I was tired staring at my computer poking around at the information I had to put together for a psychology paper. My roommate was getting her groove on in our bedroom and I was confine, once again to the living quarters which were anything but livable. I was surrounded by books, old pizza boxes and clothes. I could hear her primary screams from the back and a little spasm twitched in my abdomen. I was horny too. I wish I was her right now…but I had to study.
My head crashed down on the keyboard for the fifth time and a pop up caught me by surprise. Cant Sleep? It read. Well duh I thought. I closed it and it came back. Can’t Dream? Ah hell this was already beginning to tick me off. I closed it again. I stared at the screen long enough to make sure it was gone and surprised.
Another pop up invaded my screen. Click here for E-rotic. A place all your dreams can come true. Ethernet sex…high speed fake fucking. No thank you very much. I had been single for three months and mybody was more than ready to kick my butt for not scratching a need. Typing what I wanted to do to a willing body was not the same as doing it. In my opinion it was a total cock tease.
I closed the last pop up and my printer started working. “What the hell.” I muttered. The paper fell from the tray and fluttered in front of me. It read: 24432 Crensaw Blvd. #2A. I think I stared at it for several seconds before map questing it; you know out of curiosity.
The place was around the corner. With a moments thought I grabbed my coat and headed out in the cold Chicago weather following a dumb address. My curiosity was probably going to get me into trouble. I shook my head as I approached the building. It looked like any other townhouse apartment blending easily with the middle class neighborhood scheme. I almost wanted to turn back but I managed to get to the door. What was I going to say? Hi, my computer went all exorcist on me and I got your address; wanna fuck?
Before I turned away the door opened slowly. Really this was getting beyond weird. The curious cat in me wandered in enough to look around. A simple sign hung in the empty living room read: E-Rotic Downstairs first door on the left. I walked in closed the door and started down the stairs. The music from below was beginning to reverberate in the walls. I started feeling all my muscles tense. When I reached the bottom door I pushed it gently and a whole underground club was revealed to me. Bodies were gyrating everywhere and lights flickered around and I spotted him.
Boy oh Boy I always said men looked great in leather. His trench coat wrapped around a dark blue t shirt and black leather pants. His dark hair reached beyond his waist and it was his topaz gaze that had me transferred. He started walking towards me. “Maggie James?” His voice made my legs weak. I nodded. “Good.” He added as he took my hand.
He brought me to a room far enough away from the club so that a milk thud echoed in the walls. As soon as I entered the room I felt hands pull my coat off and work on my jeans. Before I could protest he turned and grabbed my shirt from the front and tore it so that it hung like scraps at my side. He grabbed me by the back of the head and held me in a heated kiss that started to melt my insides. My hands were suspended above me and shackled and I felt him move away from me to see the other two men in the room. Oh hell I was in heaven. One Blondie hard body was sizing me up while another brunette started shackling my feet apart.
I tried to speak but a ball gag went over my mouth and I felt my bra and panties being pulled off. The blond brought a pair of nipple clamps to my attention. I shook my head and he smiled grazing my breast with one of them opening and closing the clap before he placed it over my defiant erect nipple and clamped my left one. I moaned into the gag before the other hired help did the same to my right breast. The two men left the room as my body hummed with excitement. Mr. Leather pants undressed before me and heaven help me he was so big I doubted highly that I could take him. He came to me in his bronzed glory and undid my feet only to forcefully wrap my legs around his waist. I was forced to grab on to my shadows chains to keep me stable as his erection pressed against my wet opening. I was tight, real tight from inactivity and tension. He grabbed my hips and pulled me down slowly. I coiled my legs tighter against him as I felt the burning because I was being stretched open slowly.
“Call me Master.” He whispered in my ear. I shook my head no. I was not going to give in to any man.
I moaned again as I caught the mischievousness in his gaze. He pulled me up slightly and slammed into me. I screamed against my gag and pulled at My chains wildly. I wanted to touch him but he repeated the slow torture over and over again taking me by surprise ever time. With one hand he pulled off my gag and kissed me forced as he began to continuously slam into me. I felt my orgasm building and I felt something strange. His finger was probing my ass. I clamped down to try and stop him in my sudden panic but he urged his finger up and I screamed against his mouth as he pushed past the delicate bud and I exploded. We did this over and over again until I was too tired to keep my eyes open.
In the morning I started myself awake at the vivid memory of the night before. I fell right out of my chair onto the hardwood floor of my apartment. In shock I looked around desperately. I was in my clothes, and jacket and my computer glowed at me. I told. “Just a dream,” I muttered, “A damn good dream.”
My hand found something strange in my pocket. I pulled it up to my face. It was a scrap from my torn shirt. I looked down and realized I was in his blue shirt. The screen on my computer flickered and a new pop up glared at me. See you real soon. I smiled.
“You’re damn right you will.” I said as I grabbed my keys and headed straight for E-rotic. It was my turn to play Master.
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