Two vignettes

Two vignettes for your pleasure. Feedback is always welcome. Thanks


She sent as she lowered herself down onto him.

She looked down, still impressed at his body. It was true, that his body was much nicer now than when they were married in their 20s. His hard work and watching what he ate kept his abs nicely designed and his ass still got looks from men and women.

She squeezed on his cock and smiled at him.

“I know who you are thinking about,” she said.

“you don’t…ahhh” he smiled/groaned back.

“I do. I’ve seen the way you look at her. Why don’t you just admit it. She’s gorgeous and you want her.”

He just smiled back and shook his head, moving up and deeper into her.

Oh no you don’t, she thought. This is my game and I know you like it.

“What is she wearing when you think of her? Is she wearing something you bought for her? Is she wearing something of mine?

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” she said tohim as she clenched and moved on him, sending pleasure through her and increasing his age, both physical and mental.

She loved looking at him like this, trying to figure out what to say, how to act, how not to blow his cover.

She knew what he wanted. She’d put it there, well, that’s not quite true, she thought. I saw the way he looked at her for a long time until I put it together. I saw the sites he subscribed to on the web; the clothes he bought me to wear in the bedroom and on that cruise.

She indulged him, well more than indulged him, encouraged him. Enabled him. If she was honest with herself, she wanted the same thing he did, but she wasn’t going to admit it to him. She was going to let him stew in his ambivalence and enjoy his humiliation as she made the questions more pointed, made his need grow, she know how to push his buttons, but there was also an edge here, one that she had never seen from him before. The question was, how far did she push him over thatedge.

She lifted off of him and moved up his body to his face. Turning to face his cock, she allowed him to start pleasing her, his light stubble adding to her enjoyment. Such a good tongue and lips, she thought.

Idly struggling his cock, cock ring still in place, she resumed her line of questioning.

“When do you think you first noticed her honey? I mean really noticed her? And what part of her caught your eye? Her legs? Her ass? She has an amazing ass. How about those cute breasts of hers?”

He mumbled something in reply, but she knew that the reason his cock was harder wasn’t just because of her light stroking.

“Did you see that t-shirt she wore the other day when I took her to get her navel pierced? Yeah, that one. Ohhh, that’s good baby, that’s good.

“I got one just like it. Do you want me to stop and put it on now?”

He pushed his face deeper into her, trying to will her into an orgasm, anything to stop this line of questioning. She was havingg little of it tho.

“In the shower, right, baby. When you are stroking yourself in the shower, thats where you are thinking of her, aren’t you? What does she say to you in your thoughts–is she nasty? is she scared? is she a bitch?”

She laughed as she lifted off his face and eased her body back onto his cock. Looking him in the eye, she reached back and removed the cock ring. She was on the edge of orgasm, but she knew the one sentence that would send him over the edge


“Oh honey, that feels so good.”

He smiled at her and moved a little deeper inside

“Say it,” he said to her, not unknownly.

She smiled at him and said no.

He smiled back at her wickedly, and pulled his cock partly out.

“Oh, that’s not fair.”

“So, say it.”


He pulled out some more. She moved under him to try to recapture more of him, but he held her shoulders.

“Say it. I know you want to.”

“No. I don’t” she said, a little too quickly

He smiled.

“I know you want to. I know you’ve thought about it.”

Now she moved away, slightly, reddening.

“I have not”

“Yes, you have. It was your idea.”

She struggled under his strong arms, but he continued.

“When you imagine it, where are you? Are you here, at the house? Are you Somewhere where you can hear us? Are you watching us?” he whispered.

“Are you helping me? Helping her? Holding her shoulders, telling her how good she is going to feel? How beautiful she is? How much you’ve wanted this…” he continued.


But her face and body betrayed her. She was nearing the surrender he wanted, and she wanted. He knew he was pushing her Now, and would be careful, but it felt so good. And it was her idea, inadvertently. It had just grown and grown inside him, and her.

“Are you telling her how good I’m going to make her feel?” he asked. “How long you’ve wanted to share me with her? Are you kissing her as I enter her?”

She was thrashing under him now, her resistance about to break. He moved in a little deeper inside her.

“I know you’ve thought about it,” he said. “I know you’ve thought about what she would wear. Is it one of your things? That sheer teddy I like so much? Or have you taken her to Agent Provocateur? Did you walk in there holding hands? Making everyone wonder at first if you two were lovers?”

“Did you watch her getting undressed and putting on the cami and the garter belt? You know how I love garter belts. Did you buy matching outfits?”

At this, she surrendered.


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