Vacation: Day One

The morning dawned clear and cold. Leslie lay snuggled down amid all her comfortablers and quilts,

with just her nose and eyes peeking out. The alarm clock that had awakened her from her sleep

lay shattered across the room. She felt even less like getting up once she noticed that particular mess. Instead, she wished she could just roll over and go back to sleep. Knowing that sleep was impossible, she unwrapped herself and got up, shivering in the cold morning light. It was definitely way past time to rise and shine.

Forty-five minutes later, Leslie arrived at work in her baby blue jeep. She got out and pulled and tugged her clothes into respectability and then grabbed her briefcase from the backseat, before locking up and heading inside. Today was going to be a long day; she could feel it. Thank God for vacation.

Five p.m. did not arrive as quickly as Leslie would have liked, yet it came eventually. It seemed to her that her boss was even bitchier than usual. She had a ton of work yet to finish, not to mention

the memos still waiting to be typed. It was like Ms. Dalton wanted her vacation to start badly so that she would hurry up and come back.

Finally, at a little after 6, Leslie finished up and covered her computer. She hurried out of her office and down to the elevators that would take her to the freedom of outside and away. Calling out a cheerful “So long” she left.

Once home, she changed out of her blue silk suit and into some ragged blue jean shorts and a half top. She wanted to give the house a good cleaning before she left on vacation so that it did not look bad when she returned. Turning on the radio to her favorite station, she gathered all the cleaning supplies she needed and began. Dishes were thrown in the dishwasher, laundry was started, and floors were waxed, swept and vacuumed. Three hours later, she was finished

and more than ready for a night out on the town. After all, it was Friday and she had a whohole week of nothing to do and no set schedule.

Leslie decided to go to her favorite fetish club, a place called “Blood Roses”. After taking a nice, long bath, she went back into her bedroom to decide just what she wanted to wear. Of course, fetish clubs called for the outlandish and she had bought a beautifully tailored blood-red vinyl dress that she had yet to wear. Obviously that was the best choice.

The dress was a superb fit, cupping her breasts and wait and then flaring out to mid thigh. It was necessary to wear crinoline with it to give it the right amount of sass. Next came ripped, vinyl topped, thigh-high’s and knee length blood red vinyl boots. As a final touch, Leslie added a red picker and put her long black hair into a blood red net (or snood), leaving just a few tendrils of hair to grace her wide green eyes and mocha colored skin. She was ready.

The night started off quite slow. It seemed that many of her friends had yet to make it out and so she spent acouple of hours walking the place, marking off the new ones (fresh blood) disregarding the usual opinions. Finally though, she ran into Cyndi and her pet, a handsome man by name of Jerome.

“What’s good tonight, Leslie? See anything worth while?” Cyndi’s first question.

“Not really.” Leslie’s reply.

“We are getting ready to go to Madame Misery’s. You want to tag along?” Cyndi’s next question.

“Yeah, it has got to be better and more entertaining than what I have found here. But just who in the fuck is Madame Misery?”

Cyndi gave a small giggle. “Just come on and find out.”

They arrived at a huge town house located about 10 minutes away from downtown. Leslie parked on a side street and waited for Cyndi and her pet so that they could all walk up together. The house itself was well lit and LOUD, the revelry from inside could be heard almost a block away. Cyndi led the way to the front door, her high ass molded by the black leather cat suit she wore. Leslie appreciated the view, as only a female could and waited as the door was opened to admit them.

A well built male opened the door, clad only in nipple clamps and a black leather strap which lovingly held his cock and balls in such a way as to make him at the least, extremely uncomfortable. His green eyes were downcast as he motioned for them to enter. Cyndi laughed


“You being mouthy again, pet Eric?”

A small nod was her only answer.

“Ah, Misery must have punished you, huh?’

The nod, once more.

“Oh, well. You need to learn better control then.”

Cyndi stepped inside, attaching a lean to Jerome’s collar and motioning for Leslie to precede her into the lushly carpeted hall way.

“Go on through into the living room. Misery has to look you over. If she decides you can stay, come find me.”

“How will I know who this Misery is?”

“Don’t worry, she will find you.” With that Cyndi left her to her own devices.

Leslie did as she was told looking for and finding the living room. Seated here and there were plenty of people, both dominant and submissive. Most of the sub’s knelt by their owners feet with a few gagged or blinded. The smell of sex rose softly on the air as she made her way among them.

A voice, clipped and soft, caught her attention.

“Who are you and why are you here?’

Leslie turned to see who had questioned her and was stunned to see a vision of perfection dressed in tight red leather. The female wore a red mask and had long red hair that fell in riotous curls to her waist. Brown eyes, gazed at her from behind the mask, sharp and intelligent. For some reason, Leslie felt as if she knew this goddess but had no clue where she could have possibly seen her before.

Leslie dropped gracefully to her knees. “I am a pet and friend of Cyndi’s. She brought me along and told me to find Ms. Misery to get permission to stay. That is what I am doing, kind mistress.”

Thebeautiful woman laughed, a warm seductive sound that surrounded Leslie like velvet or satin.

“Well, then we must put you through your paces. Is your owner here?’

Leslie gave a small headshake in negotiation. “I am ownerless, looking for one to claim me, mistress.”

The woman smiled. “Then it seems that my friend has brought me a present. You will climb the steps to the third floor. There will be a door to your right. Enter and be kneeling when I come for you.” Misery walked away and Leslie hastened to do as she was bad.

The room when she found it was done in deep red and gold. The center of the room contained a small platform with arm bonds that could be raised and lowered. There seemed to be quite a lot of different implementations for both pain and pleasure: clamps, feathers, ties, weights, riding crops. Leslie looked upon this cornucopia and surprised. Without further ado, she found a space near the bed, and knelt.

An eternity later, the bedroom door opened and in stroke Misery. She paced around Leslie like a captured jungle cat, giving quick pinches and cares to see how well Leslie had been trained. When she was satisfied, she spoke, her voice like warm butter.

“Do you have a word to use if I should go beyond your limits?”

Leslie nodded.

“Tell me what it is.”

“It is morning, mistress.”

Misery nodded. “Fine, go then to the platform and raise your pretty arms. I would have you naked and bound, my beauty.”

Leslie did as she was commanded. Misery hastened to remove Leslie’s dress and corset, leaving only her boots and thigh highs.

“Spread your legs, pet.” Soft request. Leslie did so and feel the clasp of stiff leather around her ankles.

“Raise your arms as high as possible.” Leslie did that as well, soon feeling leather cuffs around her wrists.

“Close your eyes, gorgeous. I want you blinded to what I propose” A feeling of peace descended, as a soft velvet blind covered her eyes, leaving hersightless but heightening all her other senses.

Soon, a whisper of movement as Misery walked behind her. All was silent. Then the soft snick as a belt or crop was brought out. A gentle touch, which left Leslie weak. Finally, the first lash, laid upon her skin. Heat traveled both up and down from the mark. Another one and then a command.

“Count them for me, pet.”

“One.” A whisper, pain, heat. “Two.” The same.

The lashing stopped at 15. Leslie had barely moved and never whimpered, going inside the heat of each stroke and reveling in it. Her back felt as if someone had set fire to it, but it did not hurt. The voice, once more. “Have you had enough, pet?”

”No, mistress.”

Soothing lotion was rubbed into her skin, cooling the fire. Leslie relaxed into the sensing, her stomach fluttering.

“Have you ever been clamped and weighed, dear one?” was the next question.

“Yes, mistress.”

“Well, then. This should be almost painless for you.”

A period of nothing as Misery went to find her toys. Then Leslie felt the first touch of Misery’s fingers between her tights. Stroking her clip slowly, Misery aroused Leslie to the broke and then added a small clamp to the little nubbin, which deadened the sensings immediately. Leslie fight back a moan, her legs trembling slightly.

“Now dear one, I am going to unbind you. You may have the run of my house and meet all the fine people. You may leave whenever you are ready. However, you must be here by 9 a.m. so that I may remove the clamp. You had better not touch it or play with it in any way. I know what it looks like and I will know if you disobey me. Is that understand?”

“Yes, mistress.”

And then the episode was finished. Misery loosened her and led her out of the room. Downstairs, Leslie found Cyndi and asked for the tour. She spent the next few hours being teased and titillated beyond all endurance before deciding to head for home. As she was leaving, a voice called out.

“When are you supposed to be here, pet?”

“Before 9 a.m., mistress.”

“Make sure that you are. Have a good night.”


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