True Mastery

This story was from a dark corner of my mind that DreamWeaverAz helped me write. I am not that good at reacting as a Dominant would. This is a story warning the wanna-bes out there. A true Master goes beyond the kink.

“Three fingers, teasing softly, not entering but lingering, the middle finger pushing lightly wanting to enter, mmmm how wet you are.”

I moan softly hearing His voice. My heart racing as my Master speaks in my ear. I can’t believe i am sitting here on this desolate road allowing Him to take me. My breathing becomes heavier as He continues talking to me walking through what His hands are doing to this body… His body.

“Mmm Master please…” my voice is hard to find when He gets me this way it doesn’t help how scared and vulnerable this new situation has made me. I can feel His hand between my legs, His other hand at my collar tugging me closer to Him as he torques and teas this body, driving me to the edge only to stop before pushing me closer, making me wait, to beg, to beg to release…

“Good girl. Do you like that?”

“Yes Master….. please, please may i have more, please Master.” the fate slowly rising in my voice. I was so afraid of being caught on this road, my pants down to my ankles, my shirt up and over my breasts, my bra pulled under each breast revealing them making them higher, the streetlight in the distance causing a small glimmer on the nipple clamps He had me wearing. My heart has never beaten so fast. So public, but so private. To be found like this with my hands between my legs… oh my….

“The middle finger spreading you open, exploring but not yet entering. Teasing you the wetness growing… Mmmm” His voice soothing, my mind and body losing to Him so deeply my hands do as He says, my mind not processing that the hands touching me are my own. My body begins to slowly push against my hands, yet they never enter. My breathing growing heavier as i slip deeper into His control.

“Pushing past the wet lips slowly taking what is Mine..” my middle finger slowly pushing through i moan out craving more.

“Master….” breathing heavy into the phone, my mind searching for elusive words. My slide into my complete submission is suddenly changing as my tone turn urgent..

“Master… a cop i have to go. Will call right back.” i click the phone shut and pull the headset off tossing them both to the Passenger seat. My hands moving quickly as i straighten out my clothes, the red and blue lights making me dizzy as i pull my pants up to my waist but not quite fast enough so i pulled my shirt over my open zippered pants just as the cop knocked on my window.

“Is there a problem Miss?” The officer asks. I see his eyes trace down to my collar and back up to my eyes. His badge shining in his own headlights. I barely make out the last name… Karey.

“Um, no… no Officer Karey… i was on the phone so i pulled over.” I was hoping he wouldn’t smell the sweet scent ofmy arousal, my heart pumping even more wildly hoping i was not caught.

“Can you please step out of the vehicle?” He smiles softly and lets his eyes linger once again at my collar.

“Um, did i do anything wrong?” With a quick movement he yanks open my door and reaching in grabbing me by my collar and drags me out of my car, my pants falling to my ankles revealing that i had no panties on.

“Now girl i know what you are. You’re a little slut, look at you, no panties. What were you doing?” He twirls me around quickly and pushes me towards the back of my car not really giving me a chance to explain.

“No please don’t! Please! I was talking with my… my… my Master… please!” tears begin flooding down my cheeks as the fear of what might happen rips Through my very being.

“You fucking slut!” He pushes hard over the trunk the breath being taken from me as my stomach slams against it. I am sobbing now as i hear his pants unzip.

“Oh please no… please Sir…no!!!” the tears spinning down my cheeses as he grabs both my wrist behind me and handcuffs them together. I am so scared now and my Master was an hour away. Would He come and find me? He know where i was, but would He know to help me?

“I know what you are… and you will know your place you little bitch…”

“Please nooooooooooo!!!” He turns me around to face him, my hands cuffed behind my back.

“Shut up you little cunt! Another word from you and you will receive a punishment above all else.” He raised his hand and struck me hard across my cheek… my knees buckled as i whimpered and began to silently cry, afraid that he would hurt me more. He turned me around and bent me over my trunk. He takes out his cock and slowly rubs it between my wetness…

“Your already soaking wet… what a good little cunt you are…” He then thrust deep inside me, i bite down hard on my lip trying not to scream…

“Master please…” my heart reaching out to my Master looking to Him to escape this cops brutal assault on me. Seeking my Masters warm arms embracing me caressing me saving me from this… this creativity. between the violent thrusts of the cops raging cock i slip back into the painful reality hearing my cell phone. i knew at that moment it was my Master, my savior, and my peace…

“Pl ease Sir… please, let me answer that… its my Master.” My tears glistening in the glow of his headlights as i look back pleading with all that i was. He raised his hand and he lands hard on my cheek, my face slamming into the hood. I see stars from his power.

“Shut up bitch… when I’m done.” His thrust going deeper and harder inside me. i can taste the blood on my lip, my anger drying my tears, my body helpless to defend itself. I take this cop, this man of no respect. It goes on forever in my head. His relentless poundings, my stomach pressed harder into the trunk, my lip swelling, the hint of blood fueling my own taste for his blood, to hurt him, tomake him feel as bad as i felt.

His hand would land down hard on my ass, pain searing into my already wounded mind. my mind escaping his blows as i went to where my Masters arms were holding me tight, protecting me. It was almost as if i was watching this man brutally take some other girl. but i was that girl and that pain was in that body. Blow after blow would land on my body as he fucked my harder and harder. I scream out thinking i had escaped his assault with some dignity when he pulls out of me without cumming. my body is weak and limp leaning against the trunk. my heart almost breaks when i feel his swollen cock pressing against the tight entrance of my ass.

“Please!!! Not there!!! my Master… please…” that was the one entrance that my Master kept for Him and only on the days He wanted to push me deeper into His control. With only my juices coating his cock he rams it in hard, my eyes closing tightly as i feel my body seemingly ripping in half. Among the starridden pain i scream but it sounds like someone else, a scene i am watching from the side. Tears streaming down my cheeks as the cop violently taking my ass.

The cop pumping harder and faster knowing he must be close to cumming and hopefully he will be done with me. Then with a loud groan he pulls out and his hot cum splashes over my ass. my body crumbles to the ground. my strength gone, my mind hot with anger, my heart breaking thinking i had let my Master down this body, his body defined by this.. this.. asshole.

A soft almost primary growl comes from the deep recesses of my throat as the cop undoes the cuffs, his voice now back to normal as if nothing happened, and worse of all like we knew each other.

“Thanks babe, hope to catch you here again and maybe then I can show you a real Master.” with that he does up his pants and returns to his car and pulls away.

I lay on the ground my body slowly revealing a deep bruise across my stomach from his assault on me, myface now feeling stiff as i truly feel the hits he inflicted. i can’t seem to move, my body trembling as the tears begin to spew forth. My phone rings again but i just can’t move. i am so ashamed of what just happened. I close my eyes as the floodgates open. The guilt and pain, tears splashing on the rough ground. I had laid there for i don’t know how long. my body and mind tattered. I began to try and coat myself to get up, he might return, my Masters probably worried.

I almost scream out in panic when i see headlights coming down the road… i crawl to the ditch trying to hide in the shadows hoping they didn’t see me and would keep going. my mind screaming, my body not listening as it should. i roll off into the ditch, the rocks scraping my body. I curl up in a ball when i see the lights stop. oh no please… no more. please keep going, please no.

“kajira” i hear His voice. My Master. was i imagineing things or was it truly Him? I hear a car door open and footfalls on theside of the road. I am still too scared to call out. Maybe i imagined it was He and it was actually the cop.

“Kajira answer Me!” my heart leaves. i heard the command and concern in His voice but i was so ashamed i couldn’t move.

“Master…” my voice weak and soft as i forced myself to answer. I saw His strong form standing above me holding my pants in His hand inspecting them. I could almost see His thoughts as He wondered why they were in the road. Then His eyes fell to me i swear i could almost hear His heart break. I was curled up in a ball hiding in the shadows wanting to fade into the dark to keep my Master from the pain He was now feeling.

He walks down to me and i start crying. my heartbreaks from the shadows and guilt i felt, looking as i did, being used as i was. i couldn’t do anything but cry.

“My sweet beauty, are you ok?” His voice was coating as if He was talking to a lost child, His strong arms lifting me carrying me up to the light. When He had gotten me to the top I felt His body tension. His anger apparent at the damage that was done.

“I’m…i’m so sorry Master.. please…” i began to sob out into his chest.

“No my sweet beauty, I am sorry, this will not happen again.” His voice was soft and soothing, as He pulled me tighter into his chest. “This will not happen again.” As He repeated it again it sounded like a promise wrapped dangerously in a threat.

Come to find out He was not to far away when all this happened, he was going to surprise me. But this wanna-be Dominant with a bad changed things.

“Where are your keys little one?” i had to stop for a minute, my mind still hated His soothing voice bringing me slowly back to focus.

“In the car Master.” He opened the passenger side of His car and gently laid me on the front seat. I while softly not wanting Him to leave me.

“Ssshhh… we will tend to your car later, i am going to lock it up and i will take you home.” He gently closes the door andDisappears to my car. I lay there in His front seat still curled up in a tight ball. I know what i am but i had never been treated so badly. my body and my heart ached, the tears once again started to flow.

He slipped back into his car and pulled my head to His thigh. I rested my sore chef there as my tears wet His pant leg. He closed the door gently and placed His hand in my hair grasping it tenderly but tightly assuring me i was now safe.

I could feel His anger the whole way to His house. My body stiff and hurt from the unexpected beating I slipped in and out of consciousness. Then I felt the car come to a stop. He released my hair as i whimpered softly not wanting to be free of His grapsp. He closes His door and comes around for me. Scooping me up ever so lovingly in His arms He takes me into His house.

He makes His way to the door me in His arms, and ever so gently He opens the door to His house. The warmth of Him is so much in His home, it washes over me as slipunconscious safe in His arms. Knowing i was now truly safe with my Master my body took over as i completely shut down.

My mind slipped to warm dreams and soft cares. Master. my loving Master. His hands slowly exploring my body. Lovingly tenderly exploring the wounds. my moans soft. moans of relief. moans of pain. moans of disbelief.

I wake with a startle and find myself in His bed, my wounds banded and my body clean. I wondered if He had bathed me. my heart wanted to exploit with the love that He had bestowed upon me. I look around slowly trying to sit up and His strong hand is on my chest pressing me back down.

“Don’t move, relax your safe now.” He was on the bed beside me and I slowly became aware of other voices in the room.

“Can you recall any of what happened to you? Maybe a name and a description? Can you handle this right now?” I turned on my side nuzzling next to His body, i could feel the soft sheets across my bare skin. Bare skin??? oh no, and there are others here? do they know what i am? does my nakedness offend them? i blush softly and tug the sheets up to try and cover.

“Relax my beauty they are here to help.” i relax my grip on the sheets.

“Master the guy was Officer Karey…” i softly described what i saw of him and remembered everything that had happened. as soon as i had finished describing the officer i felt Master tense and the room became heavy. They knew this person… oh no.

“It will be taken care of Dream. This We promise. Later We will finalize the details.” The man speaking turned to me, his hand gently caresing my bruised chef. “It will most definitely be taken care of.” The man and what appeared to be two others stood and left me to my Master. I sat there stunned wondering how I could have slept through people in the room. i was such a light sleeper. What plans had i missed?

He leaned down kissing my forehead ever so gently. Then moving my long auburn locks out of my face caressed down my cheek, His hand dropping to my collar giving it a small tug before i once again slipped off to sleep. Once again safe in my Masters arms.

I awoke the following day and my Master was not beside me. i nearly panicked. i had so much to do and i slept in. right as i was about to bolt out of bed i see His form standing in the doorway. i was about to slide out of His bed and knee. He must have seen that look, His voice strong but commanding as i flinched and remained still.

“Stop. Relax. Today is a special day. I have a gift especially for you.” my heart raced hearing that… and i was suddenly afraid when i felt the cool trace of His anger lacing His words. was that anger with me?

“you need this little one. I am not only your Master, as I am also your Protector. Rest. you will need it for tonight.” He stepped back from the doorway and reached for something, i blushed when i saw Him pull a small cart with two covered trays on it. i squirmed nervously in His bed.

His walk was slow and deliberate across the room. He sat on the edge of His bed, His bright hazel eyes staring down into mine. i look down at the sheets barely covering me feeling slightly ashamed at the attention. i should be serving Him, tending Him, showing him how much i love Him.

He cups my cheek gently pulling my eyes up to His. my blush crisis as it spreads down my chest. He smiles ever so warmly to me, my heart melting under His gaze, i fight the urge to throw myself to my place at His feet.

Uncovering the first tray from the cart i see breakfast. i giggle softly most of my fear melting.

“Eat. you will need your strength. do not uncover the second tray. above all stay on My bed. I will be back in a few minutes.”

“yes Master.” uncertainty was in my voice but i would never defy my Master. He kissed my forehead before standing back up and heading out His bedroom door.

i sat quietly on His bed and ate the prepared breakfast. small bite after anotheri finished the meal. carefully replacing my used bowl and utesils.. i carefully cover the dish, staring at the second tray. my hands trembling as i am within inches of the unknown, i resist and lay back on His bed, covering my naked body in His sheets. i can’t help but to smile as i look around. too bad better circumstances hadn’t brought me to His bed. yet who am i to complain, i nestled down deeper in His sheets and Sighed a sight of contentment.

i didn’t know i had fallen sleep again until i felt His eyes on me. i sat straight up, once again my mind stopping my body from slipping to the floor. the sheet fell to my wait exposing my voluptuous chest to Him. As many times as He has seen me naked i still blush.

He entered and once again sat beside me. i looked over to the cart and one tray was gone. When had He come in Here? my body was still stiff and i was confined to His bed. i wanted to move and stretch but most of all i wanted to be pleasure to Him and couldn’t understand how i can do that being battered and restricted to bed.

He uncovered the remaining tray revealing bandages, a large bowl, i could now see the washcloth and towels under the cart. i squirm a little as He pulls the sheet completely from me. my nipples harden in the exposure. i look down not seeing anything, my eyes blurring, not focusing.

i hear Him moving, the clothes unfolding and dipping into the bowl of water. He squeezes it out, i hear the water raining back into the bowl. His weight shifts as He turns back to me.

“Lay back kajira.” His mere voice takes complete control of my body as it does everything automatically.

The warm washcloth finds it’s way to each of my cuts and many bruises. the warmth of not only the clothes but also my Master love and care for me flows through me soothing me. i purr ever so softly under His care. His strong hands gliding all over my body, the drops of water being squeezed free as time after time he applies the clothes to my tender skin. Master takes a large folded towel and partially unfolds it.

“Roll over. Hips up my beauty,” i blush as my body responds to Him. feeling very vulnerable my ass in the air, the shame once again floods me as images of the prior night involve my vision. He feels my tension as He places the towel under me and pushes down on my ass.

“Relax. Breathe my beauty. take it slow.” i exhaust Not knowing i had been holding my breath. The clothes being dunked once again in the warm water, he tends the few remaining crueles. completely ignoring my ass as His strong hands brush along my skin. i can feel electricity humming through my body.

“Arch.” i gulp as i arch my back raising my ass up towards Him. i was so nervous about Him touching me. He dips the clothes again except this time He wraps the clothes out over my ass. The warm water flowing down my cream and over my ravaged anus. i tremble as the water tickers me. He does this a few more times, my mind racing with each new twist.Finally He takes the cloth down the cream of my ass, brushing it across my anus and down my inner tights.

i bury my head into the mattress fighting the tears that once again try to surface. my body trembling fiercely. right when i feel i can’t take it any more He picks me up crackling me in His arms, my tears spinning, and my entire body shuddering under my sobs.

“Let it out my beauty, even your tears are Mine. Give them to me.” i sobbed heavily into his chest. my emotional release stronger than any release i had ever had. He laid me back on the bed once i was calm. once again weak from being exhausted.

The rest of the day Master tended to me. each meal containing two trays. each time He tenderly touched me, His presence alone healing my shattered mind. By the time the evening came i was feeling a lot better and more than willing to return to His feet and His service, but He wouldn’t have it. He knew how mentally drained i was. i didn’t want to give into my weakened body.


“the Council and I will deal with this worthless player My kajira. But not you, you will rest, your duties suspended for the day. tonight Master and His beauty are going out.”

“…wake now My beauty, I have left you something to wear for the evening.” His voice gentle, His hand stirring her from her sleep as she shifts her eyes opening seeing her loving Master towering over her.


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