Under Control Ch. 01

Evelyn, Evie for short, hadn’t had a vacation in years, and even the last two could hardly have been called vacations. This time, at least, she would enjoy herself. She was finally visiting him, Glen, going so far as to take a plane to be with him for the week, despite the fact that they’d never met. That was the fun thing about long distance relations. She knew that every trip to be together would feel like an adventure.

Getting off the plane, she attempted to familiarize herself with her surroundings. A chill underneath her skirt reminded her of his instructions, “Short dress, no panties,” and she blushed, determining that she was feeling far too embarrassed in this state to take her time. She picked up the pace. Her head darted a variety of directions in her search for his face, but to no avail. Seconds turned into minutes as she searched, until finally she heard a voice in her ear.

“You know, your search might be aided by a simple telephone call.”

Startled,she let her bags drop and blushed, “It would… if I hadn’t let my phone die…”

The silent pause that followed allowed her to feel the intensity of her heartbeat as she wondered whether or not this offense was punishable.

“Hmm… interesting…. I seem to recall specifically instructing you to charge it, little girl.”

Evie tensed as she prepared to fight the word, “little,” as she always did. It was an ongoing argument for them. 5’6 was hardly small, after all, even if she was on the thinner side. Time had been kind, and she was no longer as large as she’d been when she was a young girl. At 27, she weighed 125, less than she’d ever weighted since gaining her full height. Her old ways still stuck with her, however. Even if she wanted to feel small, she would always feel like the large girl she used to be. For the first time, though, her usual argument refused to surface. It seemed to die on her lips as she turned to face him, taking in the full 6’2, 25 year old man with his bright blue eyes and light brown hair. She realized with a new awareness the sudden difference in her position. The airport might be on neutral territory, but she was finally in his presence. He had a lot more power here than over Skype, and they would not be in neutral territory for long.

Yet again, she blushed. “I.. er… er… er… woke up late. I’m sorry.”

His eyes narrowed, “You will be. What would you have done if I hadn’t found you?”

Evie could not bring her eyes to meet his. “Probably found a way to get a charger.”

“…and if you’d been kidnapped between now and finding this mysterious charger? Or had your purse stolen?”

A determined look stole its way across her face and she looked up, defiantly, “That wouldn’t have happened,” she claimed.

“Why not?” he demanded.

“Um… because it wouldn’t?” She put her fists up bravely. “I’d fight them!”

He rolled his eyes. Was she intentionally this naïve?

“Don’t. Trust. People.” He punctuatedEach word with a jab of his finger to the center of her chest. “They’re dangerous. Be prepared.”

Yet again her eyes were finding their way to the floor. This wasn’t how she’d planned on starting things out… though somehow a little spot of moisture seemed to be leaking down her leg, slowly. She determinedly pressed her thighs together, trying to stop the progress of the leak. No panties, no strengths… there was really nothing to stop the progress. She fervently hoped they would be to the vehicle soon… and that he hadn’t noticed.

He knew her too well, though. His words might be innocent enough, but he was familiar with her triggers by this point, and he knew exactly what he was doing to her. Talking of danger, reminding her of her vulnerability, putting her in her place. He grinned to himself as he thought of how much fun This week was going to be.

With a new-found sense of urgency, Evie began pulling together her baggage, struggling with its weight.

He archedan eyebrow, “That seems like a bit more than you can handle with those skinny little arms.” Again with the little!

Pretending she didn’t hear, she huffed everything up and began to make slow, steady progress past him. He even gave her a few steps before he slip his way beside her, carefully prying her bags from her hands until she had nothing left, even as she attempted to hold on.

“Sorry, but we’ll never get anywhere at that pace, Sweetie,” he said as he passed her with her own things. Outwardly she fumed. Inwardly… she shook her head and pressed her legs together a moment before chasing after him.

Out in the cold, she shivered as she waited for him to place her things in the back of the truck. Once the seat was up and straightened, she clambered in, feeling his hand on her ass as he gave her an Unnecessary boost. She bit her lip lightly and settled into place as he positioned his self in the driver’s seat.

“Pull it up,” he said.

She blinked at him. “What?”

“The dress. Pull it up.”

Evie pretended she hadn’t understand and began tugging at the top of her dress, as if concerned that she was showing too much cleavage.

“Don’t think I won’t choke you when we get home,” he threatened.

“Promise?” she asked, playfully… though not without her own set of hopes.

He gave her “the look” and said nothing, gazing at her level until she could no longer meet his eyes. She fidgeted with the bottom of the dress and looked anxiously at all the people outside.

“You’re in a truck. A tall one at that. No one can see your lap.” Still she fidgeted.

“Now, Little one.” Again her eyes darted up in protest of the word, and again, her voice was silenced by a look… She compiled, slowly inching it up til it sat above her hips. She shivered, despite the residual heat from when the truck had last been on, and she pressed her legs together, vainly attempting not to get anything on his seat.

“Open them.” His voicewas unwavering. She glanced up at him with wide eyes.

“Now. Don’t worry, you will be thoroughly scrubbing that seat later. I’ll enjoy seeing you bent over it.” She blushed and spread her legs for him as he started the car and directed them away from the lot… his apartment was two hours away from the airport. This was going to be a long, beautiful, intimidating ride.

Fifteen minutes down the road, however, he pulled over to a stop.

“What’s wrong?” she asked anxiously.

“Nothing’s wrong,” he said amiably. “I just have something I need to do real quick. Turn away from me and put your hands behind your back.” She hesitated, but “the look” soon guaranteed her compliance. It was amazing how much scarier those eyes could be than the mouth. She soon found her arms bound behind her back… then her elbows, causing her to push her chest out. Gently he positioned her back into place, pulling her seat belt across her form, leaning his face in close to hers, “Amazing, how much of a restraint these belts can be when you don’t have hands to remove them with.” The never-ending blush deepened. The seat got wetter.

His gaze moved to the spot between her legs, and, embarrassed, she attempted to close them. His hand gripped her thigh, “What do you think you’re doing, young lady?”

She blushed, “What do you mean, ‘young lady’? I’m older than you are, young m-” a hand over her mouth cut off her words.

“We’ll have to do something about that mouth, won’t we?” His gaze shifted down.

“And those legs.”

Bringing out more rope, he tied her legs to various parts of the seat, forcing them open. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out a square of clothes and forced it into her mouth.

“Don’t let a single piece of that peek out from your mouth. We don’t need to get ourselves pulled over, do we?” He took a moment to take her chin in his hands and shake her head from side to side.

“Otherwise they’d see what a slut you are, wouldn’t they?” Here his fingers tilted her head up and down.

“Good girl.” He patted her on the head.

If her blush could have deeppened, it would have. A fairly sizable damp spot was making itself known beneath her.

Humming contentedly to himself he pulled out one last object. Sticking the remote controlled vibrator up her pussy, he chuckled in amusement as she squeaked through the clothes. He turned it onto the lowest setting, watched her squirm desperately for a second, and settled in for the drive.


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