Hi friends this is ajay from chandigarh 29/m.This story happened around 4 years ago but is still so fresh in my mind.At that time i was at home most of the time preparing for my exams.My parents were working and i used to at home alone most of the time.We had a maid service called Sangita who used to work part time for us.She was in her thirties , big boobs and ass and very sexy.While working i used to notice that she often touch her hands on my legs very lightly , it thought that it was unintentional but it set my horny mind racing.I made a plan to seduce her.
Next day i told her that i am very tired could she give me a massage to which she agreed.I opened my shirt and lay on my stomach in my shorts , she started by giving me a massage on my back which i enjoyed a lot , gave me a massive hard on.I have amuscular build and i am sure she also enjoyed also.I didnt want to push my luck so i left it at that.Few days passed and nothing happened and i did not want to push it as i was not sure if she also wanted that.
After a few days i again asked if she could give me massage and she readily agreed.This time i decided to open my shorts also and she also encouraged me to do it.I lay on my back this time and i noticed that her hands were brushing my penis very slightly.I asked her to sit on the bed with her back facing me and i tried to press her boobs from behind.There was no reaction from her and this encouraged me.Now i was sure that she also wanted to have sex and i got up and turned her towards me and started kissing her neck and at the same time i ripped open her blouse and bra.I lay her on bed and opened her sari and the under skirt and she was naked in front of me.I opened my undy and throw them away , i pushed my lunch in her wet cunt and began fucking her like a bull . she was also cooperating and was extreme wet with her cunt juices spinning out , after 5 minutes i came inside her she also clutched me from behind and i understandthat she also came.I lay on top of her for few minutes and pulled my semi erect cock out , i could see the cum dripping out of cunt mixed with her pussy juices.After that we had sex almost everyday in all different places.Your comments are welcome.
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