Discovering More About "Trish"

Thoughts of Trish constantly teased at my brain,even the insanity of work wasn’t enough to distract from fansys.I hadn’t seen her ride her bike past the house in several days compounding my wonders.Every night after work i walked by her place,often procrastinating as i lingerd in front hopeing she would appear.I had nearly given up hope of seeing her again when to my surprise she came into work.She said,hello,then explained that she had been called away unexpectedly.Anxious to tell me that she really wanted to get to know me better.I in tern said ,i felt the same,missing her often as i remembered fondly our first time together.

Seeing i was busy with work ,Trish asked if she could come by my place later to cook dinner to make up for disapearing so abruptly?I jumped at the operation to spend time with her again,telling her i would be home around 5pm.She said, that was great,she had tomarrow off work.I said,i did too so if she wantsed we could talk late into the evening getting more familyer with each other.

As she walked away i couldn’t help but watch that nice butt of her’s twitch like it was saying,Oh baby , have i got some surprises for you.I had to get back to work before my cock dragged me out the door to catch her.It was hard waiting until 5(lots of things were hard) finally clock out time and i was off for home anticipating her cooking.As well as other delicious things she may have to offer before she had to go back home.

When i arrived home i quickly washed,putting on clean clothes and went to the deck to wait with a cold drink.About 5:15 Trish came down the walk on her bike all dolled up in a hot pink halter top,with a very pretty knee length skirt. That was defeatly the lucky bicycle seat on earth,wishing she was riding my face instead of waiting it on the bike.I was anxious to know what she had in mind for dinner, either from my Kithen or in the bigback pack she carried.My specialty was going to be the desert,with luck,i had lots of sweet whipped cream and some strawberrys i thught would go real nice all over her body.

Trish ditched the bike by the deck,promptly jumping up in my arms giving the most tasty hot kiss.We did a little lizzard tongue then mutually stated how much we had missed each other.Then Trish insisted that we go inside to get started on dinner so there would be adaquit time for chat and relaxing with a movie or something after dinner.

Obviously she loved seafood,when she opened her pack there were fresh shrimp,oysters,clams,muscles and two nice Marlin steaks.Defenetly a feast for a king with some sure natural aphrodisiac quality.Trish acted very at home in the kitchen,only needing a little assistance in finding everything.My helping got a bit to much,between the kisses on the neck and my roaming hands,she said go take a shower while i get dinner ready.Showering quickly,when i came out of the bath Trish had the table set,candels burning with a glass of cold sparkeling grape juice in each hand.She handed me one then tapped hers against mine saying,To “Us” and to many more times together.

Her cooking was great,everything perfectly done,it didn’t take long to finish such delicious offers.We talked little while we ate,then put the dishes in the washinger so we could relax over a movie rekindeling our romantic connection.Complimenting Trish on the meal and on the openness of a woman that said what she felt,obviously knowing what she wanted from life.She blushed slightly thanking me for the remarks, saying she was glad that she met a man that had so much in common with her.

Trish selected a scarey movie, saying they frightened the heck out of her but she loved the suspence that sent chills down her spine.I agreed,telling her if she got scared, feel free to cuddle.Trish said,don’t worry i fully intended tomake the most of it,flashing a very exclusive smile.

She placed the candel in a distant corner as the movie started making exagerated shadows flicker on the walls surrounding us.It was dim yet enough light to see,surely the perfect setting for the movie.As soon as the eerie sounds began Trish snuggled up real close.I put my arm around her protected, as i slyly eyed the lovely contours of her body.Thats all it took to make my cock start jumping helplessly in my pants.Trish was Truly stunning,breasts filling her top with the most auckable nippes protruding nearly beyond the material.A belly that was soft and smooth,almost flat except for the slight rounding that accented the presence of a delicate whomb.

Below, the hem of her dress had risen almost to her hips revealing the creamy smoothness of her upper legs ,inches below her undie covered love treasures.The movie started her dramaticly , making her jump,she grabbed the hand that was on herShoulder pulling down to her breast pressing it tight against her.Her pointy nipple poking at the palm of my hand.Massaging gently as i rubbed her nipple into the warmth of my palm,Trish lifted the top giving my worshipping hand full access to her beautiful breasts.My other hand inching its way to her dress hem over the sweet softness of her creamy smooth legs.

The heat of her body felt like glowing sunshine,the milk of paradise waiting to ripen in her breasts.The sweet honey dew that would flow so free from her love treasures after a few cares.Her eyes left the movie to find mine,penetrating the depths of my soul.Like magnets our lips locked together as our embrace pulled us firmly together.Her hands opened my shirt,her fingers rubbed in my chest hair,then eroticly teased my far Inferior nipples making them modestly errect.

With that cue my mouth paid homage to her breasts licking,suckeling like a nursery babe.My other hand finding the warmthof her womanhood beneath her silk undies.A few finger traces of her labia and the feel of wet warmth came rushing to my finger tips.Trish stood ,removing her disrupted clothes then beconning me to do the same.Eagerly i scrambled out of my clothes to join her, both admiering the differences that made us lust hugrily.Trish grabbed my hand pulling me behind the sofa raching down to gently pump my swollen manhood into pulsing energy in her hand.

As i nuzzled her breaths my fingers slide up and down her pussy slit spreading the silky liquid.Dipping my finger gently thrusting at her love tunnel.Her hips thrust eagerly wanting more of me,gyrating her clip against my palm.Trish turned her back to me bending slightly offering me her bottom,pressing my hardness into her love gap from behind.As much as i wanted to thrust fully into her i knew it was impossible from this angle.

I should have known she had a plan all along as she leaned forward over the sofa lifting her bottom to perfect elevation.Her delicious round ass cheats opening like the gates of heaven revealing the loveliest labia that resembled two pink half cling peaches with sugar sweet maiden silk dripping from the center.The head of my cock nearly exploded at the sight swelling the shake to new heights of arousal.Her tiny anus proudly pointing at the head of my cock.

Moving in close i rubbed my cock head teasing her labia as i coated it with her silk,gently rubbing its hot sticky head over her swollen clip.Then glidding against her up to her tiny anus,she said,you tease to much,do me good baby!!! I lowered to her love tunnel pressing my cock head into her luscious soft labia.Her bottom thrust back onto my cock as it slowly rippled over her love muscles deeper and deeper.Pressing hard when it bottomed out to the point it moved her and the sofa.

Trish gasped,then utterd a high pitched moan as her orgasam flooded hot girl cum over my shaft.I plunged hard and fast deep into her whomb feeling my cock swell bigger inside as it readily to burst rockets of cum.I reached over the sofa grabbing her right breast, gently pinching her nipple,wetting a finger on the other hand i slide it between us rimming,probing her tiny vergin anus.Then as she tightend with intensity for her greatest body rush i drive home rocketing jolt after jolt of hot cum until it filled her to overflowing.

I crashed trish in my arms as we watched the rest of the movie regaining our senses.I asked what time she had to leave?Trish questioned,is your bed big enough so i can spend the night?I held her tightly kissing her intensely saying,ill make room even if you need to sleep on top of me all night!!!…



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