Finally hitting the auction block
Sara felt herself physically jump at Janet’s announcement. Perhaps it was due more to the build-up to being audited off, rather than being started. Now she, along with every other girl in the room, looked towards the set of double doors now partially open, silhouette Janet between them. Janet for her part, must have changed into her evening attire in a more private setting, while Everyone else was getting ready for the night.
Wearing the definition of a cocktail dress, Janet’s little black number hugged in all the right places to accentuate her frame. Her breasts were pushed up firm and on display with the plunging neck line of her little black number. Unlike most of the paraded flesh on display in the room, her dress covers everything below her ample cleavage, down past her knees, with the exception of a slit going up her left leg. Two shimmering strips going down her sides break up the solid and demure look of the dress.
Bothgirls’ gaze is drawn immediately to her chest, leading Heidi to lean in and whisper to Sara
“Why doesn’t she show those off more?”
Sara returns the thought, with a shake of her head and an ‘I don’t know’ look. Before adding:
“If I had those, I’d get free coffee every morning.” Leading both girls to a bit of laughter, to break up the tension.
From the far side of the room, a girl from the rush class prior to theirs walks to the front of the room, stopping in front of Janet. Janet’s smile does the impossible and grows even wider and brighter, as Amber approaches. All 5’4 or so of her, wearing 4″ platforms to pump herself up a bit more…her ‘dress’ looks like it was borrowed straight from a porn set. Her dress consists of a bright red, skin tight fabric with a straw going over her left should, leading to what could be thought of as modest covering of her tits (compared to Sara and Heidi’s), but with parts of the dress cut out to bare some skin. The sides are all but gone, with tiny straps holding it in place, as is moves down her body, hugging every inch. As soon as it gets to her waist, the dress turns into fishnet fabric, covering her only in theory. This makes her bright red thong stand out that much more as it disappears between her tight little buns.
Janet takes a good look at her from each side, spinning her around to get good looks from all angles, before turning her around to face her again.
“Don’t you just look amazing! They’re going to love you, I promise! Especially these.”
Janet’s chipper tone never skips a beat, as she reaches a hand out to tweak each nipple. Not that they needed much help, as they were straining their way through the dress already.
And with a quick, confident turn, Janet pushed her elbow out and with her Other hand, grabbed Amber’s to put it through her arm so they would walk arm in arm up onto the stage.
Through the din of the conversation in the back room and ambient noise in theOther, Sara was able to make out a man’s voice over the intercom:
“Ladies and gentlemen, let me be the first to welcome you to the Delta Delta Delta Spring 2017 Charity Auction! Please put your hands together for our lovely hostess Janet, who’s bringing our first audition item to the stage!”
The round of applause throws out the ambient noise inside the green room and even the music, as Sara stands near Heidi’s changing ‘station’ (little more than a chair with her bag beside it).
“Well, at least it sounds like we’ll be popular” chimes in an unexpected voice from a few feet away.
Both Sara and Heidi look to see Samantha still seated in her chair, perhaps not wanting to fully show off her outfit. Note for not being the most outgoing in the group…or any group for that matter. Samantha, or Sam as she had the girls she knew call her, had already gotten past her little remark, and had gone back to concentrating on not losing her nervous.
Her outfit was almost onpar with Jamie’s in that it was the ‘anti-slut’ to Heidi and Sara’s ‘slut’ outfit. Apparently the decision was made that she should be a schoolgirl, with a too tight sweater showing off her best assets, her 36D breasts. Her skirt was classic schoolgirl fare, pleated checkerboard print. Even the shoes screamed ‘I study in my spare time’.
Both Sara and Heidi looked her way before Sara Broke responded.
“Oh we’ll be popular alright. More than you can imagine.” Giving her a friendly look in the process
“But at least you’re not up there wearing a belt for a skirt” her hands flaunting her miniscule outfit, as she cocked her hips to one side, index fingers pointing down at her skimpy attire.
The shy Samantha broke into a smile for the first time since they started talking.
“None of it will be on long…so it probably isn’t a big deal. Right?” Her friendly smile finally showing itself off as she thought about what the next two days would bring all of them.
Apparently losing track of time, the girls look over to see a group of 4 girls all huddled around Amber, asking her what it was like being on stage, who bought her, what she did, etc.
The rapid fire questions took a few seconds to sink in, as Amber adjusted to being audited off to a member of the crowd.
“Um…well Janet will be on your right. They put a pole out there sometimes…I guess after we came back in here. Oh and there’s a little bench that they’ll have you lay down on, or maybe they will…if you know, Janet or Casey says to. They had me pull my skirt up, and bend over, then…well about like when we did the interviews.”
Amber finishes her explanation as the group around her all nod or fidget while she answers. No doubt wanting to know a little more about what they’re getting into.
“Wait, wait…Casey is out there too?” comes a question from one of the girls
“Yea she’s kind helping out I guess. She pulled my skirt up when I got on the benchmark. Then, well…I’m pretty sure she gave them a peek at my pussy too. But I don’t know, maybe she was just rubbing the g-string. It’s a lot to take in while you’re up there.”
Just as the group of girls breaks up to put the final touches on their outfits, the second audited girl comes back in the green room, walked in by a sister on each arm. Sara recognized them immediately. One was Melanie, who drove her and 2 other girls here for tonight’s auction, and Mindy, who had ground her ass into Sara’s face all while saying “get your tongue up my ass, slut!”.
Just as soon as number 2 is dropped off, up walks the next girl, cued by her introduction from the stage.
“Next up on the block folks, we have the beautiful Jamie” hearing Janet call her from the background, Jamie makes her way to the opened double doors, where the girls stop her for a quick once over, before giving her the ‘all good’ signal and ushering her up the three steps to the stage.
Watching as Jamie disappearsup on stage, Sara goes back to her routine to pass the time. Brush her hands over her skirt, flatten it out. Make sure her panties are where they should be. Tug on her shirt a bit until it looks just about perfect…before deciding it might look better tucked up tight under her tits. It’s all just to keep the nervousness at bay, remembering her spot in the order, number 11.
Like clockwork, a girl comes back in the green room and another one is ushered out onto the stage, ready to be sold to the highest bidder. Finding herself in a bit of a trace after Samantha left their little group to be audited off, Sara sees her walk back through the doors, flushed cheeks, skirt ruffled and still folded up in places, shirt pulled up tight under her massive 36D breasts, and to top it off…a smile from ear to ear.
Knowing that she was number 10, Sara hears the expected call.
“Here’s another of our ‘special’ girls that offer just about everything on the options list; Guys and gals, I introduce to you…Sara!”
Hearing her cue just as Melanie finish tweaking her nipples under her excuse for a top, and tucking it back under her 34B breasts. Mindy thought her micro mini skirt was far too long, rolling it at the top so it showed off the bottom of her panties from the front, not leaving much to the imagination.
“Go get ’em girl!” Comes the support from Mindy. Probably the nicest thing Sara can remember her saying to her.
Melanie pulls the curtain back and a ‘watch your step’, quick deep breath and up she goes, into the unknown of being sold.
As soon as she hit the stage, she sees Janet at her right, standing behind a very professional looking podium, looking as elegant as she remembered from the green room. Spotlights cover the stage, but surprisingly aren’t as harsh as she Thought, as she gazes out into the crowd.
“Here we go gentles, number 11, little miss Sara. Sara is a 2nd semester freshman and new member coming to us this year. She’s a small town girl that decided it was time to explore, when she got to school, and from what you’ve seen in the catalog, has a submissive streak to her.”
Janet’s descriptions start affecting Sara a bit, causing her cheeks to blush, and a reflective look downward with a smile. But unlike the usual, with her on stage, that just caused her to look right at the men in the front row, giving her a thorough viewing.
As soon as her smile peeks out, she feels a pair of hands take hold of her wrists, pinning them behind her.
A quick glance to her left side reveals Casey, holding loosely on her wrists, before whispering in her ear
“Relax and give the guys a good show.”
Sara swears she hears the phrase ‘and yes guys, it’s not a typo…she’s a 3 hole girl’, just as Casey pushes down on her shoulders, the physical cue for her to get on her knees. As soon as she hits her knees, Casey draws a hand softly around her neck, bending slightly to look straight in her eyes
“Are you a good little slut?” with a twinge of evil to her voice for the crowd.
“Yes ma’am. I’m a..umm… I’m a good slut.” Comes Sara’s response, a bit timing, but breaking more into character.
“Why should someone spend their money on you, slut?”
Her hesitation gets her a little tug on the hair from Casey, having moved her hand from her neck to grab hold of her.
“Because I’m an obedient fucktoy, ma’am. I love to please” remember that she might be bought by a woman or couple.
“Prove it, slut! Get over my benchmark” Sara’s head is turned by force to look at the benchmark a mere 10 feet from her, to the side of the stage. “Face down, ass out to the crowd.”
Casey pulls her forward onto her hands and knees, ‘walking’ her over to the benchmark in that position, her ass on display to the crowd, as she hears a low murmur going through the room. As soon as she crawls up over the benchmark and lowers herself over it, she feels the slight decline in the benchmark, leaving her head lower than her ass. This pitch gives the crowd an even better view, as Casey pulls her tiny skirt up to her waist, leaving her covered only by a miniscule g-string.
“How about this view?!” Casey whisps the crowd up while showing off her submissive counterpart.
Sara feels a hard slap nail her left ass cheek, followed by the same on her right, and both hands yanking hard apart, no doubt showing some of her off to the front row. Her g-string has no chance of keeping everything covered, with her being spread like this. The applause from the crowd confirms her suspicions, that they’re all seeing at least a little bit of most intimate spots.
She feels a hand let go of one of her cheeses, before thumbing a finger on her pussy.
“If you buy her, you get this” before taking the same finger and thumbing it over her bare asshole, now exposed but for the singe strip of fabric “AND you get her ASS too! That’s right, this little fucktoy is giving up all 3 for whoever buys her!”
“With that, let’s start the bidding, shall we? Who has a thousand for her?” Janet starts in at the opportunity time, just as Casey grabs both cheats again, digging in with her fingers, spreading Sara wide for the crowd, before letting go. While she hears her audit going on, she feels Casey pull her back up off the benchmark, to a kneeing position, turned to face the crowd. Then the sorority president mimes the act of fucking her mouth, by pushing herself against Sara’s lips at just the right height. After a few humps, she turns around, bends down slightly and simply says “kiss is, slut.”
To a good response from the crowd, Sara leans in and kisses both of Casey’s dress covered ass cheeks, before she reaches back to push her face into the middle of her dress. By the time the auction has slowed, Sara finds herself sucking on two of Casey’s fingers just as she would a cock. She barely notices the number 6,500 being announced over the rest of the noise, before hearing
“Going once…twice…sold!”
Sara caught herself looking out into the crowd to try to see who bought her, before she felt Casey’s hand tug upward softly at hers.
“Up up up. You’ll see who bought you soon enough.”
Chides the grinning Casey, as she helped Sara to her feet, giving her a pat on the ass, leaving her skirt up around her waist in the process. Casey Shoos her back towards the steps, into the waiting hands of Mindy and Melanie, who open the doors to the green room. And with a few more steps, she’s reunited with the rest of the girls, waiting to be handed over to their buyers.
Going past her as she walks back in, Melissa makes her way to the stage. It’s clear she’s been here before, as she shows no sign of the nervousness of the rest of the girls.
The next half hour consists of mingling with a couple other girls who haven’t gone on stage yet, comparing of notes with those who have, and before she knows it, Heidi comes strolling back down the steps,signaling the end of the audition.
As soon as Heidi finds Sara, she latches on tight to one arm, telling her all about what Casey had her do on stage, and the fact that she knows her g-string is soaked. Having never thought about it, Sara reaches down to hers, to find a small damp spot in hers as well. In the moments that followed, they noticed Janet and Casey making their way into the green room, bright and chipper as ever.
“Girls, if I can have your attention. You will be going directly from here into the Antler Room, where you’ll meet your buyer. Those who have made purchases are the only ones in there as we speak, setting their bills. Once you’re all paired off with your lucky guys…and gals, the rest of the crowd will be allowed into the bar with you. They don’t have to Stay, but are welcomed to. Now remember, their time with you starts the second they’ve paid up, so…do what you can to keep them happy.”
And with that, Janet and Casey led the way out the door into the main entry forum, before following the hallway to the side door of the “Antler Room”…16 freshly audited girls in tow.
After returning to the Antler Room, Sara took a look around the room to see if she could recognize any of the prospective bidders from the preview hour, to figure out just who ‘bought’ her for the weekend.
‘It would be a lot easier if I knew just who was bidding’ she thought to herself. Casey’s work on stage had all of her attention, making it impossible for her to figure out just who was bidding for her services.
Off to her left, she noticed two more of her sorority sisters now posted up behind the bar at the very end, laptops open with a short line of men and women waiting opposite the bar from them.
“That must be where they’re paying for us” whispered Heidi, as she took a couple More steps into the room, past Sara. “And surprisingly…nobody creepy looking. So that’s a plus, right?” a smile making its way to her face.
Glancing at the line, Sara noticed that Heidi’s observation was pretty spot on. Nobody in line looked sloppy, leery, creepy or that far out of shape. A few of the guys had their middle age beer belly going on, but at least they were sharply dressed. Could even be a turn-on for a girl that enjoys a bit of humiliation.
“No, I’m kinda surprised really” came Sara’s quick answer.
Just as she answered, Melissa made her way between them, with two girls in tow, on their way to the bar. Just as she arrived and had a drink ordered, Sara noticed a middle aged man makes his way up to Melissa and immediately put his arm around her. Flashing what looked like a small card, he snaked his other hand down to her butt to give it a squeeze, before ordering a drink alongside her.
“Well I guess Melissa found her buyer.” the some timed voice of Samantha gave a bit of a surprise to both Sara and Heidi, seemingly coming out of nowhere.
Just as unexpected is the middle aged man that walks upbeside Sara from her left. As soon as she turns her head to see him, she gets a quick smile and the flash of a card with her catalog number on it.
“Hello again Sara. You’re a pretty popular girl” the middle aged man finished with a bit of a smile, as she caught herself looking him up and down.
Able to register what he means, Sara catch herself mid thought.
“…ohhh you… you…um bought me?!” her almost shy response having the desired effect.
Her own words added a bit to her excitement, now that she knew who purchased her…the fact that she had actually been sold for the weekend setting in, intensifying her submissive tendencies.
Her eyes lit up when the realization hit partly because of their conversation in the preview hour, and partly due to his physical status. Looking to be in decent shape under his suit jacket, not perfect but she could tell he still worked at it, and maybe 40 at most. And at over 6′ tall, he’s the kind that she probably wouldn’tgo for…assuming she wanted an older guy. It wouldn’t be too odd for her after all, she thought.
In the moments to follow, she found out that her buyer’s name was Steve, and that he was an alum who still had a house in town. While they were greeting each other, her buyer snaked an arm around her, ending with a hand on her barely covered rump.
Giving her a little squeeze, he leaned in close to whisper in her ear
“I’m going to enjoy working this tight little butt out.”
Some girls would be disgusted, angle or just scared. Instead, Sara could feel a jolt go through her body at the thought of being used just for her body. The little shuffle from foot to foot just made her butt move around in his hand, giving him a better feel of tight little backside.
“Not just my butt…right?” a new playful tone shows up in Sara’s voice, as she lets herself get deeper into her submissive ‘character’.
A good glance up and down her body by her newfound buyer, followed bya “oh no, you’ve got 3 good options, and I plan on using all 3 of them.” Giving her another squeeze on her petite butt.
During their conversation, Heidi’s buyer made his way to her, choosing to be a bit more ‘open’ with his purchase. After introducing himself to her, he kindly ordered her to hand her panties over to him, forcing her to put on a bit of a show in the process. Her skirt that was already barely More than a belt, now sits higher on her hips, barely covering her to the onlookers in the room.
The parade of flesh in the room includes Jamie, now walking away from the bar and right at Sara, in tow with her buyer. The two of them stop just short as her buyer and Steve exchange a quick handshake and the normal ‘guy talk’, before mentioning the girls.
“You know me. Hard to pass up the ‘good girl’ charm. Plus that whole ‘anal virgin’ idea, true or not, is going to be a fun one.” The two men get a good laugh, while Jamie looked on, her timing nature fully on display. Her expression almost the exact opposite of the two men casually talking about fucking their newly purchased girls in all 3 of their holes. Jamie may have been timing in the moment, but Sara loved it even more that she was talked about just as something to enjoy.
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