The ladies sat at their usual morning gathering having coffee. It was the usual get together in each other’s homes, which they Lise, Odette, Amelia and Kerry planned in rotation. As usual the conversation took the usual path of discussing the children, the in-laws, and the bills. This morning was different in that Lise was displaying an intense amount of either anxiety or excitement; it was hard to judge which. Until that is she was pressed to speak.
“What’s wrong with you Lise?” Odette asked.
“Yes, you do seem to have something on your mind this morning,” chimed in Kerry
“Well I can’t say, it’s too personal, I’m sorry” Lise replied.
“Come on Lise, we do not have any secrets, you know you can talk to us, we are your friends after all, more than friends Even,” Amelia responded,
Lise cringed, almost not daring to involve her friends in her adventure, but secretly excited and slightly turned on by the fact that they might be more than just interested, shetold her story. In fact she whispered her first sentence so quietly that the girls asked her to repeat herself.
“Last night, I fucked Stevie in the Ass.” She told them
“You did what?” asked Amelia, her eyes widening, in semi disbelief.
“You fucked Stevie’s arse?” questioned Kerry, “God how I wish that was me taking him, fuck.”
“You can’t stop there, tell us exactly what happened Lise,” responded Odette, licking her lips in sexual excitement, “I’d fuck him anywhere and everywhere I could.”
Lise began her story. As the ladies knew, Stevie was a very eligible bachelor. While many of their friends knew of the partnership between the dividend Lise and the recently single Stevie, few knew of their intimate relationship. In fact it was a revelation to both Odette and Kerry that Lise was getting any sexual satisfaction at all. They had individually contemplated introduced their husbands to her to give her some relief. Odette was in fact contemplating a threesome with her husband, herself and Lise, if he ever came home from his trips abroad, or trying a bisexual relationship with Amelia, herself and Lise. She knew Amelia could, and often did, lick cunt, her own could testify to that, and Amelia was well educated in doing it. The one thought that held her back was the fact that she, as yet, wasn’t sure about Lise’s reaction, should she suggest it.
This is the story as Kerry would later relate it to her lover Elizabeth. After his return from his business trip, they had dinner and as would be expected went to bed. In fact he fucked her harder than was his usual, perhaps due to the fact that he had been watching a porn movie on his iPod on the taxi drive from the airport. As they lay back Lise decided to take a gamble and looking across at his naked form, prick still semi erect, sticky with cum, as he looked at the ceiling, she asked him if he would be open to a danger. Apparently he just laughed, and said it was a little late to be running around the grounds with in the nude, but she set his mind at rest when she told him that they wouldn’t have to leave the bedroom. He finally captured and agreed. First, she told him, we are going to shake your cock, balls and arsehole, she softened this sudden declaration by reminding him how she loved to finger his anus as she gave him oral sex.
By this stage the threesome of ladies were agog as they listened to Lise’s account. In fact, already Odette had unexpectedly dropped her hand between her tights and was clamping her fist tightly in place as she lightly rocked forward and backward on it.
Sitting on the edge of the bath, shaving Stevie took longer than either of them contemplated and Lise lost her initial appreciation and fear of hurting or cutting him due to her intense concentration. After shaving around his cock, she moved down to his ball sack. He heart was in her throat as she delicately coated him in soap, stretching the skin as she applied the razor. Eventually, and not with some relief, she ordered him to turn over. Remaining on her knees she was suddenly overcome by an intense lust, which she managed to control while he lay across the tub, kneeing on the floor, arse across the edge. Lise could look directly into his pink rosebud, his arse hole. Her cunt, earlier used by Stevie’s prick, started to gasp for filling once more, a mix of her and his juices trailed down her inner tigh. Her nipples started to fill again. Fuck, I can’t wait to use that hole, she thought. Stevie’s hands were resting on the opposite edge of the bath tub as he supported himself. Lise stood, walking to the Tower cupboard, and took out a pair of Velcro cuffs attached by short strips. As she placed them on his wrists she pulled the retaining straps together, fasting his arms over his head.
“What the F…” Stevie started to say.
He suddenly felt a singing on his arse. Looking behind at Lise he saw that she had a riding crop in her hand and obviouslythis was what had caused the stinging. Lise leaned over him, her bare breasts brushing off his naked back, erect nipples scraping along his spine and over his shoulder as she placed a mask on his face. Stepping back she warned him, “another word and I’ll put a ball gag in your mouth.” Stevie’s throat constricted, his arse cheeks clenched and sweat formed on his forehead.
“Now don’t move while I finish shaving your butt hole.” She told him. Completing her task she smothered his cock, balls and arsehole in her favourite coconut butter moisturizer. He’ll need that before the end of the night she reminded herself Lise then told Stevie to “get to his feet,” as he did so, she noticed his semi erect state. Smiling to herself she grasped his prick in her hand and dragged the somewhat reluctant and blindfolded victim back into her bed chamber. It did not take her long to bind him to the bed. He was a perfect victim, she tried as she surveyed him from behind, his arse raised higher thanhis head, legs splayed wide, arms now behind his back, he had attempted to escape during this transition, but she whipped him thrice more with the crop, and he surrendered.
Lise admitted to herself that she was beginning to feel a tingle in her cunt, and also in her gut. This was not her usual subservient position and she was beginning to feel the surge of power attracting her. The realization made her cunt tingle and weep all the more. She started to tell him a story.
“While I was surfing the internet, while you were away, I was struck by a great idea. You have often expressed the desire to be ass fucked, and the idea has excited me so very much. With that in mind, and with the urging of an online friend of mine, we decided I needed to fuck you myself. In fact I bought, at his suggestion, a strap-on cock, just to fuck your sweet arse with. I know you will enjoy it, and already I’m beginning to get a real buzz from the idea.
“But honey,” Stevie started to say. Lise brought the riding crop down on his arse again, two, three, four times.
“Speak only when I tell you to, she admonished him. Fuck, look at the welts on him, I can’t believe I did that, wow, I’m wet and horny.” She thought. “Time for your surprise,” she told him. Lise reached into her underwear drawer and withdraw a skin coloured, life size, strap on cock. Strapping it on, she Once more found her clip tingling, and feel a rush of juices to her cunt. Hardly had she fitted the cock when Stevie, unable to see what was going on, let another whimper, “Liiiiisssseeeeee.” As the riding crop fell this time, Lise noticed the corner of the crop had actually scored a bullseye on Stevies butthole. She stood astonished as it appeared to open and gasp in spasm, just as Stevie grunted through clenched teeth. Lise licked her lips in anticipation, excitement and anticipated sexual lust. Gently she applied a calming luxury to Stevies ass. Her outstretched hand circuit first one butt chef, then the other. As she worked, she honed in on his hole. Between his thighs she could see his cock growing. She reached between his legs and gave his cock sack a firm squeeze. “You better have plenty of cum for me when I need it” she admonished. Still smarting from the pain of the crop, Stevie failed to respond. How the fuck am I going to get out of this, he thought. He would be the first to admit that he had expressed the idea of being with another guy to Lise before, but that was as long as she was the sandwich. If he had to then take a little cock, well what harm. Now though, things had changed, he wasn’t at all confident about Lise taking full control and using him for her sole satisfaction.
As Lise told her lady friends of the previous nights events, her voice lost the earlier insecurity which had been evident. Kerry and Amelia, were by this stage massaging each other’s inner thighs, and more. Kerry had lifted her ass off the seat to allow Amelia hoist her dress above her waist. Pantibodies by now wet, she was attempting to unexpectedly remove them. Her thighs played wide, she shuffled forward to allow Amelia access to her wetness. Already she could feel herself on the verge of climaxing as she visualized Stevie being raped by Lise. Her left shoulder and arm were by now tensed, supporting her body on one side while allowing Amelia access to her inner core. Odette meanwhile had progressed from rocking on her clinched fist. Shamelessly she had undone her jeans, pushed them down over her thighs, and as she sat beside Lise, commenced toying with her clip. Lise herself, arms originally folded on the tabletop, had subconsciously began teasing her most sensitive spot, her breast, her nipple to be precise. She had started to rub it gently with her thumb, almost flicking at it through her clothes.
By Now she was actually gripping and pinching as she narrowed her tale. Her other hand had dropped into her lap and she was now gripping it between her thighs, riding it. So deep was their involvement that neither group was aware of the events occurring within inches of them. The smell of musk and the aroma of sexual excitement filled the room, to the oblivion of those present. Each participant waited the inevitable outcome. None in the group had ever participated in a sexual adventure without their male partners, and already they were anticipating replacing Lise in her position of power. It is one thing to get fucked, and another to fuck, but to be able to participate in both excited each of them in individually separate ways. They could almost related to Steve’s desire to be as fucked. They could understand the adrenalin rush, and the underlying current of being the ultimate fuck. To be fucked and to fuck. What a concept, and what a dream. They had each and often still part of the pleasures of the same sex, but never had they fucked and been fucked by a guy. What a rush.
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