Trying to adjust to living in town wasn’t easy for this country boy.I had thought that thins would last with Sherry after building the house in the sticks.When she started looking for greener pastures with more money to feed her ego trips i took what i cherished the most and walked out with no intention of going back to be used again.
Living alone came easier than i’d thought,work and the little flower garden in front of my new house filled my time.The pool in the back made the hot humid days much more tollerable.Often i’d sit on the front deck and watch the ladies jogging by or riding their bikes as i sipped a nice cold drink enjoying the lovely new scenery.
There didn’t seem to be many guys around wich was surprising concerning the many pretty young ladies that constantly went by.After a few days of my usual relaxing with a drink on the deck some would say hello as they passed with a friFinally smile making me feel accepted in the community.
There were 2 that went by the most,a dark haired girl and her blond friend.They looked as if they were probably single,in their mid teens and defenetly good looking.They always said hello then whisperd and giggled as they went off down the walk on their bikes.One day the chain came off the blonds bike in front of my place where i was sitting on the deck.After listening to some 4 letter words in reference to her bike i sopke up and offer assistance if they wished.The darker girl said ok i guess if you dont mind.II grabbed a few tools from my box and made some adjustments to solve the problem.I learned that the darker haired girl was Jenn the other Brooke.They offer to pay for my services,i said no its just the neighborly thing to do,so they went off down the walk chattering and giggeling as always.
The next day the Jenn came by alone looking rather sad.She said hello and stopped to take a drink from her water bottle.I asked where her friend was?She said,Oh she’s got a boyfriend so i’m not fitting in with her for a while.I said don’t be sad friends last and you 2 will be an item again in a few days when she needs some girl talk.Jenn said yes i know just feels funny riding alone so i need to adjust to the change in routine.
jenn said you asked about Brooke ,must be you like her better than me?I said no i actually think your much prettyer and your personality is much more attractive honestly.Jenn gave me a big smile saying,”Oh really”,your cute,thanks for the compliment.She started down the street then abruptly turned around and cam back.I asked if something was wrong?No she said i was just wondering if you would mind if i stopped and we talked for a while.I said of corse i’d love some company gets a little boering living alone and my cats arn’t very good company unless they want food.Jenn laughed and came over to the deck and sat beside me.I grabbed a cold drink from the cooler and offer it to her,she thanked me and took a long sip.
I noticed how really sweet she looked,big brown eyes,long brunnett hair that curled a little.She defeatly filled out her yellow shorts and pink tank top in a most womanly fashion.I remarked how pretty i thought she was,she blushed and said thanks again i feel flatterd that you like what you see.Jenn asked about my relationship status so i filled her in on the miss adventure with Sherry and at the moment i was living pretty much for my work and fixing up this place i had recently perchased.
She said “Oh so you don’t have a girlfriend?”no i replied,maybe again after i’v met some new people and made friends ill find a match that will work with a single girl that has an interest in a full time relationship that i can trust again.Jenn imedatly said she was single then blushed,stuttering i didn’t mean’du’.I laughedand said i know what you ment,its fine.I eased her blush by saying that if i was to find another i thought that some one that looked as sweet as her and had her lovely personality would be my good luck to find.
She said thanks again for the flattery you made my day.We talked for over an hour about life in general feeling more comfortable with each other.Jenn said she didn’t have any boyfriends and that she was 17 although i wasnt so sure she was truthfull about her age.I told her i was 27 but after work i felt about 99,she laughed saying you look great for 99.We got joking a little and occasionally Jenn would put her hand on my knee when she was laughing a lot and squirm a little on the step where she sat.The more she laughed the more she squirmed until she spilled her drink on the front of her tank top and let out a squeel from the cold as it ran down her front.I grabbed a towel from beside the cool and reach over to rub the wetness off as best i could.
As i did i realized i was rubbing over her breasts and her nipples were popped out like ripe cherries from the cold and my rubbing.She looked up in my eyes questioningly as i began to apologise for touching unintentionaly.She just said ok thanks ,no problem,then asked if she could use my bathroom to dry out and tinkle.I said sure.its strait ahead as you walk in the living room and off she went obvious needing to tinkle really bad, that explained her squirming and accidental spill.
I waited about 10 minutes with no sign of Jenn so i figured i best check to see if she was ok.I walked into the living room and saw her looking around at the indian pictures i had on the wall.I said you like?She said yes they are beautiful do you collect them.I said yes i do,my heritage is French&Indian so it’s kind of a hobbi i guess.Jenn came over beside me and said your very nice as well as having great taste in decorating your place.I thanked her for the compliment andput my hand on her shoulder saying ill be more careful about where i touch,i really didn’t mean before.
Jenn said i didn’t mind ,just started me a little and i needed to tinkle desperately.She looked down at her still wet tank top where i was looking and ran her fingers over her still errect nipples,then up at me asking if i thought they looked alright?Blushing a little at her forwardness i said Jenn they are beautiful,i don’t think i’v ever seen any i thought were nicer.She looked around the room stairing at the tv and then the sofa.I figured i’d ask her if she wanted to stay a while and watch a movie and i’d call out for a pizza?She said yes i guess for a while is ok so i called for pizza delivery and turned on the tv and told her to put it on whatever she liked or select one of the multiitude of movies from my library.
She selected a dvd “Ghost”i agreed it was a good movie although a very sad love story.We sat on the sofa watching the movie and talking while we waited foor the pizza.Jenn told me she lived with her aunt and uncle a few house down from me, that her parents had split up and moved away so she was staying there to finish school.She said she did as she wanted as long as her aunt&uncle knew she was safe and not hanging out with the wrong croud.I told her it was good that she could handle responsibility and keep her life in order as an adult.
A knock on the door and our pizza had arrived.I got some plates from the kithen and put what we needed on the coffee table.We became more at ease with each other as we ate,talking and watching the movie.I asked what time she had to be in considering school was out for the summer?She said simply’whenever’if it was after 11 she needed to call or if she stayed over at a girl friends she had to tell them who and when she’d be back.
I told her that it ws really nice having her company adding numerous times how nice i thought she was.She smiled blushing a little saying that she felt the same way about me and that it was really nice to be spending time with me instead of Brooke all the time.I put my arm around her shoulder and she cuddled into me as we watch the movie.After a few sad parts i could see she was getting a tear on occasion,holding her a little tighter for comfort.She said it’s so sad to love someone so much,then loose them.I agreed asaying that the x had taught me about that ‘sort of’ that’s why i was living her alone in my new house.Jenn looked deep in my eyes with a rather curious smile gave me a little kiss on the cheek saying your not alone now.All i could think to say was thanks as i chased beck a little tears too.Jenn saw it and started to say something and i interrupted saying ‘sad movies yup’.
With that she said’ya right’ and got real close kissing me with a more lingering sensitive kissthat i could feel way down deep inside.I could feel my arousal begin to awaken not being able to resist kissing her back even deeper and longer wondering if she was feeling that inner glow began to awaken her desiers along with mine.Her returned wet kisses told me that there was more going on with her than a friendly kiss.I felt is only right to tell her at least in general the effect our closness was causing.So if she wanted to go it was her decision although i was praying she wanted to continue at least a little while.
After my poor explanation of my ‘love’ feelings she hugged me real tight,kissed real deep saying i’m human too,if more is ment to be we will see what happens.As we kissed i couldnt help thinking about the feeling of her breasts earlier or the arousal that was so easily slidding over her breast instantly feeling her extremely srrect nipple.She surprised gently pressing her breast intomy hand for more as i responded massaging over her breasts and nipples.The more i rubbed the more she seemed to relax enjoying the feeling especially when i slipped my hand up under her tamk top so we were feeling flesh against hot flesh.Her hand imedatly went to my crotch running her fingers over the growing hardness in my shorts.She looked up quickly into my eyes,then said can i?It feels so smooth and hot.I had to say yes,being with her felt better than anything i’d felt in many months and she was obviously interested in far more than being friends.
As she gently rubbed my hardenning member reaching inside to explore every detail of my manhood i let my kiss fall away from her lips, lifted her tank top to to admire her delicious breasts then lick each nipple softly as i began to suckle her motherly treasures.She asked if the door was locked?I said yes i did when the pizza guy left,her reply was simply, i’m glad and started kissing more passwordatly.Her fingers were doing a marvelous job of bringing me to full arousal.While my mouth was doing similar magic to her ripe cherry nipples.
Jenn began to breath heavenly when i slid my hand down to her belly toying with her navel,her fingers rubbing my shake with more eagerness.I looked down seeing the growing wet spot on her shorts that defenetly was not caused by a spill unless it was internal.I lifted up kissing her ear saying are you ok with ‘us’?Breathless she said’Oh yes , very much ok’!!Fumbeling with what felt like 4 thumbs on my hand i slide it down into her shorts feeling the softest shaft of fuzz that can be humanly imagined.As i slide down more i could feel the heat below her mound followed by her errotic moan as me finger slipped down over her swollen clip along her puffy engaged pussy lips leeking the most beautiful silky liquid i have ever felt.
I couldn’t resist moving it in and out as she began humping my fingerShe squeezedmy cock so hard i thought she was going to choke it to death and i jumped.She said oops! giggled saying sorrrrrrry to hard.Now out of control with wanting her i gave her a loong full french kiss that she seemed to enjoy deeply.I could not wait i had to ask the question that was touristing my soul,Jenn,Honey could i taste your delicious pussy?She said,please do!! but i want to taste you to knight,honey?”Yes”most defeatly as we both got up and tore our clothes off and toss them on the floor. My face was buried in her muff kissing up a storm,as the aroma of her arousal filled my senses with firey password.
First licking her sweet slip as my tongue worked it’s way in to her soft pink tunnel,her hips started to gyrate on my oral offerings uncontrollably.Sucking her swollen clip i feel her tense dramaticly then relax as her orgasams started to flow freely. Such a sweet feast as i drank each heavenly drop of her spiritual silky love juice.As i paid homage to her beautiful womanly treasures i feel her lips caresing the head of my throbbing manhood.She’d lick around the head then gently suck savoring each drop of precum that she was teasing from within me.
She moved her head up so i did also to see what was wrong.When she looked deep in my eyes i knew there was nothing wrong,that certainly this was more right than i had dreamed it could be.She asked questioningly”boyfriend?”I relied”Yes”Girlfriend”then slid the gold ring from my right hand putting on to her left ring finger.I told Jenn we were new but i felt that i loved her honestly, wanting to be with her as an item and hoping that we would stay together.Jenn looked deep in my eyes very seriously,she said yes,forever i hope,we need each other more than we can resist.
I agreed totally woth no doubt and told her”I love you Jenn”her reply was inkind”I love you too laugh.”As we hugged tightly kissing i felt her turn tosit facing me with her knees on either side of my hips.The heat of her arousal and the silky wetness of her womanhood was resting gently on my swollen manhood.OOur kiss lingerd for the longest time then she arched her back slightly to give me access to her ripe cherry nipples.As i began to lick suckeling her with hungerd password her hand grappled my pulsing shake guiding the head to her womanly silken desier.As she let the head slip into her burming tunnel her pussy lips wrapped tightly ushering free more of her orgasms flooding my shaft with wet silky heat.
I felt no maidenhead to hinder lur love making as she bit hard into my neck and pushed down humping as she went deeper and deeper.With in seconds i could feel our frames grinding together faster and faster.She had taken the whole 11 inches deep into her love canal.Her thrusting became uncontrollable.I held her hips tight to keep her from bouncing off me onto the floor ending this beautiful intamicy.Her pussy made sucking noises as she pulled up and sort of a squirting noise as she drove down harder and harder trying to reach that magical volcanic errption within that sends hot body rushes down the spine.
I could feel the intensity in her movements buildung higher and higher.Each time allowing her to lift so only the head of my manhood was clenched between her pussy lips then let her fall driving harder and harder onto me.Both totally breathless i feel her tension build to a enormous high then assisted her in slamming down so that she had every bit of me deep inside her burning whomb.Her body dtarted to shake as flood after flood of her hot silk burst out all around my pulsing manhood.I held her so tight when my cum developed within her,jolt after jolt of molten sperm unleashed filling her being until it flowed out around us mixing with hers.
We stayed in that position loving the feeling of our bodies pleasure entwined with tremendous satisfaction released from ourinner most feelings.As we kissed in gratitude for what we had shared in password Jenn said,you know i could get pregnant?I said,yes i should have been more careful.Then she asked.would it be so bad if i did?I said,no,not if we stayed together.She said you mean you’d marriage me?I said,yes,certainly i would if you wanted to?She said yes,but i didn;t tell you exactly the whole truth! I asked what she ment?She said.’well’ i’m not 17 so we may need to wait a while so i can get permission from my parents?At that point i removed my shrinking shake from her very wet flower as loads of cum began to flow from her well filled tunnel.I must have had a frightened look on my face because Jenn grabbed me comfortablely saying don’t worry my family wants me to get a man and get married as soon as i can so they Know i am in a solid relationship and they don’t need to be concerned with taking care of me anymore.
That was a relief of sorts but i did wonder how old sheI asked what she wanted to do now that the movie was over and her sexual thurst had been satisfied for the moment?She tahuught a second then said,’hum’ i could call home,tell them i’m staying over at Brooks tonight,she’l cover for me and we can watch another movie?I agreed,so she made a couple phone calls and said all was ok for staying until tomarrow afternoon.I started to reach for my clothes when Jenn grabbed my hand,i asked whats wrong,she said,you wont need any clothes while i’m with you,we have a lot of getting to know each other better to do and we need to put a little more effort into getting pregnant so i can get permission to get married.With that she wrapped her arms around my neck dragging me to the fluffy rug that was on the floor in front of the tv.Stroking my shake hard again sucking it gently then looking up saying,can we try some different positions?knight,honey? All i could say was yes Jenn,honey,dear you bet your sweet ass we can!!!…..
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