She was part Housekeeper and part Tutor to the twins. They had grown up significantly in the two years since she had first met them. Now eighteen they were powerfully built and dramatically taller than her five foot. Their father was strict with them but left any physical punishment to her. Their mother was often not around doing charity work or meeting friends. She was loving but did not have a lot to do with their day-to-day life.
Physical punishment was not carried out very often but when it was it was by way of a straw applied to their clothesed bottoms. If there was a need for punishment it would be carried out on a Wednesday evening when their mother was always out at one of her charity meetings. On these evenings the boys were sent to their study to complete the work that Miss Bent had set them. Any punishment was completed after they finished their work. Miss Bent was always summoned to their father’s study.
Both Tom and Tim noticed that every Wednesday when Miss Bent re-appeared from his study she was quieter and more subdued than normal. On the Wednesday in question they decided that they just had to find out what went on in their father’s study. The only way to see what went on would be through one of the two windows. Giving Miss Bent just enough time to enter the study they sneaked round the house. They were not surprised but disappointed to see that the blinds were pulled down, but were delighted to see that there was a gap on each side of the blind on one of the windows.
Their view of the room was excellent and they were able to see Miss Bent from behind as she faced their father who was seated behind his desk. Being the height of summer the window was slightly open allowing them to hear the conversation. Their father was saying that Miss Bent had only two small misdemeanors during the week and would therefore only suffer the minimum six with the straw. He required her to take up the position.
The boys’ eyes nearly popped out as she laid herself across the table and pulled her skirt up above her waist. They had fantasized about her regularly from when she first came into their lives, but seeing her like this was breathtaking. Her legs were tight together as their father circled behind her. As he took hold of the sides of her knickers and pulled down they turned inside out and he had to pull firmly to get them past her knees. He was kneeing very close behind as he very slowly removed them from each of her feet.
As he stood up and moved to her side she shifted so that her legs were spread very wide and she grabbed the far side of the table. The view of both boys was excellent but they were desperate to be close up so they could see every last detail, hear every last sight and even smell the sex in the air. It was the same strap that she applied to them that their father lifted off the desk.
With no more ceremony he landed a firm swat squarely across the center of her shaped bottom. There was justa small ripple across her slightly plump bottom. After three similar strikes he moved closer to her and traced the three pink stripes with his fingers. He then traced a line down past her bottom until he was obviously feeling her pussy.
“I am so happy that the straw still has the effect of preparing you for what is to come. It is tempting to increase the number as your body seems to welcome the straw and not only prepares you but also me.”
“Please sir no more than the six you said it stings so badly for so long.”
He stood back again before administratoring the second three that were each greeted by a shrink. As soon as the last strike had landed he put the strap on the table and Miss Bent knelt in front of him and pulled his trousers and pants down with a practicing ease. This amazing the boys who had not expected this turn of events. Even the inexperienced boys had no doubts what Miss Bent was now doing even though with his back to them they could not see.
The boyshad heard of girls sucking cocks but now they believed it really happened. It was a couple of minutes before the boys saw their father lift her face from his prick. She was then rolling a condom onto to his erect cock that they could see for the first time. She did it with an ease that suggested she had done it many times. She was quickly back in exactly the same position as before and with no ceremony their father clearly entered Miss Bent whose groan could have been from pain or pleasure but was certainly not from surprise.
The fucking lasted only three or four minutes. Their view was greatly restricted but did not stop them finding it immensely exciting. As he finished clearly cumming strongly inside her, he withdraw and even from where they stood they could see it was a defeated Miss Bent that lay helplessly across the desk.
Aroused as they were by proceedings the boys suddenly panicked that Miss Bent might be dismissed any minute. Signing quietly to each other they made their way quickly back to their study. They looked rather flushed and excited when Miss Bent arrived a few minutes later.
“You know that you are due a strapping this evening for the poor results in you tests recently. I will go easier than I might and you will only receive ten each.”
It was Tim who shocked Miss Bent by saying.
“No you will not be beating either of us this evening.”
Trying to replicate his father’s voice and repeating exactly the words that had been said it was Tom who added.
“You have had a good week with only two misdemeanors and therefore you will only suffer the minimum six with the straw.”
Immediately, Miss Bent realized that the boys must have witnessed the scene in their father’s study. She knew that she had to take a firm moment straight away otherwise she would be lost. Drawing herself up to her full five feet she said.
“Now listen I don’t know what you think you are playing at but I don’t think your father would appreciate hearing about this type of behavior. Now that outburst has doubled the punishment for you both.”
“I don’t think our Mother would appreciate hearing about what went on in Father’s study this evening do you? Now if you agree to waive our strapping and take the six each you were going to give us we will consider, if you ask nicely, not raising this in front of our parents. We will not be able to forget what we saw but at least the wonderful view we got will remain a secret we both cherish.”
Miss Bent knew that she could not win but had to make one last attempt to wrestle back control.
“Who would your Mother believe you two or your Father and I?”
In an inspired response Tim picked up his phone and waved it at his crestfallen Tutor. It was a good job she didn’t ask to see the photography evidence as neither boy had their phone with them, much to their great regret.
Sensing her second significant defeat of the evening Tom told Miss Bent that each ofThey would administrator her punishment in exactly the same way as their father had. Miss Bent’s head spun as she tried to take this in. Did he mean…
“You can’t I had no, I had no, no protection from my clothes when he strapped me. You will see…”
“Oh we fully intended to see the wonderful sight we saw earlier, but this time much, much closer up. Now please take up the position.”
Quite unnecessarily he indicated towards the desk that was similar if a little smaller than their father’s. Very slowly she moved towards it and with one last desperate look over her shoulders laid herself across it.
“That is three more from each of us. I made it clear that the punishment would be carried out the same way as we witnessed earlier. If we have to correct you again your poor bottom will not recover for weeks. Now take up the position.”
As guiltant as she was Miss Bent stood up raised her skirt to her waist and laid back onto the desk. The boys wanted to keep the events as similar to earlier as possible but both took hold of one side of her knickers and very slowly lowered them down her legs. Kneeling as they were, so close to her bottom they saw that the knickers had a damp patch where they had covered her pussy. There was a gentle almost warm smell in the air that the boys found intoxicating. They each took hold of a knee and encouraged their tutor to spread her legs wide. The desperate gasp of embarrassment that she made was a clear sign that she had given up any resistance.
Tom applied the first three strikes before following the pink stripes with nervous shaking fingers. He wanted to linger longer but he knew what his next move was going to be and starting with his middle finger centered right on her dark anus traced the length of her pussy until the wet warm entrance gave way to a small bump where the lips came together. He had no idea what a cloris was but was delighted at the sight that the helpless Tutor made.
Tim moved forwardand repeated the three strikes and was so excited feeling her pussy he was afraid he would cum in his trousers. Miss Bent pleased with them to let her off the rest of the punishment but there was no chance of that.
“We said your punishment would be as similar as possible to what we witnessed earlier. You have earned yourself three more from each of us.”
“No please that would be a dozen more my poor bottom will never take it. Please I will do anything but no more strapping.”
“I do have a little sympathy with your situation as there are two of us to complete the second part of your punishment. We could vary things if you agree to being, shall we say, very compliant from now on.”
She had held out a small hope that the twins had not witnessed their father fucking her but this was now shattered. With no expectation and not much hope she said.
“I do not understand what do you mean by the second part of the punishment?”
“Our father enjoyed the part when your mouth was full and what happened next seemed to us to be the highlight of his week.”
“You can’t mean that you intend to, to…”
“Are the words you are looking for fuck you. If so the answer is most definitely yes. We would like to enjoy that when you are unable to speak. I suggest that you take Tim’s cock in your mouth while I attend to your pussy. We think that would be a very acceptable arrangement in return for us cancelling the remainder of the strapping. Miss Bent do you agree or is your bottom ready for the next dozen?”
“No you can’t stick me any more. I am just too sore.”
“That was not what I asked you. Do you agree or else we start the strapping again.”
“I agree, I agree.”
She was on her knees as Tim’s cock was presented to her mouth within seconds. Tom was in no hurry as he offered up his prick to her very wet pussy. He had not realized that pussies got this wet and played the head around the mood before easing it into the warm welcoming orifice. It was at exactly this moment that Miss Bent came to the conclusion that if she could ignore who was doing this to her she could love what was being done. Every Wednesday that she was strapped ended with her masturbating furiously to her most enjoyable orgasms. Mr. Cook never lasted long enough or bothered whether she orgasmed and she had never done so in his company.
Tom’s cock was being much gentler than his father’s ever was. This was purely because Tom knew that he was so close to cumming that if he speeded up he would cum immediately. Tim was just as excited but was too scared to fuck his Tutor’s mouth but loved the way her tongue was playing with him.
Miss Bent was now fully accepting of the situation and was increasing hope that the prick buried in her pussy could be the first to trigger her orgasm. She was very quickly to be disappointed as from behind her Tom roared as he quickly pumped what seemed like gallons of cum deep inside her. This triggerd Tim who briefly thought it would be polite to take his cock out of her mouth before he came. His arousal got the better of him and he squirted time and time into her mouth and throat.
For the second time in half an hour Miss Bent was left defeated and frustrated. Spunk was pouring out of her pussy and down her chin. Nothing was said as the boys swapped places and the half erect cock of Tom was demanding entry into her mouth.
This was not what attracted her attention as Tim’s fingers played with her bottom. His middle finger found it’s target and pushed past her tight sphincter. Nothing had ever done the journey in that direction and she was shocked to find that it was not unpleasant. This certainly was a day of firsts. The finger fucked her and she felt her bottom relax and welcome it.
It was with great disappointment that she felt the digit removed. Now a surprisingly hard cock was playing around near where the finger had been. She was excited by it but also confused and scared. She hardly noticed the swelling prick in front of her as it found her mouth was just open enough to push through. As the prick behind her thrust forward it slipped from her bottom and entered her gaping pussy in one movement.
Both boys were now slightly more in control of their erect pricks. Tom was comfortable pushing his cock in and out of her mouth while Tim developed a rhythm with his Prick stroking long and firmly. Her third cock in an hour was hitting all the right places. She knew she should be protesting but in fact relaxed completely contenting herself that there was nothing she could do to stop this very wrong situation.
It was the very thought of how wrong this was that suddenly hit her and with no warning an orgasm enveloped her so strongly that she stopped breathing. The fact that she could not let the boys see that she was in ecstasy led to her trying to suppress the violent spasms that gripped her. The very fighting to suppress it made it rollon and on until she was afraid she would pass out. Was it one very long one or more than one, either way she was left totally drained and very satisfied when she was released from its grip.
As hard as he had tried to make it last Tim had cum hard deep inside her as her pussy had repeatedly squeezed his erection. Tom had not cum and back in control of her body she worked hard to give him the best experience she could. When she reached forward and played with his large balls he quickly emptied an amazingly large load into her warm mouth.
There was quietness for a couple of minutes with all three reflecting on what had just happened. Eventually it was Miss Bent who sitting up and trying to regain some dignity said.
“We never talk about this evening again do you both understand?”
They never did talk About again.
When she left the household five months later every Wednesday night had included some form of spanking, strapping or even caning followed by the veryWilling Tutor being fucked silly. They didn’t need to talk about that first time.
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