It’s Wednesday afternoon, and Sara Nelson found herself engaged in one of her favorite activities. One that she wouldn’t have even guessed she would like, a short 9 months ago. On her knees in her ‘fuck buddy’s bedroom in a house just off campus, she feel the pressure of a large muscle hand holding onto the back of her head, pushing her towards the stiff intruder in her mouth, with every ‘in’ stroke as he fucked her sweet little mouth. 18 year old high school senior Sara had only sucked one cock in her life, and it had been all at her pace. 19 year old college freshman Sara found herself on her knees in Erik’s room 4 to 5 times per week, with him drilling himself into her throat without mercy.
Her newfound submissive streak suited this position well. She had met Erik in one of her classes During her first semester on campus, and immediately he stood out as a bit ‘different’ than most of the guys she bumped into. Five years her senior, Erik was going to school after doing a 4year enlistment in the army, and had developed a bit more than the guys she was used to being around, both physically and mentally. She finally was able to go to his house for a small party about a month into the semester. That’s when her little journey into submission started, and she had spent a few hours per week, every week, as his willing fucktoy. In fact, that’s what he enjoyed calling her…more so than he ever used her name.
She enjoyed their situation almost as much as he did, as this way there weren’t any feelings of guilt when she had to perform certain sex acts as parts of her initiative into the Tri Delts. Submissive fucktoy she was…cheater and liar she wasn’t.
Her concentration was broken by Erik’s voice from above.
“Look up, fucktoy. I want to see those eyes.”
Opening her eyes and looking up at the man using her mouth as just a hole to fuck. She feels his hand slide to the side of her head, his other hand moves to the other side of her head, holding her in place while he shoves the full length of his cock into her mouth, and further into her throat. Stopping only when she gags harder, Erik sees just how far she’s come as a fucktoy. When he first ‘got her’, she would gag when the tip barely touched the entrance to her throat. Now she knows to open her jaw wider, allowing herself to take the last couple inches, with a little bit of fanfare. The tears watering in her eyes only made him smile, as he drove into her throat over and over.
As he pulls himself completely free of her lips, she marvels at the sight of his cock. Every time she sees it is like the first time for her. At just a shade under 7″, he’s thick enough to give her that ‘stretched’ feeling, no matter where he decides to use it. He has her pretty well trained to this point. A single word text snaps her mind over into ‘fucktoy’ mode, almost without exception. His norm is to send her a text when she’s in her last class of the day…a simple query…”fuck?” Thisgets her thinking almost entirely of him, and how he’s going to use her, no matter what else is going on.
Her thoughts snap back to her current situation as he slapse her cheek with his stiff rod, leaving a print of her saliva on her cheek, before laying it on her face, placing his balls at her lips. Always the obedient fucktoy, she knows this means to worship them. Taking them in turn, she rolls them on her tongue, Before sucking each in her mouth, circulation with her tongue as she sucks. After he’s satisfied with her work, he grabs a handful of hair, pulling her back and away from his glistening shake.
“Should I give your birthday control a workout, or stretch that tight little ass out instead?”
His question is more rhetorical in nature. She knows better than to try to tell him what he’ll do. Instead she reaching out, grabs hold of his powerful shaft with her right hand, and slowly strokes up and down its length, as he gazes down at his fucktoy…fist fully wrapped in herdirty blonde hair.
His mind apparently made up, he pulls upward at her hair, signaling for her to stand, before spinning her around and giving her a shoe onto his bed. Now bent over the side of his bed, he grabs her by the wait, lifting her up off of the floor with ease, as he pushes forward to get her fully onto his bed. Sara instinctively tucks her legs up at her knees as she slides onto his sheets. Not quite satisfied with the view, Erik leans over her, grabbing her wrists and yanking back with them in hand. With nothing to prop her up, she lands on her left cheek, with her shoulders breaking some of the fall onto her mattress, leaving her bent over at more than a 90 degree angle.
Erik places her own hands on her ass cheeses, giving her a simple command.
He watches as she pulls at her Cheeks, showing off completely for him, like the good fucktoy that she is. Seeing the neighbor, trim folds of her pussy tucked in neighborly, he muses that she has one of thetightest looking little slots he’s ever seen. Just above it was the tight little star that looks like it had never been touched, let alone pounded by him just two days before.
“Well fucktoy…with this view, if I didn’t know any better, I’d guess you were a virgin.” Said by her favorite example of the male sex.
His almost sadistic smile comes into view as she peeks back over her Shoulder, proud of the view she’s giving him.
“Mmmmmm and they’re all yours.” Her reply comes almost as a purring noise, as she braces for what he plans to do next.
A hand reaches out to her slit, pushing a finger between her folds, feeling her grip as he works in and out of her tight silky tunnel.
“Hard to say no to this.” His voice comes out deep and self-assured, as he walks two steps forward, led by his still glistening shake.
Sara feels the soft head of his shake bump into her slit just as his finger leaves her. Having been sufficiently lubricated almost from the momentHis cock entered her mouth, he finds her all too inviting. Starting to push forward into her, he meets resistance just as the head fully enters her. Pulling back, he begins seeing his way into her, until he has most of his cock buried. Sara has sworn to him that she can feel every million enter her when he first opens her up. This time is no different, as she breathes in deep each time he pulls back, and exhales as he inches forward.
Once he’s finally buried, he shifts his hips from side to side, as he feels her relaxing around his cock. Making way for him to start his pumping in earnest. He draws back slowly, before sliding the full length inside her. Each stroke now goes the full length of his cock, leaving just the head inside her, before jamming her full of cock yet again.
She feels his hands go to her ass cheeses, taking over at keeping her spread wide open for his viewing. Letting her hands slide down to the sheets, and up under her shoulders, propping herself back up slightly closer to a traditional doggy style.
“Dammmnn it fucktoy! You got me close with your mouth. It’s not going to take long in this pussy of yours.”
His breathing starts to sound more like low grunting as he shoves himself in her, throwing his hips forward each time, before drawing back fully. His rhythm stays steady as he works the tight young coed’s pussy. Slowly speeding up as the strokes continue, until he’s moving hard and fast enough for her to feel an orgasm building. She feels it first as a tingle, and a low buzzing feeling inside her. Building from her center, she feels that familiar ‘electric’ feeling as he slams his cock inside her, sheathing his cock in her tight wet grip. His grunts become louder before giving her a command.
“Cum for me, fucktoy. Cover my cock, you little slut!” The last part with emphasis, as he
speeds up to a furious pace.
Her eyes tighten shut as she feels that ‘explosion’ feeling from within, body shaking, tensed too tight to move against his onslaught. His pounding continues through her orgasm, stretching it out further as she loses track of time. As soon as she comes down, she hears him louder.
“Fuckkkkkkkkk, yesssssssssss, here it cums!”
Erik’s hips jam in as deep as possible as he unloads inside her tight young slit. His thrusts turn into spasms and jerks as he fires inside her, splashing her insides with his hot cream.
Lingering fully buried inside her for the next 30 seconds, he finally starts to deflat, before pulling free of her creamy slit. As soon as his cock pulls completely free of her body, her ‘training’ kicks in, and she flips herself around on his bed, ready to take his cock in her mouth to ‘clean’ him. As she sucks the length of his half hard shake, he enjoys the view of his fucktoy doing what he’s trained her to do. All too soon for her, Erik decides he’s cleaned well enough, pulling away from her, giving her a light tap on the cheese with his left hand.
“Good little fucktoy.” Looking down at her just as she looks up at him with admission in her eyes.
“Time to get cleaned up. I’m heading out to the gym in a few.” Almost as an afterthought now, Erik grabs a pair of mesh shorts, and throws a t-shirt on, before walking out of his room, leaving Sara nude, laying across his bed. Before she left, she told him that she wouldn’t be available at all that coming weekend…”sorority stuff, you know how it goes”.
The response she got from him didn’t surprise her really. He didn’t get too worked up about much, especially since they weren’t actually dating, just fucking.
“We’ll get together next week then.” Came the simple reply.
Auction day
4 PM rolled around and Sara found herself walking out the door of the Tri Delt house, with her bag tucked under her right arm. Packed inside was the outfit picked out for the audit. The same outfit that was almost comically slutty, in her eyes. But it’s what Janet and Daniel saidwould ‘sell the best’, so here she was in it. With the outfit tucked securely in her bookbag, she hoped in the Chevy Malibu that belonged to one of her sorority sisters, and headed from the house, to the site of her impending auction, the local Moose Lodge. She was told that there was some semi-believable story that was told to the lodge owners about what the auction was. But her thoughts weren’t collected enough to even think of what it was at the moment.
The entire 10 minute ride to the lodge consistent of Melanie telling her and two other audition girls that it’s perfectly normal to feel nervous, weird, or even scared about being audited off.
“Hell, I was scared shitless when I was in the room. But I just had to tell myself that it’s going to be a couple days of fucking and sucking, and then I’m in…nothing I haven’t done before. It’s just that I don’t get to pick who this time. My guy was really good to me. Nothing weird, or fucked up. Just a lot of sucking dick, andfucking…so kinda like a good weekend.” Melanie’s face perked up into a smile at the last detail, just as they pulled into the parking lot of the lodge. The lodge itself looked pretty nice from the outside: one floor, brick walls (so they weren’t cheap here), even had a canopy that extended out over the drive, in front of the main doors. That’s where Melanie pulled them up to, before throwing it in park and telling them to hop out and go inside. To the uninformed, nobody would notice them. Just 3 young coeds dressed in dark pants and light jackets (yoga pants in Kristin’s case), walking into the Moose lodge at 4:15 pm.
Once inside, the first person they see is Janet who greets them while they walk through the open lobby area. In front of them they see two sets of double doors, a sign over the right most doors reads “Antler Club”, while the left side doorway leads to a room plaqued with “Forest Room” above it. Walking to the right of both of these, they enter a hallway to the side of the Antler room, going completely around it, to a smaller private room near the back of the building. Once inside, they see 7 other girls from their rush class already present, and in various stages of getting ready.
Over the course of the next 15 minutes, 4 more girls show up. Three of them belonged to the rush class in front of them…Sara knows this because she had one of their psies ground into her face during an initiative night. The last girl is a senior, in her last semiconductor.
‘She must be doing this because she wants to…’ Sara thinks to herself, as she sees her walk confidently through the room.
“Alright girls, so I know you got the message that the auction starts at 7. But we have a little bit of time to try to get you ready for tonight, put on some last minute touches, and even coached up a bit if we Need to. And good to see you again, Melissa.” Janet nods towards their upper classman that joined the group last, with a bright smile.
The ever chipper house mom Janet gave them the brief introduction and sequence of events for the night. Nothing seemed too weird, aside from the fact that they would be sold to the highest bidder, to be sex slaves for a week. No, nothing weird at all.
Sara was getting used to the sequence of events. There was a ‘viewing period’ of an hour, from 5:30 to 6:30, where the girls would be mingling with guests. Their namestags would have their audit number and their name, and would be somewhere on their outfit…wherever there was space. Next they would get a quick break before the auction began. Once they were audited off, they would be brought back into the ‘green’ room, where they would stay until their buyer was ready to leave and paid up for their purchase. Then it was off into the great unknown for the weekend.
After their verbal explanation of the evening, Janet calls all the girls to come with her, as they do a quick lap of the club, that would serve as their audition house. The green room leads directly into the “Forest Room”, via a set of double doors. A stage had been set up directly in front of the double doors between the two rooms for tonight’s festivals. The small area between the back of the stage and the doorway was shrouded with black curtains, so the bidders wouldn’t get a good look at the girls until they hit the stage. The stage itself measured maybe 20 feet by 15 feet, with a podium at the far corner, facing the crowd.
As the group walked through the stage area and out into the rest of the room, Janet spoke up:
“You’ll enter through those doors, and I will be at the podium taking bids. You’ll do a quick tease, where you play your character’s attributes up a bit. Then you’ll do a little more teasing, but you have to keep your panties on and something covering Your tits. Don’t want to be giving it away, now do we?”
Her warm smile stays, but along with it, almost a motherly ‘better not’ type of look.
“Once your bidding closes, you’ll go back into the green room, with the help of a couple of your sisters. You’ll wait there until it’s time to head off with your buyer. Just. That. Easy. Any questions?”
Janet’s ever present smile grows even wider, as she finishes. Either her perky nature, or geneuine excitement has turned her even more giddy than normal today, Sara thinks to herself.
Just as Janet finishes her speech, Heidi leans into Sara’s ear, before whispering “I might have to go rubb one out before I hit the stage.”
A quick ‘I know what you mean’ look is all Sara can respond with, as she thinks forward to the impending prospect of being sold for a week.
Once they’re all back in the green room, the girls start mingling with each other about ordinary, everyday things…almost as if trying to keep their minds off of it, for varying reasons. A couple of the girls have made their way over to Melissa, asking her why she’s in attendance today.
“It’s a fantasy really. And it’sone I get to do once a year…so why not? I’m not sticking around here after I graduate, so I never picked up a long term boyfriend. There’s no cheating, just fucking. So it’s all pluss in my eyes.” Comes her matter of fact answer.
A quick question comes from one of the other girls “So this is your 4th time!?”
“Yep. First 3 times through were good times. So Why not go for all 4?” Barely even batting an eyelash at the question, like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Sara pipes up for a quick question. “So do you…I mean, have you done…more…each time?”
I didn’t do any of the ‘exotic’ stuff the first time. No anal, no tying, no BDSM. Same thing until last year, when I opened it up for everything. That’s an eye opener, girls!”
Her reply put Sara more at ease. If she had someone do all that to her, AND she came back for more, how bad could it be? Right?
A few more of the sorority’s members tricked in to see their sisters getting ready for their auctions. By now each girl was doing make-up, and getting themselves into their ‘pre-auction’ outfit: tight fitting black pants, some sort of nice shirt that accentuated their features, and a tacky “Hello: My Name Is ______” sticker affixed to them somewhere, with their name and auction number on it.
Janet broke up the mingling right at 5:30.
“Alright girls, we have a good number of guests already in the Antler Club. Time to go schmooze the crowd. And remember, you get a total of 3 drinks each for the hour. If you need one, just go up to the bartender, and they’ll serve you. And don’t worry about the age problem…our girls are tending bar.”
With that, she clapped her hands together.
“Now, shall we??”
Motioning towards the hallway the girls Initially entered through.
It was only then that Sara noticed the sorority president, Casey, had joined their group as an observer/helper. For her part, she looked stunning. Better than Sara could ever remember seeing her look, in fact. Her outfit for the night was a mid-length backless red dress. The top of her dress made sure to show an ample amount of cleavage, while somehow not looking ‘slutty’ or over the top. In a word, she looked ‘elegant’. Her look was about as far from what Sara would be looking like in about 90 minutes, she thought to herself.
Once they made their way into the Antler Club, which was essentially an oversized bar room, they saw the magnitude of the attendance of the event. There were around 40 men in attendance, and about a dozen women as well. Everyone was well dressed, so that helped put her a bit more at ease. It looked like most of the women were here with guys, so the chances of being audited off to a woman were slim, Sara thought to herself.
Janet announced their presence, as if it needed to be done.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to introduce the Spring 2017 catalog!” Before leading a short round of applause.
The next hour turned into a meeting and greet session with roughly half of the attendees, for each girl. There was just not enough time to talk to each of the audit goers, even if the girls wanted to meet them all. Most wanted to get a good look at what they had seen in the ‘catalog’ in the week prior. Some wanted to get a feel of the merchandise as well. The rules were simple: Touching was allowed over clothes, and on areas showed.
No hands going under shirts, or inside pants.
Oddly enough to Sara, none of the audition goers seemed creepy or odd in any real way. Most were middle aged or slightly older men, obviously with money and connections, or they wouldn’t be here. A couple of the women were even more than cordial. One in particular told Sara that it was a bit of a fantasy to actually be up on stage audited off…but that time had come and gone, for her. So instead, she was here helping her husband decided if they were going to purchase a girl instead.
Before walking off tomeet more audit girls, the woman lightly grabbed her arm, before telling her that they would likely be bidding on her tonight.
Other conversations centered on what her likes and dislikes were, and if catalog information was correct…mainly if she was truly a ‘3 hole girl’ as described in the catalog.
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