I was late for the session by about 40mins of the two hour session however kept the mistress informed and knowing the situation and what was happening. She was accommodating agreeing to move the missed time I paid for onto another future session witch is great.
When I got into the dungeon and after a short chat about why public transit sucks the Mistress almost switched telling me that as this is not my first session I should Know what to do ordering me to strip right away. As I was doing so she told me to anxious up and insulted me ordering me to address her as Mistress for the rest of the session.
When I finished striping she order me to knee in front of her on all fours and she taught me this as position one. I was then to worship her boots however me being slightly stupid was very hesitant and she ordered me to put some effort in witch I Then done kissing up and down both of her knee high boots. When she decided I was finished I was made to stand with my hands on the back of my head. Position two I was told. She squeezed my nipples before she went to get a marker. The Mistress then took her time and wrote what I had requested for the session on my chest and torso before saying “Why have a white board when I have a slave.” Before she slapped my cock and ordered me to follow her.
Next I was to sit on the spanking benchmark and Mistress started off with her hand, then a stick, then a pair of floggers. All while she was saying very insulting and demeaning things. “Men have all their brain in the cock and you dont have much of either.” As well as insulting me for asking for impact play saying how stupid I was and so on. Before long she moved onto a paddle witch she noted left a clear mark on my ass witch she very much so enjoyed. Saying how funny it was that I was having a hard time with the paddle when I asked for whipping.
Following the paddling I was to get into position one with my head tucked in for some whipping. All in all the impact playwas great and much more fun compared to the previous session. The hand spanking and sensitive admiring of her handy work were great as before however the floggers were also great when used to both hit me and moved over my body. The whipping was not as painful as I expected however I knew the Mistress was going easy on me however she still enjoyed that my back and ass were very pink and striped respectively. I enjoyed hearing the whip crack both in the air and on my body making a great experience. Carrying on Mistress ordered me onto my back and she went to get some rope after some light trampling witch continued throughout.
At first Mistress tried to tie my cock and balls in place with the rope however gave up as my balls were tight according to her so she resorted to simply tie up my cock. She complained that my pre cum was getting her rope wet witch I apologized for. Mistress took her time when adjusting the rope to step on my legs chest and groin witch felt great however as thistime she wore a flat boot it was far less painful witch is either or if honest.
After the tied my cock up and let it out she throw the rope over the metal bars that are set up for rope bondage and she began to use the rope as some what of a swing to move back and forward walking up and down my body. When she put her boots pressing onto my balls she caught my cock and it started to pull the foreskin really bad so I quickly asked her to stop. Not sure she knows that was the reason. And due to that she said “Men don’t understand real pain. They don’t have to deal with periods or child birthday or anything. They are weak little bitches that cant take a boot to their balls.” I said I did not have the perspective. Witch she found very funny and insulted me for it while walking over me.
After a short bit more of her swinging insulting me through out for saying that she learned the rope skills from the scouts she got off and ordered me to have my palms up however I thought she said get up witch she found funny saying that she did not know my new name was palm. She then stood on my hand while she did some stuff with her rope. All in all the trampling was still great however aside from me nearly accidentally being circularized it did not really hurt much at all as the Mistress was not wearing heels. I was then to get into position one on my hands and knees while Mistress worked with her rope. While she was doing This she had her foot on my back pressing into me.
After she ordered me to have my hands behind my back while she tied what I believe to be a harness around me. My arms however my hands were too loose so it did not really work out. On the second attempt it did work out for a few seconds before my hands slipped out. She noted that it made me jump laughing about it as she found it funny. She then asked if it scared me witch it did for a second before she then pulled the rope over my neck strangeling me for a few seconds. For the bondage as I did not actuallyhave anything really happen I will not comment to much however smaller things like being stranged were fun and scary.
Following that I was then to worship Mistress’s boots again however I went a bit fast at first as a result Mistress chatised me telling me to take my time as “the ancients did not rush when worshiping their gods.” After another long worship session with her boots Mistress told me to crawl over to the door were I stripped and have some water. I did. While I was doing this Mistress was preparing the head toilet box for watersports. The Mistress put in paper towels into the box as well and then ordered my head in. I was told to keep my eyes shut when she was going to piss and breath though my nose. For a time Mistress sat over me looking down before she got up and then removed her lower clothes to use to toilet.
Angain she sat above me for a time and I got to admire her beautiful pussy before I was told to close my eyes. I am unsure how to describe it as thepiss landed on my face I felt it’s warmth and it running down the sides of my face. Mistress done it is I believe 5 bursts of piss onto me and it was strange to say the least. I could smell the distinct smell of piss and that was the worst part however I am unsure how I felt about the thing as a whole as the piss running over me was fine. Mistress went from one side of my face to the other I don’t know how but she started with pissing on the left of my face and then slowly the 4-10 second busts of Mistress’s elixcer moved from one side to the other ending on my right side.
Mistress asked how I felt to witch I replied Discussed. She laughed saying “That is how your supposed to feel, it is meant to be discussing. However you are lucky many men don’t have the privilege to see my pussy let along get pissed on by a Goddess so really it is a great privilege for you.” Following I was told to shower and then after we had a small chat I got dressed and left.
Overall looking back Iasked the Mistress to be harsher with me and she delivered I definitely prefer the casual cruelty and mockery of this session to the more friendly back and forward of the last however as it was a first session it does not really matter. I enjoyed the boot worship and it was great fun and defo something I look forward to in the future. The impact play as previously mentioned was also far more enjoyable than it was before and I feel like as I was almost thrown into the deep end I got my mind way more into the session so I enjoyed it much more.
The wooden paddle was the most painful impact tool used and even with it’s sting I still enjoyed it. The whipping while admittedly light was also a great experience and I enjoyed it probably more than the wooden paddle and would like to try it another time. The trampling was great and I believe that right now it is probably for kinks I have tried my favorite kink and the one I have enjoyed the most. Watersports I think I could largely take them or leave them there were fine leaning more to the I am not that into them camp then thing I loved. However I am glad I gave it a try. In conclusion I learned a lot about myself and greatly enjoyed my second session.
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