Vising Heather Games

I hadn’t seen heather in months, wondering how she was I made it a point to drive by her house every night after work. Heather had been hooked on me since she was real young, as she got old enough for a relationship her Mom never let her out of her sight. Making it a point to keep me and Heather apart, probably aware that if we had the opportunity a lot was going to happen. Heather wasn’t very shy about showing her affection for me and very likely her Mom was a bit jealous because she had originally had designs on me.

I managed to stay at their house a few times but it was far from easy, I had to sleep with Heather’s Mom at night to be able to spend time with Heather. Not what I wanted but I guess we do what we have to do to get what we want the most. Heather didn’t like it either but like me she was willing to share me if it was the only way we could get time together. A lot of stolen moments that made itall more than worth while.

Our age difference was great, I could easily have been her father but Heather didn’t care nor did I. The feelings were very deep and the desire extremely intense for both of us, any time that was close was filled with warm attention. I think from the time Heather was seven it was obvious that eventually we would be as close as it is humanly possible to be. Her Mom had her dad taken away by the cops when Heather was two for being abusive and violent from drinking excessively constantly.

The first day I met Heather she was only seven, my intention was to date her Mom because I was new to the area and aware she was no longer married or dating regularly. I didn’t really care for her Mom but it was nice to have someone to hang out with. Helping them out with things that needed a mans touch or a few dollars to help with bills when they were short. From the first Heather was overly affectionNate, sitting beside me or on me every chance she had. Often she would hold my hand and try to slide it between her legs, her Mom gave her hell for that a few times so I made it a point not to let her if her Mom was watching.

When her Mom wasn’t it was a different story, I asked Heather why she did it, she simply said because it feels good. I had to agree even if it was totally wrong that it did feel very exciting just to make her feel good. It started as only a little massaging from outside her clothes, then she wanted to feel it inside where it felt much better to her. Only her clip, very gently and a little dipping in the top of her slit. Heather got pretty creamy even with that small stimulation, any time my finger straighted down toward her entrance she pulled it back up to her clip.

Heather’s little game became very stimulating for both of us, many times I thought about tasting her sweet little pussy. Or rubbingmy throbbing cock against her just to feel her heat and the little trickle of silky juice that made her feel so creamy smooth. I think I avoid having that opportunity for a long time because the feelings were more than simply lust. If I was to have her it was to be only when she was old enough to know for sure what she wanted. That I was to find out long before I thought I would, quite by accident.

I stayed away from them for a few years while her Mom broke a few other guys around only keeping in touch to see how Heather was when I ran into them occasionally. When Heather was thirteen her Mom invited me over for a birthday party for her, so I had a big cake made and bought her a few nice clothes and a small computer for school work. After that I got invited to come over again frequently, only catch was I had to sleep with her Mom again any time I spent the night.

The good part was I had more time with Heather, often herMom had to go out and heather always insisted on staying with me alone, as long as she promised her Mom she would behave. That lasted until she saw her Mom drive away, then she was jumping right on my lap. Her told me she was a woman now, I had to ask what she meant by that? To my surprise she had started her period when she was only ten. I wondered if the games had stimulated her early development or it was just normal for her genetic composition. Certainly if we got close it was necessary to be aware that she could definitely get pregnant.

Heather was definitely feeling womanly desires already, her body heat was tremendous with an enormous desire to be affectionate. Something I had no intention of denying when her Mom wasn’t around. Heather still loved the touching but it had blossomed more than I could imagine. Her mound had grown a little very soft fuzz, her pussy lips had filled out soft and delicious, her slide dripping with silver cream. When Myfinger touched her there now she instantly pushed it to her opening and gyrated onto my finger.

In our new found frequent times alone Heather was on my lap, with one of my hands under her sweat shirt fondling her beautiful small firm breasts. The other inside her pants helping her reach a climax, with my cock hard as a rock pressing against her hot bottom. So many times when she had a climax my shorts were getting soaked with mine, wanting her equally as much as she desired me.

One day her Mom was to be gone all day with no concern of her early return. Heather made it a point to say she didn’t feel well and wanted to stay with me for the day. Her Mom didn’t mind, she liked the time to herself without having to watch over Heather. It was early in the morning and we both still head on our cotton jogging pants, the TV was on a cartoon station. Heather came right over as soon as her Mom left and jumped on my lap, loaded withhugs and kisses. That quickly developed into a lot more, her shirt was above her breasts so I had total access to enjoy them abundantly. My hand was in her pants and she was getting so very wet and slippery, the thin pants we had on made it easy to feel her hot little bottom straddling my swollen cock. As I fingered her we rocked against each other becoming breathlessly aroused, the combination of her wetness and my precum made the connection Extremely hot and wet.

Even with clothes on the semi dry humping was to much to stand for very long. Shortly after I kissed her neck a few times and began sucking her title’s I asked Heather if she wanted to make love? She was to aroused to talk,just nodded her head yes eagerly, in a few seconds her shirt was off and I was slowly working her jogging pants down. The feel of her nude body was like fire against mine, every inch of her was rosy colored with burning desire. When her pants were completely off I removed myShirt, then wiggled out of my pants too. Such a beautiful feeling to have her flesh against mine so soft and hot with password.

As I sucked her breasts, my finger toyed in her creamy pussy, I could feel my cock laying tightly against her slippery slip. The humping took on a totally more extensive sensing for both of us. Heather’s creamy silk ran down over my pulsing cock when she said simply, I want it! No denying I did too, turning Heather around to face me the head of my cock was pressing against her opening, so well lubricated that it easily slipped inside a little. She was beautiful, so hot and soft like the finest silk inside. She tensed slightly when her virginity was pushed away but her desire was far more stronger than any disappoint she felt.

With in seconds she was all the way on me, her soft fuzz entwining with my public hair, her creamy silk porning out in streams of pleasure she had never known before. The same pleasure Ihad never known either nor ever would again with any one but Heather. The first time didn’t last long before we bath achieved climax, when Heather climaxed I made sure I pulled out and spent my cum on her belly to be safe. From that day on we made love as often as was posable, each time more heavenly than the first. Making love to Heather orally was a sweet pleasure, always fresh and pure like honey dew…………


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