She was wearing a black bloom. Her cotton sari by now has given way to reveal her seductive cleavage to me. I was able to see the bra through the thin material of her blouse. My vulture eyes were probing her womanhood and my manhood was responding to it very strongly by pumping blood into the very tip of my dick. Her hair was slightly over her forehead and I could see few sweat drops also. Like before her eyes were half open and are still looking at me. She was at her consciousness for sure.
But I was not completely sure if she was aware about the thoughts that are going on at the back of my head. Her red lips were slightly opened and I felt that it was speaking a universal language called ‘lust’ and is asking me to taste it. Her heavy breathing have now reduced a bit but I could see that her well shaped breasts were moving up and down and rhythms itself with her breathing.
The hooks of her blouse looked like a stream running between two beautiful peaks. The hooksLead my eyes slowly down towards her navel. Her wheat complexion and the little tummy bulge made her look like a Greek goddess. Her underskirt was bit below her knees on her right leg which was kept flat but I could see a bit of her left inner tights as she kept that leg a bit bent. I touched her left leg below her knees and made it straight. Her skin was so soft like velvet and I could feel a current being passed into me though my fingers. I made her understanding proper and took her sari and covered her. Even though my brain was over flowing with lust I controlled myself. I took her hand and gently held it. I wanted her to feel that she is not alone and wanted to make her feel better. I saw a tear coming from the corner of her eyes. I slowly went close to her face and kissed the tear. I held her cheek on my hand and kissed it again and Then on her eyes. She held my other hand tight by now. I kissed on her forehead and I didn’t know how but my lips slowly landed on her lips. I could feedl her warm breath though her lips. It is true that lust will make you blind.
It is very true because the moment my lips met hers my eyeselids closed and for those few seconds I felt and saw something beautiful yet something very frightening. A feeling that is so beautiful like heaven itself, that even the best poet will find it hard explain in words and at the same time a feeling that sends shock waves and heat though your nerves like hell, which even the doom sayers dare not utter About. I have kissed Kavitha and few other women on their lips. But I have never ever felt this way before. The thought that this grogeous whose lips I am exploring now is not only elder to me but also is my wife’s mother. These thought made my body feel the heat of my lust. I then felt some fingers through the back of my head. I opened my eyes and saw that MIL’s eyes were closed. I could feel her heavy breath again. Her lips opened slowly and I could feel something hotter is coming from her mouth andis touching my lips. I opened my lips and allowed her tongue into my mouth. I tasted the sweetness of her tongue soaked with her saliva and my tongue thanked hers by slowly mixing our saliva with.
My action was answered with even more hotter response. Her tongue was doing magic in me. I felt as if she is letting out her years of sadness, loneliness and more over her love though her lips. Her lips and tongue explained a thousand things to me about her and her heart better that any words put together. Suddenly as if someone pulled us both apart from each other we stopped. As our lips parted each other with half mind the pleasure and heat were still getting transmitted between us through the spider web like thin saliva that was connecting our lips. We both were dragged back to the reality that she is my mother in law and I am her son in law and what happens for few seconds was not suppose to have happen at all. I slowly moved away from her face. She turned her back and started to cry. I wanted to ask her not to cry and forget about what happen between us. But my words failed me at this critical time. Lust gave way to guilt. I left her in her room and went to mine. I sat on the chair and I buried my face into my hands with shame and guilt. I could still hear my MIL crying. But gradually the entire house was filled with silence. For the first time ever in my life I felt that I have done some horrible crime. I didn’t dare to leave my room. A while later my MIL knocked at my door. I lifted my face and saw her standing near the door. I bowed my head in shame. She came near me and asked me to look at her. I couldn’t able to do it. She removed my hands and lifted my face and looked deep into my eyes. I felt as if she is reading my heart through my eyes. I was not sure if I am looking at the same woman who couple of hours back got shattered in front of me because of emotions. No it was not the same woman.
The one I am looking now is a completely different person. She is looking very calm and consoling. I tried to say something to her and I could realize that I was not able to do it and my heart was beating faster and faster the more hard I tried to say something. At last she broke the silence. ‘Sometimes things do happen out of our control. Being a human being sometimes our feelings will make us forget our boundaries. That is what happened today. Don’t worry and trouble yourself thinking about what happened. You did the right thing. Exactly the one I was long for years. It just happened that you being my son in law this world won’t understand it. I was the one who is responsible for what happen because I liked you more than as a son in law. I kept it inside myself. May be it was because I was neglected by my own man.’ I got up and she hugged me. I hugged her back. She continued ‘I know that boundaries once crossed are crossed forever. We can’t undo what happen. But let us make sure it is not happening again.’ She took off her hands from meand I too released her and she kissed me on my cheek and smiled at me and asked me to smile.
I smiled at her back. She went to kitchen and after a short while called me to have my lunch. Rest of that day went off as usual. Kavitha came back from work. We all watched TV for a while. It got late and FIL still didn’t come home. Kavitha tried him on his mobile but still no reply. I and Kavitha went to our bedroom and MIL went to hers. Darkness filled the entire house slowly was one light after other got turned off. I lied down on my bed. Kavitha came and lied near me and started to say that she is feeling really bad for her mother. Her words were entering my one ear but without making any effect in me it was going out through the other ear. I was thinking about what happened during the daytime. Slowly Kavitha slipped in to sleep and my eyes also surrendered to sleep. Next day will be the same as usual as if nothing has happened. Everything will be normal. Normal? Is it really goingto be normal? As my MIL said to me ‘I know that boundaries once crossed are crossed forever.’ It can never be normal any more ……………. Continues
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