She wanted him.
From the moment he stared into her eyes with steely determination and that devilish grin crept upon his face she knew she was hooked.
The only question in her mind was not if it would happen, but when. The age of time’s slow passage tormented her waking moment. She could not breathe without desiring his lips upon her bare skin or his hands running through the silky smooth strands of her hair.
She wanted him. Badly.
The night started with a twist as she had picked out a new outfit and undergarments to wear for what she secretly hoped would be a wild night of password. She was hardly the type to be searching for attire in that section of the store, you know, the one occurred exclusively by the girls with the amazing bodies and the attitudes to match. Ah, but she was in fact browsing the skimpy leather skirts and the thigh-high boots.
And she liked it. A lot.
Just the idea of dressing up for him and watching his eyes fill with the fire she longed to be immersed in was a rush of excitement. If she felt this sexy and aroused by the mere thought and preparation for the night, how would she feel when fantasy shifted into reality? The thought would not leave her head, and that was fine by her. She was enjoying herself.
Being someone she was not, at least not normally.
However she did have an inner demon, if you one could call it that. She enjoyed the erotic side of life, though she was often too shy and proper to ever explore it, but there was something about him.. about his eyes and his voice and his aura of supreme confidence that penetrated her most ardent barriers and left her naked before him. He saw exactly what she wanted, and she liked that. She would give it to him.
Repeatedly, she thought with a sly grin.
She laid out the outfit and got into the shower. The water feel like tiny pin pricks all across her body. She obviously shook with the tingling sensing that coursed through her. He made her feel so alive. She adored that. Glancing at the clock nestled next to her bed she quickly dried off and set to the process of drying her hair. She would look as magnificent as possible for her gentleman, and the fun would be unwrapping the present. Such thoughts streamed through her head as she busy went about getting dressed and situationed for the evening ahead.
The anticipation was so great.
She followed the directions to the hotel he was staying at and in her rush she almost forgot the bottle of Merlot he had asked her to bring. She made her way to the elevator and ascended to the floor 23 and stepped out into a long corridor. After a brief moment to get her bearings straight, she proceeded down the left passage before coming upon his door. With a deep breath and pulling the extremely short miniskirt down just a little, she knocked.
Anticipation. . .
He opened the door wide and resting before her was a bouquet of her favorite arrangement of flowers, multi-colored roses. He invited her in and she was all but in shock at how he had figured out that small tidbit about her. She stood there silently, before he offered to take the bottle from her. Absently she passed it to him still admiring the gift he had so elegantly placed. This was perfect she thought.
And then she felt it.
His breath grazing the back of her neck. She almost didn’t want to turn Around, she could smell him, not some cheap cologne, but his actual scent. It was delicious to her. She wanted to feel his lips upon her body so badly. Especially her neck, that was always a weak spot for her. He lowered his head near her right ear and whispered ever so seductively, “Turn around for me, my dear.”
She obeyed.
Slowly she swiveled about, resting before him and beneath his penetrating gaze. His eyes bore into her and almost through her, and then the smile created his lips. The smile of a predator that has not yet ensnared his prey, yet knows he has alreadywon. He was toying with her. And she loved every moment of it. Suddenly the silence was broken. “You will do as I say. Nothing more. Nothing less. Your pleasure will come. You will trust me implicitly. Now, nod your head in agreement.” This was a side of her she had never seen she didn’t know how to react except to obey his desires. She nodded swiftly, still tingling with excitement and nervousness. He then spoke again to her.
“Good. Now, remove your clothes while I watch.”
She was stunned. What in the world was going on? She figured she would dine with him. He would amuse her with his incredible charm and tease her in his mercilessly adoring way. She was taken aback by the roses and the beautiful card he had sent her days ago. He had been the perfect gentleman up to this point, and now he expected her to just disrobed for him like some call girl? How dare he? She was far better than that, she was not here to play games, and she didn’t appreciate being treated like that.
Or did she?
As much as she was telling herself that she didn’t like it, the more thrilling the prospect became to her. Could that possibly be true? How could it? She wasn’t like that, far from it. She had spent some wild times in college, which is to say she partied and slept with a couple guys she didn’t know and never saw more than the one night of pleasure they shared, but certainly nothing like This. Time had defeat on and she had matured, yet she could tell she was becoming more and more aroused by his look of almost satisfaction as he watched her wrestle with the decision.
He was enjoying this.
And suddenly it occurred to her. So was she! She was about to speak to him and inquire as to how he knew she might find it appealing before she actually went through with it, but he merely raised his right hand in the air with his index finger extended and the words never seem to come to her. She fell silent and unsure of herself. She understand. She was not allowed tospeak, not unless he told her to, and the sexual tension in the room which was once a fireplace was now a full-fledged bonfire. Breathing deeply to herself and living in the moment, she returned his smug expression with a semiconductor gaze of her own as she bit her lower lip.
“First your blouse.” was all he said in reply.
Slowly she unbuttoned the blue silk bloom from the top to the bottom, trying her hardest Not to fumble with this fundamental task while being as sexy as possible. She wasn’t successful, she thought, except at becoming more and more turned on with each passing moment. Agony had turned to sweet ecstasy as the blouse hit the floor. “Good. Now, remove your skirt.” She did as she was told, unzipping the side and letting it slip down to the floor. She stood before him in a lacy pair of dark blue bra and panties with matching garter and stockings. The thigh-highs were the icing to the cake, she thought delightfully to herself.
“Now it is time for me to play wit you,” he said as his voice echoed throughout her mind.
He walked over to her now, and his finger touched the top of her right bra strap, slowly he slip his finger underneath and pulled the stick down. He repeated the process with the left. Each touch of his skin upon her own sent ships through her body. She was doing her best to remain standing, let alone lobby some form of protest to his actions. She was enjoying herself far too much. He walked behind her and unclasped the bra. He returned before her, and leaned near her whispering, “You’re going to enjoy this, watch.” As he gently pulled the bra away from her body. She literally shook as her knees went weak. She was standing in a hotel room with a man she barely knew yet was trusting completely, doing things she never thought in her character, and best yet, loving Every minute of it. She saw the look of hunger in his eyes as he marveled at her body. She wasn’t the most beautiful or fit woman in the world, but she could tell that to him she was the only woman in the world at that very moment.
And she was the most beautiful.
She could not remove her eyes from him as he stood there fully clothed in a collared shirt and slacks. His eyes remained locked on her as he slowly trailed his fingers down her left arm to her waist. “Are you having fun?” was his only query before he placed his hands upon her hips. He moved in closer to Her and placed his fingers inside either end of her panties and left them there for what seemed like an eternity of desire. She wanted him so badly, but she was frozen in her wants. He then flipped his fingers out quickly and unhooked her garter before returning his fingers and edge her panties down her body. He went with them as his tongue traced down her abdomen to her sex and he gently kissed her there. Again, she shook and let out a small gasp. He immediately rose to his feet and flashed a hint of fury as he almost hisssed, “I did not say you could speak. No sounds.”As punishment he pinched her nipples hard, squeezing them while looking into her eyes. The sudden sense of tremendous sensing left her in a daze. She didn’t know what to feel except the sweet tint of painful pleasure. He twisted them and pinched even harder, the pain becoming more poignant. Then she felt his tongue upon each nipple, slowly licking and sucking each one, bringing nothing but glorious delight to her.
She was hooked.
And he knew it. She would not disobey again, lest she suffer a less lenient “punishment.” His lips touched her skin softly as he kissed her breasts and worked his way up to her neck. He began alternative between licking, suckling, and biting. Each painful moment followed by one of immense pleasure. She was quickly becoming his and his alone. And she liked it. He would occasionally whisper into her ear, almost inaudible to her as she could not concentrate on anything but the intense sensings flooding her body. His nails digged into her back andraked up and down, she shivered with each pass, until they firmly grabbed her ass. She stifled an incredible moan by biting down hard on her lips. He stopped then and looked at her and whispered to her. “It is time to play.”
With that he literally throw her onto the bed.
She was unaccustomed to such force and desire, especially in the bedroom, and again she could barely keep up with what happened before as something new began. He then worked his kissing down her stomach to her lower abdomen. Down her left thigh around to her leg and back up the inner thigh working over to the right. Her legs remained closed, however, as she was quickly learning not to disobey. He almost grew at her as he said, “Spread your legs for me.” The thought of what she was doing was exciting enough, but when she Actually did it, she could tell she was more than hot and incredibly wet. He kissed her in a variety of ways before working his way back up her body.
Every inch of her was aching with enjoyment.
He finally made his way to her neck where he grabbed a fistful of hair and roughly pulled back on it, the pain was brief and it exposed her neck for a new assault. She was still unsure of what she was doing and what all it entailed. She was completely foreign to anything even remotely similar to this, but she knew she was hooked. She couldn’t deny the enjoyment she was Undergoing, and she made it known with some clawing of her own, and the pleasure and moans that escaped his mouth made it known to her that she could play as well. She wanted to learn more and never wanted the moment to end. And end it did not for quite a long time into the wee hours of the morning. The evening ended with two bodies collapse into a delectable entanglement of exhausted sexuality. Right before she drifted off into slumber in his arms she heard him whisper in his most seductive way:
“You are mine. No one else’s. There is no going back now, my delicious slave.”
A smile pursued her lips as sleep overtook her.
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