbling pussy seemed to
swallow the slippery glistening length of his masculinity on each slow
and tantalizing upstroke.
Ed let her work and strain against him while he continued to run his
heated fingertips over her trembling nakedness, listening to her
whimpers of uncontrolled delight while she labored now with utter
abandon, her sweat-filmed face configured in a crazy smile of sheer
She was all gone now, completely lost, and Ed gloated above her,
Feeling the usually expressed schoolmarm’s naked body increasing its
hungry gyrations beneath his lusting body, grinding her loins faster
and more frenziedly with each passing moment. The urgency of Alice’s
thrusts against him were more and more pronounced as she strained
uncontrollable towards orgasm. Obscene wet sluicing noises created by
the in-and-out motion of his skewering penis rose to his ears, and it
was then that the chemistry teacher reached back to grap her slender
ankles and lever her legs brutally up over her shoulders, causing Alice
to cry out in surprise. In spite of her protest, he held her there
Securely, making the widespread slit between her well-shaped thighs
completely open and vulnerable to his lustfully driving penis.
Half-crazy with desire, Ed began long hard strokes into the dark-haired
twenty-three year old’s seeing vaginal passage. The wetly quivering
inner walls claped hungrily around his hot fleshy shaft, slithering up
moistly to devour its rigid length to the hilt. Alice groaned softly in
Relief at the complete filling of her wide-stretched passage as Ed
began a more powerful deep thrusting into her. The drugged young
woman’s head rolled wildly now and her mouth divided in abandoned ecstasy
as the unbelievable delight of their lust-driven couple took hold of
Then Alice realized that this was it! This was really it! Ed’s ever-
expanding cock driving deeper and faster into her lust-swollen urban
passage, hammering away at the tenderness of her softly giving inner
flesh, making her neck tighten, and her lips quiver as her first total
orgasm with a man since Martin swept undeniably upward from the pit of
her belly.
“Ooooooh … darling, darling … ooooooo Martin, Martin … I’mmmm
… cumming … oh yes, do it, do it!” The urgently whispered words
were filled with password as her hands drew Ed’s driving buttocks closer
in a fervent desire to have as much of him as possible inside her
Salaciously opening urban walls. Alice canted her former lover’s name
Almost religiously as the seeing overflow of her cumming wrapped
Every inch of her climaxing body. Her brain seemed to whirl with the
full impact of it, although her legs were still forced into a painfully
contorted position. Yet the powerful release that continued its work
within the desire-maddened teacher’s loins was enough to make her
forget everything … everything butpure sensitive pleasure!
Above her she feel her co-worker jerk, tense and curse, and then hot
jets of his milky semen were pouring into her openly receptive channel.
It was a wild, depraved feeling as the powerful spurts filled her
Almost to the bursting point, while the hotly clapping walls of her
flowering pussy accepted … accepted, accepted.
And through the keyhole, young Bennie Larsen could see it all, having
just changed places with his brother for the sixth or seventh time
Since they’d started peeping. For a long moment the couple on the bed
was silent and then Mr. Boyse released his grip on Alice Appleton’s
full white thighs. Their teacher’s long legs seemed to collapse limply
down onto the couch, her soft, still- trembling body suddenly drained
of all energy.
The stunned and ecstatically satisfied brunette lay lewdly spread-eagled
on the bed, as the heavy weight of Mr. Boyse lifted from her sweat-
drenched nakedness.
As Ed raised up, Alice could see his obscenely deflating penis, and the
first waves of shame rolled over her. She turned her head to the wall
as the sated chemistry teacher swung his feet to the floor and stand
“You know what, Alice …? You’re a pretty good fuck!”
This insensitive statement was enough to make her horrid feelings of
self-disgust grow deeper still, and Alice began to sob quietly on the
couch. What on earth had happened? What on earth had made her do such a
Outside the door, Tim checked his watch. “Precisely one hour and forty-
five minutes. She’s about out of it!”
“We’d better scramola!” Bennie replied, and without wasting another
moment, the two scheming teenagers, emotionally and physically
exhausted from their own self-induced pleasure outside their teacher’s
door, hurried down the hall.

Chapter 3

Anxiously, the Larsen twins looked at the clock. It was early morning–
8:45 am to be exactly, and according to their calculations their English
teacher, Miss Appleton, should have experienced recurrent flashes of
the formula they’d given her in a carefully done glazed apple. If all
went well, Miss Appleton ought to be appearing for her class and then
Just after the class was over, the formula would reactivate within the
pretty brunette’s system.
Tim and Bennie waited in the classroom. They were early and very
nervous. Unable to return to the faculty wing of the private school
After having left, they had no idea how things had gone after the
licentious scene they’d witnessed between Miss Appleton and Mr. Boyse,
the chemistry teacher. Hopefully, now they would be able to find out if
Miss Appleton was feeling well enough to come to her first class of the
Further down the hall, Alice Appleton was making her way to the
classroom. It wasn’t the easiest thing she’d ever done, attending this
class as though everything were perfectly all right. In fact, Alice
felt perhaps it was the most difficult thing she’d ever accomplished in
her life. Still stunned from her lewd experiences of the night before,
Alice was unsteady on her feet. The memory. The dreadful shameful
memory of what happened with Ed Boyse struck terror in her heart, and
yet Alice felt it was therefore all the more important that she not
cancel her English class this morning, that she continue her life as
Normally as possible under the circumstances, and most of all that she
not let her students down.
What had happened to her after her special tutoring session with the
Larsen twins was a mystery, and one which she could only hope wouldbe
cleared up at the complete physical examination she would be getting at
the doctor’s the following day. For Alice knew that her behavior had to
have a cause beyond that of her natural loneliness. After all, she
thought, she had grown accustomed to that … or had she? A shiver of
horror ran through the coming brunette as she recalled waking up during
the night–long after Boyse had left–and feeling still sore down there
from what he had done, yet having to use only the utmost willpower not
to go out looking for him … or anyone else who could soothe her still
voraciously hungry flesh. But she had gotten through the night … how
was a vague memory which Alice endeavored to keep that way, but even
so, images of her nakedly emrithing body bumping and rubbing against the
walls of her apartment like a moth trying to reach a flame came back to
the English teacher’s disturbed mind.
“Good morning, Miss Appleton!”
Alice jumped. She had expected the classroom to be empty, and now she
was forced to face the twins. But how could she even look the darling
boys in the eye? There was no question about it. She had to. It was her
duty as a teacher.
“Good morning, boys,” she replied weakly, sitting down behind her desk
as rapidly as possible.
“Are you feeling any better, Miss Appleton?” Bennie asked, carefully
inspecting Alice’s drawn features from his vantage point in the first
row of seats.
“Better? Oh yes … thank you … a bit … but I think I must have a
touch of flu, boys. You mustn’t come too close or you might catch it.”
“We’ve had our flu shots, Miss Appleton,” Tim replied. But the boys
remained in their seats in any case, all through the long period which
proved to be one of the most difficult lessons thatAlice Appleton had
ever given. Several zeros were placed on boys’ records when they did
Not know the answer to a particular question or when they could not
sufficiently complete a sentence. It was torture for the pupils in the
class and everyone wondered what had happened to turn Miss Appleton
into such a horror. Everyone knew that she was strict, yes, but no one
had ever seen her like this.
In the rear of the class ‘Bull’ Johnson groaned a loud noise of relief
When the final bell rang. He’d already gotten two zeros, and knew that
if the class continued much longer he was on his way to a third. His
father, a wealthy industrialist in nearby Sacramento, would kill him if
he flunched English again.
Bennie and Tim could see that Miss Appleton was perspiring heavily even
Though it was not at all warm in the classroom.
The twins lingered after the others had gone, and then flankedtheir
languishing teacher as she prepared to leave the room.
“I … I think I must go down to the cafeteria, boys, for some fruit
juice …” Alice stammered. Her tongue felt thick and the cafeteria was
the closest place to get something fast.
“We’ll go with you, Miss Appleton!” the boys volunteered, and Alice let
them help support her downstairs where they sat her at a far table in
the empty room and rushed to get her some fruit juice. Gratefully the
disturbed young woman drank the pineapple juice they brought her, and
Then she knew that it was happening again, knew by the trembling of her
inner thighs where they lay sleeply together beneath her knee-length
skirt. Then deep in the plumant warmth of her hidden pussy, the molten
desire simmered to the boiling point.
“Oh!” she gasped, her normally pale features turning criminal with the
Recognition of what was going to happen and within moments! “I’ve got
to leave boys … got to get back to my apartment!” But both Alice and
the boys knew that the drugged twenty-three year old would never have
time to make it to her apartment. Nevertheless it had to be attempted.
The trio left the empty cafeteria and headed for the stairwell. There
They could hear footsteps of scores of pupils coming down beading for
the early lunch period. Tim tugged at his teacher’s hand and Bennie
encouraged the dazed young woman to follow as they ducked beneath the
Stairs where no one could see them and they could see no one. The space
was large enough for them to stand up and the thunderous sound of
footsteps and shouting boys echoed around their heads.
Alice was aware of the two boys crowding close to her, of their lithe
young forms pressing warmly against her as she backed against the cool
wall for support.
“Oh God,” she gasped, “oh!” For she had just realized what she wanted
to have happen. And yet it went against every moral principle that the
normally prim twenty-three year old had.
Her face glistening with nervous perspiration, Alice struggled
Valiantly against the forces of depravity within her. Then it happened.
The nightmare began. The boys were whispering kind remarks to her,
asking her what was wrong, telling her to relax, feeling her forehead,
holding her hands. And then Bennie’s fingers slipped down from her face
to her neck and then to her shoulder. Through the wool of her sweater
he tenderly squeezed her breast, creating such a wealth of lurid
excitation within the older brunette’s drug-sensitized system that she
had to moan out loud, letting her arms hang limply without protest to
Her sides. She could feel Tim’s hands too now on her other breast and
the boys were talking to her, their breathing coming deeper, almost as
deep as hers. And to her utter consternation, she did nothing at all to
stop them.
“Does it hurt here, Miss Appleton?”
“Does it feel better when I do this, Miss Appleton?”
“Ooooh, ohooohhhhh!” Alice felt hypnotized into mobility as the
Sensuous touching continued and she sensed that it was too late to stop
the impetus of her own excitement, too late to pretend to herself that
she did not want these lewd intimate touches from these teenagers, her
innocent young students! It was lewd and exciting, but so immoral that
Alice’s configured face was the image of torque, alternatively mirroring
the desire and the dismay that she felt about what she was allowing,
indeed encouraging to happen!
Then the boys’ fingers began to slip back and forth upon her thinly
clad breasts, searching out the lust-swollen tips of her nipples and
squeezing hard, making her want to cry out with delight. In a few
seconds, she told herself she must stop them! At all costs she must
stop them! And yet, as the thundering steps above them continued, Alice
emitted the deep-throated sounds of rapidly mounting pleasure that
betrayed her uncontrollable password.
Sensing this, Tim unbuttoned the top buttons of his teacher’s sweater,
and without difficulty, both he and Bennie let their small agile
fingers insinuate themselves under Miss Appleton’s lacy brassiere to
cup the soft resiliency of the drugged young woman’s naked flesh.
Hopelessly aroused by the drug they’d fed her yesterday, Alice could
Not resist.
“Yyyyyesssss!” she hissed, in spite of herself. “Ooooh yesssss!”
Then suddenly she squirmed back hard against the wall. The swiftly
moving little fingers had now surged lowe, dropping to the hem of her
skirt, and inching tantalizingly up her stockinged leg towards the
curvaceous fullness of her thigh, one hand at each leg until they
reached the naked spot of flesh where her stockings ended and were held
by the snaps of her white lace garter belt. Momentarily Alice froze at
the contact of their fingers, crawling insect-like over her sensitive
flesh. Looking down she could see but the tops of their blond heads,
for they were watching the progress of their own fingers upon her
helpfully displayed thighs. Oh God, oh God, what were they doing to
Once more her conscience came back to haunt her and to struggle with
What the drug within her told her she must allow. She had to act! Had
to stop this terrible sensing of excited helplessness!
But her persistent students had no intention of stopping now, even
though Alice’s hands moved down feebly to protest,grabbing at their
wrists in a funile attempt to keep them from going any farther. The
distressed teacher tried desperately to hold their hands away from her,
but they moved with force, pushing relentlessly upward past her hand
and beginning to knee at the softness of Miss Appleton’s belly under
the silky material of her panties. Then to Alice’s great alarm she
could feel them teasing at the light springling of hair at the base of
her fluttering abdomen, their fingers rotating steadily and maddeningly
Against the moon of her panty-hidden pussy, while she cooed softly,
“Ohhhhhh nononononononononononono!”
Desperately, Alice pressed backward into the wall of the stairwell
Behind her, pressing her legs together in an effort to prevent the
lewdly worming fingers from reaching the sanctuary of her most private
flesh. Yet the dark-haired twenty-three year old realized dimly that
Althoughh she was trying to escape the twins she was also at the same
time rubbing her thighs excitedly against the secret area of ​​her own
Deeply troubled and quivering vaginal slit. With the most acute
embarrassment, Alice could feel herself growing more and more moist
between her quivering thighs, and she pressed harder and harder to feel
the wild forbidden pleasure burning there.
Then as the ardently preoccupied twins’ fingers worked more and more
Insistently at her panty-protected pussy, indecision arose again within
the captive teacher, and the pleasure she was receiving gained the
upper hand and enabled the drug to do its insidious work. Suddenly it
felt wickedly good to abandon herself to the dangerous pleasure, and
Alice closed her eyes tight for a long moment, letting the rolling
sensings of delight course through her trembling body. So long as
This was all that happened, what was the harm? She had to know this
divine excitation that the boys were giving her, no matter what!
But suddenly Alice gasped in surprise. Above them the thundering noises
of students going to the cafeteria had died down, and in the distance
Their combined voices could be heard coming from the rows of tables
within the large dining room. Bennie had moved so gradually to her side
that she hadn’t noticed, and his hand was moving up to the soft
cushiony surface of her panty-covered ass-cheeks, and he was searching
fervently for the crevice between her buttocks, while in front of her
Tim was making steady headway as his fingers pressed down, down, moving
hers away so that he could penetrate the thin elastic waistband of her
Then it happened. Bennie’s fingers probed lower in unison with Tim’s,
the one behind her the other in front, and as Tim’s fingers penetrated
the slippery wetness of her lewdly exposed pussy, within the narrow
Confines of her flimsy panties, Bennie’s slipped up under the legband
and found with unerring direction the seeing wet warmth of her
pulsating pussy. A wave of shame passed over Miss Appleton at the
Sudden gush of instant pleasure that overcame all desires she might
have had to resist the third year old boys. Her moistly pulsating
pussy was penetrated, covered from all directions, and she had never
ever felt anything so wonderful in her life.
Oh God what can I do? she cried. This was pure sex, pure lust on her
part, and she was warping her prized pupils, what would ever become of
They now?
Alice bit down hard on her full lower lip. She could feel their
wonderful squirming, worming fingers, moving deliciously, upward, and
back and forth, sliding and flicking, teasing and toying, driving her
wild with joy! She was growing more and more troubled, more and more
abandoned, and was no longer able to help herself. “Yessss…” she
breathed. “Like that … lieeeke … thaaaat … oaaahhhh ah ah ah!”
Down below, Bennie’s slender middle finger was engaging upward within
her password-soaked cunt, beneath the elastic legband and up into the
tightly claping vaginal passage of his English teacher, feeling the
smooth moist walls of her flowering pussy! From time to time his twin
brother’s fingers would meet his as Tim played with the swollen little
bud of Alice’s desire-tormented cliporis and then moved downward
against the privacy of the inner lips to the well-spread fingerprint-
penetrated orifice of the keening brunette’s softly yielding cunt.
Alice’s whole body quivered as her impaled vagina felt the invading
finger probing nakedly at the lubricated softness of its tender walls.
She could feelthe moisture of her hair-trimmed pussy cover the palm of
Tim’s obscenely searching hand. All the fingers moved upon her intimate
flesh as she understood downward to meet them now, almost out of her mind
with bliss, as the three of them crouched there beneath the school
stairs. Alice didn’t think that she would be able to stand this lewdly
exciting teasing of her unprotected pussy another moment. She wanted
the raging fire that ran unchecked through her nervous system to be
checked. Something had to give!
“Shall we do it to her now?” Bennie whispered to his brother. “I want
to … bad!”
Tim looked down at his watch without ceasing his deft manipulations
beneath Alice’s skirt. “No … we can’t … she’ll be out of it in a
few moments. Finish it up … finish it up!”
But the boys had little to do other than what they’d already
accomplishedin the sequencing hot pit of their teacher’s desire-tormented
pussy. While they worked passionishly within the temptingly spread area
of their victim’s loins, they feel the lithe young brunette’s entire
body tense, the tendons of her limbs taut as her head snapped back,
hitting hard against the wall behind her, and high up inside her
streaming pussy, the already open walls widened, sucking voraciously at
Bennie’s finger as he committed and pressed ever upward, ever round and
round, while Tim’s slippery fingers rubbed more and more persistently
at her quivering little cliporis that jerked and trembled with the
onrush of completion.
“MMmmmmmmmmmm!” Miss Appleton moaned, and then whilepitifully as she
began to tremble and then to melt against him, her entire body slacking
towards their boldly penetrating fingers.
“Aaaaa!” she showed, as though she were a recentlypunctured balloon.
“Cumming! Cumming! Yesssss!”
It was good, so very good that Alice felt herself lifted to some
heavenly orgasmic height, a place she had never visited before, but
which she knew she would like to return to again and again.
“Oh boys … boysssss …!” she gasped, still quivering, a helpless
butterfly palpitating against them. “OOOh boys! Thank you … thank you
Slowly the moistly churning fingers were removed. Slowly and
reluctantly the boys stood back from Alice Appleton. She seemed
stunned, still leaning against the wall, her password rapidly receiving.
Her closed eyes fluttered open after a long moment of silence.
“What … what?” she stammered.
“Are you feeling better, Miss Appleton?” Tim asked.
Tears well into Alice’s eyes. She knew full well what had happened,
full well what she had allowed, and worse, how it had been … how
absolutely divine it had been!
“Oh!” she cried as the tears streamed forth. And then she was running
past them, her heels clattering as she reached the front of the steps
and began clambering upward. The flushed teenagers stood and listened
until she was out of ear-range.

Chapter 4

Miss Appleton was not seen for several days and the substitute teacher
was not nearly as pretty as she. Tim and Bennie began to grow restless.
Perhaps something had gone wrong with the formula. Perhaps Miss
Appleton was seriously ill. They knew that she would have had no
recurrent action from the formula, not after the last one, the drug
working itself away after a period of roughly twenty-four hours.
It was difficult to decide what to do, and the boys finally asked Mr.
Boyse after chemistry class if he had spoken with the pretty English
“Miss Appleton? Oh yes, boys, she’ll be up and about pretty soon. Bad
touch of flu from what I understand.” He himself had visited Alice
Earlier in the day, and she’d told him that she would attend the school
picnic as planned if the splendid fall weather held. Ed Boyse reversed
from telling the boys that Alice had refused to let him in the door,
that in fact, she pursued to loathe him for taking advantage of what
she called her “illness” of the other day.
“Thanks, Mr. Boyse. You know things just don’t seem the same without
Miss Appleton.”
“You’re right about that, she certainly does add something by her
presence among us.” And I’d sure like to get a taste of that tight
little ass of hers again too, he thought to himself, trying to figure
out just how he could arrange it. Her illness indeed! he crowned to
himself as he returned to the classroom to put away the experiment he’d
have been showing his class that day.
Tim and Bennie returned to their shared dorm room. That morning they
would join the other boys outdoors for the picnic. Already as they lay
resting upon their beds, the twins could hear the excited sounds of the
other boys as they got ready to go outside. But other things were on
their minds as they wondered whether or not Miss Appleton would appear.
As the time drew near, Tim started changing into his jeans and sneakers
and sweatshirt, and Bennie followed suit. “We’d better take a dose of
the formula along just in case,” Tim muttered, while he tied the last
knot of his sneaker.
“Yes … Alice may need a little of the hair of the dog!”
* * *
The California weather was splendid and some 350 boys spread over the
hillside behind the private school, yelling and shouting and laughing
at their freedom from the comparatively dreary walls of the classrooms
and dorms. All the boys had a gym class every day, and some of the
seniors got to have special sports privileges. There was a school
football team and in spring a baseball team, badminton, tennis and
field hockey as well as volley ball were practiced. Now at various
spots some of these sports could be seen taking place, and later on
There would be relay races and the broad jump and running jump
competitions. The picnic lunch, provided by the school kitchen, would
be brought out after the heat of the games, and consumed at long wooden
tables set up for that purpose down by the little creek that bordered
the vast school property.
Tim and Bennie wandered desperately from game to game, greeting the
boys with whom they were friendly, and being greeted by their teachers,
all of whom admitted the twin honor students. Mr. Boyse was in charge of
organizing the three-legged race, and the twins wandered past him
Without speaking. They feel slightly resentful that the best benefits
of their experiment had gone to their chemistry teacher, especially
When it looked as though they might never get another chance to
Complete their ‘study’.
Just when things looked at their grimmest, and the desperate thirdteen
year old’s were sitting at the top of a slope, hugging their knees and
balefully surveying the joyful exploration of students, they spotted a
familiar figure across the field. Automatically the twins jumped to
Their feet, as they watched the somberly attired Miss Appleton making
her way through the cavorting students. They saw her avoid Mr. Boyse by
several feet and continue walking towards the tennis lawn. The English
teacher had been posted as one of the judges, and she had already
Missed one of the games, so she hurried along in her sensible brown
Even from where they sat the third year olds could see that Alice
Appleton was not herself. Instinctively Tim felt in his pocket for the
small vial of formula he and his brother had prepared. Somehow that day
the boys knew that they would find a way to administrator it to their
favorite teacher and subject. If they were successful this time it
would be the last time, for they were uncertain of the long range
effects of the formula on humans. Their guinea pigs were still
thriving, but who know what might happen with a real live human being,
such as Miss Appleton?
* * *
Alice Appleton smiled wanly as she left the judge’s stand. The picnic
lunch was coming up, and Alice was glad. She hadn’t been eating very
well at all during the days of her illness. But now for the first time
she was hungry and looking forward to eating something.She had been
examined by the school doctor who had told her in essence that
California was very hard hit at the moment by the London flu, and that
it took various forms and sometimes lasted for a period of two weeks.
He recommended complete bed rest, and aspirin, since antibiotics were
Not effective against the flu.
By the time the doctor had left her, Alice was almost convinced that it
was the flu … the flu, of course, combined with her odd mental state.
Somehow the combination must have had disastrous effects upon her
nervous system. Yet there was one good thing, if it could be called
that. At least Alice had finally admitted to herself her great
loneliness. Something would have to be done so that she never ever had
Another of those terrible ‘lapses’! She had done a lot of reading while
Confined to her apartment, most of it in the field of psychiatry and
psychoanalysis. She'd read countless case histories, and in one case,
Somewhat similar to her own, the patient had been restored to full
health by a lasting and permanent relationship with a new man.
For the first time Alice admitted to herself that she did not want to
find someone, and that the only way that would happen would be through
a defrosting of her attitude towards everyone she met!
The primary thing that concerned Miss Appleton however was the effect
her erotic spell that day under the stairs might have had upon Tim and
Bennie Larsen. And it was out of concern for them, that she made a
specific effort to maintain her sanity and her self-assurance. No
matter what happened, she must talk to the boys and try her best to
negate the shameful actions that had taken place outside the school
cafeteria! And if she felt that the boys needed some kind of special
psychiatric treatment because of her, Miss Appleton was prepared to
sacrifice her career to make sure that their lives weren’t permanently
Therefore, it was with a great sense of anticipation that Alice went to
the picnic ground, for she hoped to run into Tim and Bennie there.
She was not disappointed, for midway between her first and second bite
of a double cheeseburger, the blond twins rushed up to her with
Effective greetings.
“I’m glad to see you too, boys…” Alice admitted, although she did
Not add that she had felt a disturbing sensing within the first sight
of the attractive young teenagers. “I must talk with you, boys! I’m
sure you must want to talk with me too!” she added.
“We sure do!” Tim declared, and he and Bennie stared at Alice’s face
with such open and unabashed admission, that the dark-haired teacher
had to blush and turn her eyes away.
“There … there mustbe someplace quiet where we can go,” she said
softly. Why did she feel so much confusion, when she’d already thought
This out so carefully in her mind? Something about the mere presence of
the slender adolescents was disturbing.
“We know a place!”
The principal of the school, Mr. Armstrong, was addressing a group of
seniors when Miss Appleton and her two prize pupils strolled by. Brad
Armstrong watched their progress without seeming to take his mind off
What he was saying to the students. Qualities like these had helped put
him in his present position of authority.
Brad was happy to see Miss Appleton up and about again, and once more
he congratulated himself on having hired the good-looking English
teacher. It was hopeless, of course, to think that anything could ever
happen between Alice Appleton and himself. Then on the other hand, he
had felt the same way some years before about his faithful secretary
Miss Worthington. She had certainly come around, even if it had taken
six years to melt down her initial reserve.
There was always hope, Mr. Armstrong decided as Alice’s shaped figure
Disappeared down the sloping grassy hill. The main element was time, he
reminded himself, time and his own persuasive personality. These were
two things in which the older man had the utmost confidence.
“And so as I was saying young men. It’s faith in yourself that will
carry you ahead in this world. Yes … it will take you wherever you
want to go!”
But many members of the group of six boys had also noticed Miss
Appleton walking by. Most of them had had her in their earlier English
classes, and many of them talked about her whenever the opportunity
arose. It wasn’t difficult pretending they were hanging on Mr.
Armstrong’s every word while watchingthe provocative swway of the
pretty twenty-three year old instructor’s hips as she moved past and
away from the group.
When finally the principal’s attention had been diverted, and he
Wandered away, Jack ‘Champ’ Ribozo grinned lewdly at the others, “Did I
ever tell you about the time Miss Appleton came on to me?”
“Naw … aw … go on, Champ … What a loud mouth!”
“A lot of hot air!”
“Go on … tell us about it!”
The boys gathered around. Slim and Teddy and Jerry, freckle-faced Tom
and Mel. Even though they knew Champ was lying, they all wanted to hear
a good story about Miss Appleton. It wouldn’t be the first one he’d
told, and many of them had enjoyed themselves much later far into the
night in their own beds, remembering and pretending that it had
happened to them.
“She comes up to me, see…” Champ was bigger and stronger than the
others, in fact, no one would have taken him for just a high school
senior because of his height and muscle build. Yet Champ was only
eighteen and although not a sterling student, a fine athlete who had
helped the football team immensely.
“Where?” Slim asked, a classic expression of disbelief on his face.
“After class one day … this was last year, you know. And she says to
me, you know in that sweet voice of hers. ‘Jack …? Would you mind
Staying a bit after class? I have something I’d like you to help me
“Yeah … that’s what she said. But I could tell right off just by the
look in her eye … that she didn’t have just any old thing on her mind
… if you know what I mean!”
“So what happened? Get on with it, Champ!”
“So she’s got me carting these book boxes, right? Putting them in the
closet. And then when I’m straightening up after the last one and we’re
in the big closet, she comes up to me and starts running her hands over
my muscles and saying things like how strong I am and all that shit!
And then she starts rubbing on my cock … and man I’ve got a raging
hard-on you can’t believe!”
Champ was warming to his story. He knew he had his audience right where
he wanted them, and the attention fed his enormous ego to perfection.
The red-headed boy took a deep breath and continued, squatting on his
haunches in the middle of a circle of fascinated teenagers.
“Well, first thing I know she takes it out … zip … pop! Just like
“Far out!”
“You bet it was! And then she’s looking at it like she’s never seen one
before, and she’s holdin’ it and touchin’ it like she’s seen plenty!
Before I could say a word she’d down on her knees poppin’ it in her
mouth, sucking on it like a lollipop!”
“Wow … Miss Appleton gave you head!”
“Shit, I wish she’d blow me!”
“Man, she was puffing and blowing and she just wouldn’t quit. I’m
holding onto the closet door for dear life, and feeling like the top of
my head’s gonna go any minute!”
“Did you cum? Did you cream in her mouth?”
“What happened next?”
“Did I cum! Well, she kept making all these little cooing noises and
her tongue was all slippery and her mouth was wide and wet and DID I
CUM?! She had it drooling out of both sides of her mouth, and she was
gulping and swallowing like she couldn’t get enough of it, and at the
end I had to push her head away … you know … like it was getting
too much!”
The circle of boys was quiet now, all of them breathing heavily as they
waited for some kind of punch line.
“What’d she do then?”
“Well, this is the part you’ve got to hear. She says to me, still on
her knees … looking up at me with those big blue eyes … she says,
‘Oh Jack, how I’d like to have it inside me’!”
“Did ya do it?”
“Naw … just then somebody comes into the room and we have to act like
nothing was happening. I didn’t get inside her till later one …”
“Tell about it!”
Champ appeared to be thinking, trying to come up with an even more
Salacious fib, when he spotted Tim and Bennie Larsen, clad in their
Identical blue T-shirts and generally faded jeans and sneakers. The
boys were anxious towards the refreshment stand it seemed, and Champ
Suddenly got an idea.
“Say … I’ll bet she was down there fooling around with those creepy
“Aw come on, Champ, you got to be kidding!”
But Champ thought it might be fun anyway to go find Miss Appleton,
Especially after all the things he’d said about her. He’d just chat a
little bit in front of the other boys, and then afterward, he’d turn
anything she might have said into something dirty. Rubbing his large
ham-like hand over the prominent bulge in his pants, Champ led the way
down the hillside towards the thicket he’d seen Miss Appleton and the
twins go to.

Chapter 5

Alice lay sprayed on the soft grass, anxiously waiting the return of
the twins. She’d sent them off to get a cold drink for her in hopes
that the spell she felt coming on would have passed by their return,
but now Alice knew that she wanted them to return for another reason,
to assume the yearningshe felt, that independent desire that erased all
other considerations from her mind with its pulsing madness!
In her mouth, the drugged young teacher could still taste the raspberry
flavored jelly that the boys had given her in a sandwich, and for some
odd reason this taste seemed to add to her licensee state of mind. It
was also reminiscent of something else, but Alice couldn’t think of
what. She couldn’t think of anything, in fact, but the burning,
tingling torque down between her legs. Fortunately she was in a
secluded spot, and while she still had a measure of self-preservation
in her, Alice rolled still further into the bushes, carrying with her a
discarded tennis racket that she’d been carrying, hoping to give it to
the rightful owner.
Now, however, Alice had other plans for the tennis racket, and as she
felt its thick handle in her perspiring palm the tormented woman knew
for certain just what they were.
Scrambling out of her panties took a split second, and with a moan of
terror combined with longing, Alice spread the cream-white nakedness of
her tights as her stockings dropped simply down to her calves, unhinged
from their garter snaps. Holding the unwieldy racket in both hands,
Alice bared the dark curl of her quivering cunt, revealing the
glistening inner coral of her tender pussy lips. Within those tight
petal-like lips an inferno was raging, and with a little groan of self-
pity, Alice lowered the oddly shaped pole between her lewdly widespread
legs until it reached the desire-drenched entrance to her aching pussy.
It felt cold and hard, and yet Alice had to try to get it inside her
… somehow or other she would get the survey she needed from this
obscene instrument, and perhaps it would be over and she would be fine
by the time the third year old twins returned.
The leather grip covering on the handle made little headway within the
Passion-drenched opening of Alice’s widespread pussy, and yet, with
determination and more muscle than she thought she had, the drugged
teacher was able to insert the oddly shaped handle just a fraction of
an inch up into the wide-stretched orifice of her hair-fringed vagina
“Ooooooooohhhhhhh!” she crooned, “Uuuuuuuuuuugggghhhhh!”
Miss Appleton’s whereabouts would have gone completely undetected by
the searching seniors had they not heard the rising tones of the wildly
thrashing brunette’s lust. It was Champ who first heard them. They were
passing right by the little clump of bushes. And then the others heard
They too, and within moments they had moved into the brush to
Investigate the strange sounds.
Alice opened her eyes wide as she heard the noises. She hoped it was
Only her imagination, for the obscenely inserted tennis racket handle
was twisting and turning within the heated confines of her fully
presented pussy, bringing her to the wild climax that she needed in
order to survive at all!
“Christ, will you get a load of that!” It was Slim speaking, for the
others–even Champ–were absolutely speechless in front of the most
licensed display any of them had ever seen or dreamed of!
Champ was the first to recover his voice, however, as his eyes met the
terrified eyes of his old English teacher, Miss Appleton, as she lay
half-naked in the bushes with the tennis racket shoved up between her
legs. Nothing he could have invented about her would have matched this
moment for pure obscenity, and yet, to the tall overgrown senior, it
seemed suddenly that every lie he’d ever told about Miss Appleton had
been true. That she had indeed propositioned him, that she was in truth
a hot nympho who would do it with anybody who came along … especially
His thick lips parted and Champ smiled, a cocky self-assured expression
set itself on his irregular features and he spoke. “Hey, Miss Appleton
… all you had to do was tell me … if its screwing you want … I’d
be happy to oblige! Me … and maybe some of the other boys, too!”
He might just as well have struck the mortified young teacher. The
impact would have been no greater. As Champ came down over her, she
raised her hands between them, planning them against his broad chest as
if to hold him away. But he grabbed hold of the tennis racket, and
began to thrust it deeper inside her than she herself had gone. With a
cry of alarm, Alice stared at the big boy with horror while the
delicious sensings continued to torment her entire being.
None of the circle of boys even saw Tim and Bennie as they came running
up behind them, and throughout the entire unprecedented event no one
ever noticed that the twins were standing on the borderline, observing
“I told you we never should have left her!” Tim cried. “You could have
gone and I could have stayed here!”
“And let you get in on everything first? Just because you were born
first doesn’t mean you have to get everything first!”
“What difference does it make now?” Tim replied angrily. They’d done it
… fluffed their big chance again, and now they dared not get involved
with what was about to happen. The best they could do was to hang
around to make sure that nobody got caught. The best they could do was
to hope that they would have better luck next time!
“Dear God, no, no, no!” Alice was crying, but she watched in an
unwanted, suddenly inflamed,half-stupor while the others moved closer,
encircling her and Champ. To her dismay they were at Champ’s suggestion
unbuckling their belts, letting down their trousers, exposing their
lust-hardened shafts of varying sizes wherever she turned. They were
jutting out from the boys’ youthful loins, pointing at her almost
accusingly, severely ready and poised to punish her for what they had
Found her doing in the bushes!
“It can’t be! It just can’t be happening!” Alice while, shaking her
dark curls in utter disbelief as the burning senior rose before her,
pulling with him the offending tennis racket, making her feel the harsh
scraping of its exit from her delicate vaginal interior. But she saw
that he too was unfastening his pants to let them slip to the ground,
baring his thick projecting rod of flesh to her horrified eyes.
“No … you’re mistaken … No you’vegot to let me alone. Boys, please
… please go away!”
A wave of sniggers and crowns came down to her burning ears as if in
answer to her plea, while Alice gaped incredulously at the grinning
young seniors, looking from one face to the other for some assistance,
a spark of goal. But she found none. The boys had been too well
convinced … first by Champ’s made-up stories, and then by her own
lewd circumstances. They stood above her with legs spread apart, each
boy obviously struggling his individually lust-hardened penis.
“We got time!” Champ declared, answering his own mute question. “You
Want to take your clothes off yourself? Or shall we help you. A lot of
the boys ain’t never seen an English teacher naked, you know! Won’t
take a second!”
As she read the obvious enjoyment that Champ was deriving from his
brutal words, Alice tried to speak. But she couldn’t. The words seemed
to stick in her throat. Still, she raised up to her knees groggily,
looking up at Champ, her tearful eye pleading for mercy. At the same
time, Champ caught hold of her long unpinned hair, and with a short
yank, pulled Alice’s face towards the rubbery wet-tipped end of his
penis. Alice cringed back in pure revulsion, feeling nausea overcoming
“Aw come on, Champ … she’s sucked your dick enough … let’s get her
clothes off!” Teddy spoke, and Slim, Jerry, Tom and Mel agreed.
“But Champ fucks her first!” Champ said with a snarl.
“I want her to suck me off like she done you!” Teddy added.
The boys seemed to derive pleasure from letting their grammar growth
progressively worse, as though this would further humiliate the captive
English teacher.
The ugly words surrounding her suddenly gave Alice the strength
to jump to her feet, her password-weakened body and drugged brain
reacting in a vain attempt to escape them. She lunged forward, but they
caught her easily, two of them holding her while Champ’s hands pulled
at her clothes. “She’s already got her panties off. That’s a help. But
let’s get a look at those boobs!”
Alice stood helplessly shivering while they stripped her, their hands
pawing obviously at her breasts, buttocks and loins as they became
completely exposed to the teenager’s depraved eyes. There was nothing
that the terrified young teacher could do against their number and
strength. She was completely at their mercy.
Then they were pushing her backward, and she felt the grass cold and
Almost refreshing beneath her naked buttons. Then she was flat on her
back, and it seemed as though at least four of them were holding her,
but she couldn’t be sure. Everything became a blur and jumble of
assorted scents and words and boyish hands, obscenely touching hands!
The boys bent wild-eyed over her to drink in the beautiful young
woman’s cock-rousing nakedness. Many of them had never seen a naked
girl before, and most of them had certainly never touched one. But this
was special. This was no ordinary girl. As Champ reminded them,
“remember who she is. I’ve been telling you about her, boys. She loves
it. Don’t be fooled. Would she have been out here doing it to herself
with a goddamned tennis racket otherwise? This is Miss Appleton, the
English teacher, the one who gives out all them zeros … remember?”
Everyone remembered, and a lustful groan of agreement went up from the
naked teenagers.
“Just look at those tits!” someone said.
“Man … that soft black-haired little cunt … look at it!”
Momentarily AliceHought she might fail, but she was not to be so
lucky. In spite of all the terror and revulsion at the horrible way her
helpfully defendless body was exposed to the lustfully crouching
students, tiny wisps of forbidden pleasure still whirled deep down
within her quivering belly, and her fully rounded breasts jiggled
Sensuously with each jagged breath she took.
Then through the sea of ​​faces above her, she once more distinguished
the wickedly leering face of Champ Ribozo, and she knew that within
moments she would be his victim.
She shut her eyes tightly while the whirlpools of unwanted yearning
shot through her. Dear God! She had to fight it with all the strength
she had! She couldn’t succumb to the awful betrayal of her body the way
she had with the twins … the way she had with Ed Boyse! She had to
Resist them!
But suddenly she felt the thick naked cock touching her vulnerable
pussy split, starting at the top and wriggling determinedly into the
sensitive folds of her outer pussy. Shock spiraled crazy up Alice’s
spine to the base of her skull where it shattered in a cascade of
wildly scintillating rockets. Hot meteors of irresistible desire were
raining down over her whole body as her moistly heated urban lips
quivered and her shamefully exposed loins jerked involuntarily upward,
Wanting this thick weapon of masculinity to speed deep inside her
aching vagina, no matter who it belonged to!
“See … see … how she wants it!” Champ bragged, teasing, moving his
lust-swollen cock in torqueing little motions against the open crevice
of Alice’s dark, hair-trimmed pussy.
Alice had never felt so blatantly wanton in her entire life. The way
she had felt before was nothing compared to the way she felt now! She
had come alive spontaneously, and demonstrates seed to be dancing wickedly
just below the surface of her smooth silk-like flesh. Her nakedly
gyrating ass-cheeks ground desperately down into the hard grass-covered
earth beneath her, as she saw in blurred outline and felt the fingers
moving all over her body, touching her breasts and hips, and legs
moving at her lips and tongue, along her neck and arms. A low soul-
stirring moan came from the depths of her lungs as she clutched upward,
pulling Champ Ribozo down against her, and grinding her straining,
upthrust cunt onto his worming penis.
GOD WOULD HE NEVER ENTER HER? She had forgotten all her humiliation,
all her fears, any and all obligations she had ever known. She needed
but one thing now and that was this boy’s cock! More than anything, she
had to have the full width and depth of it churning within her
tingling, desire-tormented pussy!
Champ grinned down at Miss Appleton as she yanked his head down to
hers, kissing his lips, his nose, his cheeks, while down below, she
guided the thickly engaged head of his long proved member straight into
the fully spread entrance of her urban sheath.
Champ’s powerful young body smoked nakedly down upon her as Alice
Appleton’s soft ass-cheeks sank into the earth. The boy levered up, and
rammed the full hardness of his eagerly throbbing penis as deep as it
would lunch into his former teacher’s upturned pussy. He could feel her
hot and soft and tightly claping around his pulsing hot member as his
testicles smoked heavily into the crevice of her gyrating buttons.
For Alice had convulsively drawn her legs upward, straining against the
young Scotsdale student, lifting her feet to place them upon his tensed
and massive shoulders.
“Deeper … deepeeeeeper …” she moaned softly, “Deeeeeeper!” For deep
as Champ Ribozo had sunk into the tight elasticity of her hungry
vagina, it wasn’t deep enough! The drugged English teacher was caught
up in an insane vortex of naked raw lust and now, surrounded by the
young boys of the senior class, she could only realize that one was not
enough! She had to have them all before she would be satisfied!
Madly, wantonly, Alice bucked beneath the boy, waiting for the pounding
of his thrusting hard cock to give her the orgasm she needed, and then,
impossible, as she clung to him in desperation, teetering just on the
blink of final ecstasy, she abruptly sensed his plunging rod of boy-
flesh stiffen without warning, spewing its white-hot semen far up into
the lustfully milking walls of her tormented womb.
Alice groaned and gasped out with disappointment. “Too soon…” she
murmured, “… You were toooooo sooooooon!”
Then the bright sunshine was shiningdown on her again, and the weight
of Champ Ribozo was lifted from her desire-steeped nakedness. Angrily,
she thrashed upon the ground, feeling empty and lost, wanting, wanting,
wanting. Then she felt them crowding in, leering, gaping at the
Delicate coral slit nestling in the softness of her semen-soaked public
hair, its intimacy flowered open into full view of all who were there.
Someone else was well positioned between her widespread white tights.
Her ankles were being held, and now raised, bending her body backward
until she gasped with the stretching pain.
Slim looked down at the first woman he’d ever touched. He could see
Miss Appleton’s face configured in anguish, every muscle in her nakedly
trembling body straining beyond all human endurance. The flat plane of
her luscious hair-covered cunt was presented to him, as if on a silver
He smiled down at it, listening to the others who were urging him to
Hurry, for their turn came next. Then he commenced to stroke the long
Shaft of his rigid young penis, aware of the eyes of the others glued
upon him. They were waiting breathlessly for his contribution to the
lewd spectacle, and he was determined not to disappoint them or
himself. His body swwayed on his knees as his sweat-glistening face
Shone in the brilliant glow of the California autumn sun. Awkwardly,
his pelvis thrust forward.
Then savagely, he lunged forward, not knowing that there were any
tender means of taking a woman, thinking that brutality was the best.
Far more animalistic than his buddy Champ had been, his slender cock
plowed forward into the deep, suffocating folds of Miss Appleton’s
tight urban passage, pressing great waves of her pink soft flesh
rippling before it, believing that this was what she wanted and
endeavoring to fulfill bothher wish and his, not to mention the wishes
of the panting group of students around them. Beneath his thrust Alice
Appleton’s body quaked spasmodically as the full length of yet another
thick male cock plunged headlong into her unresistant belly. Her mind
raced. Here was the length she needed, here it was … Slim’s lips
nibbled and bit at her own, and she feel herself nibbling and biting
back. She thought of him with love now, knowing that he would bring her
to mind-shattering completion, knowing, as the teenager began a slow
revolving motion with his loins, grinding his nakedly plunging cock as
deep into her open cunt as he could, that she would soon receive the
solace that her helpfully drugged body so desperately needed.
“Oh yes … yes …” the dark-haired English teacher cooled, and as the
Wondrous sensings began to swell within her, she raised her eyes. She
could see all the lustfully peering faces … and in the distance, she
thought she could see the twins. She was proud in some strange way she
could not understand. There in the secluded grove, during the school
picnic, she, Alice Appleton was experiencing the greatest excitement of
her life!
Beneath her she felt a fingertip probe roughly at the opening of her
defenseless pumped anus, teasing at it like a wild tongue. She winced
as it paused and then probed again, and suddenly penetrated her secret
nether flesh, engaging deeply around at the tender spongy insides. It
felt uncomfortable at first, inside her back there, and then as it
rolled around and around, enlarging the tiny opening until the palm of
the invading hand could lay flat against her emrithing ass-cheeks, Alice
began to like its added sensing.
Mercilessly above her, Slim commenced a racking sawlike motion in and
out of the pretty young teacher’s sensitive little cunt, plunging and
withdrawing, slamming and pummeling, while below the finger sunk deep
in her rectum united with the penetrating cock in a steady rhythmic
team, wrapping whimpers and sights of joy from Alice’s throat, making
her wiggle and turn sensitively in cadence with their obscene dual
The outrageous debasement and subscription aroused deeply hidden
masochistic delights, causing Alice to tingle with delight at what was
happening to her.
From all around her, hands grouped upon her lushly mounded breasts and
Stiffened nipples, smoothed at her trembling belly, and she was loving
it … loving it!
She saw that some of the other boys were masturbating, beating their
hands wildly and violently upon their desire-swollen penises. Then
Teddy was kneeling over her face, and a pair of obscenely looming
buttocks obscured her vision as a large hot cock was stuffed
Unceremoniously into her gaping mouth. She was a helpless, defenseless
prisoner who could do nothing whatsoever to stop the deliciousness rap
of her open-splayed pussy, and her deeply imbedded anus, and her wide
open mouth!
Oh DON’T stop … don’t ever stop! she thought.
“JEEZ … get a load of that … Everything Champ said about her was
“I told yuh! I told yuh!” Champ cried.
“What a hot number!”
A shudder of wanton delight surged through Alice now, setting her raw
nervous-tingling body on edge as she listened to the degrading
obscenities pour from their lips. The softly heaving mounds of the
English teacher’s breasts quivered volunteerly up against the pressure
of Slim’s chest, or was it someone else’s hands. Nothing was clear now,
nothing certain, only the tidal wave that was coming over her like a
breat taking indescribable elation, roaring through the twenty-three
year old’s drugged body.
The tightly stretched lips of her understanding cunt worked and sucked at
Slim’s hard-driving penis, while her lips and tongue pulled urgently
upon the sliding cock that plugged her mouth with its lewdly slithering
bulk. Powerful lightning-like sensings jolted her from the tip of her
head down to her desperately flexing and unflexing toes.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmnnnnnnhhhhhh!” she moaned as she felt hard cocks being
placed in her empty hands, and she jerked and pulled at them until they
began to spew forth their white liquid, letting it fall and splatter
all over her quivering and exposed body. And then she was cumming too,
cumming simultaneously with all the others, feeling Slim’s plunging
Shaft of hardness expand and pour still more lust-heated sperm deep up
into her quaking womb.
Then another mounted her, and then another. Probably another, but Alice
Couldn’t tell. It was too good and too crazy. She was debased as she
had never been debased before, and her mind was a befogged mass of
And then after rising to still another height and plunging again from
its wonderful depths, Alice stirred from the blackness of
They were gone. All of them gone! How long it had been over she could
Not tell, except that now, the sky was darker than it had been before,
and now she lay fully clothed upon the grass, even her hair had been
pinned up in a make-shift way. Only the dazed memory and the soreness
of her limbs and delicate feminine flesh attested to what had happened.
With infinite care Alice Appleton rose from the ground and staggered
out of the thicket.
What now? she thought. What now?

Chapter 6

“A leave of absence, Miss Appleton?” Brad Armstrong sat behind his
desk, his paunch partially hidden by the papers in front of him.
“Yes, that’s right, Mr. Armstrong. You see … I … I haven’t been
myself recently. I need time to recover my health so that I can be a
good teacher to the boys and a credit to the school.”
“Well … I suppose we can arrange it, Miss Appleton.” Brad was
thinking. Supposing he told her she’d have to get down on her hands and
knees and suck him off before he’d let her go! That would be something
all right! But while nothing prevented the middle-aged principal of the
Scotsdale School from thinking about such a thing, he knew that he
wouldn’t suggest such a thing.
“Yes … we can certainly arrange it,” he added. “May I add that we
will miss you sorely, my dear! You must worry back to us!”
Alice was grateful. She stood up. “Oh thank you Mr. Armstrong. I will
… I certainly will. A month should be sufficient!”
As she turned to go out the door after shaking the principal’s hand,
Alice was confident. She hurried out of the office, unaware of Brad
Armstrong’s lascivious star on her ripely swinging ass-cheeks and long
shapely legs.
She’ll go way, get laid by someone and come back feeling a lot better,
he thought to himself as he sat back down at his desk.
“Good day, Miss Worthington!” Alice sang. She was free, free … and
she would recover … she would!
The principal’s secretary bid Miss Appleton a frigid ‘good day’ in
return, curious and jealous about why the younger woman was in such
good spirits after leaving her boss’s office, and thinking she’d better
find out!
“Oh, glad you came in, Emma. I’ve got a little dictation.”
“I thought you might need me, Brad!” Miss Worthington cooed, sitting
down in the dictation chair beside Mr. Armstrong’s desk.
“Before we begin, Emma…”
“Yes, Brad?” Emma looked up hopefully. It had been a long time … she
was beginning to wonder. Her heart thumbed in her throat as she waited.
A twinkle came into Brad’s normally stone serious eyes as his tone
changed completely.
“Come here, gorgeous!” he said, holding his arms open wide.
“Oh Brad!” Miss Worthington flew into the offered embrace. It was
wonderful to love and be loved in secret by the Scotsdale principal. It
made up for all the work she had to do … for the low salary, and for
the impertinences of the various teachers.
“Go lock the door, Emma. I want to see you … really see you!”
“Oh Brad … yes, yes!” Emma ran to the door, her flesh thrilling as
she thought of how she wouldbe nakedly pressed against Brad’s
masculine chest, she would know these delights which he and only he had
brought out in her. Oh they might think she was a ‘professional virgin’
all right, but she knew different!
* * *
“Leaving, Miss Appleton?” Tim and Bennie Larsen could not believe their
ears. The bitter memory of how the other boys had taken advantage of
the aphrodisiac they’d given to her still burned in their minds. They
recalled all too well the pleasures the others had reaped from their
own dear Miss Appleton, when they should have been the ones! They had
been the ones to go and carefully dress their unconscious teacher after
the others had had their naked fill of her drug-stimulated body. They’d
pinned up her hair and made her look as respectable as possible under
the circumstances.
But now, they honestly feel the pain of the young teacher's department,
and tried desperately to think of something they could do about it.
“It’s for you, boys,” Alice said earnestly. “I’m leaving so that I can
be in perfect health and return to teaching you the way I did before!”
“Gee, Miss Appleton,” Tim pleased, thinking quickly, “would you give us
Just one more of those special study sessions again before you leave?”
Alice agreed to show the boys all of her art books on the night before
she was to leave the school. She arranged a special ‘stay up’ pass for
them, and at 7:15 p.m. they were to meet in the empty study hall.
However, before Alice was ready to leave, at precisely five minutes
After seven, she heard a light tapping at her door. Opening it, she
discovered the two eager third year olds, hair brushed and faces
shining clean, dressed in their best vest sweaters and shirts, long
pants with cuffs and brown oxfords. All of this constituted a kind of
school uniform, but on Tim and Bennie the familiar outfit looked more
special than usual. Alice was taken aback by their presence, and when
she wondered aloud how they had been able to get into the faculty wing,
They told her the truth. They had shown their special pass, plus the
large important-looking bunch of flowers that they had gone to town
that afternoon to buy for their departing teacher, and the old man on
duty had indulgently let them in.
Alice sat down on the studio couch, some nonplused. Her eyes
knit together in consternation at the realization that she was alone
with the boys in her small apartment. Evidences of her packaging were all
around, and all the knickknacks and special mements that had been
placed about before, were now temporarily gone. It gave the small
apartment a forlorn air, and Tim and Bennie weree the first to feel the
stark reality of Miss Appleton’s leave-taking.
Tim thrust the bouquet of flowers into Alice’s arms and the boys stood
back, admiring the beauty of the red and white carnations below their
teacher’s lovely flower-like face. They were striking together, the
colorful flowers and dark-haired Miss Appleton, and seeming to sense
This and the dramatic sadness of the moment, Alice began to cry.
She didn’t want to leave the school. She had never wanted to leave, not
for a moment, not even for summer vacations. So far she had spent the
summers tutoring boys who were failing, and looking forward to her
Regular students in the fall. Now, she was going away, forced into
leaving really by the terrible shade of her own unexplainably lewd
behavior. She would be leaving these wide-eyed young creativity, both so
beautiful really that they didn’t quite look human … more like some
kind of woodland animal. Yet she couldn’t remain to corrupt them. She
must be someone the twins would always remember with affection and …
yes, respect, despite her obscene delay under the school standwell that
day. As far as the tragedy that had taken place on the day of the
school picnic was concerned, Alice was not at all sure that she hadn’t
imagined seeing the Larsen boys’ faces looking earnestly on while she
took on the entire bunch of rowdy seniors. Yet deep down inside she
knew that they must have seen it all, hadn’t they were due to return
any moment with a cold drink for her? If only she hadn’t sent them
away, she might have been with them instead of those disgusting boys
who would now spread ugly rumors about her to the entire class.
Just the thought of the things they’d say made Alice blush fiercely,
and as Bennie took the flowers from her trembling arms and went in
search of a vase, she continued to sob softly to herself. It was all
crazy and mixed up, and it didn’t seem fair that any of this should be
happening to her. What had she done to deserve such suffering?
By Bennie’s return, Tim had moved to comfort his teacher, sitting close
by her side and gently struggling her arm.
“There, there…” he muttered.
“Don’t cry, Miss Appleton.” Bennie sat on the other side and soothed at
Alice’s pretty dark hair, brushing it back from her face. Both boys
knew that what they were attempting was an experiment beyond any they
had previously thought out. They had not brought any of the infamous
“formula” with them. Not a single drop. It had been too awful watching
Miss Appleton go through those body-and-mind-shattering torques at the
picnic. Too painful to see that something usually went wrong and they
were thwarted from their amorous goal.
Alice felt Tim’s lips gentle upon her neck, and then the young boy’s
breath was blowing warm on the exposed area of ​​her upper chest, his
chin moving the fabric of her soft blouse downward towards the hidden
cream-whiteness of her firm full breasts. Alice continued to sob softly
for a time, letting herself becomes completely limp in their arms. Her
two prize pupils held her and petted her, kissed their teacher gently,
ardently while in her mind Alice thought of what might have been …
the long-ago lover that might have become a loving husband, had he not
chosen to take her virginity, all her young password, and then move on
… the career that might have been spotless, untarnished by the
lustful necessities of her body! But this was what she wanted, desired
like this. This was what she needed from her two young boys! Her long
dark eyelashesfluttered wildly as she felt Tim’s flushed face pressing
Now against the heated surface of her breast. How had her blouse come
unbuttoned? How had she let this happen? And the clap of her brassiere
seemed to have melted to nothingness! Deep in her trembling belly the
aroused young teacher felt the strongest surge of lust she had ever
Known. This was different from before –much different. Her motivation
seemed to be coming from her mind as well as her body, rather than
originating with her body and eventually clouding her mind. This time
she wanted to give herself up to love … not to the shadow of her long
departed lover, but to these beautiful children! Her own students. Now
it seemed as though it had been these tenderly caresing fingers she’d
wanted all along. On some subconscious level, they were the ones she’d
felt would give her just what she needed!
“Beautiful … fantastic …”
“Incredible!” The thirteen year old boys murmured over and over. Moving
slowly, they easily and without the least bit of resistance removed
Each delicate article of Miss Appleton’s clothing. Gracefully she
turned to allow them each withdrawal, each uncovering of her splendid
nakedness. It was all right, it was perfectly all right! She kept
telling herself. It had to be, didn’t it … for she was going to do it
Tim and Bennie were overwhelmed as never before by the sight of their
teacher’s pale, almost translate skin, gleaming like a rich and
exotic jewel against the dark plaid couch cover, for they knew that her
arousal this time was real … not forced by the drug they’d originally
invented from a book of aphrodisiac recipes. Their flesh burned at the
sight of the lovely creation who decided to give herself to them
Without the benefitof the precious “formula”! Already they could feel
What it would be like to possess this willingly waiting woman ten years
older than they. Shortly they would know the delights of her secret
flesh, the way they had known those of their father’s unfaithful second
wife. But this time love would be their motivation, rather than hatred!
It was better … much better!
Leaping up simultaneously, the boys quickly peeled away their own
clothes. The sweaters, shirts and T-shirts came off almost in one
piece over their heads, and the rest soon followed suit. As their two
boyish penises thrust into view, Alice sent occasionally. Already she
seemed to feel the hard young shafts buried deep inside her rapidly
moistening pussy.
“Come … come …” she whispered huskily, holding her arms up. “Come
to me, anxious!”
Tim clapped his crazy throbbing penis firmly in his small strong
hands, feeling it alive with a will of its own, pulsing hotly against
his fingers, anxious for the long awaited moment. As he watched his
teacher’s desire-wracked body squirming around on the couch as she
waited for him … waiting for both of them, Tim felt a moment of
elongation. He knew and he knew that his brother knew it too. This was
quite different from old Carolyn, his father’s ex-wife. The feelings
the scheming third year olds had for Miss Appleton were far deeper
than that. Where they had hated the blonde woman their father had
married, and with good reason, they loved the dark-haired Miss
Unconsciously, Bennie beside him began to pump up and down on the
blood-engorged shaft of his wildly aching penis.
Alice lay back, her body trembling from the strong emotions within her.
Only the boys knew that she had had none of the formula. Not even the
Smallestbit of it. The sensings of lewd desire she was experiencing
Felt just the same as before, but this time they were real! Tim’s mouth
was dry and he too felt overcome with a surplus of emotion by the sight
of the nakedly waiting teacher. But while he hesitated, he saw his twin
brother move in front of him. It was like watching himself. The trim
naked buttocks, the strong lithe back. The boy moved up onto the studio
bed so that he was kneeling directly over the dark-haired older woman,
his knees parting hers.
“Wait for me!” Tim cried, impatiently, moving anxiously towards his
brother and the sensitively reclining twenty-three year old. “We can do
it together … sort of like before!” he said, pulling Bennie away as
he added his own slender boy’s body to the voluptuous milk-white curves
and indentations of Miss Appleton’s receptively waiting form. Tim had
an idea, and he wasn’t sure it would work, but he was determined to
try. He lay down on the studio couch and reached out for Miss Appleton.
“What … is it … what do you want me to do?” Alice asked in a
quavering voice.
“Come lie on top of me!” Tim hissed. Already his young cock had
quivered to proved attention, anticipating the imminent approach of Miss
Appleton’s sweetly pulsing cunt.
The young boy felt slim and smooth beneath her as Alice lay obligingly
on top of him, separating her legs and feeling the staff of his boyish
cock pressing against the outer hair-covered mound of her supple pussy.
“Oh …” she gasped, as Tim’s tongue reached up for hers, and his
fingers began a deft manipulation of the breasts that were pressed to
his undeveloped chest.
Alice could see everything that was happening with the third year
old adolescents as though she were lookinging on at herself from a great
distance. A sane, self-appraising inner eye was watching and saw a
woman who was lost in the throes of password, responding blindly,
griping out for the most perverse fulfillment! Way in the back of her
mind, Alice recalled the Greeks and their great love for young boys,
and although she was not yet that old herself, she could understand
Why! Oh yes, there was definitely something to be said for young boys!
It was as though a key had been turned in the lock that had been
waiting all these years to be opened again, and the formerly expressed
school teacher found herself thoroughly aroused, her thighs and softly
trembling belly afire against Tim’s eager young form, all the forbidden
desire and excitement and longing welling up inside her belly and
chasing away the despondency of a short moment ago.

Behind the lewdly intertwined duo, Bennie could see the long white
spread-eagled limbs of his favorite teacher, and temptingly, her full
and quivering ass-cheeks. Then, as if on some kind of signal, he saw
Miss Appleton rise up slightly on her knees, presented the fully
Puckered entrance to her anal passage back to him just as she placed
the tiny orifice of her silken vagina upon his brother’s raging hard
Bennie knew what his job was, and understand with what delight he would
Undertake it. Miss Appleton was theirs … at long last, completely
theirs. And he moved up behind her on the couch, and pressed the blunt
bulbous head of his throbbing hot penis to the small virginal opening
of her rectum.
“Unggh,” Alice grossed, as her student pressed forward. But Bennie
didn’t stop his relentless drive up into her wide-stretching anus,
shoving forward with all the might of his young athletic frame.
Tim thrust upward, and feelthe thickly rounded head of his young cock
moving with youthful urgency upward into the soft clinging pink folds
of the older woman’s cunt. As he thrust, Alice groaned against him, and
he felt that Bennie’s skewering, ethanol penis had penetrated the young
teacher’s happyly resisting anal passage! Tim could even feel his
brother’s cock surging parallel to his through the thin membrane that
separate Alice’s raging pussy from her fire-filled back-passage.
“OH GOD!” Alice crumpled forward onto Tim, only to be buffeted back
Again against his twin brother by the boy’s brutal upward thrusts. The
English teacher’s long legs jackknifed out wide as she felt her two
private orifices invaded by the most feverish delight. Her nakedly
presented body was suddenly liberated by the pleasure of the two
illicit invasions, and sandwiched between the teenage twins, she let a
low moan of satisfaction escape her lust-contorted lips. The whimpering
brunette lay trembling between two tightly imbedded hardnesses, equal
in size and equal in eagerness to please. They feel so very good way up
There inside her, filling her totally, so that there was no way to turn
Without knowing the hard masculine presence dually thrusting into her
velvety depths.
“Ooooohhhhhhh gooooooood, gooooood!” Tim cried. At last his youthful cock
was penetrating his beloved teacher’s hotly clapping pussy, making all
His dreams come true. Cripes, they’d been planning this for so long.
Now the second woman in the twins’ young adolescent years was
thoroughly impaled by their lustfully driving cocks. Tim gasped as he
felt the older woman squirming above him, clutching at his shoulders
and hips to draw him even closer. Her breasts, full and silken-
textured, brushed against the flat of his chest and he grabbed the
Straining cheats of her greedily trembling buttons, spreading them
wide for his brother’s every sodomistic downward thrust, extremely
driving his own aching penis far up into the tight slippery wetness of
the mewling woman’s hair-fringed pussy. Between the two of them, the
boys gathered more and more strength with each rhythmic thrust, keeping
Alice pinned squarely between them as they rammed their lust-engorged
members eagerly inward.
“Oh, Miss Appleton … your cunt is so far out!” Tim groaned, licking
his tongue in Alice’s ear.
“And your ass is squeezing my cock so tight! Jeez … it’s so GOOD!”
Bennie slipped his tongue into Alice’s other ear, swirling it wetly and
Sensuously around until he could feel the excitedly wriggling teacher
begin to shiver with new delight.
Bennie was slithering inside her backThere deeper than Alice had ever
Thought anything would go. But instead of being ashamed and feeling
guilty, the flushed and excited twenty-three year old felt elated. She
wanted to be obliterated by her students’ love, smoked between them
and fucked until she could take no more. She moaned helpless surrender
as the slender rod of Bennie’s penis entered and withdraw from the
tightly clenched orifice of her anus, feeling his young cum-inflated
testicles swinging under her, perhaps brushing inwardly the upward-
screwing cock that belonged to his brother, as it plumdered the
further depths of her flaring pussy.
For Alice, the pleasure she was getting back there was different,
completely different from regular lovemaking, and it was such a
Revelation that she could actually enjoy such a lewd act that the young
teacher feel herself going half crazy with excitement. To think that
The two of them could make love to her at once like this … almost as
Though they had practiced! With consummate skill the third year olds
manipulated her tender feminine body between them until Miss Appleton
undulated and jerked nakedly against them, her dark hair flying in all
directions as obscene wet skewering noises filled the small apartment.
“Oh boys … where did you learn this? What are you doing to me?” Alice
gasped. She was lunging obviously back onto Bennie’s in-rushing penis,
her heart palpitating as Tim’s spiraling cock-head surged hotly upward
into her widespread urban passage. The frenzied delight spread to
Every portion of her desire-wracked body, and Alice could feel it
taking hold with not unprecedented strength, filling her streaming
pussy with shocks of tremulous password that ricocheted fiercely between
the shuddering channel of her rectum and the clapping undulations of
her simmering cunt.
“Ohhhhhhh yessss, boys … yesssss!” she told, transported to a world
of ecstatic password that grow more and more uncontrollable,
Relentlessly carrying the young teacher to an intoxicating climax. Leg
and arms trembling and pressing against each other in disjointed spasms
of smoldering excitation, the trio of lasciviously intertwined lovers
entered the throes of a triple orgasm, mouths hanging open in password,
eyes closed, slippery hair-fringed pussy rubbing against smooth
hairless loins, while full feminine ass-cheeks were spread and
plumdered by the rock-hard staff of a second adolescent’s cock. All
three of them felt the cute thrill of mutual climax overtaking them,
and understanding with pleasure, they rolled and twisted in each other’s
arms. The twin spears that penetrated her tensing and sucking passages
grow stiff then burst with two heavyloads of desire, releasing pools
of boyish sperm deep and flood-like up into the pulsating depths of
Miss Appleton’s most intimate womb and tightly clenching rectum.
Many long and peaceful moments later, Alice stirred between her two
teenage lovers.
“Oh … how I’m going to miss you…” she told softly.
“How we’re going to miss you!” the boys echoed.

Chapter 7

“What do you brats want now?” Emma Worthington did not both to hide
her extreme dislike of the Larsen twins. Why should she? It was clear
They were over-privileged, smart-mouthed little brats, spoiled rotten!
The fact that she knew they managed to pull the wool over practically
Every teacher’s eyes in the entire school only added to her desire to
treat the boys with the ill-humor she felt they truly deserved.
“Teachers’ pets!” she thought ruefully, thinking of all the special
privileges that she knew the twins had received since they’d been at
the school.
Tim and Bennie looked askance at the school principal’s secretary. They
were each thinking that the time had come for an all-out war between
them. Nobody got away with calling them brats … not to their faces
anyway, and Miss Worthington was no exception.
“We’d like to see Mr. Armstrong, please,” Tim said politely, taking in
Miss Worthington’s pinched features, the drag, colorless hair piled
atop her head, still containing a shade of red that hinted at a
prettier color in days gone by. Her spreading figure might have been
good once, but lack of exercise and overreating had sent it to the
borderline, and certain parts of her once trim hips spread optimized
over the edge of her chair, despite the long-line girl that she wore.
“AGAIN?” Miss Worthingtoncried. “You boys just can’t keep on coming up
Here like this. Mr. Armstrong is the principal of this school. He’s a
Very busy man. He hasn’t got time to keep answering your questions!”
The secretary’s voice became so shrink that a shadow appeared at the
ripple-glass door that had the word Principal neighborly lettered on it.
Brad Armstrong peered outside and looked questioning and, the boys
thought, disapprovingly at his secretary.
“What on earth is the trouble, Miss Worthington?” he asked. Then
spotting the twins who were standing with their hands politely claped
behind their backs, he realized what the communication was. “Oh! It’s you
boys again,” he said. “Well, come on in. I’ve got a second to spare.”
Triumphantly the Larsens marched past Miss Worthington, and just before
closing Mr. Armstrong’s door, Bennie, who was the last inside, turned
to flash a brilliant smile at the thirty-five year old secretary. Emma
spluttered and returned to her typing. The nervous of them, she thought
Brad Armstrong turned to face his freshman students, once he’d returned
to his position behind his desk. He cleared his throat and tried to
look beautiful.
“I told you two that I’d let you know as soon as I have word about Miss
Appleton’s return. More than that I cannot do!”
“But she was due to be gone only a month!” Tim said, shifting from one
foot to the other.
“Yes … well she called in to ask for an extension of that time, and
She could be gone for as long as another month.” Armstrong said with an
annoyed tone. He was sick of them coming to ask about their teacher.
Obviously a schoolboy crush, and in Miss Appleton’s case, thoroughly
Justified. She was probably out there getting herself screwed silly
Every night, he thought, and the very idea of ​​it irked him no end. All
he was getting these days was Emma Worthington, and his interest in his
secretary was beginning to decline, to say the least, since those first
days several years before when she had been a “semi-beautiful” young
woman, a virgin, whom he had delighted in debauching. But even
debauchery with Miss Worthington had its limits and there were only a
limited number of things she could be counted upon to do.
Besides, her giggling at cruel moments was beginning to get on his
“Now run along children … just run along. And I don’t want to see you
Here again, unless it’s for a good reason!” Unceremoniously, Brad
ushered the disconsolate teenagers out of his office, and Miss
Worthington looked smug as they passed her desk.
Once back in their room, the boys laying broodingon their twin beds.
“We’ve gotta do something about them,” Tim finally said, breaking the
long silence.
“Yep,” Bennie agreed, knowing perfectly well that his brother was
referring to Mr. Armstrong and his ugly secretary. Scotsdale boys were
never referred to as children, for one thing. The accepted term was
“men” or “young men”. Their principal’s reference to the teenagers as
children only proved something the boys had long suspected about the
grey-haired head of the school. He was insincere, and pompous, unfit to
be the head of Scotsdale School. What was more, no one had called
either of them a “brat” since their father’s former wife, ‘old
Carolyn’, and they knew what they’d done to her! She was the ex-Mrs.
Larsen before the marriage was two months old, but not before she had
endured the most stringent of trialswith the twins under the
influence of the formula. Tim and Bennie still chuckled when they
Thought of their former stepmother and the family dog, Shep. Certainly
Shep would never forget the first and perhaps only female human being
he’d had the good fortune to mate with! Then there was Carolyn and her
girlfriend. Shit, that had been most interesting to see, when the boys
made sure that both girls got a good dose of their special aphrodisiac
sauce in the daiquiri mix. Both the adolescents were pleased about the
resulting dividend. That had been their only goal; after all, they’d not
wanted to ruin the pretty blonde adultress’ entire life, only her life
with their father. All their actions were justified they felt by
Carolyn’s naturally lascivious nature. The way they’d caught her
carrying on with that magazine salesman. And right in the kitchen of
their own house! Yes, theywere both proud of how they’d made things
turn out then, and the silence between the boys now was an indication
that they felt that certain measures needed to be taken again!
It was very difficult being without their dear Miss Appleton, and
Especially hard since they’d heard not a word from the charming twenty-
three year old since her department from the school over a month ago.
The fact that she was staying away beyond the period of her original
Leave was alarming to say the least. Dealing with people like Mr.
Armstrong and Miss Worthington only made life that much more horrible
and frustrating. Yes, definitely something would have to be done. After
all, it wasn’t only a question of honor … it was a question of
After the supper that evening the boys began to plot out their latest
plan. A surge of excitement reanimated their innocent-looking faces as
They set to work again. Soon, things would be jumping again!
* * *
Emma Worthington set the tray down on her desk for a brief moment when
she heard her name being called from outside her office. She’d been on
her way inside with it, having fetched it from the cafeteria at the
usual time: 10:15 a.m. Brad always wanted his coffee then, and Emma was
Particularly sure to stir in the correct amount of sugar and cream
herself. The coffee ritual was very important to the faithful secretary
Because this was most frequently the time when her boss would be in
need of her services … her ‘other’ services.
She stepped outside into the hall, puzzled that someone would be
calling her out there. Who on earth could it be. Outside she saw no
one, and deciding that it must have been her imagination she returned
to the tray on her desk.
Just one last look in her compact mirror before she entered Brad's
office, and she would be ready. She didn’t want the coffee to be cold,
After all!
Emma tugged a bit on her long-line girdle. They weren’t supposed to
ride up, but for some reason hers did. Hopefully she would soon be
removing it … hopefully Brad would be in a loving mood that morning!
The faded redhead tapped lightly on the inner office door and then
entered, bearing the small tray with its coffee. The principal was
seated behind his desk, reading a book. Emma admitted the older man for
a moment before he looked up. He was so studious, she thought, so
When the silver-haired principal looked up, Emma smiled her best smile
and chirped. “Here it is … piping hot, and just the way you like it!”
Emma blushed when she feel her boss’s eyes lingering at the level of
her well-developed breasts. She was glad she’d gone out to that sale
the day beforeEven though it had been raining pitchforks, to get one
of those cross-your-heart bras. It had done wonders for her full
breasts, and she felt sure Brad was noticing now.
“Thank you, Emma,” he said in his deep baritone. Such a lovely speaking
voice he had. Emma never failed to be thrilled at the Graduations and
other occasions when Brad got up to speak.
“Is there … anything else I can do for you?” she asked, almost shyly.
How good it would feel, his wonderful male hardness surging into her
belly! His warm encouraging words of tenderness … intimate words that
he would use when touching her where no one had ever touched but him!
It would be especially good today, Miss Worthington felt … especially
good since she was so much in a mood … a romantic mood!
“No … no, that will be all for the moment, Emma. Thank you very
Emma could hardly believe her ears, and yet she returned Brad’s
pleasant smile and exited from the office in a suitable humble manner.
Yet as she sat back down at her desk, the thirty-five year old
secretary felt crushed. Her boss was definitely losing interest in her,
and their exciting secret meetings were becoming less and less
frequently, and she was beginning to see the writing on the wall. It was
all the more distressing therefore when the intercom buzzed and Brad
Armstrong’s voice came booming out. “The coffee is lousy, Emma! Did you
make it yourself or something?”
All of her protests were to no avail. The coffee, as far as she knew,
was the same that the cafeteria always made. She offered to get him
Another cup, but he told her no thanks, he’d finish it anyway, even
though it was sickeningly sweet and disgusting.
Emma was crestfallen. She knew that she had put the same amount of
sugar in that she usually did … exactly one and a half lunch.
Whatever had gone wrong was certainly not her fault, but Brad would
never believe that, and somehow Emma sensed that their entire
clandestine relationship had been ruined by the particularly
unfortunate mistake.
She sat desperately at her desk, listlessly typing some reports for
the next parent-teachers’ meeting. She had to have at least one advance
copy ready by 11:30 when the head of the association was due to stop by
to discuss the upcoming meeting with Mr. Armstrong.
* * *
Mrs. James Stilton III had her chauffeur wait downstairs. Then she
Briskly walked up the impressive stairway of the main building of the
Scotsdale School for Boys. Her own son was a senior there, and due to
graduate that June. It would be her last year as head of the parent-
teachers’ association, but as with everything, Jennifer Stilton planned
on doing an excellent job. Her slender figure and soft pretty features
believed the fact that she was a woman past 35, a woman older than Miss
Emma Worthington for example, who could have easily passed for
Jennifer’s mother. It was not only the money that helped. Good genes,
helpful beauty hints passed on from her own beautiful mother … all
These things made Jennifer Stilton the most sought after young matron
in the Sacramento Valley area. Her son Edward, nicknamed Slim because
of his slender lanky form, was not exactly an honor student at the
school, but neither had he disgraced himself in anyway, and for this
Mrs. Stilton was grateful in this age of adolescent strike. She was
Pleased to have chosen Scotsdale School for her son, and glad that her
judgment had proven valid. Mr. Stilton had little to do with his
family, being far too busy most of the time running his interlocking
corporations andexpanding them so eventually they had become a
mysterious international cartel. So just about every facet of home life
was left to Jennifer, and the attractive dark-haired woman was proud of
the strength and talent she’d shown in these fields.
Sometimes it was a bit lonesome, being isolated by both her beauty and
her money from others, especially since she found these wealthy people
who were most nearly in her income brake to be a good deal older than
she, and for the most part boring as paint. Reading was Jennifer’s
primary source of true pleasure when it got down to it, despite the
gala balls, the box at the opera, the attentive homosexual escorts.
Curling up with chocolates, and her records playing, and a good best
seller, was her idea of ​​real relaxation.
In fact, Mrs. Stilton thought as she made her way to Mr. Armstrong’s
office, she would much rather be at home at this very moment than going
to see the principal of her son’s preparation school. However it had to
be done, and Mrs. Stilton would do it cheerfully, and of course, she
would do it well.
“Good morning, Mrs. Stilton!”
Just before entering the outer office, Mrs. Stilton passed the cutest
set of twins she’d ever seen. She replied, wondering just how they knew
her name. She didn’t believe that they were friends of her son; they
were quite a bit younger, or at least appeared to be. The wealthy
socialite had forgotten that her picture had been published in the
weekly student paper, and that her impending visit had accidentally
been mentioned. What nice boys, she thought as she closed the door
behind her and encountered the glum countenance of Miss Worthington.
“Good morning. Mr. Armstrong is expecting you, Mrs. Stilton. You may go
right in.”
Emma glowered at Jennifer's back as the other woman entered Brad’s
office. How she hated that woman, with that figure and every hair in
place and that perfume and those legs and those clothes that Emma would
never be able to wear. God, she was annoying! Just the fact that women
like her existed was enough to ruin Emma Worthington’s day, if she
unexpected to think of it. It was similar to her feeling for Miss
Appleton, Emma thought as she glared at the closed office door. Except
that Miss Appleton was at least a working woman like herself, and not
born or married rich! Nevertheless, there was a disturbing similarity
in Emma’s feelings towards both attractive women, and just as she hated
a certain look that Brad got in his eye when he looked at the pretty
young teacher, she hated the similar, though more guarded look that he
got when he looked at Mrs. Stilton. How long since he had looked at her
that way? It had been several years, and it seemed forever!
* * *
Tim Larsen looked at his watch. “It should be fully activated by now.”
“Great!” Bennie replied. He’d been the one to call Miss Worthington’s
name in the hall, while his twin brother, already hiding in the outer
office, had easily slipped a good portion of their special “formula”
into Mr. Armstrong’s coffee.
Now it was only a matter of waiting to see what would happen. Whatever
happened, though, the twins were sure that they could and would turn it
to their advantage!
Inside the office, Brad Armstrong paced nervously up and down. He’d
been perspiring heavily for several minutes, and now he feel suddenly
cold. There was another disturbing factor too. He had a raging
erection. Now that Mrs. Stilton had arrived, Brad quickly sat down
behind his desk again to prevent the influencedial matron fromseeing.
But God, how he longed to rub his stiff and throbbing member! For some
reason he was having trouble focusing on Mrs. Stilton’s patrician
features. Yet, he know from memory how she looked. She was probably one
of the most beautiful women in California, he thought now, his mind
racing feverishly, while his lips struggled to carry on a conventional
conversation … about what? The disturbed principal wasn’t even sure
… oh yes, about the coming PTA meeting, and the topics that would be
presented to the members of the association.
But instead, Brad thought about Mrs. Stilton’s thighs, and how they
would wrap tightly about his neck while he plumdered the deep passage
of her unresistant pussy, how she would moan and call his name, and
Just exactly what it would feel like to be fucking Mrs. James Stilton
Christ … what a thought!
“Is … uh something wrong,Mr. Armstrong?” Jennifer noted that the
principal’s eyes appeared to be glazed and he was staring at her in the
most peculiar way. He appeared to be looking directly at the modest
cleavage of her blue silk blouse, and from the look on his face,
Jennifer wondered if something might be wrong … that is, if he could
see anything out of the ordinary there.
Nervously her fingers went to her breast, lingered a second and then
fall back to her lap. What an odd man!
“N-No, nothing’s wrong,” Brad stuttered. “I mean … it’s you … it’s
Just you!”
“I don’t quite understand!”
Brad’s head was whirling. He had to stand up, his aching cock was so
constricted that he could no longer remain seated. Without even
thinking, the drugged man precipitated his substantial form around the
desk, coming very close indeed to Mrs. Stilton’s chair.
“You are without a doubt the most beautiful woman in California!” he
blurted out, and his sudden lunch towards Mrs. Stilton made her topple
over sideways in her chair.
“Help!” she gulped, “Oh help!” But the drugged principal couldn’t stop
Now. He had to cover those perfect lips with his own … to stifle the
sounds that came from them and also to savor the sweet taste within.
As she struggled blindly with Armstrong’s superior strength, Jennifer’s
thoughts ran wild. “My God, he’s a maniac … he’s going to kill me!”
She’d always had a terrible fear that something might happen to her,
and now it was happening! What could she do? What would save her?
“I’ve got to have you … got to have you!” Armstrong cried. “No matter
Jennifer felt as though she were going to disappoint at any second. Weakly,
She rolld her head back and forth in protest, and then his mouth was
glued to hers, his tongue sliding wetly between her lips, past the
barrier of her small white teeth.
Sex … all he wanted was sex … she thought … he would not kill her
if she gave in! Sex had never played an important part in Jennifer
Stilton’s aristocratic life. In fact she rarely indulged in it these
days, what with her husband away so often, and then when he was home,
it was usually such a both … for both of them really. But Jennifer
was not about to let an inconsequential thing like sex stand between
her and life! Given the choice, which she honestly believed to be the
fact at this moment, she would gladly choose sex!
It was far from comforting, nevertheless, when the president of the
Parent-Teachers’ Association felt the school principal’s hand tracing
up the soft hot flesh of her inner thighs, lewdly pushingher dress up
with it and exposing her stocking-clad legs to the air. Jennifer’s
breath caught in a tough gasp in her throat as Armstrong’s fingers
slide quickly inside the elastic band of her panties, and without
Further ado parted the sensitive hair-fringed lips of her vagina,
slipping into its hot wetness and moving strangebingly upward to find
the soft inner lips surrounding her cloris.
Jennifer frozen, feeling the horrid intrusion of this man’s fingers in
her secret flesh, her private world, and finally she came to life again
to squirm and struggle with renewed vigor against what was happening.
She raked her long well-kept fingerprint fingernails against his face, drawing
Brad was enraged by the pain Mrs. Stilton had caused him, and the drug
Coursing through his system made him make a sudden decision. It was as
Though it were a matter of life and death to him, possessing ths
woman! “Damn you … you snooty bitch!” he cried, “I’ll fuck you and
I’ll fuck you good!”
“You animal … you …”
But Brad reached out, catching Jennifer’s wrists and holding them fast,
throwing his entire weight on top of her and almost crushing her with
his heavy body, until she could not move a muscle. The principal
emitted a low growl and reached down between their struggle bodies to
hook his fingers into the wispy material of her panties and rip them
away with one jerk.
“My secretary’s gone to lunch by now,” he hissed down into the
socialite’s terrified face. “You can howl all you want. Nobody’s gonna
rush in here until we’re through!”
“Oh God … no! Please let me go … don’t do it to me … how can you?
How CAN you?” The wealthy socialite pleased, hot tears of fear and
Shamestreaming down her cheeks as the principal grabbed her roughly,
slipping her skirt upward until it was over her hips and bunched up
Around her waist. The full ripeness of her volunteerly formed thighs,
the soft dark triangle of public hair covering her small and trembling
pussy, and the flatness of her quivering white belly–all were nakedly
revealed to the principal’s lurid gaze. Then the horrified woman felt
the older man fumbling with his pants and saw them slide away down his
hips, and she caught a glimpse of his thick hard penis brandished in
his hand.
She closed her eyes against the thought. Rape! She was going to be
He was forcing his knees roughly between her fear-tensed legs,
spreading her thighs unmercifully as he guided his lust-engorged member
forward. Shoving her long slender legs behind the knees to raise them
high from the floor of his office, he used the thick rubbery head of
his urgently pulsing cock to part the soft fleshy lips of her
vulnerable cunt.
Jennifer tossed her head wildly, thinking of her husband … of the
first night he’d made love to her, some twenty years before. How cruel
he’d been, how ugly! It had taken other subsequent lovers in the early
years to teach her about sex, to show her how good it could be. This
… this was just like Jim. Just like the terror of her wedding night
When she’d been a virgin!
“Oooohhhhh, Dear God!” she gasped. She shuddered with horror as she felt
the soft electric contact against the sensitive edges of her tightly
clenched pussy. Jennifer held her breath for what seemed an eternity,
petrified in utter subscription under the principal of her son’s school.
Then there was the first hard pressure of his blood-heated cock against
the tight elasticity of her vaginal lips.
"Oooohhhhhh,” she moaned as he pushed and the thick knobby tip slipped
Through. Above her she could see his face, twisted into a grin of sheer
raw lust, as though he could barely stand it any longer.
“Oh Jesus!” he blurted. “I’ve got to fuck you quick!”
Before he’d finished the words, Brad Armstrong had come down heavily
upon the hopelessly trapped matron, thrusting his hips forward with the
same motion, sending his long raging penis sliding mercilessly upward
into the soft moist flesh of Jennifer’s vaginal walls, moving onward
until with a loud groan, the principal’s hanging testicles slapped
heavily into the upturned cheats of her fear-clenched buttons.
“Oh! Oh! Oh!” the dark-haired socialite cried. Never had she been taken
against her will like this … even with her husband, she had consented
to his insensitive love-making. Now she was filled with a near-
stranger’s surging penis, she was speared by the chunky knob of its
freshy tip, and now its desire-bloated shaft lay sunk deep in her
helpless belly, filling every part of her insides with fury. There was
Not one tiny ridge of Armstrong’s hotly pressuring cock that she could
Not feel pressed tightly against the soft tender walls of her
defenseless pussy.
Stunned by his own success, Brad lay unmoving for a brief moment, his
face directly above hers. He had conquered Jennifer Stilton!
“Christ!” he muttered feverishly, his eyes wild with lust, “How many
times I’ve thought about this! How many times I’ve wondered about your
sweet little pussy … your gorgeous cunt!” As if to emphasize his
words he throbbed the tip of his penis deep inside, letting it jerk
maddeningly within the trapped PTA president’s wide-stretched vagina.
“Nnnnnooooo,” she moaned, the cords in her neck standing out from the
pressure of her resistance.
“Don’t you like it? Don’t you like it?” the principal cried, grinning
down at her in dazed and drugged delight. “Tell me you like it … God,
it feels good! I know it’s got to be feeling good for you too!”
“Yes … yes …” Jennifer cried, afraid to offend this madman, lest he
Truly hurt her, maim or kill her. Anything was better than that! She
Thought of her house, of her son, even of her husband. The tickets for
theatre she had that night, her chauffeur outside waiting with the
sleek gray car. She wanted to return to all of that! She wanted to
“Tell me … beg me for it then!” Brad hissed down at her. This was a
little game he enjoyed playing even in more normal circumstances with
His secretary. He loved forcing Emma Worthington to plead with him,
once he’d gotten it inside her. He’d leave it motionless until she was
going wild for a good fucking. But this … this was far more exciting,
far more stimulating, and although Brad couldn’t even recall just how
he’d gotten into this intimate position with the beautiful and poised
society mother, he knew that he had to play it out to the glorious end!
“Whhhhhaaaat?” Jennifer breathed. “I … I don’t understand!”
“You understand … I said beg me for a good lay. Ask me to screw your
pussy good!” He thrust downward, creating a sering white pain deep
inside of her quivering belly.
“Please … please have mercy. Please!” Jennifer tossed her dark
shining hair from side to side. She could feel tears of humiliation
sliding down her face. She was so helpless, so alone!
“Do it … do it!” The incensed principal slammed down ontoJennifer
Stilton’s softly yielding body, his teeth grinding together as he felt
her shuddering against him, the inner muscles of her tightly clapping
cunt rippling involuntarily.
“Screw … screw … SCREW ME!” she cried suddenly, through clenched
teeth, tears inundating her cheeks as she hissed out the lewdly
degrading words. She was feeling the utter depths of degradation. All
of her self-respect was being stripped away in this one hideous moment.
What was left? Nothing … nothing but to get it over with as quickly
as possible. As she gave up her last remaining ounce of resistance, the
fine-figured matron could feel him clamping his wet mouth hotly against
hers. Between her spread-apart thighs, the age of her soft sensitive
flesh being ground into by his quickening strokes made her groan out
She would show him! the aristocratic Mrs. Stilton thought wildly. She
would finish it, and defeat him in the process. Nobody conquered
Jennifer Stilton! Nobody! A wave of defiance seemed to spring from the
Very depths of despair. The mere thought of what she was about to do
sent chills along the base of her spine; and she feel the unsuspecting
principal of the school commence a slow rhythm as his probing cock
skewered wetly into her. The straining socialite’s whole being began to
twist and wronge beneath him, and she began to moan incessantly up into
the obscene mood of his mouth, shoving her tongue furiously and
with deep abandon down his throat, feigning mewls of animalistic
acceptance, a light film of perspiration burst out on her forehead as
Jennifer felt his hands slipping down over the naked curves of her hips
and sliding beneath the soft smooth mounds of her undulating ass-
Cheeks. Cupping them harshly with each hand, Brad began to thrust with
Greatter frenzy.
Jennifer thought of the beautiful young Mexican lover she’d taken down
in Acapulco. Yes, it had been entirely her decision. A decision she
made in the hot noon of the sun, there on the beach. How many years ago
had it been. No matter … it was clear in her mind, every last detail
of it! The deep brown of his skin and the coal-black hair and eyes, a
body firm and muscle that speak of his youth. Eightteen, perhaps
nineteen. She’d never known for sure. She’d left her husband home
napping and gone to meet him down by the azure sea, in the astounding
heat, her crocheted bathing suit touching at the nakedness of her body
beneath. She could taste what it would be like before it happened, and
During the long password moments, she had lived a thousand lives.
The way he rose above her while she drank in the marvel of his sun-
bronzed body, broad chest and slender wait andhips, his hair long and
falling in his eyes until he was back upon her and within her, the
hardness of him forcing her to melt, a total animal, cumming again and
again around the shattering piston of his driving masculinity.
Yes, she had been loved and loved well. Jennifer would always have that
memory, no matter what. She would have that despite all the pettiness
of her daily life of the moment, and perhaps one day she would choose
to have it again. For something was beginning to change inside her, she
knew. No longer would she be as sensitively calm and composed as she had
have recently. Now that she was enduring this gross attack, she would
use this to make her a better woman.
Lasciviously, Brad Armstrong flexed and unflexed his fingers on the
firm white flesh of Jennifer Stilton’s exposed buttocks. He jerked her
harder against his thrusting loins and made her pull her tights back a
little more, spreading the moist wet aesthetic of her hair-trimmed cunt
to his eagerly thrusting penis.
But for Jennifer the maddening pain, and humiliation was passed now,
and her lithe legs on either side of the principal’s impaling cock-
Shaft were jerking and quivering in an abandon that she had no wish to
control. She was with the boy Juanito again, and the beautiful dark-
haired woman closed her eyes, slave her tongue up into his mouth,
as low hums of satisfying pleasure rumbled deep in her throat. She
compromised lewdly under his massive body, aroused by the fervency of her
Feeling. There was no longer any thought but the delicious sensing of
lying beneath this boy, this incredibly beautiful boy, who was fucking
her so well as she gave back to him what he gave to her!
She could feel Juanito slaving above her, moving suddenly into longer,
smoother strokes that drew his lovely lust-hardenedcock nearly out of
her claping vagina on the backstroke, and then plunging forward into
her uplifted ass-cheeks again until she felt the harsh slap of his
sperm-swollen balls against the crevice of her anus. Instead of the
coarse rug of the principal’s office, she feel the shifting sand of the
sheltered cove there on the beach. Instead of Brad Armstrong’s
lustfully ugly features, she could see the dark brown Mexican boy.
The thought raised further mewling and moaning from her chest and the
PTA president began twisting and squealing wantonly under the
ravishment of her nakedly widespread loins.
“That’s more like it!” Brad panted lewdly, “Fuck back, fuck back!”

Chapter 8

Emma Worthington sat dismally over her tasteless tuna fish salad. The
slices of hard boiled egg on her plate seemed to stare back at her with
hateful eyes. She’d been downin the lunchroom for about ten minutes
Now, having left her office shortly after Mrs. Stilton’s arrival. She
would stay for the entire hour she decided, until that awful woman had
left, and then perhaps she could find something … some small favor
Perhaps that would put her back in Brad’s good graces. The thought gave
her a glimmer of hope. With a deep sight, she took another bite of her
tuna salad.
Tim and Bennie finally spotted the solidary figure of Miss Worthington
Sitting in a corner of the lunch room. They moved quickly, without at
the same time appearing to rush, in her direction. Tim carried the cup
of juice carefully so as not to spill a drop.
When Emma looked up and saw the two third year olds, she groaned.
“What do you want?” she asked with ill humor. “If it is about that Miss
Appleton of yours, I haven’t heard a thing and neither has Mr.
Armstrong,so don’t go bothering him!”
As far as she was concerned, the drag secretary hoped that Miss
Appleton never showed up again. Besides, she’d heard rumors about the
pretty young teacher. Very compromising rumors. She’d overheard some of
the older boys talking one day and she’d gotten quite an earnful before
They spotted her and shut up.
“Whoa, Miss Worthington, it’s not about Miss Appleton!” Bennie said,
pleasantly. But inside he was seeing at the way the principal’s
secretary spoke the name of their most favorite person in the world.
“No,” Tim added. “We’ve just brought you some juice, Miss Worthington.
To go along with your salad.”
Emma looked at the paper cup full of juice. Her mouth was rather dry,
she realized, due to the uncompromising nature of her salad. “Well,
Thank you,” she said, tasting the liquid. It tasted good, different
from the grape juice she’d expected it was. It was about time she got a
little service in this school. She hoped that some of the teachers who
were sitting at a distant table had seen and noted that the twins had
brought her something to drink! Maybe people would begin to take more
notice of her. She was tired of being kicked around like an old shoe,
When she knew she deserved more, much more!
Silently, Emma downed the entire cup, thinking her own resentful and
spineful thoughts as the odd-tasting grape juice slide down her throat
and into her stomach.
“Oh by the way, Miss Worthington,” Tim said, when he saw that the cup
was empty, “Mr. Armstrong was asking for you. Said he wanted to see you
right away!”
“WHAT?” Emma stood up. A bit of tuna fish clung to her mouth,
unnoticed, as she glared at the twins. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?
Why didn’t you tell me right away?”
Neither Tim or Bennie got the chance to answer, for Emma flew out of
the cafeteria and headed for the stairs. The twins looked at each other
and smiled. Soon things would be swell. Things would be hunky-dory!
* * *
Inside the principal’s office, on the rug before his desk, two figures
Writhed, oblivious to time or place. It was a kind of struggle for life
for each of them, the one driven by a drug’s different turnings in his
system, the other driven by self-preservation.
Mrs. James Stilton’s palpitating vagina widened and flared with
animalistic desire. It was swallowing the whole of Brad Armstrong’s
lewd penis as it plunged mercilessly to the very core of her belly.
The beautiful woman, who had headed the local best-dressed list for the
last five years, accepted each and every fierce thrust into her softly
accepting cuntal depths, for she was thinking of that day so long ago,
Feeling the hot sand, the taste of the salty sweat from the Mexican’s
brow as it dropped to her parted lips. He had brought his hand around
to where his firmly and deeply ensconced penis was sliding smoothly in
and out of her desire-drenched pussy, and she felt him begin to fondle
the tender hair-trimmed lips of her cunt, milking at his own rampaging
hardness, continuing to play there until soft grosses of unrestrained
lust formed in her slender throat and escaped to the sea air. The
widening sheath of her gripping pussy accepted the quickened stroke,
now as hot and pulsating and deep, it moved within her, causing a
tormenting age of pleasure that caused her to thrash insanely beneath
him. And then he was pressing his hands under her knees and moaning
Along with her as he ground down hard and deep until she was like jelly
beneath him. Her scanning loins burned, blazing at her mind,
overpowering all thought other than that of the magnificent pressure
building inside her. His hands were like fluttering angel’s wings as
They ran over her, creating friction and desire wherever they went.
This was loving! This was life!
* * *
Emma Worthington could hear the groaning and moaning, the wet skewering
thrusts clearly as she opened the door to her outer office. They were
coming from inside … inside where Brad had been meeting with Mrs.
Stilton! As she raced inside, the effects of the formula the Larsen
twins had mixed in her juice was already making itself felt, and this,
Along with her normal thoughts and feelings added to the fact that she
was completely ignorant of the fact that the two good-looking thirteen
year olds were right behind her. As in an old Bette Davis movie she had
seen, whose scenes still lurked inher subconscious, Miss Worthington
flung open the door and stood stock-still in horrified dismay.
“Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me, Juanito, darling!” Jennifer Stilton moaned
lustfully, just as she had that day on the beach, calling to him with
the obscene words that were necessary to describe her great pleasure.
“Wonderful! So wonderful! Harder, harder, my darling. Make me yours …
no one but yours!”
Emma Worthington could see the PTA presidential emrithing and panting
obscenely, while above her the purplish face of her own dear Brad
puffed savagely with each might rocking thrust of his loins. Lewdly,
They were both dressed–above the waist that is–while below, their
naked loins ground lasciviously together, Armstrong’s pants and shorts
having been thrust down to his knees while Mrs. Stilton’s skirt seemed
to be completely missing for the moment.
Oblivious of the intruder, Jennifer felt the principal’s deep fucking
penis swelling within her like a huge, unrelenting animal, raging and
hurtling into her trembling belly, making her loins tingle in the grips
of a heavenly dream. Oh, it was fabulous, the most incredible thing
she’d ever done. And Jim would never know how much she’d enjoyed the
peasant boy’s nakedly thrusting loins, how she’d spread her legs so
willingly, so wide for him, knowing that he’d fuck her hungrily aching
pussy better than it had ever been fucked before!
It was a perfect cover, the perfect solution to this unheard of rape,
This degrading humiliation of her private self, for Jennifer could
bring back Juanito’s touch to the “nth” degree, and it was this depth
of feeling, this imprint of a stranger’s lust that saved her now. For
she was cumming. Yes, she was cumming, and she didn’t care that the
sand was grating against her nakedly gyrating back. Her lips bared back
against perfect white teeth as wordless sounds emanated from somewhere
within her. “Mmmmmmmnnn!”
And even as she jerked and bucked upward against him, she could feel
his vitally throbbing penis swelling and growing rock-hard, harder than
before, deep within her womb. And now it was beginning to pump hot
thick sperm far up into her softly quivering belly, even as she felt
Every portion of her body tension and rise to meet the molten lava with
her own blissful password.
This password would have remained unspoiled for another few moments at
least, as Jennifer’s legs went limp, and the principal sprayed heavily
on top of her. But Emma Worthington was consumed by fury at the sight
of her darling Mr. Armstrong and the beautiful matron fucking on her
boss’s floor, and what’s more, there was a wild pounding in her head
and loins that made it impossible to stand still any longer. She ran
blindly forward at this point, tearing at her dress, undoing the zipper
and pulling the garment hurriedly up over her head. Compulsively, she
wriggled out of her new brassiere and the long-line girdle too.
Defiantly, the apoplexic secretary kicked her shoes across the room
and slide off her stockings. When at last she stood amazingly stark
naked before the uncaring couple, she cried out loudly enough for all
It feel so good to be the object of their attention, to be uttering
Each ugly, lewd words that the faded redhead continued. Her brain was
spinning with a million things she’d always wanted to say and do, and
at last, suddenly she had the courage to speak her mind.
ENOUGH FOR YOU, EH!” The school principal was staring in utter
amazement, coming to some extent to himself, he was astonished to see
his secretary’s big bobbing breasts and nakedly trembling white thighs
above him, while below him, he seemed to have just enjoyed the most
delightful erotic moment of his life with Mrs. James Stilton III, who,
he recalled, had thoroughly enjoyed it, too!
“Christ, Emma … what are you doing … I mean, what the hell is going
on?” He rolled obviously from the limp body of Mrs. Stilton, and as
he got to his feet, Emma replied, “DO ME TOO! SUCK MY TITS. FUCK MY
CUNT. GIVE IT TO ME UP THE ASS!” She turned lewdly around, displaying
the large, work-spread cheats of her full buttons. “I’M NO FOOL, BRAD
* * *
The group arrived just in time, the boys thought. They couldn’t have
timed it more perfectly, really. There was Mr. Boyse the chemistry
teacher, Miss Clayton the mathematics teacher, Miss Jackson the
unattractive substitute English teacher, and even the gym teacher Mr.
Eggerson had seen the notice in the faculty blind requesting their
presence at the principal’s office at a specified time. As for the
kids, word of mouth had been enough to get them to come, and they
straggled in in greater and greater numbers as things progressed.
Most of them were just in time to see Brad Armstrong leaping on top of
his naked secretary and throwing her down on top of his desk,
scattering papers to the right and left before he began the frantic
humping that made Emma Worthington croon and cry, calling him her
darling this and her darling that while her legs kicked lewdly out and
her hips thrust upward in wanton need of his thickly penetrating penis.
Practically the entire school was there to see Mrs. James Stilton
getting to her feet, dazed and scratched, having obviously just been
Through some great physical ordeal. They saw her seem to get hold of
herself, and as Mr. Boyse rushed forward to help, she began to cry.
“A maniac! He’s a maniac!” All eyes turned to the humping and thumbing
couple on top of the desk. “He just raped me! Oh my God, I’ve got to
see my doctor!”
“MOTHER!” Slim Stilton rushed forward to comfort his mother, but he
Couldn’t take his eyes away from the lewd gyrations of the principal
and his naked secretary on the desk. Cripes, he thought, didn’t think
old Worthington and Armstrong had it in them!
“PUT IT TO ME, BABY!” Emma Worthington cried, as Mrs. Stilton was
helped half-dressed, out of the office.
“Obviously they’ve been having some kind of affair,” she said quietly.
Then, “Come along, son. You’re not spending another moment in this
horrible school!” But as Jennifer climbed into the back of her
limousine, assisted by her chauffeur and followed by her son, she was
Feeling a dull throb of satisfaction in her loins and still recalling
her Mexican lover. Perhaps she should make another trip south of the
border … to calm her nerves.
The next car to pull up in front of the school was the local police
van. Lt. Morrisey was to talk for some time afterward of what he’d
discovered upon walking into the principal’s office at the Scotsdale
School. For a couple of middle-aged academic types, Brad and Emma had
dutifully impressed the police by the force with which they clung
ecstatically together, despite the efforts to separate them by faculty
and students alike. It was rumored that they were carried out still
joined together, but in reality, they walked to the police van and only
Continued their salacious activities inside the vehicle. They were
handcuffed together, and despite their urgent requests to be freed from
the menacles, the attending sergeant reversed. He was sufficiently
aroused, however, by the couple to break several regulations there in
the back of the van where his partner couldn’t see.
As he was to say to himself much later on, after all the charges had
been filed, “Whatever they say about that old gal, Emma can sure suck a
mean cock–and all the while getting it up the ass from that horny

Chapter 9

The ski resort seemed unimpressive at first, and Alice Appleton rushed
past all the young people who were gathered downers in the main
hall. She felt self-conscious and ill at ease. After all, she was here
to get the good clean air, the total change which she hoped might bring
her back to some semblance of her former self.
The nervous brunette unpacked and neatly put her clothes away in the
Drawers of her room. Outside the bright snow sparkled in the sunshine
and small figures could be seen in the distance, sliding down the
beginner’s slopes. The higher slopes were farther off, and Alice was
looking forward to getting to them the following day. Meanwhile, she
would get acquainted with the grounds, have an early dinner and go
straight to bed. The trip had been tiring, and the young English
teacher was already in a weakened state. But all this she hoped to
change by the time she left the resort. By the time she returned to
Scotsdale School, she would be in top form. She would be the teacher
that her students deserved!
After taking a long, hot bath during which she soaked luxuriously the
silican surfaces of her milk-white skin, Alice stepped from the deep tub
and dried herself with a big fluffy towel. Already she felt much
better, and getting hungry as a wolf! At first the young teacher
contemplated having her dinner sent up to her room, but she was feeling
so much better that she decided that she would go down to the dining
hall. A pamphlet on the dresser told her that dinner was being served
at 7:30. Carefully she dressed, putting on a simple dress of beige wool
that covered her ample figure completely, but still made her look
beautiful. Then after making sure there were no runs in her stockings,
she put on her brown high-heeled pumps and turned about, examining
herself in the full length mirror. She looked fine, she decided. It was
the perfect thing to wear for the occasion.
Then shesat down and left through a magazine while waiting for the
time to go downstairs. The magazine was one of several left in the
room, and she had chosen it because it was one she had never read
before. A man’s magazine, it had a pretty girl on the cover dressed up
in a white jumpsuit. She was supposed to be skiing, but judging from
the fact that her breasts were nakedly thrust through two circular
openings in the front of the jumpsuit, Alice deduced that the pretty
blonde was in a studio rather than on the slopes. Curiously the young
teacher turned the pages, becoming more and more engrossed by the
Sensual images she found inside. There were actually pictures of people
nakedly making love! Also, when she started reading one of the stories,
Alice had to put it down because it contained so many four letter
words. Obviously, she realized, she had been leading a very sheltered
life up until now. There was a new attitude towards sex in the world,
one of which she had not even been aware, tucked away as she was at the
Scotsdale School.
She read a whole section of letters to the editor which contained
requests from readers for advice, and one in particular caught her eye:

“My wife and I have a wonderful and satisfying sexual relationship, and
we have tried just about everything we can think of to where our
considerable appetites. The other evening at a dinner party another
couple, old friends of ours, seemed to be coming on to us, and for the
first time we visualized them not just as old friends, but as exciting
sexual partners. My wife and I discussed the idea after the friends had
left, and we both decided that we would be very interested in taking
They up on what appears to be an invitation to swap sex. How do you
think we should let them know that we are more than ready to
Participate in a foursome?”

It was certainly the most unusual thing that Alice had ever read in any
magazine, and the answer was even more starting:

“Call your friends and invite them to dinner again, this time making it
clear that you’re inviting them for more than the usual fare. Several
Large bottles of champione, some soft slow dance music and low lighting
Should then accomplish both your friends’ and your own designs. Good

Alice thought that she ought to put the magazine down, but she couldn’t
seem to tear her eyes away from its shocking contents. It was like
getting a whole new sexual education just reading it! By the time she
had read about three quarters of the slick magazine, Alice felt as
though she had been given a whole new outlook on life. All of her
Missadventures at Scotsdale School could be looked at with a new
As Alice brushed her long dark hair before the mirror, she was very
thoughtful. With each stroke of the brush in her glossy tempers, new
meaning dawned upon the pretty young woman. Perhaps the reason for her
strange lapses was merely due to all those years of repression. She had
made herself ill by removing herself from the world of sensitivity
Abruptly, Alice decided to leave her hair down, instead of
pinning it up the way she usually did. Her hair seemed to be a symbol
of that very repression which had caused her to go so very far astray!
Common sense dictated that she must strive to lead a normal life,
rather than the prim stultifying existence that she had led since her
tragic relationship with Martin which had eventually caused her to go
off the deep end, right in the middle of the school term!
Alice blushed at the memory of all she had done, but for the first time
since the odd lapses had begun she had a sense of real hope. Something
she could really cling to! By setting up a real relationship with a
man, someone nice and pleasant, she would be able to re-establish the
chemical balance within her system.
Her dark hair glistened with life as Alice put the magazine on her bed,
Promising herself to finish it when she returned from dinner.
“Heavens!” she cried, looking at her watch. It’s almost eight o’clock!”
Before she had been so hungry she couldn’t wait, and the magazine had
made her forget that completely. Now Miss Appleton had a hunger of a
different kind. She wanted to have a boyfriend, just like any other
normal young woman her age!
Perhaps something of her decision showed in her walk as Alice made her
way down the wide stairway that led to the lounge and the dining room.
In any case, she feel a new assurance in her beauty, and a new desire
to be admitted. She congratulated herself silently for the good fortune
of having picked up that magazine. “All I needed was a little help, a
little advice,” she thought.
It seemed as though all eyes turned towards her as she entered the
dining room. Men as well as women looked up with interest as Alice
stood poised in the doorway. A young man came to greet her.
“Hi,” he said casually, “I’m something of a Maitre d’ around here. My
name’s Sandy. May I call you Alice?”
Alice was started that the young man knew her name, and then she
realized that it was in the hotel register, of course, and that it was
probably resort policy to try to get every one on a first name basis.
Alice smiled back, noticing what nice teeth Sandy had. “Oh yes. That’s
fine with me,” she replied. Suddenly, it seemed as if it was all going
to be very easy. It was nice to be free and easy and informal.
“Come right over here; I’ve just the seat for you!” Sandy declared, and
Alice followed him through the crowded tables towards a corner seat by a
window. There were already three other people sitting at the table, and
as Alice approached, she saw them look at her with appraising eyes. The
Two men and a young woman greeted her in a friendly manner, however,
and as she sat down, Alice thought that Sandy had made a good choice of
tables for her.
During dinner, the trio chatted with her in a casual way that made
Alice feel right at home. The girl named Sherry was pretty and a
blonde, and she reminded Alice a little of the girl on the cover of the
men’s magazine she’d been reading. As for the men, the one named Jim
seemed to he Sherry’s boyfriend, the way they were looking at each
other, and the other … Alice’s heart beat a little faster at the
Thought, seemed completely unattached. Besides that, he was much better
looking than the man Sherry was interested in and–what’s more–seemed
Very attentive and interested in her!
The dark-haired young man was called Henri, and he was a French
Canadian, a doctor, interning at the Medical Institute in San
Francisco. Alice was very impressed, never having met a doctor socially
before, and she was pleased when Henri seemed impressed with her own
status as a private teacher in a boy’s school.
Alice feel a certain trouble whenever her eyes met the dark thickly
lashed eyes of the young intern, and she couldn’t help thinking that he
was just perfect. Her stay at the resort would be a pleasant and
exciting one as well as one that would put her on the road to health.
“Allow me to show you around after dinner,” Henri said in his thickly
accented English. It was a deep and charming voice that sent shivers of
delight up and down Alice’s spin. She noticed that Sherry and her
friend Jim were sitting very close to each other as they all had their
coffee and brandy. So it was no surprise to Alice when, arm in arm,
They wandered away from the table, seemingly lost in each other.
The contented English teacher looked at Henri’s fine profile as he
drank the last of his brandy, a prominent but beautifully shaped nose,
Sensuous lips and a strong chin that speak of his character. Alice,
Too, wanted to have that same distracted look that had lit up Sherry’s
face, and she thought it would be easy to look at the young intern that
way. Very easy indeed.
The walk around the extended grounds of the resort proved to be very
Interesting. The number of activities available to the clientele was
amazing. There were films to be seen, a bowling alley wit its own bar,
Indoor tennis courts, an old fashioned ice cream parlor where Alice and
Henri stopped to have hot fudge sundaes. Later on they went to the
small cocktail locke where a piano player dispensed liquid melodious
music, and they drank hot buttered rums and told each other brief and
edited versions of their life stories.
In short, Alice Appleton was having a wonderful time. By the time the
young medical intern escorted her to the crowded discotheque, the
twenty-three year old brunette was feeling on top of the world. She
observed the other young women there, all of them attractive, glowing
fine specimens of modern young womanhood. It was clear that none of
They had complexes of the sort that had marred Alice’s life for the
past few years. And Alice wanted desperately to be as much like the
pretty “snow bunnies” as possible. Therefore, when Henri’s knee pressed
close to hers beneath the small table, and when his hand stroked hers
gently as though in a questioning manner, Alice displayed no gesture of
Shock or refusal. She would betray no signs of the horrid nervousness
that had driven her to distraction, driven her to the terrible displays
of overt sexuality at the Scotsdale School. No, but she would try to
find that happy medium between total repression and uncontrollable
“There’re Sherry and Jim,” Henri said, nodding in the direction of the
dance floor.
“Don’t they look nice together!” Alice declared. Sherry was a good head
taller than Jim, but nevertheless, the couple had something about them
that “clicked.” Alice was lost in admission for her new friends as she
Watched them dancing smoothly together to the longest set of dance
music she’d ever heard.
“We could look like that,” Henri suggested. His eyes were a deep
velvety black as Alice looked at him. Already he was rising and taking
her with him towards the dance floor, and then she feel his arms around
her, his strong lean body hard against her softness as they swayed
Together, their bodies making a mounting interior music that created a
building excitement in Alice’s loins.
* * *
“So you read “Mating” magazine!” Henri picked up the men’s magazine
from Alice’s bed and began to leaf through it.
Alice blushed. She was feeling the effects of all the drinks she and
Henri had had in the discotheque. Then she decided to reply boldly.
After all, she was an adult, and she had made new decisions about the
course of her life. No sense in breaking down now, just when it looked
as if she was winning out against the pritanical principles that had
led to her recent downfall!
“Yes,Yes I do.” she said, “Well, it was here when I came. And I must
say I found it very interesting.”
“Like those naked girls?”
“Uh … well, some of them are very pretty. There were some naked men,
too.” Then Alice felt herself really turning a bright crisis. It
seemed like an open invitation to Henri to take off his clothes. But
she was pleased when he didn’t pick up on the statement and instead
changed the subject completely.
“Say, I’m not sleepy at all; are you?”
“Well, no … but it is quite late, I think,” she was trying to look at
her watch, but her vision was blurred, and she gave up.
“Tell you what, I’ll go get some drinks. Too late for room service, but
There’s always a way around this place.”
“Well, I don’t know.”
But Henri took her gently up in his arms and kissed her with such
tenderness combined, that the dark haired teacher felt herself melting
against his strong young body. “Yes, some drinks would be nice,” she
agreed breathlessly when he finally let her loose.
Henri blew her another kiss and exited rapidly. When he was gone, Alice
felt terribly alone. Suddenly, she had to think about everything, the
prospect of his coming back, of what might–what would–wappen between
They that night. Should she change her clothes or not? Alice paced
nervously about the room and then paused and looked out the window. The
night lights illuminated the grounds below. She feel a loneliness
inside her that made the moment extremely melancholy. Yes, she would
change from her dress into something else, the beautiful young teacher
When at last a soft knock came at the door, Alice was clad in a softly
clinging gown of pink silk, and beneath her naked body it quivered with
Each motion she made, creating a shining shimmery effect that enhanced
her already considerable beauty.
“How lovely you look!” Henri declared, and Alice was glad she had put
on the provocative gown.
The glasses tinkled pleasantly as Henri put them down, and on his arm
were the bucket of ice, a towel, and in the bucket a large bottle of
Champagne. The Champagne was so easy to drink that Alice allowed Henri
to pour five or six glasses for both of them, which they sipped between
long warm kisses. As they were both sitting on the bed, Alice felt
herself wanting more and more to lie down. It was growing increasingly
difficult to remain upright.
Finally, she lay back upon the pillow, and as Henri put his glass down
on the neary dresser, he stretched himself out over her reclining
figure, speaking softly in her ear.
“I want you, Alice. You know that!”
Alice shuddered. He was so close. “Yes, yes, I know!” She wanted to
add, And I want you too. All of me wants you! But she was silent. It
was so hard to talk anyway, and now his tongue was so hot and wet in
her mouth, his hands moving surely and easily over the soft curves of
her willing body!
Henri looked down at the quivering young woman beneath him. He let his
eyes roam at will upon the open cleavage of her soft silk gown. The
smooth cream-white swell of her nakedly exposed breasts showed clearly,
and he began to touch them, feeling their soft firmness mold to his
hands. Freeing one from the material of the dressing gown, he bent to
suck upon the throbbing little nipple, feeling Alice shiver beneath
him. She was an exciting one! he thought. Just the type he liked. There
was something fine in her, a hesitation that excited him. The swinging
resort life was obviously a little new to her, but she was readyto
learn! Well, he’d teach her a few things. She wouldn’t be the first
chick to learn a whole new variety of tricks from Doctor Henri!
“Take this off!” he announced, sure of himself now.
“Oh!” Alice replied. But she needn’t have said anything, for Henri
began to strip her of the peach-colored material, pulling it down until
she lay naked and defenseless beneath his lustful gaze. His fingers
moved, creating hot sparks of lust along Alice’s yielding flesh,
tracing desire along all the heated silk surfaces of her trembling
Take me! Alice thought. Oh take me!
Henri left her for a brief moment, and while Alice closed her eyes
discreetly, she heard the unmistakable rustle of his clothes being
removed. Soon! Soon his hard-throbbing rod of flesh would be
insinuating itself deep into her warmly waiting vaginal slit!
But just as she was sure he was rturning to her, the aroused young
teacher heard something.
“What … what was that?” she asked. The sound came again. It was
Without any doubt, a knock at the door! Alice sat up, drawing her gown
from where it lay crumpled on the bed beside her, as she instinctively
sought to cover her nakedness.
To her horror, she saw that Henri was going towards the door. The sight
of his strong naked buttocks moving away from her started her and made
her feel that something had gone wrong somehow.
“What are you doing?” she asked in a piercing voice.
Henri poised with his hand on the doorknob. “Why, somebody’s knocking.
I was going to answer!” he replied, as though it were the most normal
thing in the world.
“But, Henri, I don’t have anything on. Why, it could be anyone.”
“Well, if it’s someone you don’t know, I’ll just send them away!" Henri
said, his voice carrying an unmistakable inflection of mirth.
“DON’T!” But Alice saw that it was already too late, even as she was
scrambling off the bed, intending to flee into the bathroom. Henri
opened the door and greeted whoever it was, and then they were coming
into the room!
“Look, darling; it’s Sherry, and she’s brought Jim along!”
It was true. Her eyes showing the terror and confusion she felt, Alice
looked up to see the handsome couple entering the room.
“Oh, no,” she stammered, “You mustn’t … you mustn’t come in now …
I’ve got to …”
“Don’t worry,” Sherry said. “We’re just part of the family! You look
lovely. Doesn’t she, Jim?” The tall blonde girl turned to her lover for
confirmation. Jim was clearly enjoying the glimpses that he could get
of Alice’s vulnerablenakedness. “I’ll say!” he replied
enthusiastically. Henri moved back to the bed, and put a deceptively
protected arm around Alice.
“See–it’s just a little party, darling. We’ll have a good time!”
Alice watched with alarm as the others helped themselves to champione.
They were talking excitedly to each other for a moment, ignoring the
obvious fact that she wanted them to leave, as though they did such
things all the time! Henri’s arm around her shoulder was far from
Reassuring, and the steady stream of comforting words that the French
Speaking Canadian whispered in her ear did nothing to help the
As she sat wondering what to do, the letter in the magazine came back
to her. Henri expected her to participate in some kind of orgy! It was
Perhaps a very ordinary thing in such resort circles. Here she had been
hoping for an ordinary affair, and she put herself right in the middle
of what Mating Magazine had termed “swinging singles!”
“Oh God!” she said aloud, realization of the full ramifications of the
strange trio in her small room reaching her consciousness.
“You’ll have a wonderful time, my cheries!” Henri said unctuously, and
for the first time, Alice noticed what terrible teeth he had.
“But I don’t want that kind of good time!” she replied indignantly. “I
want a plain ordinary evening with just one person!”
If only they knew what I’ve been through! she thought with dismay. But
of course she wouldn’t tell them; they would only be all the more
convinced that she would want to go along with their perverted desires!
“Oh, come on now!” Henri said. She was developing a distinct dislike
for him. Why hadn’t she noticed before how sallow his skin was?
“Never!” Alice declared. “Now I want you all to leave, please!”
Henri’s face grow purplish. He looked at Alice with anger. He’d set the
whole thing up a short while earlier, certain that Alice would go
Along. His friends, Sherry and Jim, were all for a little excitement
and had willingly agreed to a foursome. They had often participated in
foursomes as well as threesomes and moresomes with Henri and knew that
he was a most desirable bed-partner. And now Henri felt that his
Reputation as well as a certain kind of “honor” were at stake, and he
decided he wasn’t going to let Alice get away with it. “Silly bitch!”
he declared, suddenly reversing his smooth tactics.
“What’s going on!” Sherry asked pleasantly, approaching the bed. “You
don’t really want us to leave, sweetie, do you?”
“Yes!” Alice replied. Sherry was now sitting onthe bed beside her,
Centering the nervous brunette between herself and Henri.
“But you came to the resort for a little fun, didn’t you? A little
something different?” Sherry asked. Alice could smell the other woman’s
heady perfume. She tried to shake off Henri’s arm, but as she did, he
hold her tighter around the shoulders so that she couldn’t move. Beside
her, Sherry smiled knowingly.
“You wouldn’t want to miss Henri. He’s something special. Can go on for
“Hey, what about me?” Jim said. He was standing in front of them,
fiddling impatiently with his belt. “Hey, is this show going to get on
the road or not? If not, Sherry and I can go make it in her room, or
mine for that matter!”
“Don’t be so impatient!” Henri snapped. “Of course it’s going to
happen. Alice here just doesn’t know how good it can be with more than
one person!”
The irony of his words made Alice want to cry. Tears sprang to her eyes
at the realization that she was once more so very far from the innocent
love that she had originally hoped to have with her long lost
boyfriend, Martin.
“Yeah, don’t be in such a rush, Jim!” Sherry added. “She’s just a
little nervous. I was a little nervous, too, my first time!”
“That was a long time ago!” Jim replied.
“So what?” Sherry’s eyes flashed in brief anger.
Henri realized he had to take things in hand rapidly, or his whole
Evening would deteriorate into a stupid brawl.
“Listen,” he said, “You can convince her, Sherry! Jim and I can stay
out of it until she’s ready. How about that?”
“What … oh you mean you want me to…”
“Yes. Don’t tell me you don’t like it.I’ve seen you in action too many
times!” Henri replied. Alice listened in horror as they talked about
her as though she weren’t even a human being.
“This is obscene!” she announced. “You’ve got to get out of here! And
But the others only laughed at her, and suddenly it seemed to Alice
that they were all of one according, instead of squabbling clients of the
resort. They were all bent on making her do what Henri wanted.
Sherry was striping off her clothes, and Jim was already totally naked
before her, his chunky penis bobbing lewdly in full ection.
“Did you ever make it with a woman?” Sherry asked, whispering close to
Alice’s ear.
Alice jumped. “NO!” she replied, “God, no!” Of all the terrible things
she had done, this was one area she had not experienced. She cringed at
the thought. If there was anything she did not want to do, it was “make
it” with another woman!
“It’s nice,” Sherry said simply, letting her fingerprintnails trace shivery
little lines along Alice’s bare arm. Alice was still trying to hold the
silk gown up over her, but it was difficult with them surrounding her
This way. Henri’s fingers were drifting down toward her breasts, and
now so were Sherry’s!
“I don’t care if it’s nice or not,” Alice declared. “I don’t want to do
it; don’t you understand???”
“Of course you do!” Sherry replied firmly.
“Yes, of course!” Jim and Henri echoed. “NOW START IN!” Henri
“Okay!” Sherry said. “Listen, Henri, you’ve got to help me though. You
too, Jim! Get her down on her back at least!”
“No … no!” Alice pleased. But no one listened. Together they forced
her back upon the bed, and the covering protection of her gown was
whisked away and she lay, totally uncovered, lewdly spread-eagled upon
the bed. All three of them peered at her gem-like nakedness, and Alice
turned her head away with shame, letting the tears flow freely down
onto the pillow.
Her head ached and chills spread throughout her nakedly exposed body.
She could feel Sherry moving close to her and closed her eyes tightly,
Not wanting to see the statusesque blonde who wanted to make perverse
love to her. She felt more disturbed than she had ever been and knew
that there was no use in fighting them. The easiest way now would be to
get it over with!
“Get between her legs!” Henri ordered.
“Sure, sure!” Sherry replied. “I know what to do!”
Henri watched Sherry’s smooth white buttocks presented lewdly up to him
as she knelt in between the young teacher's widespread tights.
“That’s right, honey; don’t fight it!” Sherry cooed, and Henri said,
“Yes, she’s getting used to the idea of ​​it. Don’t worry; she’ll love
“Who wouldn’t love Sherry?” Jim asked, speaking to no one in
particular. She was his girl, after all, he thought, resenting Henri’s
taking over the way he was. He watched with pride as Sherry moved over
Alice. He could feel his hard-on growing in proportion as Alice cringed
in horror. Sherry’s fingers were touching her tender, pinkly played
vaginal lips. The young blonde’s fingers began to explore the fully
revealed furrow of Alice’s soft warm hair-trimmed cunt, making seating
contact with every smooth surface of the sensitively responding flesh.
With a tenative, but expert touch, Sherry’s thumb smoothed over and
around Alice’s tiny sensing-filled cliporis as the middle finger of
her other hand began to slip into the tightly clenched circle of the
moaning brunette’s vagina.
“NNNNoooo!” Alice groaned.
“Yeah, touch her clip!” Henri said, unnecessarily, for Sherry was
proceeding without having to be told what to do. Henri lewdly fondled
his own hotly stiffening cock as he watched the two women locked
obscenely on the bed.
“Relax, honey, you’re too tense,” Sherry said. “Come on, I’m not as
rough as some of the fallas. Am I now?”
Alice groaned. Certainly, she had never sunk this low before! But she
wanted it to be over. Anything to get it over and have them out of her
“I don’t mind!” she said bravely. “Do what you like!”
“We will; don’t worry!” Jim replied for the group. God! His chick was
magnificent, he thought. What a woman! Sherry’s voluptuously swinging
breasts brushed against Alice’s open thighs as Sherry began to sway
over the prone girl, and Jim could see the nipples hardening at the
contact with Alice’s helpfully captivated flesh. He watched his girl
friend warming up to her lewd task, her shamefully probing middle
finger now working all the way up inside Alice’s acquiescing young
pussy, engaging high between those invitingly open thighs. Eventually
Sherry had wedged her entire naked body between those scissored-open
thighs as she stretched out upon the bed, her own long legs dangling
over the edge because there was not enough room.
“She’s really getting wet now!” the lust-driven blonde announced,
understand with her own pleasure as she feel the other woman beginning to
respond. Sherry rubbed her breasts upward so that they could touch the
nakedly hair-lined slit of the brunette being held on the bed. A woman
was so nice, she thought. Maybe even nicer than a man. Sometimes
anyway! So soft and wet, she thought to herself as she twisted and
teased her fingers upward within the tightly contracting urban passage
of the full-breasted teacher.
Then the moment came that Sherry was hoping for. A definite shiver of
delight arranged through Alice’s exposed body, and Sherry shivered in
response. It was going to be good! Even though the two men were
watching, it was going to be as if they were alone in the room on the
bed. Defenseless on the bed, Alice began to moan with delight, feeling
her tingling pussy response to the gently moving fingers high up inside
her. There was something so different about the other woman’s touch
that she couldn’t help responding to it. It was awakening a whole new
set of desires inside her!
With a small grunt of unwilling surrender, Alice suddenly relaxed her
legs and involuntarily stretched them still wider apart.
She opened her eyes and found herself looking directly into the other
woman’s eyes.
Sherry smiled, and without moving her fingers from their high position
within Alice’s seeing pussy, let herself down upon the moaning
brunette, feeling her breasts pressing warmly against Alice’s warmly
trembling mounds.
The feel of the other woman’s breasts on her own, coupled with the
mounting excitement within her besieged vaginal walls made Alice sight.
She was enjoying it!
It was awful, but fighting it only made the lustful sensings within
her tingling belly grow more intense. Now Alice only wanted to feel
more and more of the girl’s fingers thrusting high inside her softly
clapping pussy! Helplessly, she understood in a combination of humiliation
and lust. She turned her head away again to avoidSherry’s eyes but
responded with her body, making it clear that she wanted more.
“Great going, Sherry! She’s turning on. Look at her go!” Henri
“Do I need you to tell me that?” Sherry asked bluntly, shoving a second
finger up into her dark-haired captive’s password-drenched cunt.
“Yeah, Sherry’s an expert!” Jim said. Both men were fondling their
rock-hard penises, smoothing back the flushed skin and arching their
aching members with pained expressions of lust on their faces.
Jim wanted to move in and fuck Sherry from behind while she was doing
it with Alice, but he knew that they were supposed to let the two women
alone, for a while anyway. As long as Henri didn’t make a move, he
would stay out of it too, Jim decided. He couldn’t tear his eyes away
from the sensitively stimulating play that the two women were indulging
in. Alice’s unwilling, yet define yielding to the intimate touches of
his girlfriend ignored a flame of desire in his loins that made his
lust-swollen cock clamor painfully for satisfaction. Two luscious women
prithing passwordately together on a bed was one helluva sight! Maybe
Henri wasn’t such a bad director after all!
Henri could feel a definite ache in his testicles as his fingers moved
up and down the blood-thickened shaft of his cock. The lubricated tip
of his member pulsed clearly, and he could hardly wait. In a
little while, he’d be fucking both of the girls. The night was going to
be a success. And it was all the more exciting because the good-looking
brunette teacher had resisted at first. He knew he’d pegged her right
Though. She was really going at it now.
Strangled gasps of pleasure escaped from between Alice’s tightly
clenched teeth as her tormented young body twisted and flailed in
helpless submission on the bed. Her password-flooded pussy was just
about at the point of climax.
Sherry could feel the unmistakable signs.
“CUM!” she whispered hoarsely to the other woman. “Cum against my
fingers. Let me feel you cum!”
“OOOOOoooooh yessssss!” Alice moaned. “Yesssss … I will!” She gave
herself up with a shattering certainty to Sherry’s obscenely worming
fingers, at last at a breaking point where she was no longer aware of
the two gaping men in the room. On and on it went, and the obscenely
exciting fingers moved deeper and deeper, slipping ever upward against
her climaxing urban walls.
“Noooowwww! Now … I’m cumming now!” she cought out. It was
happening, flooding her mind, her soul and body, and especially her
wildly thrilled pussy with mind-shattering pleasure.
“MMMMMMMMmmmm!!! MMMmmmmmm …” she moaned, realizing that this sensing
was one which she would want to know again and again. No matter how
lewd and perverse it was!
Still moaning, her body trembling from the subsiding storm of violent
orgasmic release, Alice nodded assent, as the others moved in. The two
men could hold back no longer. Nobody had asked her, but she nodded
anyway. Why not, after all?

Chapter 10

Alice smiled when she saw the old school. It was like coming home
Again, she thought as she entered the big downstairs hall. Even though
she knew there would be changes, it was still good to be back.
The skiing she’d done up in the mountains, the nice friendly mountain
hotel with its young clientele, all seemed far away now, as she began
to look for familiar faces. Several boys said hello to her as she made
Her way to the new principal’s office, and Alice was already looking
forward to her first class the next day. Her pretty dark hair hung to
her shoulders now, and there was a light touch of mascara on the long
eyesashes that shadowed her bright blue eyes. The twenty-three year
old’s dress was pink, and its soft jersey material clung entirely to
the generally proportioned curves of her young body.
None of this was lost on the new principal, Mr. Bill Davidson. As Alice
sat across from the young man, he could feel that there would be a
close relationship between himself and the charming English teacher.
The way she smiled at him, and the way her hand lingered in his as she
said good-bye were indications to the handsome new principal that his
own charm was not completely lost on Miss Appleton. The tall blonde man
held the door open for Alice, and sniffed appreciatedly at her perfume
before she exited. “Mmmmmmm, Ma Griffe?” he asked, raising his eyesbrows.
“Why yes!” Alice was pleasantly surprised. Mr. Davidson was
disturbingly close. She could smell his cologne. “Vetiver?” she asked,
realizing that both were made by the same French company.
“That’s right,” Bill replied.
“We have a lot in common, Mr. Davidson,” Alice said smiling. She moved
on past Mr. Davidson’s male secretary, who smiled at her broadly, a
Refreshing change from the sour Miss Worthington. As she left the outer
office, Alice could sense both their eyes upon her smoothly swwaying
buttocks, but she closed the door without turning around. She had the
distinct feeling that she would be seeing plenty of the new principal
before long.
She moved easily through the halls, making her way to the faculty wing,
greeting her fellow teachers, including Mr. Boyse.
“You’re back, Alice. God, it’s good to see you again! I haven’tstopped
thinking about you for a moment since you’ve been gone!”
“Eat your heart out, Ed!” she told the started chemistry teacher, and
leaving him gaping as she continued on, she giggled happily to herself.
That time spent up on the ski slopes had been so good for her. It had
enabled her to see everything in perspective, and she’d never felt more
sure of herself, more positive about life. Life had been a chore
before, and only her books and her career had helped her to get through
it. Well, that was all changed now. A man had almost wrecked her life
once–Martin, her first lover. But now she know a lot about men. She’d
seen to that. There’d been quite a few that she’d invited to her bed,
up there in the mountains. She’d lain on the big double bed, nakedly
reclining, looking out at the fresh fallen snow of the slopes, a snow-
tanned male figure always byher side, or sometimes behind her, over
her, under her.
Savoring their lean and lanky bodies had been a pleasant study, like
no other she’d undertaken, and she’d learned in an almost ORiental
manner how to please and be pleased by a man. There had been another
woman, too, in addition to Sherry–the pretty daughter of the lodge
manager. Only sixteen, blonde and blue-eyed, but no novel. Certainly
her soft tongue-kisses and caresses had been knowngeable enough, and
she had been the one to teach Alice the true delights of feminine love.
Later, with her male lovers, Alice had found her sensitive experiences
with the other woman an enhancement of her erotic possibilities. There
were deeper and better orgasms, more orgasms, and longer orgasms
lurking within her that she hadn’t known about before, and which she
Could now bring out at will. What’s more there were total and partial
orgasms, breast tingling orgasms for example, and kissing orgasms where
the only touching portions were two mouths joined together in ecstasy.
But Alice was far from the slopes now, and she knew that although she
would always have pleasant memories of that time, her life would never
ever be quite like that again. She had not forgotten her dedication to
her students, and the rewards of the academic life were still important
to the raven-haired beauty.
As she opened the door to her apartment, however, Alice was not so much
thinking of the books she had left behind, but of other things. The
apartment was dark and cool and Alice felt a heightened sense of
anticipation as her fingers gropeped for the light switch on the wall to
her left. Before she found it, however, something else found her.
In the dark a hand was slipping up under her dress, while another was
moving at her breasts, crawling insidethe top of her dress to reach
the nakedness of her brassiere-free breasts. Underneath, she wore no
panties at all, only the briefest of lacy garterbelts to hold up her
stockings, and now as the intimate touches continued, she pressed her
back against the door to close it, and spread her legs wide.
Little hums of delight tumbled from her throat, and she could hear tiny
grunts of pleasure from those who were touching her.
“My boys!” the returning English teacher gasped, as small adolescent
fingers wriggled up into the willingly spreading aperture of her pulsating
vagina, spreading the silky dark hair and moving with delightful
friction in a knowing manner that made her want to cry out with
pleasure. Her breasts were aching and sore as the other fingers kneaded
the hard little pebbles of her excited nipples, pinching and rubbing
until she thought she would go mad!
“Miss Appleton!" Tim and Bennie Larsen knew that this was one of the
happiest moments of their lives. The nakedly pulsing cunt and breasts
of the beautiful young English teacher were right there at their
fingers. Slowly they undressed the young woman, and there in the
darkness, she lay down with them, feeling their own naked satisfaction-like
Bodies rubbing and pressing smoothly over her own. She could feel their
young cocks touching her everywhere, sliding up between her full
breasts while other hands held them close, sliding between her arms
While she compromised luxuriously on the floor of her apartment, moving
into the indentation of her belly button while she made her stomach
alternatively hard and soft to tantalize them. Other things touched her,
Too, and Alice realized that the boys had brought along other things to
tease her with.
“You little devils!” she scolded, and then she moaned out loud, for she
felt something warm and wet and wonderful morming up into her slippery
vagina. It certainly wasn’t the two teenagers’ penises, for those she
held lovingly in her hands. It was a strange shape that she could not
figure out, but it was long and lean and hard and soft at the same
time. It penetrated and wiggled its way upward within her quivering
urban passage, assisted by the two boys’ hands, and despite her
curiosity, she understood downward to meet its licensee thrust. The
uneven side of it rubbed and tickled at her tender insides, inflaming
her already raging pussy, and making her croon out with desire. Faster
and faster, the twins fucked into their pretty English teacher,
Welcome her back to school in their own fashion with this present
They’d made especially for her. And now that she was moaning lustfully
Enough, they knew it was time to add the second feature. The double-
sized instrument when turned about in the dark was able to begin a two-
pronged attack upon both of Alice’s erotically stimulating orifices.
Her already tried anus gave way readily, and there was only the
slightest squeak of pain from the happily dazed twenty-three year old,
as she felt both her softly seeing cunt and her tightly clenching anus
filled snugly with the oddly shaped foreign object.
But there was more. Although she could not see them in the dark, Alice
could make out the third year old siblings’ shadowy outlines as they
moved against her. They were turning, even while their hands
manipulated the skillfully churning object inside her. They were
fucking her magnificently with it, even while they knelt over her face,
supporting themselves on their knees while facing each other they
Dipped the slender staffs of their throbbing hard young penises towards
her willingly parted lips.
“Can you take them both at once?” Tim asked in a tough voice, but
he already had the answer. As he clung to his brother for support, both
Their desire-hardened cocks were licked and sucked and finally engulfed
in the widening cavity of Miss Appleton’s tender mouth.
For as long as they could keep their balance, they dipped and churned
their own boyish cocks into the obscene wet opening that seemed to want
to gobble them up, and then while they feel Alice cumming for the first
time, they too spend the dual build-up of their sperm deep into her
gasping throat.
But then it was time to rest a moment, amid Alice’s sights of
contentment, and their own chased cries of fulfillment. Tenderly, they
removed the object they’d created in art class, after hours, of course,
and with the permission of the art teacher. Then Tim lit a candle that
They’d brought alongfor the occasion, and in the flickering light,
Alice examined the thing that had given her so much pleasure only
seconds before.
To her amazement, it proved to be a status, or rather two statuses, each
about seven inches long and joined at the feet. Made out of a specially
treated latex that had been carefully dipped and redipped, the statuses
were amazing replicas of the twins and included every life-like detail,
including miniature penises that stuck out, and which Alice could now
recall feeling along the insides of her seeing inner walls.
“They’re beautiful, boys! Just beautiful!” Alice told, thinking of
the genius that the twins possessed. But her eyes were already glazed
again, and she knew just why she had had to return to Scotsdale School
for Boys. Miss Appleton knew as she drew the young boys to her, that
She could never, ever leave the twins, not until they graduated anyway,
and after that … well, time would tell. Meanwhile, however, the young
teacher stretched her lithe naked form out upon the floor, and gathered
They both between her legs.
The boys each straddled one of her shapely thighs, and working together
as they always did, pressed their two cocks together and began to push.
Up, up into the snugness of the lovely teacher’s hair-trimmed cunt,
fervently slipped the two boys’ virile young cocks, making the size of
one outsized male penis, until Alice began to cry from happiness.
Rhythmically, fervently, the two youngsters were able to fuck her
Simultaneously, giving her the most intense sensing she had ever
known. Her scanning vaginal passage could feel the twin staffs, each
with its thickly throbbing head, reaching for the heights of her womb,
reaching to conquer her as no one ever had before.
Still fluidly directing the amorous choreography, the twins rolled over
on their sides, with Alice sandwiched between their skinder young
bodies. This way their radically thrusting penises still entered her
flowering vagina, but deeper, much deeper! Rivulets of perspiration
covered their nakedly glistening bodies as they continued their loving
embrace. Again and again, Alice feel her young pupils bring her to a
dizzying climax, each orgasm somehow topping the last in some subtle
Still tasting the pungent tang of their seminal fluids in her mouth,
the excited young English teacher felt enchanting ripples of sensitive
pleasure course through her wildly tingling flesh. While kissing Tim,
she ground her nakedly thrusting ass-cheeks backward against Bennie’s
battering body.
When dawn finally sent it shafts of light into the windows of the small
apartment, and the twins and their teacher were still intertwined,
Alice whispered to them, “this is what I was born for! This is why I
came back. You boys have made me what I am today!”
The boys sensed that they would never have any further use of their
special formula, not so long as Miss Appleton loved them and they loved
Miss Appleton!

The End


Don Larsen sat on the sofa and opened the letter with great
Anticipation. He turned to the pretty young blonde beside him. Smiling,
he patted her hand, beginning to read out loud:

Dear Dad,
We were so glad to receive your letter and especially the picture of
Julie. We’re happier than you’ll ever know that you decided to get
married again. Can’t wait to welcome Julie (or should we say “Mom”?)
with open arms.
School is great, doing especially well in English this term. See you
both at vacation time.
Love and kisses to you and “Mom"!
Your devoted twins,
Tim and Bennie.”

“You see! I told you, you had nothing to worry about. You and the boys
will get on fine!” Don was very pleased with the letter. The school
seemed to be doing wonders for the twins.
“Such sweet boys!” Julie cried. “Oh Don, I can’t wait to get to know
At Scotsdale School for Boys, Tim tapped the picture of their new
stepmother up on the wall in their room.
“You know,” Tim said reflectively. “I’ll bet her pussy looks a lot like
Dad’s old wife Carolyn’s did.”
“Yeah,” replied Bennie, thoughtfully. “I’ll bet it does.”



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