TwiLight Ch. 05

For a winter night, it was remarkably clear. The stars were glistening diamonds in the deep blue sky. The light wind blew tufts of snow from the bare tree limbs onto the headstones below. Damien and Chloe walked slowly hand in hand throughout the small roads of the cemetery, admiring the frozen tombstones and mausoleums. There silence was interrupted by the cracking of icy grass and gravel under their feet. She followed his lead down a winding, slope of a road, halting at a raised grave. Chloe sat on the cement housing, recalling the wording on the top.

Damien stepped closer, in between her spread legs. He slowly leaned down to rest his arms on her shoulders as she recalled the information about the man who had been a founder of city. As Chloe looked up after reading, she came nose to nose with her master. Holding her face on his hands, he kissed her gently, one lip at a time. He slowly touched their lips again, letting her tongue enter his mouth; their tongues dancing the velvet tango. He ran his chilled hands down her taut abdomen and under her shirt, touching his cold fingers leaving a glacial trail down her stomach and sides. Her shiver of response made Damien let out a low, throaty chuckle.

“Shh, my little slave kitten. Stay quiet now.” He smiled and leaned into another deep kiss, emphasizing the move with a nibble on her lower lip. Chloe chose the adventure this time. Master and she had walked from downtown to the graveyard, one of Chloe’s favorite places to be. It was exceptionally special with her Master with her. She thought it a great joy that he let her bring her to this site.

Damien stepped closer, leaning into each kiss with password. Chloe could feel his long, black leather trench-coat emanating cold and seeing through her clothes. Her black jeans and hoodie was no match for this New England weather. Even the thick black scarf around her neck couldn’t keep the frigid temperature from violating her.

As a joke, Chloe ripped openthe snaps to Damien’s coat which seemed like a cute idea at the time. Looking up, her eyes locked on very angry, unfriendly green eyes. It was definitely not a good idea to do that. As she went to stand, Damien pushed her down till she was flat on her back on the tomb, staring up into an unhappy gaze.

“Button them back up now kitten,” Damien said through gritted teeth. She thought that maybe if she played around a little bit, he would see the joke and laugh with her.

“No, I don’t wanna. Nuh-uh I’m not gonna.” Chloe went to sit back up, only to be forced thrown back down onto the tomb under her. She didn’t want Master to be mad at her so she looked into his gaze with sorrow in her eyes.

“Button them, NOW, kitten.” Chloe sat up, Damien standing above her. She started to button the snaps, starting from the neck and moving down slowly. She lifted his shirt and placed her cold hands on his stomach. Damien glared and she continued down the line with a quaint little pout about her lips. When she finished and stood, Damien spun her around and yanked down her pants and panties. He pushed her over the tomb and slapped her bottom hard. The cold air struck Chloe’s bare skin, making each sting burn and hurt worse. Damien continued the attack on her bottom, alternative cheats, smacking right in the middle, her upper thighs, and the top of her crack, even half was down to her knees until her skin was raw and red and the little perpetrator had been punished.

“And what do you have to say for yourself, little girl?” Damien smacked her glowing ass again several more times before letting the sobbing slave answer.

“Thank you, Master.” Chloe whimpered as she touched the soreness then stood. She waited for Master’s nod of approval before she tugged up her panties and jeans and walked With him once again, hand in hand. As they were nearing the center of the cemetery, Damien forcedly took Chloe in his arms, tilting her head back until her slender, alabaster neck was exposed. Damien drew his tongue along her vein, tracing her jawbone and following to her lips. He kissed her deeply, not letting a moment pass where she didn’t know what password he felt for her. He kissed back down her jawbone, and neck. As she let out a sight of relief, he bit her slender column, kissing away the tormenting pain and repeating again.

“Good girl, Chloe.” Damien smiled down at her, wrapping his arms around her. “Would you like to go back to the car now?”

“Yes, Master, I would.” The shivering figure burrowed herself deeper into the embrace before they both turned to walk out of the graveyard, arms wrapped around each other, and the full moon shining down all the light they need to see.


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