A small, deserted parking lot on the outskirts of town has been the location of many mundane things. Mostly, it is used by families to park their cars, before taking their pets and over-active children in to the woods for some exercise, fresh air, or both. This warm August evening it would witness a much more bizarre and interesting event, which would be much more telling of the leisure pursuits of a completely different section of mankind.
A large dark car slowed and came full stop under a solidary yellow streetlight. It sat still like a large black beetle waiting for a decision to be made.
Its indicators flashed red and the engine switched off.
Moments later, a tall man in a charcoal grey suit stopped out of the BMW and sauntered over to the boot. He clicked at the electronic lock, and the boot door eased open. The tall man sniggered; ‘Everything OK in there? Did we enjoy the ride?’
A much higher pitched voice came from the boot; ‘Haha, very funny.
Oooft, is this the place? Do I get out?’ The man smiled; ‘Yes, let me help you. Just stand up straight’. A small figure slowly, carefully stood up in the car boot and raised itself to its full height. The tall man put his arms around the figure’s waist and pressed it to his shoulder. The figure bent itself over his shoulder and was deftly lift out of the boot and set down on the grass verge. The Two figures were in stark contrast. The tall man had short salt-n-pepper hair and wore a black shirt with his grey suit. From a distance he was almost a shadow in the gloom of the surrounding woods. Next to him stood a female figure semi-clad in latex. The black latex glinted under the streetlight and was a shade so black it would be noticeable in almost any surrounding.
Only her bare caramel-coloured legs gave away she was human.
The female steadied herself and drew herself to her full height. She took some deep breaths while the grey man closed the boot and locked the car.
Ross turned towards Madelyne; ‘ I’ve just checked the clock, Maddy. We’re about 15 minutes early. This is absolutely fine, as we can just relax and take in some air while our friends get here.”
Ross led Madelyne over to the side of the car and lean her backside against a passenger door. He stood next to her, facing the other way, and slowly eased his hand in to her grown area. Her quim was covered by a thin panel of black latex, but it could still easily be stimulated by an amorous hand. ‘ You okay in there, Maddy?’.
Maddy nodded; ‘ Uh,Uh, Uh…Mmmh,…hmmmm,…Yeah, thank you. That’s always the first place you check, isn’t it?’ Ross guffawed a loud, short laugh and continued rubbing Maddy’s pussy. He playedfully wedged his hand past her labia and massaged the black material in to the slit. The latex clung to her labia and created a very pretty obsidian cameltoe. Maddy squirmed as Ross tried to get more even coverage of latex over each, now distending, labia.
Maddy groaned and grossed again when she tried to move away from her torturer. She realized full well she couldn’t. She leant her backside on the car and Ross was holding her steady with either one, or both hands. Besides this, it mostly had to do with the way she was dressed. One hour ago, Ross, her dominant, had lubed her torso and eased her in to a latex long-sleeved leanard.
He had stretched a black latex hood over her small head, and carefully zipped it closed down the back. He got her to stick her arms in to a black latex straightjacket. Her arms were slowly pulled around her and strapped in place behind her. The straightjacket was closed up with a zip and four adjustable straps were pulled tight. Ross had let her adjust for a few seconds and encouraged her to struggle and release herself. He smiled a wry little smile as he watched her fighting the straightjacket, knowing the jacket would only hug her tightly and render her arms useless.
He finalised the ensemble by attaching alarge posture collar to her neck, strapping it tight, putting black knee pads on her legs and lifting her feet in to black trainers and lacing them.
Maddy wondered if she would enjoy all this attention more if it was under duress. She felt entirely helpless; a piece of furniture to be moved about. The very thought voided her mind and made it a struggle to think cooperative thoughts. Subspace, Ross had called it. Whatever it was, she was used to it now and quite enjoyed the feeling. She was glad for the mask, even though she knew her face and hair would be a mess underneath. She could feel the sweat pooling inside her mask and her hair clinging to her scalp. Her hair was short now.
Another one of the changes she had undergone to please her ‘boss’.
Most of this was her idea and she smiled to herself for decisions well-taken.
She had contacted Ross B by e-mail four months ago in the hope for knowledgeable sadomasochistic play. Ross B was a professional dominant and his website looked legitimate and reputable. Well, as reputable as sex workers do get.
Her boyfriend, Mark, had encouraged her to write in to the dungeon, after many lengthy and sometimes painful conversations about her dreams of kinky sex. She loved Mark, but he wasn’t willing or able to deliver what she wanted to experience. So Mark started googling. He found Ross B’s website. They e-mailed the dungeon owner. Ross said yes. Ross and Maddy had known each other for four months now. Intimately.
‘Hey, hey, hey, …waken up’. Ross touched the slave’s black-clad shoulder. ‘You need to perform in a few minutes’. ‘No zoning out now.’ ‘Do you want some water?’
Maddy shook her head to shake the grgginess away; ‘ Yes sorry, yes please, boss.’ Maddy preferred to call Ross ‘boss’ or ‘chief’, as ‘master’ seemed too ‘Oh, the children of the night, what sweet music they make’…cheesy.
Ross put the mouth of a bottle to her lips and lukewarm water trickled down her throat. Sheswallowed thankfully. Being ferried in the trunk of a car, was another one of her fansies. Another fantasy that Ross was only happy to carry out. However, being transported in a hot trunk for thirty minutes on a hot August evening may not have been the most clever decision. She tried to move again. Sweat sploshed inside her lootard and dripped down her legs.
Ross inhaled; ‘They’re here. Let’s get going’. Ross pulled out a piece of clothes from his pocket and held it out for Maddy to see. A blindfold. Maddy took a second to register and then nodded her consent. Ross turned her round and soft leather darkness covered her eyes. ‘Oww, Oww, Oww! bzzp, bzzp, bzzp!’.
Maddy; ‘Oh! that is a low blow. While I can’t see! Knock it off, Dracula.’
Ross surprised; ‘Sorry my dear, I know how much you hate a tazapper, but I need you to waken up.’ ‘You have a few gentles to meet and…pleasure.’
She heard the click of her lean being attached to her collar and a sharp pull, jerked the black sphere of her immobile head forward.’
She was lead forward. She couldn’t see the ground and it wasn’t always even.
She stumbled twice but recovered quickly.
She could hear and feel the crunch of the seashell path leading in to the woods. Led in to the dark woods, by the strangest of men, helpless as a babe.
Maddy bit her lip. She could be really bloody stupid Sometimes.
They walked for a few minutes. She felt like she was sailing through uncharted black waters, not herself piloting her ship. As she walked the latex wedged itself deeper in to her pussy, making her ungainly walk even more awkward and humiliating.
She was unsure of what she heard through the latex covering her ears, but she was sure she heard muffled voices and a cigarette being lit. She could smell the smoke. Ross’s voice; ‘Put that out please’. ‘Right, gentleman, this is it. We aren’t staying long so you can start stroking now.’
Zippers were drawn down, a few differentpeople’s intakes of breath deepened and slowed.
Maddy felt Ross’s large hand on her shoulder; ‘ Well, this is it. Are you ready?’
Maddy nodded. Today saw the completion of a series of her fansies in their transition to reality. She was not backing out now.
Ross pressed her down and she knelt on to her knee pads, imagining herself being surrounded by a small circle of randy men. She was alone and blind in the dark. She depended on the boss to escort her through. It made her horny.
Ross raised his voice; ‘Okay, this is what the lady wants. Her mouth is to be used only. Do not come in to her mouth. Cum over her face please.’ ‘Maddy, open wide.’
Maddy asked; ‘How many?’ Ross; ‘Four dicks for you to worship.’
Maddy; ‘That’s OK’. She opened wide.
She wasn’t sure how long it took. When they got back to the car, she realized it was only twenty-five minutes. Ross later told her that the 4 men were all vetted carefully by friends. Nice beautiful cocks, no venereal diseases, well-behaved men. The men had delivered, and unloaded 4 days of stored cum on to Maddy.
They had taken their turn invading her mouth, her throat. Putting their hands on her crown and pulling her closer, engorging her mouth with their warm shafts. She hadn’t expected the drool. It started off with a dribble, then her spit slaved freely down the front of her straightjacket. Occasionally Maddy needed to wretch as a cock made contact with the back of her throat, or she would gasp for air as her throat was being filled. Maddy would violently pull back her head and cought on to her own lap, only eagerly return to stimulating the manhood she had accidentally rejected. The men, one by one, climaxed and aimed their semen on to her blind and covered face. Semen rolling down her forehead, dripping on to her lips and in to her mouth. Two of the men rubbed their cocks on to her forehead, discharging the last of their cum, using her face like they would a handkerchief. Maddy thought this was an especially nice touch.
After the men had their fun, they were dismissed with a curt; ‘Thank you for your service, goodbye.’ They walked away, heading towards their cars.
When left alone, Ross took out a digital camera and took over 60 pictures of the resting Maddy. Maddy was kept hooded and blindfolded as this would excite her as well as keep her identity hidden from the men. However, she still wanted to see what she looked like.
‘If there are no pictures, it didn’t happen’; she liked to say.
Ross would later term the pictures ‘glorious’.
Maddy exclaimed them ‘fucking hell…wicked sick!’
Faint light showed in to Maddy’s eyes as the blindfold was removed.
Ross poured two liters of water over Maddy’s smooth body to wash away the majority of the mess.
He wiped the jizz from her hood, and then removed the hood, revealing the tired yet happy Madelyne underneath. He wiped the sweat from her face with babywipesand then removed her straightjacket, posture collar and kneepads.
Maddy was left standing in her latex lootard, with sweaty hair hanging in to her face. Maddy had recently had a pixie cut and her dark hair was fashionable short. She missed her long hair but the short hair was a better choice for wearing hoods.
The short hair was at Ross’s suggestion. However, the purple streak in her hair was Maddy’s idea too. Ross’s dungeon logo was purple, the decoration on his website was purple. His slaves w purple embellishments.
Ross put his arm around the small slave and slowly walked her back to the black car. Maddy absent-mindedly pulled the latex out of her pussy.
Sweat dripped to the ground, steam rising from her warm body.
When they reached the car, Ross opened up and grabbed a large bag from the rear seat. Ross looked at her thoughtfully; ‘Need anything? Chocolate? Cookies? Your favourite soda? Water? Maddy grabbed a can of fizzy pop and sat in the front passenger seat, greedily guzzling the cold, sweet drink, soothing her throat.
Ross handed her her jacket and closed the passenger door.
Ross passed her the camera just before he started the ignition.
Maddy played with her filthy hair while she examined every single picture on the display. The BMW sped forward, carrying her to home and comfort.
She looked at Ross and wondered. Because of these Two men in her life, Mark and Ross, the bucket list of her life was getting very short indeed.
She giggled; ‘I can believe what I did today. I can’t believe what you’ve put me through in the last 4 months. I am such a slut!’
Ross; ‘Calm yourself, my little grasshopper, my little padawan-cocksucker, we’ve been over this before. Thousands of women would love to, but don’t have the courage to go through what you have done recently. You should be proud and happy in your ‘achievements’. As long as you keep those pictures safe, there’s no problem.’
Maddy kept flicking through the images; ‘God, I can’t believe this…hmmm… so what happens next?’
Ross grinned at the road, passing underneath them; ‘We take you home, you have a shower, you have some food, you get back to your real life.’
‘And then after that, you get in touch again’. And you let me know what you want to do next.’
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