Twelve Months – February

Katey’s Cootchie

Twelve Months: February

The mid-day temperature was just about exactly 80. The forecast showed a chance of shows later on, after which it would probably cool off to about 70. A nice change of pace from home. It was just another day on Maui.

“I didn’t think we’d have to walk this far,” Katey while. “I thought the parking lot was right at Makena. When can we stop and put our blankets down and just, you know, chill?”

He stopped and faced her, and kissed her full on the lips, lingering fifteen seconds and fondling her large boobs but keeping the tongue action to a minimum since she didn’t seem to want to reciprocate. “Oh, c’mon Shrimp. This isn’t far. The exercise will do you good, anyway.”

“What, are you saying I’m fat?” she asked in possible mock indignation.

“I’m not saying that at all.” It wasn’t that Mitch didn’t like her curves, which were exposed by her bandeau microkini now that she had allowed him to remove the cheap caftan he’d also bought her at the shop in the hotel. But, it’s not that he thought she couldn’t stand to drop a few pounds, either, especially in the upper thighs. “I’m saying you could think about getting in shape. I wore you out last night, remember?”

“I wasn’t hurt out,” she tittered. “I was *satisfied*. And so were you. I’m glad we don’t have to use rubbers anymore.”

She clearly was leaving open for him to bring up the topic of the doctor he had sent her to, in the first week of the new year, who had diagnosed a milk case of chlamydia in her while also taking extreme and unprofessional liberties with her as a patient. Extreme. And, again, unprofessional. At the same time, he had given her a new prescription for contrastives, one that specified an 84-day cycle Instead of the usual 28; most gynecologists would prescribe a 91-day cycle, but he wasn’t one and misunderstood how the 7-day placebo was supposed to work. His relatively new physical’s assistant had also taken part in the unnecessary palpation of her lady parts, and had actually attempted full-on intercourse, which earned him only a small reprimand from the doctor, merely for his lack of discretion concerning disease risk, which proved founded, rather than the gross ethical offense he had committed. All in all, it was no accident that Dr. Purvison was known to a “special” and very lucrative portion of his practice as Dr. Perv.

But Mitch didn’t want to discuss that, yet again. “Come on,” he said simply, taking her by the hand and moving forward.

“Why are we leaving the beach, anyway?”

“We’re not leaving, we’re just going across to the other one. The views are better at Little Beach, or so I’m told. It’s just right over there.”

She balanced momentarily at climbing the short steering passage Between beaches, on the pretext of not wanting to risk damaging her fresh pedicure from the hotel spa, but he exhorted her to try because the view of the ocean would be worth it from up there. She grumbled through every one of the fifty steps necessary for the twenty-foot elevation gain but admitted that the ocean scene at the top was pretty. As they descended, she finally noticed that a few of the handful of beachgoers there were unclothed.

“Waaaaait,” she said, “those women over there are bare ass nekkid. Cootchie and everything. You just dragged me over here because of *that*? You can have a show anytime, back in our hotel room, baby.”

“There’s a guy over there that’s naked, too. Something for everyone to look at, here. It’s called a nude beach in case you don’t know. Or, what, are you modest all of a sudden?” Mitch pushed his own acrylic blend swim trunks down and off and picked them up to carry them.

“You can’t do that. You’ve got a hard-on!” she squealed in her distinctive way. His unusually large and uncircumcised penis was standing nearly at attention.

“So? Get your suit off too, and people will understand why.”

“No! Plus,” she said,casting about for excuses, “those people over there have their clothes on. Their swimsuits I mean.” She pointed at a cluster of people in the water. “If they don’t have to, I don’t.”

“Clothing optional, Shrimp. And our option today is, au nature!” He reached behind her and gave a yank on the string in back of her new and revealing swimwear, and the three-inch triangle cups shielding her two-inch areolas were suddenly slack and useless, exposing all to the elements.

“No!” she squealed, covering herself with her arms.

He managed to sort things out with her, mainly by promising her some of the ‘white powder,’ as she called it, when they got back to the hotel; he said that one of the hotel staff had told him where to obtain some. Mollified somewhat, she proceeded with him a few feet further from the pathway that had brought them there, cradling and hiding her generous-sized boobs the entire way.

They placed their beach blankets carefully on the soft sand, far from the water’s edge because she didn’t want to be seen, and they lay down in order to better enjoy the sun. She begged him to roll over onto his stomach, as she was extremely embarrassed to be next to him while he sported an erection, and he gave in, on the condition that she *didn’t* roll over to hide herself too, and that she not cover up with her hands or arms. He then untied her small bikini bottom. “No halfway measures, Shrimp.”

“Now I know why you made me play with my cootchie this morning,” she said, referring to his somewhat standard requirement that she rub herself against a convenient piece of furniture or similar solid object. “So that I wouldn’t say no.” She giggled nervously and slapped away his hand when he tried to fondle her cliporis.

After two minutes of sunning, he prevailed upon her to get out the suntan lotion from the cloth beach bag and apply some to his back. He wasn’t satisfied when she merely reached her arm across, and insisted that she climb up onto him and straddle his tights to apply the lotion from that angle. He told her to rub her pussy against his ass while she did it, and she compiled for a few grudgeing seconds before lifting away from contact again, saying that she felt confident.

He used that opportunity to roll over onto his back again, knocking her over by mistake in the process. He told her to get on top again, and to put some lotion on his chest.

“They’ll think we’re fucking!” she protested, as she studioly avoided making contact with his thick and repeatedly vertical cock.

“Nobody’s paying attention. But if it bothers you, then anxious up. And then I’ll do you, and then we can go get in the water.”

She did a fast and sloppy job on his chest, leaving visible white streaks of zinc, and then they swapped positions, with Her lying on her stomach and him lathering up her back. He aimed his cock between her legs and poked amorously at her. She said, “stop that,” and kept her legs tightly togetherer, to avoid giving him any encouragement at all. Then he told her to flip over, and he gave overly much attention to applying the lot to shield her breasts from the sun’s rays, as well as above her public triangle and upper thighs. He carefully wiped one thumb on his own leg to get any remaining lot off of it, and then wedged that thumb between her legs and tried to give her clip a direct massage, but she again protected enough that he eased off of that idea.

By this point, she had changed her mind. “I don’t wanna go in the water with you – no swimsuit and you with a total hard-on,” she said, brushing his hand aside and sitting up. “Would you *please* put your swim trunks back on?”

“If it’s such a problem, you know how to take care of it. Right?”

“When we get back to the hotel, baby. Anything you want. After.”

“But then that doesn’t take care of the problem now, which is what you’re so worried about.”

“No. They’ll see, if I give you a hand job.”

“I don’t mean a hand job, Shrimp. I mean suck my cock.”

“Ew! Not in front of everybody!”

“What do you mean, ew? You always say you like doing that for me.”

“I do, baby. But not in front of everybody.”

“The water’s down there. We’re over here. Nobody will be paying any attention to us, I promise.”

“But what if they do? You made me suck your cock last week in front of Bethany, and now I’m not sure Bethany’s even my friend any more.”

“Bethany’s fat,” Mitch remarked unknownly, and irrelevantly unless one inferred he means the friend was unworthy of her, in which case it was still unkind.

“What’s that got to do with anything? She’s nice. Do you think I’m fat too? She’s not that much bigger. Well, okay, yeah, she is, but anyway the problem was, you didn’t have to try to get her to do it too.”

“I just mean, you’re really at a much different level than her.” The inference was confirmed.

Katey wasn’t mollified, and wished she hadn’t changedthe subject like that. “But what if somebody else comes over?” she asked, pointing to the path they had just been on.

Mitch voted. “Okay, how about we pick up our stuff and move over to there,” he asked, pointing to the far and unoccupied corner of the small beach. “Better?” He didn’t wait for her approval, and stood up, putting her string bikini into their beach bag.

They took their blankets and made their way across the open area and headed towards a secluded a spot slightly uphill from the water, near some large rocks. The sand was warm, but Katey had cold feet, and getting colder, about the whole prospect. “Baby,” she said, “I *really* don’t feel good about this whole idea. The nude beach. Everything. I heard something about that they aren’t even legal really.

“Ohhh. Nobody’s arresting tourists, Shrimp,” he said dismissively, continuing to walk towards their destination. “It would kill the whole economy here, if they havesled people just for having a good time.”

“But,” she went on, “and I *know* how important blow jobs are to you, but, but, *please*, can’t we *please* wait until we’re back? I said you can have anything you want, before, and I mean it. Like, in the butt again. Just, please, not *here*?”

Mitch stopped and faced her, hard dick twitching subtly. “Listen to me. You said coming to Hawaii was a lifelong dream. Right?” He paused, and she nodded. “Well, here we are! And we’re gonna have fun, every day until we leave. On Maui, the funnest island! Yeah?” She nodded dubiously and started to say something, but he continued, “we’ll go someplace fun for dinner, like a luau. Everybody’s gotta do a luau at least once on a trip here. And after that? We’ll go find a club, and dance. Yeah?” She nodded, but still wanted to say something, and he continued, “so, what little I do ask of you, I don’t want it to turn into an argument. Okay?” She started yet again to reply, and he went on, “I didn’t even ask anything of you this morning, right? For myself, I mean. Maybe I should have, ’cause now I really need it. Come on, we’re almost there, and the quicker you start, the quicker I’ll finish and then we can go play in the water. Or, just sunbathe. I don’t care. Whatever you like. Just give me this.” He took her by the hand and led the way again. She kept her thoughts to herself.

They continued to the far corner, and he set his blanket and beach bag down on the sand. She started to do the same, but he said no. Lying down on his blanket, face up and with his cock pointing to the sky, he indicated for her to straddle his ankles and told her to pull her beach blanket over herself. Shielded in this way, she began to squeeze the base of his member with her right fist, and after saying “please don’t take too long, baby,” she pulled back the foreskin and started caressing his sensitive spot with her tongue, soon taking the long head fully into her mouth and applying a bit of suction, vocalizing with her trademark hum to helparouse him aurally and bring him along a bit faster through the additional physical sensing of the victory. She hoped. Of course with the towel covering her head, that means her tail end was exposed, but there was no one in direct proximity to benefit from the view at that angle.

“No, this won’t take any time at all, Shrimp,” he soothed, and he relaxed and gave himself over to the experience. “‘Cause you’re so good. So good.” Also, ’cause he had an unusually quick trigger unless he had ejaculated within the past 24 hours, which he hadn’t.

After accepting her efforts a few seconds, he into, “suck that cock, suck that cock,” repeated periodically, as much for his own entertainment as for instruction to her. She worked his cock with her tongue and made her humming sound each time she took it deep – she wasn’t capable of true deep-throat, but she was not hung up about going to the back of her throat either. It took him only a couple of minutes before the climax approachd, and he placed his hand on her head, giving her his usual signal that he was about to blow his load into her mouth. She dutifully took him a bit deeper, gagging slightly then backing off, and accepted what he gave her when it came blasting out.

She hoped off of him almost immediately after that, wrapping her blanket around to cover her front, as she assumed a kneeing position in the sand, across from and not facing him. He lay there, happy as could be, and after enjoying the afterglow for a couple more minutes he finally roused himself to sit up.

“You know,” he observed, “that might be the first time you’ve ever blown me when you weren’t high or drunk.”

“Maybe,” she said, a little sullenly.

“Come on, don’t pout. Let’s go down to the water. You look so much better than any of the other girls down there. Every guy’s gonna be jealous of me.”


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