This is inspired by a true incident. I worked in labs for two decades, often alongside some very smart, beautiful women. Aside from the fact I’m married, I don’t believe in sleeping with coworkers no matter how attractive I find them— or they find me. If it ends badly (likely). It possible fucks up my job and probably my marriage. However, I found two co-workers incredibly attractive but never let that be obvious. I had many pleasant fansies thinking about the possibilities with either woman. I know both wanted me, though. In one case, ‘Becky’ (not her real name) approached me in a quiet corner of the lab, when no one else was around. She sidled up and stated: “Ivor, you’re a good-looking man… (pause) Check this out.” She stuck out her tongue and wiggled the end towards me, then lifted the tip up to show me the underside, then tip down to show me the velvety upper surface. “Did you see the pierce hole? I got it pierced in high school and wear a tongue stud when I’m not at work. It drives a man wild, if you know what I mean.”
I was trying to hide my building erection and also play it cool by saying “Wow, jeez… I’m sure you know what you’re doing” (or something like that). I rarely get ‘tongue-tied’ but I definitely wanted my tongue tied with her tongue…
However, I was completely taken aback and flustered … she’d never openly showed interest in me before. I was intrigued … but part of me was trying to nip this in the bud without hurting her feelings. Or maybe she was flirting and teasing with no real interest in me—just having fun at my expense. On the other hand, maybe she was serious…
What I really wanted to do was ask her to show me her tongue again. Then I’d firmly grip the tip of her tongue with my thumb and index finger and gently tug it for a closer look before planning my mouth on hers and engaging in a long, wet tongue-wrestling kiss. Sigh… missed opportunity. (She was a smoker, a strong turn-off for me, but in her case I’d have made an exception…).
For months after this encounter, when she walked into the lab, especially if she was wearing a particular pair of form-fitting jeans, I had to get to my workbench quickly to put on my lab coat—which I rarely wore except for dangerous experiments. In this case, my lab coat’s protective function was to hide the erection she gave me when she wore those tight jeans.
A few months later my dream fantasy happened and I had my opportunity with ‘Becky’.
* * *
Around 4:30 PM one Saturday in mid-December Becky and I were alone in the lab, finishing up some experiments that had to be done before the Christmas break. I had mentioned the day before that my wife would not be attending the lab’s Christmass party because her own office Christmas party was scheduled the same night. While I was clearing my work bench before heading home, Becky told me there was a list minute change to thelab Christmas Party. Plan. The party was moved from our lab chief’s house to the lab office suite down the corridor because his wife and kids were ill. But the party still started at 7 PM—about two hours from now. Everyone else in the lab had gone home and most other labs were already shut down. I thanked her for the update and rushed home to change for the party.
When I entered the biology building at 7 PM it was absolutely quiet. As I nearly the lab office suite where the graduate students have their desks and lunch room, I heard Christmas music played low but no hubbub of conversation. I groaned. It seemed like it was going to be a dull “party” with everyone sitting around glumly staring into their drinks.
I opened the office suite door and saw Becky…. And my erection started to form. She was alone and wearing the tightest pair of dark brown leather pants I had ever seen. They look like they were spray painted on. She saw my eyes bulging out, so she did wiggling pirouette on her matching brown high heels to show off her ass. She then looked down pointedly to observe her effect on me and see that my cock was indeed starting to bulge out, too.
“Like what you see?” she cooed. “You hurt me a teensy bit a few months ago when you didn’t grab my tongue and kiss me… like I knew you wanted to. So, I’m not too sorry about lying about the party vendor change. We’re gonna have our own private party …right …here!”
I’m tongue-tied. ” Ah… sure… sounds great!” I managed to stammer. Then an astonished “Fuck” under my breath, embarrassed at my clumsiness.
“I like that you mentioned the word ‘fuck’,” she giggled, “That’s on the menu. You’ll note I’m wearing a bright pink satin blouse—it matches the shade of my shamed pussy’s lips. But you’ll find out soon enough… maybe. Except first, you have to do a few things for me.”
“Uh, sure,” I stammered.
“First you need to lock the door. Then you need to grap my tongue, like I know youwanted to, and inspect my piercing.”
She stuck her wet bubblegum pink tongue out and I saw a glistening silver stud there, about 5 mm in diameter. My hand reached out robotically. I didn’t feel in control of my arm—it was acting on its own. I felt the wet, slippery stud and her tongue with my thumb. I squeezed her tongue, feeling the rough textured upper surface and she closed her mouth to suck my finger and thumb, while her smoldering bedroom eyes burned holes in me. After a half minute or so, Becky’s mouth relinquished its hold on my fingers—now well-coated with her saliva— and she giggled. I leaned in and locked lips with hers. She darted her tongue into my mouth and expertly probed me. I feel her hot tongue, and feel the click of the stud as she playedfully tapped my teeth with it.
“Just imagine how that stud is going to feel when it roves over your cock,” she teased.
Then she gave the bulge in my jeans a firm playful squeeze. I was practically ready to cum then and there. I feel my underwear getting slick with my natural cock lube oozing from my erect cock. After another twenty seconds of passwordate slurping kisses, our lips unlocked. She gasped, “Fucking awesome! You know how to kiss! But now you’re supposed to kiss me under the mistletoe.”
My eyes unlocked from hers and I gazed upward, looking for mistletoe. I saw none, I’m mystified. I looked back into her eyes, four inches from mine. Her eyes were crinkled with glee.
“Look down, silly!” she laughed.
I gazed down. Sometimes during our kiss, she hooked a piece of mistletoe to the waistband of her impossible tight leather pants. She then put her hands on my shoulders and me down firmly until I was on my knees. “Kiss me NOW … under the mistletoe … long and hard!” She commanded.
I obeyed and buried my face into the camel-toe of her leather-clad pussy, rubbing my nose and chin hard into where her clip must be… I could tell when I hit her clip, because she grabbed my hair firmly and pulled my face in harder when I rubbed her hidden pussy pearl the right way during my face movements.
“No more face skating! Start using your lips and tongue and really work that leather. It’s plenty wet on the inside, I want you getting it equally wet from the outside! Work it!” She starts moaning loudly as I kiss, suck, and lick her crotch. I breathe in that intense leather smell.
“That’s it, Ivie! Do NOT stop until I cum in these pants! You stop… the party’s over!”
(So now I’m ‘Ivie’, not Ivor, like I’m her sub…) But I do NOT stop. In fact, with her pulling hard on my hair, I go wild and I start biting and gnawing at her leather-clad pussy… I’m going into a frenzy of lust.
“I love the bites, but do NOT damage the leather!” she orders, half gasping, half-moaning. “I want to wear these pants again,” she panted.
I continue kissing, licking HARD, and biting even harder, despite her orders …and she explores in orgasm. I grab her leavesr covered ass cheats firmly with my hands and hold on tight for dear life, keeping my face buried in the embrace of her pussy. She was prancing and gyrating like a maniac, grinding her hot cunt hard into my face, screaming and practically tearing my head off in her throes of ecstasy. After fifteen seconds of orgasm, she collapsed in my arms, trembling. I caresed and cradle her for a minute.
“Oh my fuck that was intense!” she gasped hoarsely. “And we’re not even half done…” her voice trailed off.
“That’s right,” I manage to croak out, while I was on all fours, panting myself. “I’m going to eat my way to your heart after I peel those pants off you… and then I’m going to fuck you silly,” I boasted, my voice gaining strength as I tried to establish dominance.
“Yes,” she moaned, with a smile building on her face, “but you’ll be doing things my way, first. Get on your knees!”
I obeyed.
She grabbed a pair of handcuffs from the bench next to us. “Hands behindd you!” She cuffed me. Then Becky stood in front of me, the saliva- and pussy-soaked crotch of her leather pants pushed firmly against my face. Her hands behind my head and fingers lacened in my hair—as if I wanted to pull away. Not fucking likely!
“If you can believe it, I had a hard time fitting into these pants, they are sooooo tight… like a second skin, Ivie! I don’t know if my button fly is going to be easy … or tough to undo. I feel like I’m half burning out already… But somehow you ARE going to unbutton my fly and pull these tight mother-fucking pants over my full ass and down to my ankles… using only your mouth! And no bite marks or damage to the leather! And remember this… I don’t uncuff you or give you your turn to use me as your fuck toy until I’m FULLY satisfied… my way! And I am greedy and horny—I expect a lot!”
I start working hard to undo the top waistband button. The pants were so tight, the flesh on her trim tummy bulged out a bit over the waistband and the fly buttons were slightly recessed and straining against the ends of the button holes. I wanted her pussy and ass! But I didn’t want to break any teeth either. Fuck it! I wanted her pussy and ass! I worked hard and feverishly. It was frustrating like those rigged carnival games—harder than it looks. After two minutes of mouth that top button, I got it undone!
“Well done, Ivie!” She squealed and laughed, clapping her hands. It didn’t help that as I was trying to work her pants off with my teeth and lips, she’s also had both her hands on either side of her ‘camel-toe’, furiously rubbing her pussy hard in all the right ways while she’s squirming with pleasure and delight. She only stopped rubbing her pussy to pull my hair—hard—at intervals.
The fly buttons were a moving target at times—like bobbing for apples. After that top button was undone, it got easier for the next three. As I pulled the buttonhole free from the second button, I got my first whiff of the pungin sweet smell of her wet pussy, its fraudrance finally able to break free of the intense leather smell of her pants. I’m about to go fucking nuts and into a pussy-worshiping frenzy. And what’s this? I also detected the unmistakable vanilla/chocolatey smell of latex. Fuck! As I pulled on her fly ripping the buttonholes over the last two buttons I saw her vulva encased in black latex panties! I’m in fetish heaven! Leather and latex!
“I know what you like, Ivie! Merry Christmas!” she laughed out.
I pulled down hard on her waistband using only my mouth, as ordered. Her leather pants somehow didn’t want to slide easily over the poisoned latex panties. I was now panting and frothing with lust. I asked her to turn around. To my surprise, she did—with resistance or teasing. I gripped the back of her waistband with my teeth (firmly but gently, no bite marks!) and pull them down over the panties. I see her full firm ass cheats glide by and jiggle as I pull her pants down. I rub my nose down along her ass, breathing in her latex smell. The leather pants slide down with resistance due to the tight fit but once past her ass, the going got easier and I continued pulling them to her ankles until my chin touched the floor. Good thing her shoes had high heels to give me clearance.
I was low on my knees in a grovelling position, my hands cuffed behind my back and my face buried in the inside of the crotch of her leather pants bunched at her ankles. I’m overwhelmed by the mixed aromas of her pungent, rich pussy fraud mixed with the heady smell of the leather.
She kicked off her shoes . “Bite the end of my leg hem,” she ordered.
I gripped the left leg of the leather pants with my teeth and she lifted her leg out. We repeated for her right leg. She reached down to her heaped leather pants and tossed them onto a neary chair. I looked up from my crouched position. She’s peering down at me though her now spread legs. I look up at her sparkling mischievous eyes, then lower my eyes slightly, I see the latex panties are split-crotch. Fuck! Wonders never cease! And it explains how her pussy juices were able to get through the latex panties to soak her pants.
“While you’re down there, you may as well stay down there”, she cooed. “Lie on your back!”
I roll over onto my back. My cuffed hands were under my ass, pushing my hips upward, but I wasn’t complaining.
“You can ride me anyway you want… After I ride you first!” She panted with wicked abandon.
Becky knelt down, straddled my head, grabbed my hair HARD, and lowered her pussy and ass on my face. She pulled the latex panty legs apart so the split crotch gave my lips and tongue full access to her—from glistening erect clip to fragrant pumped asshole. I breathed her in and my tongue savored and explored the rich, complex tastes of her. She went into a frenzy and rode me vigorously as she built to her second climax! My tongue alternated from exploringher thoroughly wet clip and pussy to pushing deep into the tight, spicy tunnel of her ass as she glided up and down my face. I feel my cock exploit in my pants. An amazing intensity orgasm put me into a full body spasm…
(Then I wake up. My engorged cock is pumping geysers of hot cum on my stomach and bedsheet … and my wife is breathing gently beside me, unaware of my intensity wet dream experience.)
©2022. Ivor Knightly. All rights reserved.
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