This is the final chapter of a 40,000 word novella. It starts as a slow burn but goes on to explore the journey of a novel as he discovers the joys of loving Femdom. I wrote it as a gift for my real life sub, David, and we hope you enjoy it.
If Femdom is not for you, then please do not continue reading. However, if you like the idea of a powerful woman controlling every aspect of a helpless sub’s pleasure, then please read on.
As Kate pushed the door release that would allow her guest into the narrow hallway, David stood awkwardly behind her. Although he’d become comfortable in his own skin in a way that his previous six decades had never come close to, it was a whole other thing to meet someone new, a fully dressed woman, while he was naked. It was a relief when Kate clicked her fingers again and pointed to her feet, allowing him to sink to the floor.
The lift whispered open, and a petite woman of Japanese origin was revealed. She was slim and pretty in arather severe way and looked to be about thirty, with long black hair that was plained in a thick rope which fell down to her waist. She wore a fitted zip-fronted red dress and high heels and carried with her a bulky bag that he assumed contained her art materials, paint, and the like. A bag which she promptly dropped as she rushed forward to greet his Mistress with a passwordate kiss. Well, he wasn’t expecting that! But Kate seemed equally happy to see her and was returning the lip lock with gusto, her hand on the smaller woman’s shaped ass.
After what seemed like an eternity, the women parted, and her guest finally turned her eyes to him. ‘Suki, this is my new pet, your new canvas. He has agreed to be at your disposal for the day.’
Mistress Sakura stared down at him in an assessment manner, and he found himself sitting straighter, puffing out his chest in the hope that he might meet with her approval and make his Mistress proud.
‘Yes, I can work with that. Thank you,Kate, for your general offer. Does he know what my work entails?’
‘Goodness, no, Suki. I didn’t want to spoil the surprise. But he has his safewords and I know you like to layer your work, so he’ll have a chance to acclimatise. Either way, I think we can be confident that the experience will be memorable!’
David watched the interaction between the two women, aware that he was no longer going to be consulted about what was happening. He could submit to it fully or he could leave, and he couldn’t imagine what the two of them could cook up that would make him want that.
‘Let’s take this into the bedroom, shall we? There’s no reason for anyone to be uncomfortable. Today is about pleasure. Mental torque, perhaps, but not physical pain.’
Without being commanded, David crawled by Kate’s side, aware that the other woman walking behind them had a clear view of his well-beaten ass and swinging balls. When they reached the bedroom he was told to knee at the centre of the bed, both women sitting on either side of him. Mistress Sakura dropped her bag on the bed and unzipped it. Instead of the body paints and brushes he was expecting, the bag looked like it would be more at home on a building site than an artist’s studio. What he could see on top was a mass of neatly coiled rope.
Sakura took out a hank of rope and started to untie it, stroking the bristly fibres through her fingers lovingly.
‘This is hemp rope, boy. I use a range of ropes in my art, depending on the subject. Oftenimes, I’ll use coloured silk ropes to bind a woman. You can’t imagine how beautiful they look tightly framing her breasts in an intricate corset, and how a carefully-placed knot can drive her wild with arousal.’ Her eyes glazed with the look of a chefheed memory as she turned to Kate, sharing a moment with her.
‘However, today, I’m looking for a more robust subject and so I have chosen this thicker, rougher fibre. Your Mistress tells me that this is an exercise in trust for you and so we must ensure that, like the fibres in my rope, the two of you are inextricably intertwined to form an unbreakable bond. Both will be tested to their limits today.’
Kate smiled, ‘You are very lucky to benefit from Suki’s expertise, pet. She is known to be one of the best shibari artists and riggers in the country.’ Sakura blushed with pride and gave Kate a sweet kiss of Thanks.
‘OK, we shall start,’ Mistress Sakura commanded. ‘Sit back on your knees and cross your arms behind your back, gripping your elbows. Yes, just like that. Look straight at the camera while I record this moment. Perfect. So lovely to see the play of trepidation and excitement in a sub’s eyes.’ And with that, she began.
Shaking the rope out she doubled it and hung the centre point around the back of his neck, quickly and efficiently crossing it over his chest and around his arms and back several times, knotting as she went. Before he knew it, his arms were tightly lashed behind his body and he was unable to move them, apart from flexing his fingers. Looking down, he could see that his entire chest had been decorated with a series of diamonds, two of which framed his nipples. He watched as she threaded the remainder of the rope up his back and then placed two final wraps horizontally, one just below and the other just above his nipples, effectively pinching them in the rope’s rough cares.
As Sakura was preparing the next rope, Kate knelt behind him, pressing her breasts against his back, just out of reach of his bound hands.
‘How are you doing pet?’ she breathed in his ear. ‘Give me a colour.’
David was breathing heavier now as he flexed against the bindings. There was no give in them and a part of him wanted to panic, but he knew that he had the choice to call Amber and Take a moment to regroup but knowing that it was an option gave him the strength to continue.
‘Green, Mistress. I’m good.’ And in saying it, he felt himselfrelax, enjoying the scratchy ticke of the hemp fibres against the sensitive skin of his nipples.
Kate ran her hands over the flesh bulging against the tight ropes, teasing his senses with her fingertips. His cock boobed to attention, and she laughed.
‘Oh yes, I think you are enjoying this very much. Good boy.’ Her praise earned her another luxury bob.
Sakura was ready to begin again. ‘Kate, darling, could you just tip your sub back so he’s resting in your lap? I need to work on his legs.’
David found himself pulled backwards so that his head and shoulders were resting on his Mistress’ thighs and he was gazing up at her face, which was partially eclipsed by her thrusting breasts. And now his heartbeat had increased again but this time it was all arousal. She stroked his face and leaned down to kiss him. God, she tasted good.
While he was being distracted by Kate’s soft lips and hungry tongue, Sakura had woven the new rope into the bottom of his chest harness and had begun to bind one leg, bent calf to thigh, again forming a series of diamonds along its shortened length. Soon she had done the same to his other leg and now he was completely helpless. He wriggled enthusiastically in Kate’s lap, his pulse racing as it finally registered that he had placed himself unreservedly into their hands.
Both women manoeuvred him back to his former kneeing position and more photos were took.
‘Oh Suki,’ excerpted Kate, ‘You have outdone yourself. Such beautiful work.’ Both women circled him, taking time to trace the patterns, making David’s skin tingle and heat with arousal and his neglected cock to ache.
Returning to his front they reached for one another, Kate fisting the other woman’s plait and wrapping it around her small fist, reeling her in for a claim kiss. Helpless to do anything but watch, David drank in the sight of the two beautiful women before him. Although Sakura’s dominance as she had bound him, Kate was clearly in controlNow, and she was currently exercising that control by unzipping the other woman’s dress.
Beneath the form fitting dress, Sakura wore only a tiny black thong. Her breasts were barely a handful, as Kate demonstrated as she cupped the small mounds, plumping them up and pressing them together so that she could suck and kiss the dusky tips into her mouth. Sakura moaned in pleasure, and David groaned in agreement, his own nipples stiffening against the press of the rope.
Breaking away from her now swollen nipples, Kate kissed the other girl as she directed her hand towards the zip in her catsuit. As the straining zip was slowly released, the inner curve of Kate’s general breasts sprung into view, then down her smooth belly to her cute little navel. Sakura kissed a loving trail down that creamy flesh, taking time to lick and kiss the deep well of Kate’s belly button while her hand had found the second, concealed zip that led from the top of Kate’s mound to the two small dimples at the base of her spine.
David’s mouth watered as his senses were bombarded with the sight and fragment of her aroused sex. When Sakura’s head blocked his sight, he could hear her little tongue lapping like a hungry kitten, although this was soon overshadowed by the sound of Kate’s sights and moans of pleasure as she directed the girl’s tongue to her sensitive pearl.
Oh, god, this was mental torture! To be so close, to want to push this interloper out of the way and take his rightful place between his Mistress’ thighs. And yet. What red-blooded man could resist the sight of two beautiful women making love? And they were both beautiful. The contrast between their two forms was mesmeric and David could not tear his eyes away. Kate’s fair Junoesque figure, all curves and pillowy softness pressing against Sakura’s darker colouring and slim lithe body was a visual feast, and David was determined not to miss a moment.
Dispite his abhorrence of cuckolding, this seemed different. Somehow less threatening. Although, how he knew this for sure he had no idea. Clearly the woman had history and her ‘dear friend’ was more than able to satisfy her sexually. But still, he believed at the end of the day, Suki would go home, and David would be chosen to remain in Kate’s home to tend to his Mistress. At least he truly hoped so. Surely, they couldn’t get him to use his safeword? No, whatever they had planned, he’d still be here come the evening.
Pulling Sakura’s head from between her thighs, Kate laughed breathlessly. ‘Easy tiger! We’ve barely began, and you have an artwork to create. Now, get back to work, you hungry little slut!’ She slapped Sakura’s tight little butt, making the other girl giggle as she wiped her mouth.
What could she probably want to do now? David had assumed that the artwork was done. He was trusted up like a Thanksgiving turkey and even he had to admit the aesthetics of the ropework. But no, Kate had said she worked in layers, so he guessed they were about to move on to the next one.
Working silently, Sakura pulled a large roll of industrial plastic wrap from her bag. Guess he was right, and now he was going to feel even more like a piece of meat it seemed.
This time, she started from the stumps of his knees, wrapping a layer of the transparent food wrap tightly over the meat of each thigh. She really was skilled at this, as there was hardly any overlap. This kept the intricate knotwork clearly visible, along with the detail of his abundant leg hairs, which were now pressed firmly against his flesh.
Although the plastic was thin and slightly stretchy, once it was wrapped it formed an impenable layer, and immediately David felt much more constricted than he had before. Knowing that this was going to cover his chest too make him feel slightly breathless, almost as though it was already stopping his ribs from expanding, crushing his lungs. David was no fan of enclosed spaces, and althoughh he could see he was still in the middle of a wide bed in a spacious room, he already felt his world shrinking in on him.
Kate locked in on his eyes, gauging his mounting tension, and raised an eyebrow. ‘Colour?’
David took a few calming breaths. He could do this. It was only Saran wrap like he had in his kitchen back at home. Nothing scary about that. He could rip it easily in his hands. And yet, he was rope-bound beneath it and his hands were tied so there was nothing he could do to free himself. He broke into a cold sweat.
‘Pet?’ He was taking too long. Kate looked at Suki, who reached into her bag and took at a large pair of bondage scissors. They had a blunt end but had powerful blades that would cup through both the rope and the poly wrap easily.
Seeing the scissors, David calmed. Of course, Kate wouldn’t leave him to suffocate. This was just a game to push his limits. A game he planned to win.
‘Green, Mistress. I’m OK, I’m green.’
Kate smiledand cupped his jaw, kissing him deeply. ‘Good boy.’
And so, the wrapping continued. From the tops of his thighs, the wrapping went over his hips then hugged his abdomen, leaving his cock and balls to swing freely between his spread thighs. Although his mental pep talk, David took a deep breath before Sakura reached his chest. Holding it as long as possible, he watched as she wrapped one layer below and a second above his nipples, leaving a thin horizontal strip of flesh open to the air before she reached his shoulders. And there she stopped and waited until he finally released his breath in a whoosh.
Panting heavily, it took David a few breaths to realize that he was able to breathe normally. As he looked up, he saw both women watching him, Sakura with a coolly appraising look and Kate with her characteristic smile. ‘Better, pet?’ she asked.
‘Yes, Mistress. Thank you, Mistress.’ And he was. As she had rightly said, this experience was testing his resolve, but he was acclimatising to it and each step had proved bearable once he had had time to get used to it.
‘Okay then. This is where your challenge really starts.’
Once again, the tentative hold on inner peace was ripped away from him as the plastic was wrapped around his throat then up and over his ears and the top of his head, coming back down the other side to loop one again around his neck. The pressure wasn’t extreme, but the Thought of having a binding around his throat notched the tension in his muscles up once more to an uncomfortable level. Please, god, don’t wrap it around his mouth and nose. As the roll of wrap once again made its way up, he was near to breaking.
‘Amber, Mistress!’
Immediately, Sakura stopped and moved away while Kate took her place, cupping his face in both hands to ground him. ‘Tell me how you are feeling, pet.’
‘Please, Mistress. I can’t… please don’t cover my nose and mouth,’ he whispered, ashamed that he wasn’t as strong as he would have liked in front of her, but too panicked to care.
‘Look at me, pet and hear my words. I promise that I will not cut off your breathing. I will do nothing to endanger you, but you need to trust me. Without trust, we have nothing. I know that this is scary for you. If it were not, it wouldn’t be a true test. Suki is going to cover the top of your head, including your eyes, but Only with a single layer of clingfilm. You will still be able to see, although it may be a little blurry. Just as you can hear with your ears covered, it’s just a little muffled. Fear not, pet, she will leave your lips and nose uncovered as we will have need of those shortly.’
She stroked his face and kissed him gently. ‘So, what is your decision? Would you like to continue, or do you want to safeword? The choice is yours.’
Did he trust her? Absolutely. And so, he looked her in the eye and replied, ‘Apologies Mistress Kate, Mistress Sakura. Please continue.’
And continue she did, quickly wrapping the thin plastic over his hair and forehead and ending with one layer around his eyes and the bridge of his nose. David looked around, locking his eyes on his Mistress, who reached out to stroke his bound thigh. Immediately, his fear-wilded cock stiffened, and his attention was once again on her.
This was what he needed to get through this ordeal; an external point of focus that he could use to take him out of his head. She said he needed to trust her and for that he mustn’t allow himself to spiral into panic. He was not alone and abandoned, instead he was the centre of her attention. Everything he was going through was for her entertainment and pleasure and he wasn’t going to fail her with his insecurities and self-doubt.
‘Such a good boy. You are doing so well, pet. Now hold still while Suki takes some more photos.’
Hold still! As if he could move a muscle, bound as he was like a joint of meat just waiting to be consumed.
‘Oh, Suki, be sure to take a phot of his striped arse. See how pretty his welts are, glowing through the clingfilm.’ David was handled by the two women and pressed face down on the bed, his bound knees beneath him, pushing his ass upwards.
‘Oh, yes, very nice. That’s definitely going into my private collection! Oh, and speaking of my private collection, let me just add a little something now.’
From his face down position, David’s view was rather limited, but he heard Kate leaving the mattress and rifling through the drawers by her bed. Although he couldn’t be sure, he imagined this could be the same drawer from which she had pulled that lacquered red box containing her evil strap-on. Oh, god, was she going to fuck him now, all bound and helpless? He shuddered in excitement, tensioning in anticipation when he felt the press of a cool hand on his wrapped ass cheek. The click of a cap sounded then he felt something wet and slippery probing at his tightly clenched back hole.
‘Relax, pet. You know you love this,’ Kate cooed.
How could he relax when he was feeling so damned vulnerable? But as the probing continued and deepened, there was no pain and only a little stretching and he did indeed feel his muscles uncoiling. Soon he was pressing back just a little with each stroke, enjoying the smooth glide of what must surely be Kate’s finger.
‘Oh, you like that, don’t you pet?’ He groaned his Affirmation.
‘Then I’m sure you are going to love this!’
The finger was removed and in its place was a cooler, harder probe. One which flared out, stretching the tight ring of muscle as it fight the insertion. It was wide, uncomfortable so, but didn’t feel as girls as Kate’s double-ended dildo, and as it popped inside, he realized that this was something else entirely. A fact that was confirmed When it came to life, buzzing angrily like a trapped hornet.
‘Aaargh!’ he moaned. It felt amazing, pressed up against his prostate, and his cock jerked at the overload of sensations.
‘Ah, ah, not too much, boy.’ The toy settled down at a low hum and the arousal became bearable. ‘Just enough to keep you on edge, but not enough to push you over. Where would be the fun in that, hmm?’
David was rolled over, his bound arms folded not uncomfortable in the small of his back, so that he was staring up at the exposed beams above Kate’s bed. He wished there was a mirror there so he could see himself. He imagined he looked a little like a fly captured in a spider’s web, wrapped in silk at the mercy of a predator. Or in this case, two predators.
‘Well Suki. Whatever shall we do with him now?’ Kate teased, gently struggling at his aching cock with her fingertips. ‘It seems a shame to waste this willing toy now we have him all neatly laid out. So many possibilities, how can we decide? I tell you what, I’ll flip you for him as you’re my guest. Heads or tails — whatever it lands on you win.’
There was rustling as Kate went to fetch a coin then the metallic ting of her nail, before the spinning disc fell to earth on his wrapped strumach.
‘Heads! Oh, you lucky girl. He’s very skilled with his tongue.’
David watched Sakura stand up and slowly remove her tiny thong, revealing a furry shaft and waxed lips. For such a small woman, her outer pussy lips were surprisingly full, with long, inner petals protruding well beyond her plumper outer Leaves. David had heard that the name Sakura meant cherry blossom, and the flush of deep pink he could see flowering between her thighs certainly seemed appropriate.
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