My girlfriend Wendy was down for the week. It was Saturday, and my friend Mark came over after dinner to go out with us. After a few drinks at my place we asked Wendy what she’d like to do. “How about we go across the highway to Charlies’s?” she said with a sly smile.
Charlies’s is a strip club known throughout the area. Mark and I didn’t need any other prompting, and soon all three of us walked over to the neon and noise that signed that the club was hoping.
We walked in and took a side table. “So dearest, are you looking for a lap dance?” I asked.
Wendy smiled at us with that dazzling smile of hers, “Oh, please. I think it would be fun!”
Mark turned to her, “Do you have any preference in type of girl?”
“Big tits, natural of course, and preferably blonde,” she replied with a wide grin.
Mark was up like a shot and soon had a buxom blonde dancer. We moved Wendy’s chair back and were treated to my sexy girlfriend having a great lapdance. Mark andI sat drinking our drinks and enjoying the show, and I’m not sure which one of us was enjoying it more. Wendy was reserved at first, but with some prompting began to get into it. Her smile grow even wider as the blonde grabbed her hands and brought them up to feel her large tits.
Well, we stayed there for a while, drinking and getting Wendy lapdances and generally enjoying ourselves. I could see that Wendy was getting excited by all the attention until during one break she finally leaned over to us. She put her hands under the table and grabbed both our cocks starting us, “Boys, I think it’s time we blow this popular stand and go back, don’t you? I can think of some more fun things do.”
Without waiting for a response, she rose, took our hands and led us out of the club. We walked back hand in hand to my place, and went inside.
Now, I should probably mention that Wendy has a dominant streak in her, and occasionally will want to “play”. Mark and I are both accomplisheded successful men who are in leadership positions. This makes submitting to her all the more exciting as it’s such a different side of our personas. It was obvious that she was in the Dom role, because as soon as the door closed she turned to me and said in a commanding voice, “Jeremy, pour all of us drinks and join Mark and your mistress in the living room.”
I made double Jack-and-cokes for Mark and me, and a Kahlua and milk for my mistress. Bringing the drinks to the living room I saw Mark standing in the center of the room. He was already buck naked. Wendy was in the overstuffed easy chair, right leg crossed over left, her high heeled boot swinging back and forth as she tapped a riding crop in her palm. “That was slow, Jeremy, you’ll going to have pay for that.”
“Sorry Mistress, here is your drink,” I said while presenting her glass. I stood right there knowing if I took any liberties, she would find it cause to punish me. “You may have a drink, and let my Servant have his as well. You are going to need it tonight. I’m feeling in an especially dark mood.”
I gave Mark his drink and stood next to him. We both drank quickly, the warm whiskey feeling good going down my throat. When I finished I stood still, eyes straight ahead. I could feel Wendy’s eyes on me, and hear her slowly sipping her drink. “Hmmm boys, you are not quite the matched set yet. I prefer my subs with less clothing. Strip Jeremy, and be quick about it.”
I removed my clothes as fast as I could, folding it, and setting it aside. I then resumed my place standing next to Mark.
“Better, much better.” My sexy dom let us stand there on display for several minutes while she slowly finished her drink, letting the tension build. Then she stood up and walked over to us, coolly surveying her men with a critical eye. She started with Mark, “I see you have been working out Servant”. She trailed her crop down his chest. “However, this little thing isn’t very good for me to play with,is it?” she asked while tapping his dick with the tip of the crop. I could only assume he was flaccid. He grunted as her crop tapped his prick harder. One harder rap elicited another gasp. “There we go; I knew your tiny dick just needed a little encouragement. It still has a long way to go to satisfy me though, but it’s a start.”
I thought very erotic thoughts so she wouldn’t find my cock limp as well. I just imagined how hot her body was, and how good it felt to be in her and I could feel my manhood begin to grow slightly. Good thing too because she finished with Mark and came over to me. I could feel her eyes on me as her crop slowly stroked my sensitive skin. “Not bad my dirty little whore” she commented. It moved down until she stroked my dick with the tip of her crop. Moving around my Still form she spoke sternly, “but stand straighter”. I felt her crop lash out against my naked ass, singing it sharply.
“AUGH” I cried out.
“What? I didn’t give you permission toSay anything. Did I?”
I answered at once, “No Mistress, you did not.”
She moved up against me and I heard her voice whisper in my ear, “Then you shall taste my crop again, until you can learn not to say anything. You aren’t earning any points with me this evening.”
I felt her crop again crack against my ass. I bit my tongue and keep from crying out despite the pain. 9 more times it was used against me. “Oh, that’s a nice shade of red. Mark, you don’t match him, whatever shall I do?” I heard a crack and know that Wendy was now whipping his ass as well. He got ten strokes from her strong arm. He learned from my mistake by keeping his cries silent, but I could hear his breathing coming hard and fast as she worked him over.
“Lovely, just lovely; I do so like to have things nice and even. I have to keep things fair until one of you proves his worth and my favorite. Damn it subs, you are both soft again! This won’t do at all. Neither of you are making me happy tonight,I see a lot of training is in order.”
She went over to the pegboard that holds our “toys” and took two cockrings down. “Put these on, slaves. The one who does it first will get a reward”. She then held them up in front of us. I quickly took the one I was given. It was a set of three rubber interlocking bands. One goes around the shake next to the body, the second around the sack pulling it downward, and the third band loops around the cock in front of the other two.
I quickly put it on, having to separate each ring, and attach it after wrapping around my manhood. Once done, I smelled a peak at Mark. He was fumbling with his. It was a wider studied band. One strap goes around the base of the shake like mine, but there was a stick that separates the balls before coming up over and around the dick.
“Seems my Whore has the advantage of practice,” Wendy said after Mark finally got his on.
Wendy took our cocks, one in each of her hands. Both our pricks were now standing at attention, the cockrings keeping them firm. Squeezing them hard, she snickered as we gasped, “Now that’s how I like my subs; hard and ready for my use. It seems Jeremy wins a small prize for being first.”
“Thank you Mistress,” I said, beaming.
She released Mark and came over to me. She took my head in her hands and gave me a deep kiss that sent shivers to all the way down to my toes. She then started to stroke my erection. “See how good performance brings rewards, subs?” I could feel the tri-bands biting into my shaft as I grew even bigger. She began to stroke my prick harder and faster. I used every ounce of determination I had to avoid moving. I also knew I couldn’t cum unless told to. My mistress put her face right next to mine, and gazed into my eyes. “Having problems Jeremy,” she asked with a grin, obviously seeing the strain on my face.
“No Mistress, I am happy to have pleased you.”
“Ah, yes, good answer. However Servant, since my dildo whore got a reward for winning, what do you think happens to you for losing?”
I heard a Marks soft reply, “I failed my Domina. I expect to be punished.”
“Right answer, down on all fours,” Wendy said in a stern voice.
As Mark hastened to comply, my mistress went back to the pegboard and took down a pink paddle. It was about two inches wide with XOXO on it. She came back, came up to me and turned me to face Mark. “Jeremy, you need to observe what happens to bad subs.” I saw my friend on his hands and knees next to me, his ass still red from Wendy’s crop. I knew what was to come and was happy I won her first challenge.
Wendy moved over to Mark’s body and I saw her cares her paddle. “I just love the way these X’s and O’s leave their mark in your ass, don’t you? You need to kiss my paddle before it leaves its kiss on you.” She then put it in front of his face and pulled his head up by his hair. He kissed the paddle and she let his head drop, walking around his body.
She reached back and brought her paddle down on his rear with a resting *crack*! He winced and lurched forward. “Count out loud service, you are to receive twenty as your punishment. If you lose track, I’ll be happy to start again at zero.”
She then began to work on his ass with her paddle. Each time she lay into him, the sound filled the room and he lurched, and said the count. She got to ten then picked up the pace. However, when she got to 15, she stopped suddenly, but Mark lurched forward in anticipation of being hit. “Oh my gods! I can’t believe you did that. You don’t ever try to avoid my punishments, subs. Just for that you get five extra.” I winced as I watched Wendy turn Mark’s backside into a bright shade of red with several welts starting to form.
As she finished all 25, she Then surveyed her handiwork. “I bet you’ll be quicker fulfilling my tasks now. I see we have you two mismatched again. This won’t do. Dildo Whore, get on all fours next to service, now!”
Idropped down to the floor and lined up next to Mark. I could hear his heavy breathing and feared she was going to make my ass match his next. However, our unique mistress had her own plans. “Now, that is a fine sight. Two strong men down on all fours like dogs. I know just what to do now to complete that picture.”
Again a trip to the peg board was made and Wendy came back. I couldn’t see what she had since I was on the floor, head down. She leaned down and I felt her encircle my neck with a wide collar and pull it tight just to the point of restricting my breathing. Moving over to my friend next to me she redid the procedure. I then felt her attach a leash to the collar with an audible *click*. Mark was then similarly leashed.
With a laugh Wendy jerked on our leashes, “Oh now that’s perfect. My subs turned into the dogs they are. I think it’s time to take you two for a walk, move out my doggies and don’t be slow or I’ll have to quicken your steps with my crop.” I feel a sting on my ass as she drove home her point by cracking her crop against my ass, then she did the same to Mark’s. We moved out crawling behind her as she led us across the floor.
This was total humiliation, naked, collared and forced to walk on all fours next to my friend in the similar prediction. Wendy led us around the living room, to the kitchen and had us heel there while she got herself a new drink. Then she walked back to the living room to the big sliding door leading out to the patio. “I bet my doggies need to use the bathroom. Can’t be making a mess inside now, can we fallas?”
She opened the door and led us out on the patio under the stars. It was tough crawling on my knees like that and they were getting very sore. Wendy stopped at the edge of the patio and said, “Now boys, if you have to pee, you know what to do. I won’t be giving you another chance.”
I had to go a little bit, but didn’t want to humiliate myself further. I guess Mark had more to drink thanI because he moved to the edge of the patio and lifted his leg. Wendy sat in the patio chair and watched Mark try to pee like a dog. Unfortunately, with the forced erection, the stream shot straight ahead and almost hit him in the face. He jerked back, and finally got it under control. When he was done, our Mistress yanked on our leashes and said, “Heel boys, one on either side of your Mistress.”
We crawled over to the chair and took up position on either side of her. We sat on our haunches as she sipped her drink. She patted our heads and said, “What a perfect evening. I had some lap dances, some good drinks, now I have two subs as my doggies at my side. You know boys; I think it’s time to turn our playtime up a notch. I believe I have a conversation for you two.”
She then got up and led us on our leashes back into the house. After closing the door she had us move to the center of the room again. “Now subs, we’re going to have some fun. Up now, but stay on your knees.” We complied and she took the leashes off, but left our collars on along with the cock rings. We were side-by-side, naked and kneeing in front of her. It was a position that enhanced her commanding role and emphasized our submission to her will.
She looked into our eyes and with an iron tone said, “Now here is the contest. You are both to start stroking those cocks of yours. You are NOT to cum. I want to enjoy your performance for a few minutes. Once I’ve tired of your little show, I will tell you how to win. Now begin to jerk off my subs.”
We both began to masturbate as she went back to the chair with her drink. My knees were killing me but it felt good to jerk off. It was very strange to be next to Mark as he was pleasure himself as well. I could feel my cock strain itself against the cock ring as it got Even bigger. Wendy was watching us with glee in her eyes. “Pull on that meat harder boys. It’s precise to see you two jerking off like bad little boys. Let me tell you that you DON’T want to lose this conversation.”
I continued to jerk off. I had to swap grips and techniques to avoid cumming too soon. I heard Mark groan a few times and knew he was barely holding on. After 10 minutes of this, my cock was as sore as my knees. Wendy finished up her drink, stood up, and walked over to us. Standing tall in front of us, she was impressive in her dom role.
“Now the conversation is about to begin, my pets, you are to cum on my boots when I tell you. Don’t miss or you’ll have to clean it up. I’m interested in how much seed you are going to spill. Now… CUM!”
I jerked off hard, rubbing right in the sensitive spot under the head of my prick. I feel my dick begin to grow and my orgasm near. However, just as I was about to cum, I heard Mark cry out and saw his white seed spew onto Wendy’s boots. “NO” I yelled as my own orgasm hit me.
I almost blacked out as I felt my balls tighten and my own semen surge out of my throbbing cock. It flew out onto Wendy’sother boot.
I was breathing hard, my dick throbbing as my orgasm subsided. I heard Wendy’s voice, “Oh, dear Jeremy, it seems that you came second. It appears you’ve lost my little challenge, and that means you are going to have to pay the pipe – or Mistress in this case.”
My head bowed as I realized that my night was going to get a lot harder.
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