V Is for Verna

Chapter 1

The secluded hilltop villa overlooking the Roman port of Ostia was almost silent except for the sound of Casio’s soft leather whip striking the plumant ass cheeks of a newly acquired slave girl. The cause of the unscheduled punishment was that she had inadvertently backwashed some of his cum onto his bush instead of holding it in her mouth until she was told to swallow. And though she nervously attempted to lap the sperm off her new master’s bush before he could notice her mistake, he had already grabbed the whip resting along side his opulent couch and struck her firmly across her beautiful ass as she knelt, causing her to forget the rule of silence and cry aloud.

“You are to always have every drop of my cum in your mouth with a few moments after my climax unless told differently, do you understand?”

“Yes, my master. Please forgive me”, she said meekly in Latin with a slight Spanish accent

“Even if I discharge my load on your belly or tits, on yourlovely ass or pussy or even on the ground , you are to gather up my release and place it in your mouth as quickly as possible. Do you understand? If I think you are not quick enough, this will be your punishment and worse.”

The newly acquired slave girl endured the light flogging with considerable grace, never breaking her position in front of the now- standing Casio who realized her novel rank within his vast holdings of women slaves and stopped before really bruising her radiant skin any more than necessary. Once she realized the punishment had really ceased, the lightly sobbing twenty year old quickly returned to the standard presentation position used at the Casio villa by all kneeing submissives: Her hands were placed under her breasts in a cupping manner, nipples exposed, and her lips pursued as if ready to gently give a soft kiss, as she did when her new master came in front of her and placed his softening cock close enough for her to kiss the crown of it several times ina show of her subservice to him or any other master he so choose to give or sell her to in the future

After he made his demands known and punished her a bit, Casio wasn’t interested in her ministers any more and rang for Verna to come into the room and lead the newbie out by a long lean that Verna attached to the exhausted slave’s pert nipples. Casio ordered Verna to go to his office area on the other side of the vast villa after She secured her beautiful charge to her bed in the novel slaves’ sleeping quarters located next to the chariot stables across the courtyard patio with its exquisite marble floors and status. Verna was a trusted administrator of Casio’s numerous slave holdings in Rome and in the provinces of the Empire that stretched from the northern coasts of Britannia, Gaul and Scandia to the Moorish deserts and Egyptian pyramids in the south, extending eastward to the Middle East, the Turkish and Armenian borders and beyond .

Casio was one of the wealthiest men in the Empire, with incredible villas in Rome, Capri and Ostia, the main seaport for his slave trade. He became a man of power and wealth by specializing only in female slaves of great beauty, talent and charm who were designed as vernas, women who were the offspring of other female slaves born within the Empire over several generations. Unlike newly captured or kidnapped females, these slaves grow up in a Roman house hold. They were regular servants in the fields or vineyards or kitchens and, because of their potential as pleasure slaves, a number of the more attractive general female slaves were given some sexual training at the age of seventeen or older. These hand-chosen young beauty were put on track to be groomed into the rewarding Roman world of pleasure slaves to the emperor, his debauched court, as well as generals, tribunes and the wealthy throughout the Roman Empire. Once chosen by a provincial committee near their family’s household, these incredible beauties, upon agreement from the verna herself or her family elders, went into training in her province to prepare for the annual Verna Pageant held in a small amphitheater in Rome next to the Coliseum on midsummer evening. It was an honor to participate, and the reward of being chosen to do so usually freed the female slave and sometimes her entire family from servitude and placed them in Roman society as citizens sans slavery. The Pageant was not unlike our modern beauty contests except for the blatant emphasis on the sexual reputation of the slave woman on display at the event that had a limited audience of elite society and visiting dignitaries from the far corners of the Roman Empire in the time of Tiberius. All of the women carried the name of Verna to designate their rank. If a household or property had more than one or two second or third generation vernas, their first name was used to separate one from the other, and the first name almost always beginning with a V.

Chapter 2

On the Roman galley ships docked at the port of Ostia below Casio’s villa were two dozen vernas waiting to disembark, one ship with a bevy of a dozen beautiful females from the northern provinces, mostly fair-skinned blondes and brunnets and a redhead or two. The other arrival boat held excited contestants from the east, from Egypt, the lands south of it like Turkey and the provinces of Greece, Syria and Lebanon. Most of these lovelies were smaller, darker beauty with black hair and of more exotic sexual traditions than say, the taller women from the barbaric lands of Gaul or Britannia. One thing they all already shared, however, was a small tattooed V at the hairline in the back of their sensitive necks . Any Roman who was aware of its meaning upon lifting the long hair the slave’s back would know her as a verna, a status much higher than the typical Roman slave girl, as beautiful as a common slave girl may be. The verna ranking protected the slave girl from a random rape or an abuse unless permission was given by her master’s household. Indeed, once a verna was designed as Pageant quality, she was treated with great respect because a win by her would elevate the household, indeed the province, and gave officials a great sense of local pride. Some winners returned to their homeland after spending the published two year contract to be enslaved in Rome by her temporary master who wins her services by a lottery run by the Emperor himself, if he chooses not the own her services exclusively. The lottery is very expensive to participate in and only the wealthiest men or couples attempt to win completely the sole submissive services of the Verna Midsummer Pageant winner. Many times, a betting pool was formed and if the lottery was won by the participants, they doled out the time share of the Pageant slave according to the money each invested.

The women who are generative slave girls and who are not selected into the top two runners up usually return toTheir local towns and are quickly authenticated or married off to some local official or businessman, usually finding themselves in a much better social position in their province due to having been chosen to try for the event in Rome. Sometimes, a beautiful governor would free her and her entire bloodline because of the honor she had brought to his province. The women who are runner ups usually were authenticated off at a private sale for a one year Enslavement in Rome. The bidding was fierce and usually the second and third place vernas fetched the highest pleasure slave prices in the Empire.

To become a contestant was almost every attractive vernas’ dream though only one was chosen to represent the entire Roman province each year. Once chosen, the training period in Rome was intense. Many of these stunning lovelies had led sheltered lives, maybe some were just recently introduced into sex by a master or his teenage son. Rarely did she have any experience in pleasure another woman,Much less participating in an orgy of any size that the Romans were famous for. She would have to be trained in the subtleties of worshipping cock, perhaps two or three at a time, or kissing and tonguing Roman ladies of the Imperial Court, women jaded and demanding of sexual perfection. The Pageant contestants on the docking galley ship would soon know how difficult their training under the whip and the dildo would become once locked behind the gates of Casio’s compound.

Chapter 3

Verna waited a long time on her knees in the corner of Casio’s office, as she had done many times in the past ten years She herself had won the Midsummer Verna Pageant a decade ago and Casio could not bear to give her up once he had trained the gorgeous Syria to such sexual perfection that the Emperor himself almost demanded the slave trader Casio relinquish her to him or face exile. Finally, Tiberius’ wife saw the risk of having such a goddess too intimate with her husband and demanded that he not have her as part of his concubine property. Casio negotiated with Tiberius to have the elegant woman secretly delivered to Tiberius’ summer villa in Capri when the Empress wasn’t in residence in exchange for sole rights to options on all verna slave girls in the Empire. Tiberius agreed and enjoyed Casio’s Verna on every occasion possible. Eventually, newer, younger and more perversely trained women caught the Emperor’s fancy and Casio keep his precious beauty solely for himself though he rarely used her sexually anymore, preferring exclusively nuclear black women slaves from the Africa’s as sexual diversity as he became more jaded. Sometimes he would call Verna in to prepare him and his ebony beauty with her tongue and fingers, but rarely did he penetrate her pussy or ass anymore, thinking of her as more a platonic business associate than a plaything.

When Casio arrived in the office carrying various scrolls under both arms, he scarcely acknowledged the kneeing woman’s presence until minutes later, though any other man would have gazed down upon the forty year old beauty in her breast-holding, knees – apart position and become hopelessly erect with the thought of just touching her long-stemmed nipples or kissing her pouting lips.

“Have the galley ships were unloaded yet? Are the factors being cleansed and groomed at our holding area on the pier? When will they be brought up here to the villa to begin their training?”

Casio was impatient for answers. Verna knelt nervously and told her master that both ships were docked but behind schedule. The incoming slave girls were still shackled to their oars and not washed and groomed and in need of an extra period of time for the servants to bathe and groom each woman to the standards that Casio was used to have upon arrival at the Villa’s gates.

“Is Geius still insisting that the vernas come into the harbor at the oars? I told him to stop this foolish display and have the male galley slavesContinue their rowing as usual and save the precious time that we need here for training the contentants!”

Verna was miffed. He knew that his partner Geius loved theater as much as any Roman. He loved to have the spectators who were waiting at the docks believe that he would really use these naked lovelies to row, subjecting them to the whip if they weren’t up to par when, in fact, each woman was patpered aboard ship with attendant slaves of their own in waiting to groom and spoil them in every way possible. Yet, the Romans who gathered every June on the piers to catch a first glimpse at this season’s bevy of female vernas always demanded that the women disaster with sweat dripping from their bare breasts and their necks chained , wearing a copper sign across their pert buss stating their name and province of origin. Geius never disappointed them, even Though he knew that Casio would give him a lesson about time and money. For this reason Geius was well thought of while Casiowas portrayed as a cold and even a homosexual prig on the streets of Rome. Geius understood the need of the average Roman for circle while his partner only despised the hordes of voyeurs at the dock as rabble.

After Verna was dismissed, Casio decided to take a chariot to the docks down below the cliffs of his villa and meet up with his partner and give him a piece of his mind. He arrived just in time to see Geius, in all his armor and regalia step up to the bow to address to crowd milling around on the pier :

“Gentleman and dear ladies of Rome, I have with me this year’s

Midsummer Verna Pageant contentants awaiting your approval.

However, this season’s women will be marched on display in a different fashion than from past years. I’ve decided to have each verna disaster in full flowing white dresses, with only their lovely breasts and full asses exposed for your approval but nothing else. Each slave’s face will be covered up to the eyes, as we sometimes see inthe barbaric lands of the desert areas. If you pay to come to the Julius Amphitheater in ten days on midsummer, you will experience thrills and luxury desires beyond belief! Until then, I give you this years tits and asses, beginning with the most petite of beauty to the most buxom. Enjoy!”

Half the crowd booed while the other half cheered. Seeing just the exposed privates (excluding the hidden pussy) seemed more perverse to some of the men the and couples than witnessing the same nudity that they could see at any bath or borderllo or in their own household after they put their children to bed. Casio was surprised and pleasantly shocked. His old partner had learned how to sell the sizzle rather than the whole piece of meat! He smiled to himself: “When this gets to Rome, more admission tickets will be sold than ever before! Perhaps I should arrange for a bigger vendor this year.”

He was a happy man.

Chapter 4

All twenty-four beauty knelt silently on the cobblestone road at the foot of the massive iron gate that surrounded the villa. Geius had lined them up in two rows of twelve. Each one wore the same skimpy loincloth tucked in at the front while the slave girl’s ass crack was the only partially covered in the rear. They were topless and their hair groomed in the Roman beehive style of the day, exposing the tattooed V inked at the hairline of their graceful necks. On the left side of the closed gate were the Beauty from the northern and western sectors of the Empire. On the right, the eastern and southern entries nervously knelt, their hands cupping the undersides of their offered breasts and their eyes staring down at their pierced navels, each with a ring holding a brass tag stating her V name and province of origin. A light wind was blowing around them when they heard two Nubian slaves push open the gates leading into the inner road of the villa. The men were massive and almost nude except for sandals and a narrow g string that hardly heldin their members. Suddenly, they heard a chariot and several wagons coming towards them. On a silver-plated chariot was Casio and his Verna, both fully dressed and carrying short multi-tong whips. When they dismounted, everything was silent again except for the wind in the kneeing slaves’ hair.

“Hail Casio!”, Geius shouted as Casio walked towards his partner. Verna remained next to the chariot with the driver.

“Hail, Geius!”

They embedded for moment then both walked towards the two lines of nervous females kneeling as perfectly upright and still as possible as the men slowly perused at each slave and then moved to the next.

“They’re stunning, Geius!” Casio finally whispered to his cohort.

“Do you have all their papers in order?”

“Of course.”

“Good. Remember last year. A runner-up was later found to not be a generic generational girl and we almost lost our slave importing license. It took three of my best pleasure slaves to convince Caesar notto ban us from dealing. We need to be careful.”

The kneeing vernas were told to stand and place their manicured fingers on their copper collars. Quickly, the Nubian

eunuchs attached the wrists of each girl to the rings of the collar, then proceeded to run a length of chain back to front to each female in the coffle until all were locked in place. A petite young woman with a full bust yet tiny long-stemmed nipples led the line. Next to her was a somewhat taller Egyptian with smaller tits but a superb complexion and rather fetching

pair of lips. Then came a Turkish delight, lighter-skinned verna with a lovely full ass and perky small breasts with inverted nipples. And so on.

The contingent from the north and west was led by a very short but frisky looking Franc named Valois, her boyishly short hair accentuating a pair of mesmerizing brown eyes. She smiled when she heard to clicking of the chain upon her lovely neck.

Then, there was Vian, a feisty Scots woman with flaming red hair and a matching public patch, freckles on her fair chest and a pair of oversized nipples. The governor who sent her was hoping that her exotic coloring and skin tone would be a hit with the Pageant judges in Rome. She herself looked as if it wasn’t her idea to be involved. When Verna spotted her among the more enthusiastic slave girls. she knew that Vian might be trouble.

Finally, there were the four very tall long legged Nordics at the end of the coffle, their hair up as styled but massive and thick,their bushes natural and breasts tending towards too much flesh, yet solid looking and proud. Last year’s Pageant winner, Vinta, was from the far north. Her large, cunning green eyes were like a Indian tigress and her full pouting lips were complimented by a very trained and talented tongue that brought the crowd to their feet. During one of the various contents in the amphitheater, she put on a show as she quickly dispatched seven naked gladiators in a row withthat tongue and mouth of hers, leaving the other five vernas in the competition to suck and lick for minutes after she had already climaxed the men in half the time, revealing on her knees at the cheeses of the audience and judges as the auburn -haired nymph joyously finger- fucked herself before the crowd. The common service slaves who were brought to the event by their master or mistress to pleasure them while they were in audience tried to duplicate her performance that night, but ended up getting a good front flogging for their inability to do so. Vinta won easily over the second and third placed submissives, a sensitive full-figured Slav named Vaca and a lovely young Nubian girl with concert tits and a high ass name Vanda.

Chapter 5

Once inside the gates of the compound, the first order of the day was for each verna to meet with Casio or Geius or Verna and have them decide how to trim each slave girl’s public area. Some women were fine with their natural look while othersneeded some changing or a complete shaving. Tables were arranged in the grooming hall and service slaves were on hand to take orders from their masters or Verna. She decided to leave the Scot’s woman’s wild flame-red bush natural but decided to completely hold the short haired Lebanonese girl’s pussy so that she seemed even more boyish, a look that some masters and their wives especially like if the wife enjoyed being doggy fucked with a harness dildo by another woman, avoiding an unwanted pregnancy or, if the husband had a penchant for young males but still enjoyed finishing inside a female.

Once all the entries were sad and given an olive oil enema , the group was given a free afternoon at the baths to relax and ready themselves for the first round of try-outs and inspections. Many were anxious, and though they were forbidden to speak to one another for the full period of the Pageant, each could see some worry upon one another’s faces, though they smiled constantly at theThought of having this unique opportunity to excel in their enslavement, maybe even winning their freedom and the freedom of their family back home.


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