Visions of the Past

Fiction / Gay / First Time / College / Flash Back


It was 1 or 2 o’clock in the morning – I really don’t remember – and I was extremely exhausted. I was just getting home from my bachelor’s party that all my buddy’s had thrown for me. They took me out to the greatest steak house in Buffalo and it was a blast. God knows how much money was spent that night but we all had a great time either way. I ordered the biggest piece of beef on the menu and I persistently, but patiently, ate the whole thing. I was damn proud of myself! After we ate we just hung out at the table and had a bunch of drinks. It really was the best time I had in a while.

My buddy Derek was kind enough to be the designed driver and drive us all to our places. When it was my stop I waived good bye and strolled into my apartment with one eye barely open and the other closed. Mainly because I was tired but my landlord insisted on having the brighttest light every by the entrance to the building. I knew what it was for but it was really annoying. It sort of blinded me and I went into a daze for a few seconds. I’m sure being half-drunk didn’t help but I recommended myself and walked inside.

I was stuffed and, like I said, extremely exhausted. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water then headed over to the couch to relax. I began to think about life and how in two weeks I would be the proud husband of my soon-to-be wife Lindsay. She was a beautiful woman and I was lucky to have such a girl care for me. I thought about her for a while and wished she was around tonight so I could fall asleep with her in my arms. She was gone for the weekend with her girl friends. They all decided to head off to a hotel and spa down in Pennsylvania to relax before the wedding preparations went into full force.

As I was thinking about Lindsay I thought about how we met. It was the second semister of my sophomore year at UB and she was in my US History class. I arrived late and was stuck sitting in the front row of the 200 student lecture hall. I ended up sitting next to Lindsay and the first thing I thought was how beautiful she was. Luckily she wasn’t shy (like me) and we eventually became best friends.

Thinking about Lindsay and my college years lead my mind to wander and as I feel sleep my past suddenly flew into the present and it was as if I was reliving it all over again.

It all happened the semester before I met Lindsay. My room mate from my freshman year had moved to a frat house so a new transfer student was assigned to room with me. His name was Alfredo but he liked to be called Freddy. He wasn’t a party goer (neither was I) so we eventually became good friends. On the weekends, late at night, we would usually sit around the room telling each other stories from Our varied pasts. His family was from Italy and he moved to America when he was5 years old so he had a lot to share. My life wasn’t has cool has his but I had my share of stories to tell. He lived in Boston before he came to UB so when the Sabres and Bruins were on TV we placed bets on who would score and just had fun nagging each other over the faults of our favorite teams.

A few weeks into the semester Freddy and I ordered a pizza and were telling each other stories about our lives. It was a Friday night but winter had come really early that year and it was a blizzard outside so there wasn’t much going on. We were surprised that the pizza place was still delivering that night so we gave the delivery guy a nice tip. As we were enjoying the pizza and telling each other stories we stumbled onto the topic of the first girls we had been with. I told my story about this girl Sarah who I hooked up with when I was senior in high school. She was drop dead gorgeous but she was a complete ditz. After I had told my story Freddy was hesitant to say anything about himself. I wanted to hear him say something like he had hooked up with some Italian super model on a trip to Italy or something but he still didn’t say much.

Soon enough I replied, “Freddy! She couldn’t have been that bad! Just let it out!”

Then Freddy said something I most definitely was not expecting.

Slowly but confidently he replied, “Matt, I’m gay.”

I almost picked on a piece of pepperoni that I was eating! I didn’t know how to respond. It wasn’t that I all of a sudden didn’t like him anymore because I could care less if hew as gay. It was just that all this time I thought he was a typical stud Italian that caught all the girls ever since he could remember! I had to say something so he wouldn’t think I hated him now but I couldn’t think of what to say.

The first thing that came to my mouth was, “That’s cool.”

Wow, could I have said anything moreclever? I could tell he was feeling a little setback. I quickly gathered some words to say so I wouldn’t seem like I was a homophobic or something and added,

“Sorry for sounding like a loser, Freddy. I was just caught off guard when you said that. I was expecting you to say something totally different and I’m sorry. I respect you for being honest and I have nothing against you for being gay.”

Freddy instantly breathed a sight of relief and as if it were a chain reaction so did I.

He replied, “Thanks for being open. I was worried how you would react.”

I told him he had nothing to sweat and that he was safe to not hide himself around me. I could tell it made him really happy to hear those words and so was I. He told me about this guy name Ross who he had begun a relationship with but eventually left him. One day he opened his locker and found a note inside form Ross saying that he was sorry about leaving him. Apparently Ross had AIDS and he kept it a secret form Freddy and that he didn’t want to burden Freddy with his sickness. Even though they never did anything sexual, Freddy went to get checked and was glad to find out he that was clean of the disease. It was, of course, upsetting for Freddy but he was quick to get over it. I patted Freddy on the back showing him that I knew how it felt to lose someone you care About.

We talked a little more about serious topics but it was started to depress me. I decided to snap ourselves out of the blues and took out a deck of cards.

“What kind of game do you want to play?” I asked.

“Do you know how to play rummy 500?”

“Definitely! Lets play.”

After a few rounds we began to cheer ourselves back up and started to have a good time. Nearing the end of the game we were tied at 460 points.

Freddy was the dealer this time and proclaimed, “Lets make a bet.”

“Okay, what do youhave in mind?”

“If you win you may choose any girl and I will kiss her. If I win I will choose a guy and you will have to kiss him!”

I thought about it for a second. I always thought of myself a pretty straight guy and never even thought of kissing another dude so I was really hesitant to make the bet.

“Com’on! Are you afraid to lose or something?”

At first I thought the bet was to Freddy’s advantage because maybe Freddy wasn’t as disgusted about kissing a girl then I was about kissing a guy. So I asked, “How long have you known you were gay?”

“Ever since I can remember.” he replied.

I thought about it a little more came to the conclusion that I would accept the bet. “Deal,” I said, “but there’s one stipulation.”


“If I lose I will have to kiss you. I don’t want anybody to know that I had to kiss a guy because I lost a bet on a rummy 500 game.”

Looking a little excited Freddy quickly agreed. He then dealt the cards and the round began. At first Freddy was doing good and I was getting worried. Soon enough I pulled myself into the lead and was just about to win. I drew the card I needed from the deck and was just about to put my final cards down and declare my victory! But…I suddenly wave of curiosity came over me.

I thought to myself, “Would kissing Freddy be all that of a big deal? I mean it would only be between the two of us and at least I could never say I didn’t give it a try.” I kept my winning cards in my hand and disclosed a random card. To my surprise it was the card Freddy was waiting for. He picked it up and laid his cards onto the floor.

“Looks like you lost there, buddy!” he said.

I began to get really nervous and my heart started to pound like crazy. I was still curious but I was stoned cold and couldn’t move.

“I am waiting for my kiss!” he stated proudly.

I broke a small smile in response to his. I couldn’t keep a straight face with him being goofy like that. We both stood up and I walked closer to him. My heart was still pounding like crazy. I’m sure Freddy could hear it or even see my chest pumping up and down. I stepped closer to him, grabbed his upper arms, and before I could think I laid my lips on his. He quickly pulled himself closer to me and returned the kiss. I was so preoccupied with the fact that I was kissing a guy to notice that his body was entirely up against mine. He had put is arms around me and we kissed for a good minute.

He then let go of me and I just stood there.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah I’m fine, thanks.”

“How was it?”

“It was good.” I replied.

“Who am I kidding? It was more than good!” I thought, but nothing else came out of my mouth. Freddy stood there smiling at me.

“You really liked it. Just say it”

“Hah, alright then. I really enjoyed it.”

I smiled a bit, turned around and said, “Well, I’m getting tired. I think I’m going to get some sleep.”

“Yeah, me too. I have a paper due on Monday and I need to work on it tomorrow.”

We both got ready for bed, turned out the lights and feel sleep. Well, sort of. It took me a while to get to sleep because my heart was still racing down the street. I couldn’t help be replay what had happened that night in my head over and over again. I rolled over and told myself, “This was just a one time thing. It’ll just be something we’ll have a good laugh over later.” I then soundly fell sleep.


The next morning I woke up still thinking about last night. I told my self to just let it go. It’s all in the past and it wasn’t something I wanted to think about 24/7. It was about 11 o’clock and Freddy was already up working on his paper. He was only wearing his boxer shorts (which is what he wore to bed) and I tried not to look at him. Normally I didn’t care but today was obviously different. I grunted a half-assembled “Good morning” to him and grabbed some stuff to take a shower. I took off my clothes in the shower stall and turned on the water. The thoughts of last night were STILL running through my head. I wanted them to go away but they just wouldn’t. I looked down on myself and began to feel a hard on coming. I thought about jerking off but then decided against it because I didn’t want to do it while thinking about…you know. It just seemed weird.

I finished up and put the towel around my waste. I walked back to the room and noticed Freddy was just lying on his bed. I closed the door and sat down at my computer to see if I received any messages over the night. As usual there was nothing of importance, just a few spam e-mails.

Freddy then blurted out, “So you enjoyed last night?”

“Uh, yeah. It was an interesting.” I replied, trying not to sound like it wasn’t on my since the moment it happened.

Freddy sat up on his bed and said, “I was wondering…” He paused.

“Yeah?” Still looking at my computer.

“Can I kiss you again?”

I looked up from my computer and then over to Freddy. I wanted to say, “Yes! Definitely! That would be awesome!” but all I said was “Sure.”

It wasn’t a confident “sure” but all that Freddy heard was that it wasn’t a “no.”

He stood up and then pulled me up from my chair. He put my arms around him and then his around me and we embedded each other. Our lips touched very softly at first but soon enough we were in a fully embedded kiss. He poked his tongue into my mouth and the only thing I could do was do the same. We stood there for a good five minutes when Freddy let go.

“Can youe do more?” he asked.

With my heart pounding again I replied with the same curiosity form last night, “Alright.”

Again, my words were outstanding! But Freddy didn’t care. We let go of each other and Freddy pulled down his boxes. He was now standing there completely naked and in my presence! I never thought this would of happened. Ever.

He was already completely hard and his penis looked just as attractive as my own. He was clean saden just like as I was, which I was happy to see. He looked down at the bulge that grew from my towel and said, “Well, this is going to have to go!” He unwrapped my towel and looked at my penis with astonishment. I could tell he was really excited and I was happy for him. Well, I was happy too. As he could see.

We embraced once more and as our manliness’ touched a sudden jolt of electricity went through my body. It was so electrifying I almost jolted my semen right there. Luckily I didn’t but I knew it wouldn’t be long before it would happen. Freddy began to work his lips down my neck and then down my body. It seemed like an eon but he eventually reached my penis which was heavily releasing precum. He pushed me down onto his bed so I was laying down and then he jumped on top of me. His mouth went straight for my penis and before I knew it he was sucking and licking all the precum away.

I never really had a blow job before. That one girl, Sarah, tried to give me head but she failed at it miserably. I think that was one of the reasons I decided enough was enough with her. Anyways, whatever Freddy was doing to me felt AMAZING! I never thought head could feel this good.

Freddy then turned so I could see what he was doing. He licked each side of my penis and then worked his tongue around the head. I was getting close to letting go but I tried my best to hold it back. He then put his whole mouth around the head of my penis and swirled his tonguearound the slit. I told him I couldn’t hold it anymore but he replied:

“So why are you trying?”

As I laughed he stuck my penis as far as he could into his mouth and simply let it all go. I loaded about 6 or 7 good shots into his throat and I couldn’t believe how good it felt. It was simply the best ejaculation I have ever had. Freddy then sucked the rest of my semen away and made sure there was nothing left.

“Thank you. That was great!” I said.

“Would you like to give it a try?” he replied.

I thought to myself, “How could I say no? I had to.”

We switched positions so Freddy was laying on his back with his penis erected into the air. I first grabbed it with my hand stroked it a few times but soon he said, “Don’t be afraid. It doesn’t taste as bad as you think it does.”

I took a deep breath and put my mouth around his head and licked the precum with my tongue. I really wasn't that bad like he said, so I continued without hesitation. I attempted to do what he had just done to me and I guess I succeeded fairly well. I tried to add to pleasure by softly massaging his upper legs.

“Keep doing that.” he groaned. “Now change it up a bit.”

I was thankful he was giving me some sort of directions. After all, I had never done it before. I did what he told me to do and it seemed like he enjoyed it a lot. By the look on his face he really enjoyed it.

It felt like he was lasting longer than I did but I guess that would be expected since he has done this before. My jaw was getting soar but I did my best to keep going. I began to suck really hard and before I knew it his semen was pouring into my mouth. I attempted to swallow it as soon as I could but I didn’t get all of it down right away. I figured I would return the favor of not leaving any left on his penis so I licked the rest of it off just as he did. I then got up and laid on top of him to give him a kiss. It felt so different laying on top of a guy then it did to lay on top of a girl. Either way I was enjoying it. Our penis’ were still semi-hard and they fighting each other for room. I could feel the blood that was pumping back into the penis with mine and before I knew it we both were hard as rocks again.

We laid there embracing each other in a passwordate kiss. He then took his left arm and took a hold of my penis with his hand. He began to stroke it a bit so I returned the favor with my right hand. He then rolled over so he was on top of me and asked:

“Shall we continue?”

This time I responded, “Definitely!”

He stood up and walked over to his desk drawer and took out some lube and a couple condoms. He tossed one to me and I put it on. I thought to myself that I probably wouldn’t let him penetrate me. I had never given it any thought before and wasn’t sure if I was ready. Then again, I never gave ANY of this any thought before so I didn’t make up my mind just yet.

“So, how are we going to do this?” I asked.

“Simply. I’ll lay here on the bed on my back and you will stand up along the side of the bed.”

I figured that would work so I got up off the bed and Freddy returned to it. He positioned himself and I stepped into place. He lifted his legs a bit so he was able to apply some of the lube. He then handed it to me and I applied a little more on to the condom. I grabbed his leg with my left hand and then my penis with my right. I was just about to position my penis but Freddy said “Wait!”


“I know you’ve never done this before so be careful at first. After that, go wild.”

“All right.” I laughed.

Again, I grabbed my penis with my right hand and placed it at the entrance of his anus. I slowly and softly pushed in but then bailed when I saw the anguish on his face.

“Don’t stop!” he cried. “You’re doing fine.”

I returned my penis and slowly pushed in. I had mixed feelings as to how it felt. I mean, he looked like he was in some sort of pain but then again, he also looked as if it felt good. It made me curious but I still wasn’t sure if I wanted him to do this to me.

As I made it as far as I could go, his face looked less filled with pain and more with pleasure. My curiosity was growing. I repeatedly moved in and out while watching his expressions. Doing this turned me on so much, but not in the usual way. I began to feel a want, no A NEED coming from my anus. I think the curiosity got the best of me.

I started to go a little faster and watched his emotions exploit! I couldn’t help but WANT what I was doing to him be done to me. Soon enough I ejaculated into the condom and carefully pulled out. Freddy’s emotions relaxed and he laid with his eyes closed breathing heavy.

“My TURN!” I shouted.

“Wow, really?”

“Yes. I can’t wait!”

We switched places again and while Freddy was getting himself ready I pulled off my condom and throw into the trash basket. Freddy applied the lube and asked,


“More than ever!”

Freddy pushed his penis into my ass as carefully and as forcefully has he could. The feelings I felt were beyond what I could comprehend. Before I could only imagine how Freddy felt as I was massaging his anus with my penis. Now I know. It feels absolutely outstanding!

I think he was pounding me for a good five minutes before he let out.

“How was that?” he asked.

“I cannot put it into worlds.” I said.

“I’m glad to hear.”

We both looked up at the clock and it was already 1 o’clock! Freddy took off his condom and throw it away. He said he was a bit hungry and so wasI so we decided to get dressed and head over to the dinning hall to grab some lunch. Afterwards I mentioned I needed to take another shower. Little did I know Freddy was still thinking dirty thoughts and asked if he could join me. Well, I couldn’t say no so I said, “Why not?” We then took a shower together and enjoyed the company of pleasure each other once again.

Everything we did that day was kept secret. I had him promise me that we would not tell anyone about this for (at least) a very long time. He looked a little disappointed but he understand completely. Although, once in a while during the semester we enjoyed each others sexual company and had some fun times.

Like I said before, that next semester I met Lindsay and eventually Freddy met this guy Derek. (Yes, the same Derek.) The night before I wanted to ask Lindsay out on a date I told Freddy about it and he was happy for me. That night we embedded each other’s sexual pleasures one last time.



I woke up to the sound of Lindsay shouting out the door to her girl friends. I struggled to sit up and looked at the clock in a daze. It was 11 o’clock the next morning. As it looked, I noticed that sometimes during the night I had dropped my glass of water onto the floor because the glass was on its side. As I was pondering that thought, and still trying to wake up, Lindsay walked over to me and gave me a big kiss.

“I’ve missed you, honey!”

“I’ve missed you too, Linds.”

“I was thinking since I was gone so long we could head up to the bedroom for a bit?”

By this time I was pretty much awake.

“As you wish!” I joyously replied.

As she grabbed my arm and pulled me up we embedded each other for a password kiss. She then asked if I decided on who’s going to be my best man yet.

I replied, “I’m going to ask Freddy.”

“I’ve always liked him. How’s he and Derek doing?”

“Pretty good I guess. They’ve bought a house together just north of here.”

“That’s great news!”

She had a sexy smile on her face as she pulled me towards the bedroom. Little did she know that I had just released one of the most sexy arousing parts of my life last night. As I was being willfully dragged into the bedroom I decided that I would make today one of those moments that’ll turn her on for years to come!



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