One of those typical Friday’s with no weekend plans other than watching the local female talent stroll by. The park was the most comfortable place to relax and enjoy the view. Nice love seat benches, the cool breeze off the river and a lot of eye candy. I had sat for nearly an hour when I saw a familiar figure coming down the jogging path. Dear sister Jane with my precious niece Alice, Jane was a great sister, quite a Tom boy in her youth. Now happily married with a rich idiot for a husband and two lovely kids, Alice and Danny.
Danny was away working for the summer earning money for his education. Alice had two more years before graduating and planning her further education. We lived in the same area but seldom saw each other because of our conflicting schedules. I was total amazing at how much Alice had blowmed since last time I saw her, springing from a twiggy to a hotty almost over night.
Jane was in a big rush as usual so our conversation was very brief, expressing that she had to take the car in for repairs today. Alice wanted to stay and enjoy the park rather than sit waiting for auto repairs in a hot garage. Alice suggested to her Mom that she could hang out with me then later this evening I could walk her home. Giving me and her Mom a chance to catch up on family affairs later in the day. Jane agreed that was more fun than watching car repairs so she allowed Alice to stay with me as long as I kept a close eye on her.
Keeping an eye on Alice was no problem, keeping my hands off her was the difficult thing. My once little villain was becoming one beautiful piece of eye candy, breasts that strained at her little red halter top seeking recognition. A heart shaped tight ass that seemed to be bursting with ripeness from her yellow shorts begging to be squeeze. If Jane ever knew what I was thinking about Alice I’d be a dead man in a heart beat. No doubt if Danny had half a brain he would be checking his own daughter out when Jane wasn’t looking. But I doubt he was observing enough to pay attention to any delicious detail.
Alice had changed a lot in growing up physically and emotionally, flirting often unconsciously. Modeling her lovely body to express her maturing feelings that she definitely wanted every one to be aware of. Alice still had that girl giggly attitude, full of energy trying to burn off the excess sensitivity that would become sexual energy if not constantly exercised. Alice had the sweetest smile, batting those big eye lashes that drew attention to her big brown eyes. Alice got a little excited when I commented about how beautiful she was getting, blushed a lot, then started doing cart wheels across the grass.
She was truly breathing taking, beautiful, niece or not she made my cock bulge with lust wanting a little piece of Alice. I think I’d have walked across town eagerly just to sniff the last chair she sat in, probably chew the seat right off her bike if I had the opportunity………..
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