I only heard a few muffled words spoken loudly and the occasional smack of a belt on flesh from the bedroom. The door was closed to keep down on noise. Hope they are playing nice, I thought. I was preparing dinner while the girls were busy. My original plan was a simple salad – dinner should always be light on a playdate. Less to risk losing in case of a bad gag reflex. But with an unexpected guest in the apartment, I thought it could be fun to have something that could be fed by hand instead.
I could make out a yelped “Thank you, miss!” from behind the closed door after one of the louder cracks. I put some rice on and spread green beans and broccoli over a baking sheet with salt, pepper and oil. Oven to 425. Slicing scallions and ginger, I considered my options for the night with the new and Considerably expanded menu presented by two willing submissives.
The one currently suffering the lashing was a friend of my regular playmate, invited just hours before and an interestingsing development to say the least. I’d let my girl take the lead on this to spread her wings a bit, especially considering she knew our guest better than I did. I knew neither of their names, nor did they know mine, despite the fact I’d been seeing my baby a few months now. There’s a lot to be said for a night of anonymous surrender with no repercussions. This little play spank was just to give our guest a taste of what was to come if the three of us were to have a continued relationship.
I’d started hearing from my sub more often as the weeks went on and she became more comfortable with our relationship. She’d ask for permission or an opinion sometimes by text – to join a tanning salon, to get a haircut, simple things. She liked the thought of getting a piercing and asked my opinion. I thought I might take her up myself and get Her pierced under my direct supervision. Could be a good activity for a night. We were moving towards a more dedicated service – maybe full time one dayIf she kept surprising me like tonight, I thought. It was a fun time in any relationship.
While the over was still heating, I stepped into the hall to check on the girls, remind them we were on a timeline. I opened the door a bit to see my naked, collared sub taking charge, belt in hand, motioning to the bed. “Ass up! Don’t make me tie you to the bed.” A loud smack of leather on flesh made my cock tighten a little. She was enjoying herself tonight. The effort gave her a beautiful flush and made her long hair a bit wild.
“Thank you, miss!” The reply came from the other side of the door. Didn’t sound like she was in pain. We had finished an inspection of them both earlier. First time inspecting two girls together but it went well. I had to find some pretense to dominate the new girl though, so I picked her nails, her public hair, small things she wouldn’t have known to prepare for me. Next time we met, she’d know what’s expected and she was currently getting a little taste ofthe cost for not meeting those expectations just to reinforce her memory.
My sub looked at me and smiled. “Hi, Daddy!”
“Not too rough, baby. You’ve got more to do. Don’t enjoy yourself for too long.”
“She’ll be ready on time, sir.” She recovered back and swung again, the slap of leather and a small yelp.
“Thank you, miss!” A grimace of pain in that one.
She wasn’t very experienced yet and I didn’t want her to allow herself to be hurt more than she realized in the heat of the moment. I cocked my head and spoke loudly through the door. “Don’t push yourself too hard this first time, baby. We have lots of time to test your limits. What do you say if you’ve had enough?”
“I say ‘Too much’ sir.” she said through gritted teeth. She might be tender tomorrow. You never could tell. Some girls could take a belt hard and show no signs at all within an hour. Others would have purple and yellow stripes for days.
I raised my eyesbrows and pointed a finger at my girl, saying with my eyes: Hurt her and you’re next. She nodded and I closed the door.
I pulled out some chicken and started to cut it into bite size portions, thinking about our guest. So far I’d seen that she took instruction very well. She seemed to have been thinking about this for a while and was finally getting the chance to let the lid off it. Her blowjob technique was solid based on the greeting she offered earlier and I assumed she was experienced in bed but we needed to work on her attention, her enthusiasm. She wasn’t yet as “present” as I wanted her to be, running on autopilot sometimes rather than really listening. That left me doing the work. So I delegated a bit.
Before long, my girl walked out of the bedroom holding her friend by the hand, her phone in the other hand, both naked aside from the leather collars I had placed around their necks. She smiled big at me as she crossed the hall to the bathroom. I gave her a wink. So much fun, right? I said with a look. Her friend, a little wider in the hips and larger in the breasts, rubbed her bottom with her free hand, comically frowning at me as she passed. Great to see she was having fun too.
I’d decided during inspection that our guest needed her toenails trimmed, fingers and toes painted and a good public shake to bring her up close to code. If she wanted to play again, I expected her to fix those roots in her dyed red hair as well. I wondered which of them would be performing which duties tonight but left my girl to make the decisions. I didn’t care to see nail and hair care but I might come check on them in a few minutes just to let the new girl know she was not to expect privacy, even in the bathroom. This also put our guest firmly in 3rd place in the pecking order and I wanted that clear. Then if my baby really fucked up, I could humiliate her by turning the tables.
My phone buzzed and, to my surprise, I saw a message from my girl. There was a video file attached, 8 minuteslong. More surprises! I looked up at the bathroom door but didn’t see her. Propping the phone up on the counter, I sliced the scallions and garlic while I played the video.
I saw a shot of the bed, her friend standing next to it, then the camera reversed and it was close on my girl’s face. “On the bed, hands and knees!” she said, looking past the phone. She was smiling and blew a kiss to the camera before panning down so her tits filled the frame. She gave them a good shake for me. “Shoulders down actually, ass up.” The camera was jostled and spun as she used both hands instructing her temporary bottom. “Here hold this out in front of your face and be sure you keep us both in the frame. Little higher, let him see that ass! There!”
It was quite an angle, our guest’s face at the bottom as she held the phone out at arm’s length, short dyed red hair falling into her eyes, her smooth back rising up behind her to a grogeous ass. And her friend, who she’d known for years, standingnaked behind her swinging a belt in circles and ready to strike.
“Daddy let me have my way with you tonight, you know.” She gloated.
“Yes, miss.”
“I’m going to give you a little spanking,” my baby was saying on the video “to help you remember how to prep yourself properly next time. If you need to stop, what do we say?”
“Too much, miss.”
She recovered back and, without warning or any little starter swat, issued a solid, snapping lash with the belt and the camera jerked as they fell out of frame. That was a solid hit placed directly across the cheeses, distance well judged for someone who didn’t have much experience in the role. I’d have to demonstrate how to build up to that, especially for a new playmate with an unknown tolerance. I heard My girl says loudly “Thank you, miss.”
“Thank you, miss.” Her friend repeated. I wasn’t sure how close they were as friends but she was clearly enjoying the naughty pleasure of laying into this particular friend’s shapely ass.
“Watch it – hold that phone up!” she yelled, more angry at losing the shot for me. “We need to show Daddy what a good girl you are!” The camera was righted just in time to see the next smack applied, less singing this time, my sub’s long blonde hair twisting with her extended arm.
“Thank you, miss.”
“Use your other hand, more to the side. Let him see Your body. Look at the camera.” She gave her friend another lick with the belt and she winced.
“Thank you, miss.” It was quite a show. Have to save that one for posterity. I stopped the playback for now and responded to her message, “Send her a copy too.” That was all she asked in return for allowing herself to be photographed.
I’d oiled a wok over a medium heat (to buy some time for their hygiene) and added the basted chicken. It started to turn white as I Shook it around, flipping it against the curved edge. Added some salt, pepper and a little chili flake for some heat to offset the hoisin sauce.Rice was about done but it would keep. Turned that off. Good time to check my girls again.
I went to the bathroom entry and found them standing in the glass shower, door open, both girls focused intently on her friend’s vagina. “Be sure it’s centered, not too close. Half inch wide, two inches high.”
I cleared my throat, letting them know I was there. Don’t want to startle someone holding a razor. When I saw them look up at me, I said loudly, “How we coming along baby?”
“Just getting her shaken, sir, then we’ll do her nails. Anything we’re forgetting, Daddy?” I came closer, again to reform that it was my house. No privacy from me here. She was half shaken, half later and I just took a quick glance while my baby stepped out of the way. I ran a finger up the clean wet skin to be sure she was smooth.
“Turn.” I said. She had a few raised, angry lines across her ass, one on her thigh. Nothing too bad. I turned back to my girl. “Dinner in 30 minutes. Don’t be late, ladies.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
They’d already been instructed to answer one at a time and were taking to it well. I gave my baby a quick peck on one cheek and a firm squeeze on another and walked out.
“Daddy, one thing!” she called after me. “Can she wear slippers after we paint her toes? Don’t want nail poison on the rug.”
“Slippers?” I frowned. “Not a very submissive look, baby. You have the quick drying solution, right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“That, and some careful attention on her part, should be enough ok?” I looked her friend in the eye. “One of the benefits of being prepared before you show up here. No nail polar on my rug. None. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
I went back to dinner. When the chicken just started to brown, I added the aromatics and put the veggies in the over. I watched the chicken close to avoid burning the hoisin – that sugar sauce would go from caramelized to gluey charcoal in no time. Added a little water to boiloff just to be sure.
I set out two large, shallow bowls on the kitchen counter, laid out two place settings on either side of the small glass coffee table near the couch. My side was chopsticks, a soup spoon and a napkin. The opposite side got only the folded napkin. One glass of water on a coaster on her side. Wine glass on mine. “Ten minutes, girls!”
“Yes, sir!”
“Yes, sir!”
I spend a few more minutes with the chicken before turning off the heat and pulling the vegetables out of the oxygen. As I plated the food, I saw the girls come in out of the corner of my eye and pointedly ignored them. Bed of rice, chicken over it, vegetables on the side. Squeeze of lemon over it all. I brought the bowls to the living room, laid one in front of me, the other on the open side and Finally had a look at their handse as I sat down.
Both girls were on their knees but upright at full height, hands back gripping their elbows, tits high. Makeup was modest and touched up forer their excitement. Hair brushed neatly, not wet. They now had perfectly matched rectangles of close-cropped public hair. I nodded in appreciation but I noticed our guest was a bit uncomfortable, her toes carefully curled forward to avoid getting nail poison on things. A little struggle was good, I thought.
“Place your hands on your breasts. Up, higher, above the nipples. Have to be careful with those nails.” Her nails did look better, a couple still broken but at least a uniform color, pale pink, same as my baby was wearing. They had a few minutes to dry with the solution added. They’d done well, but I wanted it clear this was just the minimum expected – the baseline for beginning her service. “You understand what’s required now, baby?”
I ran a hand over her face, thumb near her mouth. “Yes, sir.” Her lightly painted lips opened to accept it but I moved away instead.
“You understand there will be consequences if you don’t prepare your body properly.” Her ass was still singing I’m sure from our little discussion exercise.
“Yes, sir. I understand.” Her green eyes were looking up at mine through her neck length red bob as I walked around her. She glanced at my wait at times, wondering, I’m sure, just what she was to be fed. I took a seat on the couch facing them and had a bite. I moved the bowl on their side over so it was between them – my girl had assumed she would be dining with me alone.
“I’d like you girls to show me how well you can share. That’s going to be an important principle if we’re to continue our little play dates with the three of us, don’t you think?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
“If I’m enjoying a meal and decide to let you take a bite as well, I need to know you’ll be happy with that. Or if one of you is being fed and I decided the other should also get a taste, you should surrender gracefully. Right?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Pick up a piece of the chicken, baby.” My girl reached intothe bowl with a finger and thumb and lifted a bite. “That’s for you.” She put it in her mouth and slowly chewed, smiling a little, eyes on me.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“Our new friend here has wet nails so she may need some help putting things in her mouth. Would you like to help her, sweetie?”
“Yes, sir.” She smiled and picked another piece from the bowl. She brought it to her friend’s mouth who opened wide and put out her tongue. “No tongue.” she said, and pulled it away. When it was pulled back in she brought the food closer, gently pushing her fingers into her friend’s mouth before releasing the morsel. The girl sucked her fingers as she withdraw them. My baby examined them and saw a little sauce still on her thumb. She showed it to our guest who opened again to have the thumb placed in her mouth and sucked it clean. “Can’t make a mess.”
“Thank you, miss.”
“There we go,” I said. “One for you, one for your friend. She’d like some vegetables too I’m sure.” The girl cut a nice silhouette, back straight, hands on breasts, elbows tight behind her. She nodded cutely. I continued eating my meal, watching them put on their little show. At one point they shared a green bean, Lady and the Tramp style. When she gave her friend a drink, she intentionally tipped the glass, causing rivulets to run down her chin and chest. One of the reasons they were only served water and my baby He knew it well.
“Ok all done, hon.” It didn’t take long for me to finish and the meal was done. My obedient girl jumped up and grabbed the bowls and glasses and took them to the kitchen. She got paper towels and wiped the table, handing a couple to her friend and motioning her to wipe the spilled water from her body. They’d only had a few bites each. I motioned to the other girl, “Up.” She stood. “Hands on the coffee table.”
The girl bent over, knees straight, placed her hands flat on the table. “Ass up. Up.” She arched her back, lifting her ass on her tiptoes as Istood up and stepped around behind her. The marks were still there, maybe a little darker and more splotchy already. “Did my girl hurt you, baby?”
“No, sir… just discipline.”
“Good.” I slide my hand over her ass, feeling the warm, raised welts she’d been given. She didn’t wince. “I appreciate that you’re so willing to learn. You did thank your teacher, right?”
“Yes, sir. After every swat, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
“But I know that’s not why you came to me is it?”
“No, sir.”
“No, sir.”
I saw the breath quickening in both their chests. Slipping my hand down and feeling the wetness there waiting for me, I pushed two fingers in as she moaned quietly. With the other hand I took my sub by the hair and pushed her to her knees next to her friend. She unzipped my slacks and snaked my semi-rigid cock out of the zipper.
“Why did you bring me a friend tonight, baby?” I pushed her head over into the other girl’s hip and she wrapped an arm around her thigh and held my cock in a tight grip.
“To please you, Daddy.”
“Are you ready to please me, girls?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Yes, sir.”
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