Tuition Ch. 03

I snapped, “Kat!” and saw her jump, watching me now, waiting for my command.

“Thoroughly clean Alice..use your tongue.”

Without clearly thinking about it, my breathings stops; and I wait for Kat’s reaction.



I swear that was my most cooperative thought as his words permeated the thick fog of hedonistic lust that filled the room and his meaning sank into my consciousness. Not one of my brightest moments for sure, but we are all entitled to at least one of those moments every so often, when the least expected thing in the world is suddenly there in front of you. His words sank claws into my brain, his command dragging me from the almost lethargic state my orgasm had dropped me into, and left me wide awake. And wanting.

I glanced over towards Alice, now kneeling beside Wren’s chair and wiping her eyes furiously with the backs of her hands as a flurry of tears broke free. It wasn’t pain that made her weep…it was her temperature and rightNow it was flaring almost out of control. Her cheeses were flushed red and purple in places I had seen him strike, but even now before my eyes, the living marks were fading. I began to move, merely the barest shift in my weight, a tension in the muscles of my legs before he stopped me. His hand tight around my wrist as he ceased my miniscule movement with a tug that only we knew was happening. I looked down, my lashes almost brushing against my cheeks as a warm blush suffused my skin in milk mortification. It was unsettling to realize how swiftly I had already done something wrong.

I lifted my lashes only slightly, just enough to see him sitting there, almost a bemused smile teasing even as his expression remained fearsome. He awaited my answer. Even though in body, in moving, in direction and knowledge of destination I had confirmed I would do as commanded…I had not answered him…

I rectified my mistake. “Yes Master.” I whispered, yet it seemed loud to my ears. I felt him release me, watched him sink back into his grand chair and reach for a strawberry.

My god. I could feel my pussy clnch around nothing — out of my peripheral vision as I walked to Alice — I saw him savor the fruit.

I knelt beside her, smoothing her hair back from her face as she began to whisper her insults, her rage, and her accusations. She had heard his command, she hated him, and she didn’t want to play anymore. I was certain only I could hear her, her voice was so low as I leant closer, but the dark look I saw from Wren over Alice’s shoulder as he quietly watched us clue me in to the fact that his hearing was in no way impaired. She told me, she was quitting, she was leaving this instant, she was changing into proper clothes and leaving this silliness behind her. She told me she wasn’t going to kiss me, she grew even as her lips met mine in a swift trembling sweep that even I was unsure had happened.

Heeding the burning I could feel in the back of my headfrom his gaze, I tenatively reached out my tongue towards her skin. I began with her tears and ended each sweep of my tongue over her closed eyeshes. This was a helluva difference to licking wine from a damn table, and it took me a moment to recover before I tasted her skin again. It was not just her tears that marred her cheeks; it was a taste of Adam that added to her flavor. I shuddered, felt my confidence waver. I’d never done this before, never kissed another woman, never tasted a guy’s drunk semen, had never wanted to stare at the weirdest three-some I had ever — never — seen. Now I was here, on a floor I polished daily, the reflection in its almost black specled beauty showing the smooth skin of Alice’s thighs where she had collapsed to the floor, the fluids leaking from her body even as I licked more of it from her face and softly kissed pink swollen lips. I could see Adam, his body still prone in his post-orgasmic bliss yet his eyes were intent, alive and so very more alert than his pose suggested. He watched with an intensity that was almost frightening, that is, until I caught sight of his brother. I was barely inches from him, his heavily booted foot rested close to where my feet were tucked beneath my arse, his long leg stretched out as he too rested back in his chair as though nothing out of the ordinary other than dinner and a little light entertainment had graced this room tonight. But his eyes…

They were darker than the floor I was sat on, and gleamed just as brightly.

I closed my eyes, my hair fell forward some escaping from the clap and shielded me for a moment. My heart thumbed painfully in my chest as I fought back the feeling of panic that now raced through me. Why the hell was I here? Why was I doing this? What the fuck made me want to…hell almost year to continue? I knew I was panting quietly, my breath coming in painful little gulps as I fought the uncertainty. I opened my eyes again and was surprised Alice hadn’t shifted much from the moment our lips had met, her eyes were closed too, her tears had stopped and her mouth was parted. She looked — well, women are not my thing, or at least I didn’t think they were — beautiful, her skin looked like it burned, but not painfully. Much like the pleasant burn, the ache I had felt when the hard strokes of the paddle had met my skin. I licked her face slowly again, savoring the unusual taste of her angry tears and Adam once again.

I felt the pain in my chest lessen, as though the chord that had been tightening in my panic and uncertainty relaxed a little, giving me a little more freedom. I wanted to…do this…I had watched them fuck her with abandon, I had watched them use her for their pleasures and somewhere in the back of my mind I had placed myself in her position while I watched. It was unnerving how the sight of it had affected me…but my body’s reaction could not lie.

Aware of the eyes on me, I mentally shut out the two in my peripheral vision but could not bring myself to block out the third behind me as I pushed Alice back with gentle hands and gave in to my own curiosity.

My hands were on her hips over the now created fabric of her uniform, her tight perky breasts had long since escaped from their metr confines and protruded from the lace, the material actually pushing them higher up. I let my tongue trace the path of Adam’s cum down over the bared skin towards her nipples and I felt Alice shudder against me. Her nipples pumped as I exhausted near to them and Alice gasped quietly when I finally licked them, slowly drawing them into the heat of my mouth. It sent tremors of longing through my own body when I looked up at her and saw her biting that pink lower lip between her teeth, her lashes fluttering against her cheek as her breath became deeper – her breasts began to lift towards my mouth. My lips curved into a small private smile — I was doing this to her — I was wraping shudders from her body with each pass of my tongue and lips over her heated skin, and the thrill I felt from that was nothing short of wicked.

Allowing my hands to move of their own according, I watched their path almost absentmindedly as they smoothed over the tops of her thighs before pushing the skirt of her uniform up and over her hips. My thumbs rubbed slow circles over her skin before I dipped my head and touched my lips to her almost entirely smooth cunt. Her short curls were damp, sticky and scented with both arousal and everything else and I knew I wanted to taste it. Even without the command…the curiosity was there. I later pondered what my life would have been like if I had never taken this job. Would I never have known the shivering rush of delight and perversion and how they merged and intermingled with one another? I would never have experienced anything like last night, would never have yearned for a brutality that I had not even known wished to be experienced within me or wish to experienceagain. Would never have been licking copious combined fluids from a French maid’s cunt and arse and actually been feeling an odd sense of thrill and exhaustive erotic tremors. I wondered too, whether it would have found me in the end…this curiosity…and wondered if I would ever understand it.

I was brought back to reality by the sensing of warm fingers tickling up my leg, my eyes opened and through the escaped waves of my hair I caught sight of Adam now leaning on his side, his head propped up on his hand as he perused us almost lazily. Although the cock protruding from his still unzipped tailored trousers was anything but lethargic. Its fat head glistened with new pre-cum, and his shake was still coated with the horseradish sauce. I winced mentally — it had to be hurting both of them. I was tasting it, my tongue was on fire with both the scent of Alice, and the mixture of mustard, vinegar and grateful horseradish, I moaned softly before I could prevent the sound’s escape. Itwas intense, unusual, and as my tongue lapped slowly up from her arse to her cunt, I swallowed what I could before the fingers on my leg could tease me further. I squirmed minutely, knowing that if he reached further towards my imprisoned pussy he would find what the Earl had. It didn’t sit well with me…him knowing. It was embarrassment tenfold; this depravity, unsettling and new — I sumised ‘new’ was technically the most important word in my thoughts just as Alice moaned beneath my tongue.

As soon as I had that thought, his fingers disappeared, and I felt them tangle in my hair and roughly lift my head from Alice and I squeaked with the sudden sering pain. A warm body appeared at my back, a face beside my own as it grew against my ear and I saw Wren missing from his seat. His grip was as tight as his brother’s, almost at my scalp and he pulled me high enough that my hands were no use in supporting me and easing the pain. His voice was dark, demanding and filled with anAlmost unnatural fury as he ‘tsked’ by my ear and I felt the backs of Adam’s fingers make use of my incapacity and run up between my thighs.

“You were not told to pleasure her. You were told to clean her.” He Shook me slightly, eliciting a whimper that I only just managed to keep behind my lips. Was he waiting for a response…but what did I call him? Was he master? No…somehow I knew he wasn’t. He was Sir…wasn’t he? The uncertainty came back just as Adam chuckled darkly and his fingers came away with more proof of my arousal. It made my thighs it, slick and smooth it was torturous now I only had that and Wren’s dark gaze beside my head to focus on. I wanted to squeeze my thighs together and moan, wanted to somehow press the front of this damn girdle hard against my clip, but know especially now that it would do no good. I was slick, I was soaked, and it coated my thighs and cushioned my clip in a way that made it agon because it meant I couldn’t find any source of friction. I was too well lubricated. It dawned on me just how this virgin’s girl was meant to work and I felt both frustrated fury and a begrudging appreciation for the contraction simultaneously.

My scalp started to go numb and I realized dimly that my hands were resting on Wren’s, the muscles in my arms tend to try and take my weight. My legs could not move as his leg was pressed up hard against my rear and I feared any movement of my hips would only increase the torque between my thighs as well as push me closer to the hard bulge I could feel against the bare skin of my leg. Though it had only been a few seconds since his warning, it felt like a lifetime with only one breath before he released me and my knees connected with the floor once again. I resisted the urge to massage my scalp and instead focused on that numb ache rather than the furious one between my legs.

“Ah good, the brandy.” His voice — suddenly so normal — was a shock to my system as I felt Wren’s heat and hardness move away and seat himself in front of us once more as though nothing had happened when Mr. Barton deposited the silver tray in before them. I saw Adam however — his fingers still glistening with my juice — smile first as he caught my eye before licking them clean and simultaneously push his hard cock back into the confines of his trousers. A low growl reached my ears from behind me and Adam’s gaze left mine immediately. I didn’t have to look to know from who the sound had originated, the deep rumble could only belong to him. I absolutely wondered whether he knew it was the same sound he made before he came last night. Adam Leisurely brought himself to standing, stretching out, before returning his chair to its correct position at the table and landing in it with as little grace as possible. The brothers sat at apparent ease and reached to pour themselves large glasses of the amber liquid, yet there was something that lurked there that made me want to cringe from them bothand move closer to Him — a certain cold barbarity that I could sense beneath the surface. It had been there in Adam’s smile…and it had existed in Wren’s eyes. It was something I did not want to bring down upon myself.

Their conversation sprang into life over mundane everyday things and I found myself rigid and unable to move. Crouched over Alice as I was, my hands now rested against the floor, my knees were slightly apart and I was pretty much on all-fours on display to the Earl. Granted, I was shielded by this wicked creation locked about my hips, yet I felt I may as well have been naked. I literally felt the moment his eyes left my prone form and focused on his two conversing cousins, but there was no relief…and I didn’t dare bring it back to me by moving. Alice shot half-hearted daggers and pouted at me from her position spread open beneath me, resting her open knees lightly on my arms to give me something to lean against if I needed it — or knock me over so my face would meet with her cunt once more — I never found out which one. Idly I was wondering whether my order to clean Alice ‘thoroughly’ extended to the small puddle on the poisoned floor beneath her, but his voice cut through my thoughts and dismissed us with the order to clear the table and the mess.

I stood on shaky legs, and although my acquiescence was still quiet, barely above a whisper, it was More immediately than before. I began to extend my hand to help Alice up but paused at the look on Wren’s face. In the millionsecond I dared allowed my gaze to connect directly with his, I felt a tremor — not delicious in the slightest — race through me. There were things in that black look that I should not delve into. The warning was clear. Leaving Alice to stand of her own according, I know it afforded the Brothers a decent flash of both her cunt and her arse as she too attempted to rise on unsteady limbs. She had barely moved an inch before the Earl’s voice caught my attention and I stopped reaching for the first of the plates.

“You missed a bit.”

I glanced up slowly; I could feel myself twitch as I thought about having to get down on the floor once more and the uncomfortable lack of pressure yet silky teasing my clip would receive again, but his next words were a minor relief.

“Miss Rousseau, I think you should taste yourself, clean the patch on my floor you have marred immediately. Miss Soren, continue with the plates.”

I nodded my head and obeyed — gathering the plates with hands that shook when Alice gave me a truly irritated glare — before she knelt once more, arse in the air and grimaced at what awaited her. Now cold and mixed with the taste of poison, I almost grimaced with her. Escaping to the kitchens with the plates, Mrs. Hiddleton was there before me, a flustered look upon her face which I couldn’t comprehend until I saw Barton’s hand struggling one side of her volunteer bosom, the yellow of his fingers stark against the pristine white ofHer apron making it seems more vulgar even than some of what I had just witnessed. I ignored them as I put the dishes aside and tried not to smile as the rather nice woman tried to hold a normal conversation with me. I made my excuses to anxious though and went about my task in a distant haze. When I collected the last of the cutlery and lifted the tablecloth it was to find that as Alice licked the floor — a floor which had long since run out of fluid to offer her tongue — Adam was absolutely fingering her cunt and arse slightly with his index finger and pinky while sipping brandy from a crystal glass in between the conversation.

It was the strangest thing I had ever seen.

“Retire to your room Miss Soren. We have no further need of you tonight.” I nodded and softly agreed before leaving the clothes and cutlery in the kitchen and fleeing to the quiet of my room to escape the piercing scream of Alice’s release. In my haste, I missed the look he had cast his housekeeper and it was only a few moments before I opened my door to her smiling face.


At 7, she had finished her task and I was about as mortified as I thought I could get. I had always kept myself neatly trimmed, but apparently in this household, bare and smooth was the way of it. Armed with a bowel of hot water and an antiquated blade, I had endured her steady hand and was left with a sensitivity that was mind blowing. Every millionmeter of skin surrounding my pussy tingled and I reached. As she reached for the girl, I realized I needed the bathroom. I was foolish to have hoped for privacy. I now had a newer horizon for embarrassment, and having a fifty-something-ish woman watch you pee after shaving your cunt was that horizon. I almost dreaded to think what could trump that.

By 10, I had watched two of the saddest movies I could find in my pitiful collection on my laptop and cursed at the fact my clip was now throbbing so much I couldn’t focus on the dying cast and their anguish. It was actually grating on my nerves how they lolled about in their grief. I briefly considered selecting the one film resembling porn I had downloaded but after the past twenty-four hours, the double-penetration and milk cock sucking seemed tame in comparison to what occurred here.

By midnight, I had wrapped my sheets around my body so tightly that my left leg had gone to sleep in my vain, half-conscious attempt of relieving my body against the material. No chance of that. I groaned when I heard Alice’s door close softly in the night and truly didn’t know whether to feel sorry for the girl who seemed to be the brother’s ideal playmate for skull-fucking, or jealous she at least had been able to come. Had he fucked her? I shook my head at that unbidden thought and wondered why I would care. I rolled over and stared at the ceiling, the covers moving over my breasts and drawing another moan from my lips. My nipples stood proud from my breasts, pumped tightly and pink, it almosthurt to touch them. I imagined Alice in my place on the floor from that evening, her tongue licking my body, her mouth closing around each rigid bud and drawing them into the heat of her mouth…

By 3, I was moaning against my pillow as denial and vivid imagination tormented me more than touch ever could.

By 5 I had fallen into an exhausted sleep plagued with dreams of many hands, mouths and tongues setting off pinpricks of fire across my skin. A cool breeze and lapping water at my sides was in stunning contrast and only sought to make my body tighten and wrong. I felt my head be brought beneath the water and my lips kissed until my lungs burned with lack of air, I felt the girl be removed and a cool tongue lap at the heat between my legs and I felt my entire form soar as my heart beat faster and my pussy clamped down on the tongue invading it.

It was at 6 my dream broke with the sound of my alarm and my fury filled growl.


“Ok, tell me. What is going on in there?” My sister sipped her coffee and I squirmed a little in my seat. “Who is he? The stable-boy…the Lord of the manor.”


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