sucking cock in first period science!

my first gay experience was in class wen i was 15
here it is
read it and tell me what you think.

yeah i had always known i liked boys but i also liked girls
so i was a teenage bi-sexual and a secret one at that. Anyway
There was this boy in my science class that a really had the hots
for called josh, i mean he was a real chav you no the type, beer treat girls like
shit and all that jazz, well that was my type of guy.
i used to have thoughts about him undressing and i’d always try very
had to try get a lil looks in the changing rooms.
It was a normal monday and me and shellly made our way to first lesson which was science.
we had a stand in so we new we would be pissing about all lesson we sat down at our table and
Then josh came sit with us.
This was only on accont as shelly had huge tits and was very pretty but still i didnt mind
him sitting there. not one lil bit.
he was a real wanka i mean not my type of mate but he was just so hot. he was tlkin to meh
you no tryin to get in with shellys best mate so she’d like him and all that and we seemed to
get along even tho i no he didnt like me as he always called me gay, o well he was right.
well as the year went on josh sat with us more and more and i liked it.
one lesson shellly had to go for music lessons and me and josh were sttin on our own on the back row.
we were mucking around you no like boys do saying each other had a small dick and balls hadnt drop.
(which was vry wrong seeing as i was close to 8 inches) and then josh said
“come on the mate, prove it lets message up”
I didnt no what to say but then hes hand went down his trousers and he was rubbing he dick to make
it hard, i thort i was ganna come rite there and then.
“alrite then josh but dont feel bad having a small dick aint all bad”i said laughing.
“ha suck my big fat hairy cock. i bare bigger then you mate”
and with that he undid his trousers and pulled out his fully erected cock.
it was a nice sight i tell you.
not too big bout 6 inches but was fat like i like them.
“Go on then get ur’s out dont feel to shy now”
so i undid my trousers and slipped my boxers down and up popped my 8inch beast.
josh’s face was a picture.
“Fuckin hell jack what you feed that thing” he sid in a shocked voice.
Then suddenly i didnt something un expected
” go on touch it you no you wanna”
for this i was sure he would give me a beating. But no i then felt a hand grasp around my manhood sending shivers
down my spin.
he began to pump my cock faster and faster i looked around to see if anyone in scince had noticed our
little activated i feel my balls tighten and before i new it streams of hot cum sluted on to the undernearth or the lab table
it tried so hard not to moan and scream as it felt so good.
“go on your turn” josh said as he grabbed mt hand and placed it on his cock.
i did what i was told and i started pumping his 6 inches with all i had then i got down under the table
and let his cock into my mouth, he let out a quick moan and then made it look like a yawn.
i got faster and faster until he came in my mouth. gallons of the stuff i tried to swallow it all
but there was too much it dribbled down my chin and onto his balls.
Then suddenly the bell went josh stud up and did his trousers up i did the same and grabbed my bag.
josh then stopped and gave me one of his sexy smiles followed by a wink and said in a really sexy voice.
“bunk of P.E and meet me in the woods behind co-op tomorrow at 2”
Then we both walked out goin our seperate ways i was tryin to hide my huge hard on with my bag as i walked down the hall.
Hope you liked! there is more to come
comment on this first part tho ..


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