This is part 2 of my Journal. I started writing it when I made a bold decision to change my life. I left my dull existence in North Wales and went to work as a Housekeeper for a man in the East Midlands of England. It is a decision that I will never regret. I have never been so happy and never had so much pleasure.
Week commencing May 11
Had an accident on Wednesday while I was doing the washing-up and broke a plate. Jon immediately put me over his knee and gave me 10 smokes with his hand. It was all over before I really realized what was happening. But not quick enough for me to miss the lump in his trousers that was pressing into my stomach. When it was over. I thanked him for giving me what I deserve, and asked him if could show him how sorry I was by giving him relief to the bulge in his trousers. No sooner that he had said,
“yes,” I unzipped him and took him in my mouth. He has good staying power because it took me nearly 10 minutes to get him to cum. I kept sucking until he had gone soft.
The good weather didn’t hold, and by Thursday we were getting thunderstorms. Half way through the Thursday night, I went into Jon’s room, and ask if I could get into bed with him. As usual for the middle of the night he just grunted and went back to sleep. I woke up next morning, with Jon on top of me, holding my wrists above my head, and pumping in and out of me. It’s a brilliant way to wake up.
Saturday May 16
It was now 3 weeks since I started my new job, and after breakfast Jon sat me down and asked me what my feelings were. He said that I should speak freely and that nothing I said would be the cause of any punishment. I told him all about the thought that I had had the previous Saturday morning. He seemed pleased but said that I should get out more on my days off and meet a few people. He also suggested that I start looking for a part-time job and asked me what I would like to do. I said that I wouldn’t mind working in a pub for a couple of nights or in a clothes shop for a couple of days a week. Jon said that we would go to the little dress shop where we had had some fun in and ask the girl there if she knew of any jobs going.
Jon told me that he was pleased with the progress that I was making with my new life style but was a little disappointed in the lack of mistakes that I was making. I then told him that I was his to do as he Pleased and if that means punishing me for no reason then I would not complain. He could use me as and when he wanted, for anything he wanted. I told him that my only concern was that he would allow other men to abuse my body and that I wanted to keep it for him alone. I was then told that I had no need to worry on that count, there were too many unpleasant diseases around for him to risk getting one. Jon also told me that he was going to be away on business a few times over the next few months and that we might even go on holiday abroad in the summer. I amReally looking forward to that as I’ve never been abroad before and now understand why Jon had me send in a passport application form.
After the talk I cleaned up, put a dress on and we went into town. When we got to the centre of the Shopping Centre Jon told me to go to the little dress shop where Kelly worked and ask her if she knew of any jobs going. I was then to go to the market and get some material and a pattern for a Tennis dress. I was the to meet him back where we were in two hours. I was pleased to see that Kelly was on her own in the clothes shop. She told me that she didn’t know about any jobs, but would ask around. We started chatting and before I knew it I was telling her all about Jon and my job. As I was telling her I happened to notice that her nipples were pushing out the front of her cotton dress. After About 15 minutes she said that she had come across a dress that made her think of me and had put it to one side, in case I came in again. She asked me if I hadtime to try it on, and when I said okay she told me to go into the changing cubicle and that she would bring it into me. As I went into the cubicle I saw her turn the ‘open’ sign on the door, and lock it.
I took my dress and shoes off and waited for her. After a couple of minutes she came round the corner with this white dress, well the front and back of a dress, the sides consistent of what I can only describe as ‘shoe laces’, all the way up. As she was helping lace it up, she said that she really liked the dress and thought about buying it herself. I said that she would look good in it and asked if she had tried it on. She hadn’t so I said she should, and why not try it after me. She said okay and continued lacing. When she had finished I said that I liked it, but would have to let Jon see it first. With that, Kelly started unlacing me. After the dress was off, she hung it up and then asked me to help her out of her dress.
This surprised me a little but I started un-doingthe buttons down her front. When I was near her breasts she suddenly turned, brushing her left breast on my hand. She wasn’t wearing a bra. When it was all undone Kelly just let it drop to the floor, revealing that she too had no knickers on. There were now 2 naked women stood inched apart. We both just stood there looking up and down each other. She didn’t have any pubic hair either, and there was something between her legs, but I couldn’t see what.
Kelly broke the silence by giving my right breast a quick squeeze and saying
“come on, I can’t keep the shop closed for long.”
Helping her pull the dress on I had to bend down and with her legs being slightly apart I could see that the ‘something’ between her legs were in fact 2 gold rings about the size of wedding rings. One in each lip. I asked her about them, and she said that she had had them done last year and that they added more possibilities to her sexual pleasure. She spread her legs wider to give me a better look.
“What do you think?” she asked me.
“Nice idea” I said, “but I bet that it hurt like hell.”
“It was worth it” she said. All this time my face was right in front of her shaken pussy, and I could smell her, see her lips getting bigger, and the juices appearing.
I just couldn’t help myself, I just kissed her mons and slid my hand up her leg. She Pulled the dress off, pulled me to my feet, and gave me a long French kiss. My right hand had never left her pussy and was probing deep into her with absolutely no resistance. The kissing and grouping went on for a while before there was a knocking on the shop door. That shoot us, and Kelly said, “not the time or the place” and started putting her dress on.
As we walked from the changing rooms I told her that I would Talk to Jon about the dress and she said that she would let me know if she found-out anything about a job. With that, Kelly opened the door and I was off.
In the market, I found what I was lookingfor and went back to where I was meeting Jon. He wasn’t there yet so I say on a benchmark and waited. Not wanting to have crossed legs when he returned I put the shopping bags on my knees. When he finally arrived he just said,
“come on,”
grabbed my hand and pulled me up. From there, we went to the kids department in C&A, and I had to pick the right size school blouse, tie, pleated skirt, and white ankle socks. These were in the colours of a big school in town. On the way out, Jon reminded me that all my dresses and skirts had to be no longer than 5″ below my pussy. He also told me to wash the blouse a lot of times to get rid of the ‘starchiness’ and make it thinner.
Nothing else of any real interest happened that day, we didn’t even go out that evening.
Sunday May 17
Went to the Gym again, and I had to wear my white lycra shorts and top. I felt funny wearing something over my pussy. Jon made me work real hard and I got quite a sweat on. The leg stretch wide machine was interesting and I’m sure that a couple of men that were looking could see my lips creeping out from the 2″ crotch. I enjoyed the exercise cycle again and by the time that I got off the 2″ of crotch was deep in between my lips, the short, shorts were revealing the bottoms of my cheeks, and both shorts and top were wet with sweat.
A couple of the men and a teenage girl were all staring at me when we went out. I’m sure that there would have been more men looking at me, if they hadn’t been so engrossed in their own worksouts. We went swimming after that and Jon told me to go like I was. The pool was reasonable quiet with only a few young teenagers in there. After we had done a couple of lengths Jon lifted me out and sat me on the side.
I looked down and my white lycra clothes were virtually transparent. I jumped back in and told Jon. He said that in that case I might as well take the shorts off. Not wanting to hesitate, I took them off and gave them to Jon. He then made me swim another couple of lengths. I got some funny looks from the teenagers but I don’t think that they were sure of what they were seeing. After all, I was under water. The ‘bubble’ machine was nice, all those bubbles erupting from the bottom of the pool. I’m sure that if I had stayed longer, I would have cum.
Jon gave me my shorts, and told me to meet him in the spa. Good, I thought, more bubbles. When I got in he asked me for my shorts again. When I gave them to him he put them on the side behind his head and then put his costume on top of them. It was a good job that there was no one else there as I then had to sit in his lap while he fucked me. It was a bit painful to start off with, but once he got in it was good. We managed to look ‘innocent’ for quite a while, even when two of the teenage girls joined us. If only they had known, and how they missed seeing our shorts I will never know. I didn’t manage to cum, but Jon did.
All this time, the girls were busy chatting and just ignored us. I got ‘off’ Jon and sat beside him with my chest out of the water. When one of the boys came and joined the girls he couldn’t take his eyes off my breasts. I may as well have been completely naked. Jon slide our shorts back into the water and we put them on. When we got out I stepped from the bottom to the top so that I had to take a big step. This really made the boys eyes open. I think I had made his day. I bet he didn’t get anything like that sight from either if the girls he was with.
We went into the steam room and lay on the benchmark. I ended up with my feet facing a man that was in there. If there hadn’t been so much steam he would have got a right eye full, but that didn’t stop me getting excited thinking about it.
Week commencing May 18
On the Monday Kelly rang. I was her day off and she had some news for me. She asked if she could come round. Remembering that Jon had said that it was okay to have friends round I said yes. I was doing thevacuum cleaning in the nude when the doorbell rang. Without even thinking I opened the front door to see Kelly.
“It’s a good job it was me at the door and not the Postman” she said. It was only then that I remembered my state of dress.
“Jon likes me to be in the nude as much as possible, even when he’s not around” I said,
“besides, I’ve got used to being like this and I even get a bit of a thrill doing all the housework without any clothes on.”
“Well, that’s just fine by me” Kelly replied.
As we were drinking coffee, Kelly told me her news, a Shoe Shop just round the corner from her shop was looking for a part-time assistant, Thursdays and Fridays, but I needed to go and see them as soon as possible. I said that I would talk to Jon, and if he was agreed I would go there in the morning.
After the coffee, Kelly asked me if she could have a look around the house. I had shown her every room but the ‘punishment’ room and started back down stairs. Kellysaid,
“what’s in this room?” I blushed a little and told her what I called the room. She said that she MUST see inside and opened the door. Inside she asked me what Jon used to tie me to all the rings that were all over the ceiling and walls. I opened a draw and let her look. She picked up a the handcuffs and then the tawse and said,
“I bet you have a lot of fun with these, can I try them?”
Before I could reply she grabbed my wrists and put the cuffs on me and pushed me onto the bed. I just lay there as she pulled her dress off. She was then as naked as me. She climbed onto the bed and holding my arms above my head, climbed on top of me, one knee on either side of my chest. I wasn’t struggling so she let go of my arms, held my head and kissed me.
We tried to swallow each other’s tongues for a few minutes before turning round and spreading my legs. She looked down and said,
“Wow, what a clip, I’m going to enjoy this as much as you are”.
With that shewas sucking my clip and pushing her tongue into my hole.
This was the first time that a woman had done that to me and I have to say that I was enjoying it. So much so that when I opened my eyes and saw her shaken pussy and those rings, right in front of my face, I reached up and started licking her pussy. Her clip wasn’t as big as mine but her lips seemed to be bigger.
Maybe it was something to do with the rings or maybe she was just VERY aroused. She was certainly wet enough. I came first and had trouble concentrate on what I was doing with my mouth. A couple of minutes later she came too. I have never heard another woman have an orgasm before and was a little surprised at how much she screamed and moaned. She collapsed beside me and we both lay there for a few minutes. I didn’t know what to say, I had enjoyed it but it wasn’t as intense as when Jon punished me then fucked me.
Kelly got up first, put her dress on, and started walking towards the door. As she reachesed the door she turned and said,
“That was good, must do it again sometimes.”
With that she was gone. I just had time to get the cuffs of and take a shower before Jon came home.
That evening, I told Jon about the job and he agreed to me taking it, if offered. There was only one condition, and that was that I was to stick to his rules about dress code. I told him that that was just fine with me.
Tuesday morning, I put my least revealing dress on and went to the Shoe Shop. I got the job and was given a skirt and blouse to wear and told to be back there on Thursday morning. I also bought a pattern and some material for a Tennis Dress that Jon had told me to get. He also told me about some ‘alterations’ that I had to make to the style.
When I got home the sun was out so I decided to spend the rest of the day starting an all-over tan in the back garden. At the bottom of the garden there was a 3 run open fence and then open fields. There is only one small part of the back garden that is over-looked, and that is by a house that Jon tells me has only an old man living in it. Apparently his wife had died a couple of years ago.
I was still laid out on the patio when Jon got back from work.
“Like sun-bathing Vanessa?” he asked.
“Yes Master” I replied.
“Well then, after you have got me some food, you can spend another couple of hours laid on the grass further down the garden.”
Half an hour later I was laid spread-eagle on a sheet of polythene while Jon was tying my wrists and ankles to fence posts, bushes and trees. Anything he could find to keep me spread wide. He then got the garden hose, disconnected the sprinkler and proceeded to play with my clip until I was wet enough for him to push the hose into my hole. It didn’t take long. He moved it in and out until I was close to cumming, then stopped and then went and turned the tap on a little.
Wow, what a feeling. As the water trickled in to me the pressure building up made me cum. As I started to calm down the pressure keep going up and I felt like I was going to burst and started struggle. Jon propped something under my head so that I could see my swollen belly then quickly pulled the hose out. If I hadn’t of seeing it for myself I wouldn’t have believe it, the water shot out of me and went about 15 feet. Jon said that we were going to do that again but the next time I had to try to hold the water in and then squirt it out a bit at a time on command. By the third time I had got the hang of it. Jon untied me and I stood up and tried again. I had really got the hang of it and could direct it by leaning my body. Jon said that it was a nice little ‘party trick’.
Thursday saw me going into the Shoe Shop at 11 o’clock. I had shortened the skirt to Jon’s ‘approved’ length and I got a look of disapproval from the Manager but she didn’t say anything. I was shown the ropes and it wasn’t long before I served my first customer. As I was squatting down to help this woman I suddenly realized that I was in the ideal position to flash my pussy to the customers. I would have to be very selective but this could be fun. I was a little disappointed to find that I hadn’t found one suitable person before the end of the day.
In fact it was the Friday afternoon before a young man asked me to help him. Instead of squatting down with my knees facing sideways I let them face him and kept them a few inches apart. At first he didn’t notice, but then I knew he had because a bulge started to appear in his trousers. After I had finished fastening the shoes I asked him if they were all right. He said that they were too tight and could he try a size larger. I nearly asked him if he means shoes or trousers. When I got back with the larger size I kept my knees even further apart and gave him a better look. He really took his time deciding if the shoes fitted. Fortunately, or unfortunately, he decided that the second pair fitted, bought them and left.
Saturday May 23
Nothing special happened today, Jon had to go to work, so I was on my own until early evening. When he did get back he was so tired that he fell asleep in front of the TV. I spent part of the day making the Tennis dress from the material that I bought earlier in the week.
Sunday May 24
We went to a different Sports Centre in the morning and Jon taught me to play Badminton and Squash. The squash was hard work and no one saw me when I had to stretch up for a high shot, but the Badminton was different, the court was one of many in a big hall. I don’t know which was more embarrassing, bending at the knees and risking someone seeing between them or bending at the waist and risking someone seeing my bottom or my breasts.
Jon’s ‘alterations’ were to make the front lower and the arm holes a lot bigger. The worst came when I slipped going for a shot and went full-length face down on the floor. I didn’t hurt myself but I’m sure the view from behind must have been ‘interesting’. In the afternoon, we went for a walk in a local park. I had to wear Ben and the progress was slow. When we were in a wooden part Jon told me to take my dress off and he had me up against a tree. I didn’t need any encouragement because of the effects of Ben and I didn’t even take them out when he fucked me. I was a bit worried when he pulled me down onto the ground and we went into what Jon told me was the ’69’ position. I didn’t want him to swallow one of my balls. His mouth and teeth sucked and dug into my clip and hole as I sucked him clean. I think we both came at about the same time.
Week commencing May 25
At work on the Thursday I had ‘flashed’ 2 men and one young woman. Older women just don’t do anything for me at all.
Friday was a bad day and a good day. I got sacked at the end of the day. The manager said that she didn’t think I was suitable for the job. I think that she was jealous of the attention that I got from some of thecustomers. The good thing was that I had defeat Ben all day and it wouldn’t surprise me if I had been dripping my juices when I squatted-down in front of the only 2 customers (1 twice) that I served that day. One woman about my age and a middle aged man. The woman didn’t buy any shoes but came back about an hour later and tried-on about 6 pairs. I kept getting glimpses of her knickers and each time the wet patch was getting bigger. The man didn’t know where to look. I got the impression that he wanted to look but felt as though he shouldn’t. Poor man. Jon wasn’t worried that I had been sacked and I’d certainly had some fun.
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