Truth and Consequences Ch. 04

Angel stood in the doorway smiling, the woman in the wheelchair wasn’t quite the beauty she would expect a Dom like Steve to have but that also intrigued her. The fact that the man wasn’t so shallow as to need a beauty of epic proportions made him seem a bit more realistic to her. She let the woman in and as she closed the door behind the wheelchair she softly said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know who to expect at the front door I was just taken aback ma’am.”

“Well sweetie, most people are surprised at the fact that master has me for his submissive, but I’ll tell you what, I only don’t have use of these legs,” she grinned patting them, “I am fully capable of serving sir in anyway that another woman could. Besides he loves these big titles.”

Angel couldn’t help but laugh as the girl introduced herself as Lacey. She was upbeat and alive and without a care in the world seemingly. Angel had just expected the girl to be a bit sullen as were some of the patrons of the shop that came in to by porn, the wheelchair bound older men that seemed to hate life because they were not able to walk around anymore. Angel smiled at Lacey and filled her in on what was happening.

“Oh my I’ll bet that uppity bitch really enjoyed the beating they gave her, I love Trish to death but I know some of the people that work with her and say she is a class a bitch. We’ve been friends for a while and I imagine that today is a day she will not soon forget if Steve has a hand in it. I know the first time I was severely punished for anything I couldn’t walk for days. Oh wait,” she grinned, “I couldn’t have anyway, but you know what I mean, I was sore and my ass felt like it was on fire, and that was just from the whip.”

Lacey inquired as to how much they were going to put her through during the next few hours and was a bit surprised but giddy when Angel told her what she knew of Dave’s plan. “Now he may have changed a bit of it since this morning with your sir’s help but I can’thelp but wondering why they wanted you along as well.”

“Oh honey, it’s because master is faithful and I think from his discussion with me on the phone, that Dave was not quite prepared to let him fuck Trish. So I might be here to relieve sir’s sexual tension as the evening goes on. That or he wanted me here to witness this because he knows what a sadistic voyeur I am.”

Angel and Lacey made their way back into the front room and they could see that the two men were examining their handiwork on Trish’s ass with the whip. “Hello Lacey,” both men called out as they looked up. “It’s so nice to have you here to participate and watch Lacey,” Dave said.

“Well it was at master’s request but I’m honored to witness this Dave, um sir. Jesus I won’t know what to call you from Now on, as Angel tells it you are slipping into a Dom role very easily.”

“Whichever you prefer or Steve wishes is fine with me Lacey,” Dave replied.

“Sir will do in private my little slut, but atthe club if others are around I think Dave would be best,” Steve chimed in.

“Yes, master, sir it will be then.”

Steve directed Lacey to sit next to his side as the men went to gather small paddles, Trish’s ass still had a few spots that could be teased and spanked and Dave had suggested another round of paddling before they moved away to other parts of her body.

“One thing though, Angel I want you to stand beside my slut wife and tug at the chain linking all the clamps as we spank her. After each spank I want you to tug the chain and let it go loose again as you see us swinging for home.”

Angel smiled, “Yes, sir,” she quipped taking up her place as instructed and feeling naughty and a bit jealous, she had hoped for some attention today but it was far from over she thought. There was still time for her to feel the whip and be used and abused if Dave saw fit to do so. If not she would poorly return again to assist him, for just basking in the glow of his newFound skills was enough to keep her wet and on edge.

Dave watched as Steve swung the paddle, one with small metal smooth studs sticking out and it contrasted nicely to the wooden one that Angel had picked out for Dave this morning. The one in the shape of a hand that would resonate the crack each time he spanked her. Dave let a moment pass after Steve had spanked Trish and Angel had tugged the chain before swinging his own paddle. The feel was so much different as the wood made contact with her ass, as opposed to the whip. This was more intimate Dave thought, it was as if when he spanked her with the paddle it was his hand on her ass. He could feel the flesh yield to him and redden even more where the whip had not given that same manner of touching sensing.

Trish yelped behind the gag as she felt the first paddling hit her ass. Just as the sequencing pain hit her bottom, Angel had tugged the chain attached to the clamps and made the jolt of pleasure shot through each of hernipples and her clip. This was too much and she began to cum again as they swatted and used her ass as a sort of primitive target. She was getting all she wanted and much more, she was slightly ashamed though that Lacey was here, seeing her broken down like the submissive slut she was. But she also reckoned that Lacey had been in much the same predicament once upon a time and she let those thoughts go from her mind as she concentrated on the pain and pleasure of all that was going on.

Abruptly Dave and Steve stopped their paddling. Trish’s ass was welted nicely now and there would be no more done to her ass tonight, not in discipline anyway. Dave didn’t want her ass to be raw and bleeding just welted and bruised. That much had been accomplished now he was sure. Dave instructed Angel to unbind his wife and to lead her to the couch for a moment of rest. She was to remain cuffed though with her hands now in front of her and then she would be allowed one quick bathroom break beforethe next stage began. Angel was also given strict orders not to let Trish touch or pleasure herself, and she was to get the bottle of salve she had sold him this morning and rub Trish’s hot posterior with it. Steve gave Lacey a brief nod that let her know she was allowed to assist Angel and then the two men went into the kitchen for a beer and consulting session.

“That went rather well Dave, you are a natural at whipping and spanking but now comes the more intricate part of the evening. You want to break her down verbally, use everything you can that you know will humiliate the part of her that cheated on you. It won’t be easy but as she indicated on her little checklist she likes the idea of ​​verbal abuse when in a scene.”

“Wait a minute right there Steve, you lost me, what exactly is a scene?”

“That is what we were doing and what we are doing tonight. It’s when you are involved in the role play or spanking, whipping, verbally abusing, sexual acts and so on.”

“Oh all right, some of the wording is still new to me and I am doing my best to understand it Steve. But you might have to enhance me from time to time. It isn’t that everything is unknown to me from the world of D/s but it still has certain elements that I don’t quite grap. Thank you again for all of this if I forget to tell you later.”

“No problem buddy this is what friends are for,” Steve chuckled, “I must admit I’m interested in the verbal breakdown of Trish as much as I am the physical. Do you have any ideas on how you are going to start or do you think you will need some assistance?”

“I noted that Trish likes a little light face slapping and I plan on including that while berating and breaking her down. But I think I will start simple, laying out all I discovered and yelling at her in front of you three. You know how she can’t stand the thought of others seeing her shortcomings, so that infidelity will knock her down several notches. Beyond that I have no idea what else to say or do. What would you do Steve?

“Oh man, well in your case I think that line would work exceptionally well. I don’t think there is a set formula for this one I can give you, each person has his or her own breaking points and that as you said might be Trish’s. This portion doesn’t have to last long though, you just have to lay down the law and see to it that she understands that from here on out you mean business. Make sure you add the name calling in there; she reacted well to that earlier. I know Lacey loves to be called a slut, all the time, even prefers it to ever being called Lacey. I even have a nametag for her at work that goes through one of those big nipples she has pierced that says “slut”.”

“Well that is another idea of ​​mine, I want to go and have her pierced sometimes soon but I think that one can wait. I want her to be broken in first and then go for the added bits of flare. Besides I haven’t decided if it will just be the nips or if her clip will be gettering pierced as well. So many thoughts have gone through my head the last two days that I’m still jumbling some of it around.”

“Alright man the next question is this,” Steve began, “if you are deadly serious about all this as I know you are, what do you have in mind to do with that hot little piece of ass Angel and secondly what about collaring Trish.”

“Now collaring I have read about a lot since yesterday and already had knowledge of,” Dave replied, “I want to do that in the next week or so with Trish as soon as she is being as a good little slut and we have a day that she doesn’t get herself into trouble. It may take a little longer knowing what a tongue that woman has and how much she likes to talk back and be in control but I’d like to complete that process as soon as possible. As for Angel, I don’t know yet, that girl is smoking hot, and she seems to be eager to please without receiving any compensation for her efforts. I toyed with the idea today of taking her onas a submissive as well, to let her assist in guiding me as well as Trish in this new relationship.”

“Whoa buddy, right there is something you don’t want to do, never let a submissive guide your actions, if it is guiding as to what might be right toward Trish that’s one thing but if she starts telling you what you should do to her that’s what we call, topping from the bottom. It’s when a submissive controls his/her Dom. That is a door you don’t want to open. Her assistance might give Trish ideas about how to get you to do to her what she wants all the time. While sometimes that is fine, others you need to impose your will and needs upon her. Now as for taking two submissive sluts at once, I’ll warn you to be careful, some of the most experienced Doms won’t take two at the same time. Simply because that can be one to many to deal with. Now if they get along through all of this and Trish expresses the liking of having a submissive sister then by all means explore it. Do it on a trial basis first though. In case it’s too much for you to handle. But I’ve done it, having two subs at once can be a rewarding thing. You have so many more options then, I think that you could handle it but let’s get you into all different aspects tonight and this week and then if you want more information on multiple subs we’ll do the searching online and in my club together. One of the regular Doms that patronizes my club has three subs and they all seem overjoyed with him, so I might arrange a little meeting so he can share that with you but take it slow for now and don’t rush decisions. “

“Thanks Steve, you have given me a lot to ponder over the next few weeks but for now let’s go back out there and train that nasty little wench right.”

The men finished off there beers and headed into the front room. They stood just inside the doorway watching as Lacey and Angel rubbed the salve into Trish’s ass and were surprised as the girls would accidentally slip a finger down to tease Trish’s slit or tight little asshole as they worked.

Steve knew Lacey would tease Trish mercilessly because of their relationship but this Angel creativity was proving to be a well-rounded sub as well. She wouldn’t break on of Dave’s rules no matter how much Trish begged her to slip her finger inside her or to tug on the chain. He was amazed that the girl was already showing signs of devotion to Dave and he was Pleased. If Dave could gain two subs out of this situation after having found out his wife cheated then all the better for his friend. It would make things much more interesting when they all went out together that was for sure.

“Trish come and knee before me,” Dave ordered her, he wasn’t as confident in this area but he had a plan and that was the best he could do. There was no definite plan or method for this that he had been able to find online or in any of the books he had purchased. Finally Steve had given him the only advice he could, so it was time to wing it and see if he had the making of the Dom he hoped to become. This was going to be a stall in the dark but he was going to forge through though and tackle this as best as he could.

Trish knelt before him her ass still afire and she knew that this was the beginning or the end of the verbal and mental training Dave had planned for her. She hoped that he would find it deep down inside him to be able to berate her as she craved and put her in her place. Dave had only come close a few times during their marriage but now he had more ammunition and a male pride to protect, as he would begin his attack. She knew that if he hit one of any areas she would be put in that subspace that the other two men she had met had taken her to. She had been there twice today as she had been whipped and spanked and now it was going to have nothing to do with physical contact but it needed to be harsh. She braced herself and was prepared for all that Dave might say.

“All right slut, this is the timeWhen I’m going to expose, humiliate and break you down. I’m going to make you confess your desires, your inhibitions and finally all your limits and fears. The others are going to listen for a few different reasons, I want them to know what a cheating who you are and just how depraved you can be behind closed doors. I want them to also be an intimate part of our lives from here on out and the ladies are both submissive and have been in your place I’m sure, but Steve is going to assist me if I false today. I’m not to proud to announce here that this is new to me, but I’m dedicated to becoming a good, fair, and demanding Dom like a cunt like you needs.”

Trish gasp, she wasn’t prepared for all of that speech and while it scared her a bit it made her stay wet and heightened her awareness. She was about to be exposed whether she liked it or not and she rather thought she would like it. She told and nodded, “Yes, master, I am prepared to answer and do all that is needed.”

“First of all we all know that you have cheated on me and whored yourself out, you may not have been paid but you have let at least two men discussion you besides us here today and one of them if you told the fucking truth stuck his cock deep in that adultess cunt of yours.” Dave began to get more pissed as he thought about it, using this as fuel he let loose with the next barrage of words. “You don’t even begin to think or be able to imagine how that made me feel before you fucking cunt,” he slapped her face lightly shocking her as he got more into it, “I hope you enjoyed it because that was the last time anyone else will fuck you unless I let a few friends fuck you or I decide to discard you and whore you out for other men to fuck and abuse. I know anal sex has always scared you so maybe I’ll let some huge cocked stud pound your asshole some night just to hear you scream.”

Trish felt her orgasm begin, Dave was hitting desires and humiliating her much better than she had expectedd and as he continued she knew that her past life coming and going and being free was a distant memory. This change in Dave was overwhelming for her and she felt closer to him and in awe of the rapid change he had made in the past 24 hours. Little did she know he had done a little more research in the past than he had let her in on.

“I have searched through the computer files and found all the movies of girls getting disciplined and abused, used as fucktoys and cumsluts. I know what turns you on; I know that you have had many discussions online, no, many intimate erotic cyber sex sessions with Doms online. Each of those showed me what a dirty, nasty, conniving tramp you are. You did all of this while I was at work or in bed sleep you bitch. You could have come to me and explained what you wanted and we could have approached it slowly instead of brutally in front of others like we are doing now. I want to fucking continue beating your ass until you can’t walk, I want to do thingsto you that I would normally despise a man for doing to a woman but you’re such a cunt to all the people you work with and while we were happily married I thought you were still a complete backstabbing bitch to me. I should out you at work as well and show your co-workers and those beneath you the video of tonight. I should let them see you are a submissive bitch that can be walked all over and a good slap will shut you the fuck up and keep you quiet. Or another thought is one day I’m going to walk into your office and push you over the desk with the door open and the blinds left up and fuck you as hard as I can and make them all hear your moans and cries of pleasure.”

Steve gave Dave a quick nod and wink and let him know that he thought his friend was doing a great job so far. This was better than anyone in the room had expected. Dave might not need any more help after tonight, other than an occasional tip here and there. Dave seemed to be mastering this skill quicker or at least as quickly as he had everything else thus far.

Trish came several times through Dave’s speech, he had hit things that would arouse, scare and thrill her all at the same time. He knew her better than she had given him credit for and she was anticipating the next little bit would cement all of this into one wonderful experience.

Angel sat there kneeing with Lacey on one side of her and Dave standing on her right. She could feel the wetness of her panties against her little mound and she was thrilled as Dave berated his wife and broke the slut down. If he proved to be this dedicated as a Dom and wanted her she knew that as of this moment she would willingly give herself to him and be completely happy. She held no thoughts of this falsely being more than it was but she loved the thought of being his submissive toy if he wanted to Take her. It was that simple for her, her search for a Dom that was true and dedicated to the pleasure of his submissive and would go to these lengths for them. It was as if she had been working this morning for a reason she thought, perhaps she had been meant to find Dave or have Dave find her, only time would tell though.

Lacey as well sat there amazing, she had known Dave for a long time, and she had only seen this side of him at work. She had seen him in his club when things had gone wrong and this natural domineering side of him would come out and he would put up with no shit from anyone. He had always demanded the best of his employees and wouldn’t tolerate anything less. She had teased Steve for a few years now about Dave being a closet Dom, she had seen it but Steve thought that she was wrong that Dave wouldn’t be able to exert that much dominant projection for more than the few minutes it took to fix a situation. Although he had agreed about the way Dave had run his club and the expert he demanded.

Dave continued, “You are no longer to be trusted without supervision until you have proven yourself again. It’s sad that it has come to this and as you know your computer access at home and work has been cut short. I don’t think that anyone should have that done to them but I have to, it ensures that you won’t be finding men to dominate you online and it will give you time to dedicated yourself to pleasure me. The sexual training you are going to get should have you busy for quite a while. Over the next two weeks you will be wearing those nipple huggers and clip clamp whenever you are awake, you will be allowed to take them off for one hour during the day and that will be all. You will also be wearing a butt plug and getting enemyas daily, to keep you clean and to stretch out that tight asshole of yours. So that when I finally decided to fuck it or have it fucked you will be prepared. You are also going to explore those bisexual feelings and desires you have starting tonight. If you balk at this then I will toss you out on your cheating, lying ass and lock the doors and you will be exposed for all you are publicly. I’ll post signs with your name at work saying that you are a submissive cheating cunt and you’ll fuck anyone that comes knocking at your door. You see the past is over; the quiet man you married has now found a new side to himself and is going to be exerting power and control over you. This is your one chance to get up and walk away before I continue.”


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