Turn-About Being Fair Play Ch. 03

I said I had an idea or two, but the truth be told, I had no more ideas than I had come left in my body. That whole escapade was more overwhelming than I think either of us realized.

That said, I understand what was going on here, it was an indulgence on her part to let me know she still wanted to have me – and that this new dimension to us wouldn’t redefine us.

But it would at least lead to us having different and new kinds of fun. Assuming I kept my nervous, that is.

And rest assured I did have plenty of ideas of things I wanted to do to this beautiful woman – the floodgates had been opened – just nothing came to mind right then. But I’d always been able to improve *something* even if it wasn’t the ideal thing.

And I had a hint of the scent of a very needy, very horny woman before me.

“So here’s the question, what kind of fun would you like?” An obvious stalling tactic, but also just to be sure that I was thinking what she was thinking.

Perchedon the edge of the bed, staring up at me, she smiled. “The fun kind.” To be fair, that’s exactly the kind of bratty thing I’d say, so I’m taking that as confirmation that she did want what I thought she wanted.

Next time – and rest assured, there is going to be a next time where I tie this fabulous woman up, there’s going to be many of them – I can break out the toybox of fun. Maybe even add some toys to it, but that doesn’t help me right now.

But I can buy myself a little thinking time with getting her at least a little more ready for some fun.

With that, I fetch a clean towel, lay it out and smooth it over the bed, and my beautiful woman stands by the bed waiting to see what I’m going to do. I gesture to the bed, and she sat, one leg crossed over the other, on the edge of the bed.

Putting my best “snooty English” accent on, I look in her direction. “Oh my, this won’t do at all.” With that, I smoothly reach for the crossed leg, unzip the boot on it, and slide itoff in a motion that I’d probably never manage to do as smoothly again, before gesturing to the other leg, to take that boot off as well. No boots on the bed. Not today, anyway.

Here’s where I had to make a few decisions, though, and quickly. What did I want to do, what toys or accoutrements did I want?

“Much as I love your skirt, it’s kind of in the way.” Yup, the skirt was cute, but it was going to limit my having my wicked way.

I move aside to give my girl some room to take the skirt off, while I opened and had a rummage through the toybox.

“Fun, you say? I think,” I say carefully, trying to keep my nervous, “I think you could look pretty cute, blindfolded and gagged.” This is a very fun mental image – the shirt, the tie, that cunt already damp and needy, and a blindfold and gag letting me do *exactly* what I want to do.

We have quite a collection of blindfolds and gags, she likes to mix and match such toys so that if I’m going to be restrained, things swaiting colour co-ordinate. I rummage specifically… the leather blindfold that ties behind the head, the lurid purple ball gag, and hold them up.

“Huh, sounds like fun.”

I also hold up a pair of handscuffs, not our usual restraint method, but it’s been a while. “You’re mine.”

She sits on the bed, as I tighten the gag in her mouth – something I never imagined I’d ever do, let alone finding it extremely hot – and she looks up at me over the tops of her glasses (honestly, I didn’t mention the hot secretary look enough, but that’s what was going on here) and pushes the gag a bit with her tongue, and just rolls her eyes at me. “Really?”

The brattiness! The impertinence! “Huh! Just for that…” I lean forward and tighten the gag another couple of notches, to some sort of half laughter snot, half slight-bratty response in surprise.

I slide her glasses off, lean in to look closer into her eyes – there’s no fear, only a twinkle of mischief – and then tie the leatherblindfold behind her head, and while I’m doing it, I lean in. “OK?”

A positive noise later, and I tie the blindfold just a little tighter.

“Oh, you look so cute right now. Just remember, you’re not going to get to cum until I’m ready.” I pause, letting that sink in. “I don’t care how needy you get, you’re not going to cum until I say so.” She nods, making a sort of ‘uh-huh’ noise in her throat.

“Now then, a couple of things… hands out.” I deftly snap the handscuffs around her wrists. I’m just about to lay her down on the bed, hands above her head, but I suddenly remember one thing that might have made this a bit awkward.

Starting at the bottom, I start unbuttoning the shirt. “It would be a shame if I couldn’t play with your very sensitive nipples now, wouldn’t it?” I know just how sensitive they are, the amount of times she’s had me in some kind of restraint and just using fingers or tongue to stimulate them. She nods and makes that positive noise again, as I unbutton almost all the way up, reach behind and fumble with her bra.

Right now I don’t care that the bra is there, I just want to be able to get to nipples, and I can lift the rest up out of my way without releasing her.

“There we go, lay down for me, we’re going to have *such* fun.”

You can imagine how I’m coping with this. I’m trying not to shake if I’m honest, because this is somewhere deep in a previously forbidden fantasy coming true. My beautiful, struggle, dominating lover, laying before me, vulnerable, naked, hot as hell, and needy as fuck.

If I didn’t already know that this was just some internal hedonism going on and she’s already stimulated from having played with me, followed by getting a kick out of being stimulated and then cum hard from it, I’d almost assume This situation was turning her on just in itself.

I spread her legs apart, run a fingertip lazily up one tigh, over her mound, down the other, before running it up and down her pussy. “Mmm, already so needy and damp.” This was met with a slight moan.

I go in for her nipples, one in each hand, pinching between finger and thumb. Not *hard* but firm enough to make a point. “How’s that?” Another slight moan, a little more urgent sounding.

“Hmm, you like that, I can tell.” I just hope my inner nervousness doesn’t quite show, as I start to twist the nipples ever so slightly, as there’s a slight intake of breath and a noise deep in the back of her throat, of desire.

As suddenly as I’d honed in, I let both go, before leaning down to the nipple nearer to me, flicking it back and forth with the tip of my tongue. A few moments of that – and a moan or so later – and I lean in further, setting my mouth over more of her boob, gently sucking as much of it as I can, whilst proceeding to flick the nipple with my tongue, accompanied by a more urgent tone.

I then started humming tunelessly, just to generate a little victory through my throat, just for that little extra stimulation, and take the opportunity again to slide a finger down her pussy lips. As I’d hoped, a little more damp.

I stand and stretch, admiring this woman before me in a state of dishevelled need, plotting exactly how hard I was going to satisfy her.

“You know what? I’m going to need to get some toys out, and I’d so hate for you to get bored while I decide what to do with you.”

That provoked a noise that, if not gagged, might have been some kind of bratty raspberry, but as it turned out just was a ‘urrrrr’ noise.

I pop out the one box that was inside the toybox, full of clothes pegs. I’m fairly sure she recognized the sound, but if not, it would suddenly be pretty clear, pretty quickly what was about to happen.

I rubbed little circles around one nipple, before holding the skin just either side of the nipple, pushing it forward ever so slightly, before attaching a clothes peg. I wasn’t quite sure whether this was a sharp intake of breath of pain, or of pleasure, or both. Probably both. And because I didn’t want her to get bored, I added a peg to the other nipple.

“There we go, how’s that?” A low, husky rumbling note in the back of the throat. I’d hear that noise before, it was one of quite deep satisfaction and desire. Things were going well.

“Not getting bored?” I chirpily ask, gently tweaking the position of the pegs, moving them up and down, and running my fingertip up and down again… more wet. When I would let her come, I envisaged it being quite explosive.

A series of ideas crossed my mind, and I was trying to decide how intense I was going to go, how many ideas I’d previously written off as not merely ‘off the table’ but almost from the ‘forbidden fountain of ideas’. In this moment I almost felt like I could have done anything and nothing would have been off limits, which is a bit scary for me.

I decided maybe not to go as full pelt as I could have done, but still very firmly into ‘more thana little playful’ territory.

I pulled out a few more clothes pegs from the boxes, inspected each of them, and set aside the ones I was happy with. A finger sliding gently up and down the inside of those soft, moist lips, and a little finger-play later and I’d fixed a peg. Delicious pinching.

“How does that feel?” I was greeted with a noise that was very clearly full of need. It was clear I should ramp this up, a side of my beautiful lover I hadn’t quite appreciated.

It didn’t take long for me to add three pegs to each side, almost like they were pointing the way to that deliciously damp pussy.

“Is that what you wanted? Something else you want?” I got a response that just oozed need, and I could have sworn contained the words ‘fuck me’. But it’s so hard to tell with a gag, who knew? (To be fair, I was usually the one gagged. I’m not used to hear or seeing my girl gagged. But even though I had only recently had my own need filled, I found myself getting hard again. In this state, I wanted to do so many things, and for both of us to come, so hard, so many times. Even if right now I wasn’t quite in the right place.)

Just for good measure, I got another peg, pulled the skin just a little taut and exposing that sensitive, throbbing clip, and put the peg on it. That drew a sharp intake of breath.

“How’s that?” Just a low moan of satisfaction in response. I guess I needed to dial it up a notch.

Reaching down, I inhaled deeply of the cent of now very intense need, before taking the clip peg in one hand and very gently pulling it up away from her pussy, stretching her clip in the process… leaving enough room for me to get my tongue in there, running it up and down over her clip.

There was a perceptible jolt, a pushing forward of the hips. With that, I took my other hand, middle finger running up and down the inside of her pussy lips, before inserting and reaching for that sensitive spot on the inside, just slightly bumpy to the touch, but upon touching it there was a growth of need.

Having reached her g-spot, I lifted my head, took the clip peg off, then leaned down to suck and flick her clip with my tongue – whilst massaging her g-spot with my finger in the same rhythm.

I’d done these things before – usually in a far more compromised, submissive position, but it was extremely hot to be doing these in a different position. Because this was where things were about to turn just a little sadistic on my part.

I switched out the licking and sucking for a finger, so there were fingerprints circuit with friction around both the most sensitive parts down there, grinding and moving in tandem and time with each other, and I could feel the tension of her pussy around my finger, I could feel her hips pushing forward trying to get more friction on her clip.

And then just as quickly as I’d started, I pulled both hands away to a sound that was some kind of gurgled strange moan of disappointmentand anger.

“Oh, no, love, you’re not coming just yet.”

I saw her shoulders slump just a little into the bed, with a little more mock indignation than I think she wanted to convey because she was close, close enough that she didn’t want me to stop. But as I said, I might not be a dominant soul – but I sure as shit was a sadistic little brat.

I gave her a few moments, in silence, Letting her senses calm a little, the need dropping off just a little. As her hips relaxed a little more, I sprung back into action.

Very gently pulling on the pegs on both sides, opening her pussy, I run my tongue along the inside of her pussy, and focus licking her clip again, and I’m not quite sure what to make of the noise I can hear now… it’s not quite purring but it’s definitely full of need.

Continuing to leave some tension on her pussy lips, I keep licking and running my tongue up and around her clip, and her hips are pushing forward again, and I can smell the need growthg.

While I’m doing so, I’m contemplating just how sadistic my soul feels like being, how much more I’m going to keep her quivering on the edge, and just how I intend for her to come for me – because it won’t be gentle. I have every intention of it being intensity, shuddering and violent (in a good way).

I briefly contemplate just taking all the pegs off and just sliding my hard-again cock in, but honestly, I’m not feeling it right now. I feel like I can be more pleasing by not doing that.

Just as her hips start pushing forward and the noises get more desperate, I let go and pull away, whilst gently chiding, “Nu-uh, you don’t get to come yet!”

The note in the back of her throat was a new one. We’d moved from needy to the angry-disappointed and now onto what I can only describe as despair. Which was exactly where I wanted her.

I took the pegs off her nipples to audible gasps, before reaching down and ever so gently sucking one… “These must be tender,” I observed dry in between switching nipples. “Let me fix that for you.”

I then gently, carefully remove all the pussy pegs, and leave her to think about this for a moment.

“Something you want?” I get a quite emphatic noise back from behind the gag.

And so I decided to keep it simple. Fingertips on clip and g-spot again, gentle-but-firm pressure in small, opposition-direction circles, in the same rhythm.

I felt the familiar tensing – it didn’t take long – and the needy noises in the back of her throat were getting louder. I think she was anticipating that I’d stop *again* like the sadistic lover I am, that I’d keep her on even more tension and need, maybe that I’d push it too far and she’d go past the point of not having fun with it, but I’m not *that* sadistic. Not today Anyway. Besides, what’s the point in having fun with a beautiful woman if she doesn’t actually have fun with it?

So I keep on, those small circles, almost like I’m trying to gradually reach through her body, to get my fingers to touch from both sides – down through her clip, up through her g-spot. And she’s tense now, the muscles in her thighs tensing… we’re now in a place where she’s holding it back as best she can.

“Come for me, beautiful.”

It didn’t take long, a few more seconds and her body composed, writing as the sensings ripped through her body, like a tidal wave starting from my fingers and rippling up through her body – if you could watch it from the side, the motions would be that crashing tide, her whole body rocking and wrapped with intensity.

From behind the gag, animalistic noises, primary, came out. This wasn’t her usual sounds of pleasure, this was deeper, more lustful, more raw. It seemed, in the moment, that the more intense the waves cursing through her, the more volume came with it.

After some moments, the motions and the vocal accompanying lessened, though I didn’t stop with my fingers. I slowed, but didn’t stop, and a second wave of energy crashed through her body, weaker, quieter, but still undeniably a second wave.

I slowed my movements as she settled, eventually taking my hands off as she came to rest. I gently put a head on her chest – reassuringly rather than anything else, and asked if she was ok.

She gave me her wrists, and I unlocked the handscuffs, put them to one side, then helped her sit up, as I unbuckled the gag and untied the blindfold, putting them to one side as I handed her glasses back to her. She blinked a little getting used to the light coming back in again and getting her breath back.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, she looked up at me, smiled, and said, “I’m OK… that was intense, but I’m OK. You know, you could probably have gone further.”

I smiled back. “Not today, besides Did not expect you to be quite so up for it. Was that enough trouble for one night?”

She laughed, “Uh-huh, but I’m curious to see what else your distinguish mind has to offer, you devicious boy. And if you have ideas about… squirting… that could even be a thing if you do it right.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Challenge accepted, but not tonight.” I said, as I helped her take the tie and shirt off, before setting down to cuddle and talk about just how far that little well of hedonism really runs.

And of course next time, she’s really going to make me suffer for my edge play – probably do it to me to see how much I ‘enjoy’ it. Ah, I love that fair play!


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