The whip again licks a fiery trail across my back, and I flinch against my bonds. Eight.
I fall forward into your chest. We’re bound together on a lawn chair, me facing you with my arms bound behind your head, tennis ball in one hand. Your arms are also bound behind my head, wrist to elbows. My ankles are bound to your knees (or thereabouts, I couldn’t really see), and there are Another few lengths of rope preventing my hips from moving away from yours.
Nine. I can feel my body’s pain, but it is oddly distant. I’m far, far, more aware of your now limp cock inside me and I can feel some fluid dripping down the folds of my pussy. Your cum? My own fluids? Sweat? No idea. I would look, but with the ropes there is no way for me to let you pull out or get a popular visual angle. Plus the blindfold would prevent me from seeing anyway.
Ten. I moan into my gag. I can feel your voice rumbling in your chest, but I can’t make out the words over the recording of crowd noise playing in the ear-buds in my ears. I feel you flinch as though from a sudden blow. Suddenly and unexpectedly the left bud comes out and I can hear a voice in my ear. HER voice.
“Can you hear me?” I nod dazedly. Sultry voice. Dangerous, too. “Good. Your man seems to think you’ve forgotten the safety signal.” I hear the crack of the riding crop and you flinch again. My brain wonders why you get the crop, not the whip as I shake my head. “No? Good. Just to put his mind at ease,” crack, flinch, “did you want to use it?” I shake my head no. The ear phone is replaced.
Eleven. My mind drifts even further away, and I start to think about how we got into this position.
“You two are such a cute couple! I’d love to tie you up, whip you Both, then force you to cum.” This wasn’t the first time Claire had made this request. Now that she was single again the frequency had increased. Once again, I had laughed, flattered.
“I’ll go and grab another round from the bar.” I walked over and ordered, leaving you and Claire to your no doubt very sexually charged conversation. While I was waiting my phone received a text. It was from you.
‘I’m game for that if you are. Could be fun.’ I looked over at our table and saw you watching me intently. I met your eyes and raised a browser. You smiled and looked back at Claire, picked up her hand and kissed the back. I considered the request, picked up my phone and texted back a one letter response. I saw you get the text, and your face lit up in that smile that always makes me melt. You looked up and met my eyes as I walked across the room carrying a pitcher of cider. I nodded.
As I sat down and started pouring you began to talk. “So, if we were both to hypothetically show up at your dungeon next week, what would you do to us, Claire?”
Twelve. I arch my back and breathe deeply.
Today we did indeed show up at your dungeon. I’d seen the professional pics and video she’d taken here, but actually being init was another matter. St. Andrew’s cross, vinyl covered benches, and an oddly out of place expensive lawn chair – the kind with a heavy metal frame and mesh that could still be hosted down. I had finished striping and walked over to inspect it. There were added eye-bolts and such for attaching things, but I’d never seen it before. I looked over at you and asked, “have you saw this before?” I’m fairly certain I’ve seen pictures of everything else in the dungeon, except for possible a saddle that has a large hole in the middle that is next to the lawn chair.
You’re walking over (nude, you aren’t yet aroused enough for me to consider you naked.), and were inspecting these items when we both jumped, having heard the unmistakable crack of a whip. We turned around, like kids caught looking at the Christmas presents before we were supposed to.
Claire was standing there, a study in green offsetting her pale skin and flaming red hair. Even her knee high lace-up heeled boots are emerald green. She smiled. “Everything you’re seeing right now are things that I only use when friends are over to play.” I glanced over at you, and realized you’d definitely become naked. I looked back at Claire, and suddenly her body language changed from friendly and teasing. Somehow, I instantly knew that she was in charge.
An authoritarian green gloved hand pointed at you, and then at the lawn chair. “Sit!” You curry over to the lawn chair and sit bolt upright, even though it is positioned so that you could recline. Your obedience to me had always been more than a little bit insolent, and I had always known that you would gleefully turn the tables on me given the chance. (I loved giving you those chances, too.) Claire was evidently in a different category.
Claire points again at a pile of rope, and meets my eyes. “Fetch.” I curried to do so, refusing to turn my back so I could watch her advance on you. I could see the increase in your breathing rate from across the room. Claire idly raised her whip hand and flicked it as though warming up. She brought her arm back again, and
I’m tied on your lap, and you are deep inside me. Fully aroused, and right on the edge of coming. Before we’d been tied up like this Claire had ordered you to eat my pussy for what seemed like forever. I lost count of the number of orgasms she made you force out of me. I’m aroused, but not close to orgasm. I’m staring into your half closed eyes, as you try to keep yourself from cumming. I’m staying as still as I can, hardly daring to breathe. I’m waiting for her to activate the vibe located on top of my clip.
“Now, my pets. We’re going to play a game. One of you is going to cum. Whoever it is with the poor self-control is going to make me give their partner ten lashes.” Claire smiled, and stalked over to sit side straddle on the saddle. She is a tigress waiting for the inevitable.
You bite your lip, and I can tell that you are at the point of arousal where holding back causes you pain. I don’t want that, I’ve never wanted to cause you any real pain. Other men I’ve enjoyed doing that to, sure, but not you. So I make a choice. I take a deep breath, and slowly tense my pelvic muscles. You give off a little whimper. I pull back my hips as much as I can, and thrust forward, tensing and relaxing the muscles in the rhythm I know you find irresistible. Your eyes open fully and you look at me in shock and a tiny bit of protest. As I’m completing the thrust I deploy the only other weapon I have to force you to let go. I lean into your ear and say in a tone of voice you’ve heard dozens if not hundreds of time, “cum for me babe. Cum for me NOW!” I don’t play fair.
You cum with a groan. I turn and meet Claire’s eyes with defiance. I am so going to pay for this.
Fourteen. Past and present are blending. How many times? Is it fourteen?
Claire makes a disgusted noise, and stalks out of my view. You’re still shuddering beneath me, eyes closed, and I hear you whisper “why?” I open my mouth to respond, but before I can I realize that Claire is behind me, and that a gag is going between my teeth. She comes around to the side and I can see her. She taps my palm, I obediently open it, and she places a tennis ball in it.
“Safety, always safety.” She picks up a blindfold, and seats it over my eyes. Meanwhile I can tell that you’ve only just realized that there might be something amiss. “So, I’ve changed my mind about the number of lashes you deserve. You get ten because he forget who was in charge in this dungeon. Another ten because you tried to take charge. You, you are going to count out each one and ask me to give her the next one. Since she did force the issue, I’ll let you control the timing.” I hear the noise of her boots moving off to an appropriate distance, and then returning. “Oh, and you!” The whip cracks and I gasp in pain, “you don’t get to hear when things are coming. I don’t want him takingcontrol from me like you did.” Ear phones are placed in my ears, and the sounds of a crowd chatting overlays anything I can hear from the real world.
One. Two. Three… Fifteen.
I can hear you becoming now. The words are indistinct, but the tone is clear. Even though I’m happy floating, I began to feel some distress for causing you pain. I dimly hear an annoyed feminine voice response. Again, I hear your muffled pleasures. Suddenly I feel hands on my ankles. They can’t be yours. Next I feel the rope keeping my hips from letting your cock out starting to loosen. I rock back a bit, and you slide out. I’m confused, did I lose count?
I feel Claire’s hands, and she pulls me away from you. I lift my hands over your head. Suddenly the earbuds are removed, and I can hear again. “Stand up. Follow me.” She tugs on something attached to my wrists. In a haze, I obey. “Alright, now spread your legs and shuffle back…good, now slowly lower yourself down.” I can hear the creaking of lEather, and I realize I must be astride the saddle. Claire tugs me back, and I realize there is something wood that my head is now leaning against, and a metal pole is against my spine. It must be sticking up through the hole in the saddle. “Raise your hands above your head.” I do, and I hear her click something. I can’t lower my hands anymore.
Claire ties me efficiently to the pole, and the cold metal feels good against the hot welts on my back. Then I feel something probing beneath me at my slit. The cold and slippery whatever it is enters, and I stiffen a bit before setting back down. Then I feel strraps being placed across my thighs so I can’t raise up and escape whatever might be trying to get into me. Lastly she takes my ankles, brings them behind something, and binds them together. Whatever it is is padded, with a sort of foot rest. “Ok, struggle.” I do, but I’m helpless. The only thing I can really do is turn my head side to side.
She rips my blindfold off. Her vivid green eyes are less than a hand span away. She is smiling. “Do you know what was decided?” I shake my head. “Your lover boy over there made an agreement. Instead of you getting five more lashes, he takes fifteen.” I make a muffled noise of disagreement and violently shake my head. Claire smiles, and stalks over to you. I have no choice but to watch as she prowls over, and then orders you over to the St Andrew’s cross and binds you there face down.
Claire’s eyes lock on mine as she brings back her whip arm and lets it fall. I flinch as though I was struck, and look away. “One, mistress. May I have another?”
“Oh, no. She didn’t watch it. It doesn’t count.” Claire prowls back over to me, and then I hear hinges next to my ears. The sides of the wooden thing my head is resting against bend forward, and I realize I can’t even turn my head side to side anymore. She smiles, and take a few steps back to survey her work. “He is taking this for you. You WILL watch it.” Claire turnsand take two steps back towards you, then stops. “I forget something.” Once again, she leaves my sight line. Suddenly the thing in my pussy comes alive. Slowly advancing and retreating, completely random lengths of strokes, and different speeds to boot.
Once again, Claire appears, whip in hand. She raises her arm to strike.
“THIS is one,” Claire says as the whip falls, and you gasp.
“One, mistress. May I have another?” Again, until five. There are five perfectly parallel red marks on your back. My brain quietly and fearfully comments that she really does have excellent control over that whip. You are leaning into the cross, and panting.
Claire saunters over to me, and reaching towards my clip. “Not as far along as I’d like,” she murmurs as she knees down, and suddenly the vibe I’d essentially forgotten springs to life. I moan, and do the only thing I’m really capable of – tilt my head up to the ceiling. Suddenly the dildo that is making its way in and out of my pussy starts to vibrate a tiny little bit, too. A split second later it starts to slowly rotate. She stands back up, and walks a few paces away and I hear the clicking of keyboard keys. The rate of random thrusts forwards and back increases, as does the stroke length. If my hips could, they’d be thrusting madly to push myself down the road to orgasm-town. Claire returns, and meets my eyes.
“If you cum before my say-so you will regret it. Do you understand?” I nod frantically. As she walks away and cracks the whip a few times away from your back I realize that if my bonds were to dissolve and Claire were to beckon for me to come to her I would gladly crawl to her and lick her until she came. I want to lick the sweat off those rippling muscles, and bring us both to moaning, gasping completion. The sheer intensity of my desire shocks me, I’ve rarely wanted a woman so fully before.
I’m breathing deeply, and trying NOT to cum which is becoming more and more difficult. I dimlyRealize that Claire has begun whipping you again, and my eyes begin to water as I try to keep control of myself. I should be paying more attention; you decided to take these for me. I look up at the ceiling and try to concentrate on counting the number of acoustic tiles on the ceiling. Anything, as long as it is supremely boring. Sweat runs into my eyes, and I have to close them which makes me feel everything happening to my clip and pussy all the more intensely. I’m barely holding on when I hear you say “Fifteen, thank you mistress.” I hear boots on the floor, and suddenly the riding crop under my chin, which has dropped forwards as I breathe deeply and rapidly.
“Good girl, I’m impressed.” I detect a slight air of disappointment, and I realize that Claire was expecting me to not be able to resist the vibes. Which she is now turning off, but leaving the thrusting and rotating on. Then Claire picks something up, and walks over to where you can see her. She holds up the mirror, andI see your face, completely blissed out. “Do you see her?” You nod vaguely. “She needs to come.” Another nod. “I’m not going to let her. Unless you make another bargain.” You tilt your head as though waiting. Claire lowers the mirror, and raises the riding crop placing it under your chin. “For each switch you take now, I will give her one orgasm.” I’m trying to shake my head, but I can’t because of the wood on either side. I doubt my muffled noises of protest make it far, either. You nod. “Let me hear you say what you want me to do.”
“Mistress Claire, please whip me so that my girlfriend can cum.” There is an almost dream-like quality to what you are saying.
“Of course, ducky. Whatever you like!” She walks around to your back again, this time with the riding crop. “Ask for it!”
“Please, may I have another?” Snap, groan. “Sixteen. Please, may I have another?” Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Crack. Groan, “Twenty. Please mistress, make her cum! Make her come hard!” Instead Clairepicks up a water bottle, and makes you drink. While she is doing that I look at the two perfectly parallel lines of ten welts up either side of your spine. Twenty. Then she attaches the mirror to the wall. I can see you, and you can see me. She walks over to me, and releases the sides of the wood restraining my head, removes my gag, and then give me a bottle of something that tastes absolutely awful, but I drink it thirstily. She gets on her knees, and turns on the vibes again. I instantly groan.
“Cum for me, sweet thing. Cum hard. Cum NOW.” I do. Every nervous in my body seems to be telling me that it is on fire, and the muscles in my pelvis and tighs are twitching violently and uncontrollably. They can’t move much against the bindings, which only excites me more. Suddenly, everything stops moving. Vibes off, thrusting off. I open my eyes as the orgasm begins to ebb. I feel the crack of the crop against my back, as Claire commands “STOP.” I do, growing in frustration. I’m pastbeing able to think, and almost any tiny movement would set me off again. “How many?”
I have to think for a second before I realize what she is asking. “Sixteen, may I PLEASE have another?” Claire comes towards me with two tiny silver bullets. She tapes them onto each rock hard nipple, and turn them on. I moan. “Please? PLEASE?”
“Go.” I rock my hips as much as I can against the maybe 2 inches of motionless dildo vibrator that is still in me. I’m whimpering, desperately trying to cum, but I’ve never been able to come from nipple stimulation alone. Claire sights after about 30 seconds of this and apparently take goal on me. The dildo starts to rotate again, and it takes me about 10 seconds of using the maybe one inch of mobility I have in my pelvis to get off again. I’m still shuddering, but This orgasm is tiny – waves at the beach on a calm day, rather than the spring storm like the last one. My hips hardly try to buck at all. Still, my cum is flowing fairly freely down mythighs. I can hear it dripping to the cement floor, and smell it, which is helping my arousal. I hear the crack against my back more than feeling it, and again am asked “How many?”
“Seventeen.” I’m panting. The dildo stops rotating, but the nipple vibes are still on. God, I want more. I’m not sure if I can handle more.
Claire walks over to you, and asks “do you like the show?” You nod. She walks back to me. She takes both nipple vibes in hand, and presses their buttons again. They are pulsing in rhythm together now. I shudder, and look up to the ceiling again. I feel her hands caresing the outside of my thighs, and then realize that she has removed the leather straps holding them down. Then the clip vibe starts up, in unison with the nipples. I gasp, and meet her eyes. They’re dilated with arousal, too. Her lips are parted, and she is breathing deeply. I can see the rise and fall of her breasts above her corset. “Again. NOW.”
I moan, and with the added freedom of mythighs I manage to push myself over the edge in a matter of seconds. I close my eyes and feel myself thrusting desperately, muscles inside and out twitching in concert. I’m yelling, and waves of pleasure are moving throughout my body. Even my arms, still bound above my head, are trembling. Then I feel something ice-cold splash against me. Everything shuts down. I gasp, and then the crop strikes my back.
“Eightteen.” I see Claire cruising around me, as the cold water drips off me. Even though the vibes are still going, the cold water killed off all my momentum. She keeps circuit for several minutes as my body begins to respond again. Suddenly I realize that the dildo is slowly advancing deeper into me.
“Tell me when it is as deep as you can handle.” I bite my lip, close my eyes, and concentrate as millimeter by millimeter I’m entered. I gasp and shake my head. The dildo stops. “There?” Claire asks. I nod, and I feel the dildo retreat somewhat. Then it begins to rotate again. I look over my shoulder to see Claire sitting at a computer. She sees me noticing, and a look of absolute mischief crosses her face. She meets my eyes and then I hear the click of a mouse. “Play!” The dildo begins slowly and randomly retreating back and thrusting forward as it slowly rotates.
“Cum when you are ready, pet.” I nod, close my eyes, and close out everything except the pull of the ropes around my chest, the motions of the dildo, and the pulsing of the vibes. I feel my arousal slowly build, but this time I’m not going to start my hips until my instincts take over. I listen to my breathing increase, and I realize that Claire’s is essentially keeping pace with me. I note that I’m hearing a buzzing completely unrelated to everything on or in me. Claire must be playing with herself as she watches me cum. As the thought crosses my mind my body decides it is show time.
Waves at high tide, this time. I thought my body lost everything with the cold water blowing, but that is evidently not true. However, this orgasm is almost entirely internal. My hips are barely moving, but inside is a different story. I can feel myself clnch desperately as the dildo tries to retreat, and relax to welcome it in when it thrusts forward. My abs are getting in on the fun, and trying to help trap the poor helpless dildo when it comes in deeper. Silly things, that never works. It is much to smooth for that to happen, but my body refuses to accept that. Finally my vaginal muscles give up that fight, and settle for rippling back and forth in time with the pulses of the clip vibe. Then, again the dildo stops (all the way in this time), and I’m hit with a splash of ice-cold water across my belly and the crack of the riding crop against my back.
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