This story is based on actual events. The names used may or may not be true, Whilst I, Michael, am the principal author of the story, the two others involved not only know that this is being written, but have contributed to the story, which is being written from our individual points of view. It tells of the extraordinary conflicts and events that brought 3 strangers together in a loving, consensual BDSM relationship.
Anyone with a similar name or circumstances is purely coincidental.
I am 34 years old, fit and healthy with good athletic body. I became aware at quite an early age, that restriction and some pain, can greatly enhance sexual excitement, but it was not until work took me to London that I was able to find partners willing to play BDSM games with me. Must confess, initially mostly paid, but soon became aware that I was by no means alone in what I was looking for. However, none were exactly what I wanted, until, on a late night almost empty tube train, I found a contact magazine on a seat. I had thought that with chat rooms on the internet they had become redundant, but read through it on my half-hour journey home.
One ad caught my attention, so I took the mag home to look it over next morning. I don’t remember the exact wording, but it was from 2 women in their early 30s, who were into advanced BDSM and looking for a male, who like them, was happy to take either the submissive or dominant role, They wanted a long term relationship, but at least initially, with no formal commitments. If he had DIY skills it would be a bonus in helping to improve their extensive playrooms. Best of all they appeared to live in the same area as me. The ad ended saying that it was not suitable for the “Naive, crybabies or squeamish” I was not quite sure about the squeamish, but decided it was worth replying more in hope than expectation.
I don’t really featurein the story for a while, so I will let Zoe and Chloe introduce themselves.
At the time I was 32, married with no children and working as a Section Head for a large organization with no ambitions to move up the Management ladder. Having worked there for a number of years, I knew just about everything there was to know about the Department. Whilst this was initially work related, I had gained a Reputation for being friendly and approachable when someone had a problem. This spilled over to personal matters. often on relationship and sexual matters. I became an unofficial Agony Aunt.
Rather than spend lunchtime with the rest in the Company restaurant, I preferred to go across the road to a pleasant pub, where I could have a glass of wine with my meal and get away from all things work. I noticed that there was another Regular loner. Being pretty busy, it was not long before we shared a table and having introduced ourselves found that we had a lot in common in addition to the wine, which we both enjoyed. In fact, far more than we realized at first!.
I found that Chloe, the lonely, was 33, also married without children and had a similar situation to me in a different department of the same organization, Agony Aunt We inevitably shared some of the more interesting situations that had been brought to us without identifying in any way the person involved.
One such case was a young girl, not much more than 18, who had approached me very shyly and after some gentle perception, said that her live-in boyfriend had hinted that he would like to explore anal sex with her. She had thought about it a lot, but just didn’t know whether to encourage him or pretend not to have understanding. Part of her wanted to say yes, but with zero experience, was very nervous about it, thinking that it could be very painful.
I had reassure her that it was not as unusual as she thought, but for it to be a good experience for both of them, it was very important that the first attempt must go well. To achieve this, I had explained, that although it might seem very unromantic, careful preparation was needed, reminding her that it was her body that was going to be used, so she should be in charge of proceedings.
Firstly, she should get a basic, no more than 6 inches long, vibrator and use it to slowly penetrate her arsehole using only her saliva to lubricate it, leaving it in place until it became uncomfortable. After a few sessions, this should become easier and with the help of a lube, fuck herself, gradually pushing the vibe deeper until it touched the inner sphincter. Unless her boyfriend was exceptionally well-endowed, he would not be able to go further than that.
I recommended some on-the-day preparations. the object being to make sure her bowels were empty, but without leaving her arsehole so clean that it was completely odorless and tasteless. Soap there was a definite no-no. When she felt ready, she should tell her boyfriend that she had thought about what he had asked and was OK to try provided he followed some rules:
1: Normal foreplay including “69” oral;
2: He should continue oral but to also include her arsehole;
3: When he had made her wet and relaxed, he should insert the vibrator into her butt, slowly making her take the full length;
4; Apply a general amount of lube to her arsehole before slowly and gently penetrating her;
5: Once he was fully in her, take it slow and easy, not forgetting that some clip stimulation at the same time would help a lot.
On a Friday, sometimes later, I found a parcel on my desk, with a note, “Open at home”. As I had the afternoon off – flextime – I took it with me to lunch where I, as usual, shared a table with Chloe, who asked, “Aren’t You going to open it?” My curiosity was as great as hers, so I did, finding a box of chocolates and a short note which only said, “Thanks for the advice, everything went better than I could have hoped– XX.”
Chloe remarked, “You must have done something right.”
I explained that it was from the anal virgin. Adding ” If she had only known what had happened to me last night!”
Chloe demanded , “Tell! I’ve also got the afternoon free so why not come back to mine, there’s a bottle of wine in the ‘fridge, we can talk more freely there. Give me 10 minutes and I’ll get the car and pick you up outside.”
As I waited, I wondered if I had said too much and what this might lead to. desperately trying to think of something plausible to say if I chickened out.
As it happened events took over. When we arrived, Chloe went to the kitchen to get the bottle of wine and glasses “Let me take your coat” she said before I sat down, She gave me a cuddle and pulled me close and was About to kiss me when I flinched and pulled away. Very embarrassed, Chloe exclaimed. “Whoops, sorry, I got the wrong message. I hope that we can still be friends” So it all had to come out. I explaind the reason that I had pulled away was not what she thought, but that my boobs were extremely tender from the previous night.
There was nothing for it now, so I slowly took off my sweater, blouse and bra, revealing my firm 34C tits. Chloe gasped as she saw the red lines round their base where they had been tightly tied and the multiitude of wheats from the long hard caning they had received. “Did your husband do this to you?, Did he force you?, Did you agree to it?”
“Yes and no.” I replied. “We have an understanding that unless I ask him to not tie me up, I tacitly consent to anything that happens after. In spite of what you see, I hundreds per cent trust him to not do anything that marks me permanently or does more than short-term damage. As I had at least 4 intense orgasms while he was giving my tits the treatment, I’m not quite sure what the answer should be.”
Having recovered from her initial shock Chloe said , “We really do have a lot to talk about, As you will see, I am no stranger to the BDSM scene and play similar games with John, my husband. Although we at first shared the dominant role, it has gradually become one-sided with me having to take charge. I much preferred it when we switched. But first let’s get some soothing cream on those poor tits.”
She took me upstairs into a room at the back of the house. The first thing I noticed was a large double bed covered with black vinyl. Closer inspection showed rows of ringbolts along the sides and foot. At the head end there was a substantial framework also with similar bondage points. Along one wall there was an impressive array of whips, canes, paddles and other instruments, together with numerous hanks of ropes, cords and chains. Seeing my reaction, she quickly reassureed me, “Not today, I think you need some recovery time, but you might be more comfortable without the rest of your clothes to be sure that there is nowhere else that needs treatment.”
Still rather bewildered with whatwas going on, I stripped off. Meanwhile Chloe had taken a large bath-sheet from a chest together with a tube of ointment. Having spread the towel out on the bed, she told me to lie down on it. She quickly undressed and stood beside me, gently stroking my arms, body and legs before she reached my pussy which, she took her time exploring. “That all seems to be OK. Let’s get your tits sorted out.”
Chloe placed the tube of ointment on my chest, but instead of using it immediately, she instead bent over me and gently kissed my nipples, sucking them until they were erect and firm “No damage there” she remarked, before moving down to give my already moist pussy the same attention. Without pausing the lovely use of her tongue, she started to massage a general portion of the soothing cream into my tits. The double stimulation slowly brought me to orgasm. Very different to those I had experienced the night before, but even more satisfied.
“So you don’t always need pain to cum!” she exclaimed, as she took me in her arms while I came down. After about 15 minutes, she got up, dressed and went down stairs to retrieve the rest of my clothes. Leaving me to get dressed, “Come down when you’re ready.”.
“Well they say actions speak louder than words, so I think the talk we were going to have has been made mostly redundant,” Chloe said as she brought us coffees. A little later and with some reluctance, “I’d better get you home, but perhaps there are still a few things we still need to talk about.”
As she stopped at my house, it was my turn to kiss her. “See you on Monday and thanks for everything.”
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