Introduction: Toni is in a Lesbian Domestic Discipline Marriage with Kat. All characters are over the age of 21 and are enthusiastically consenting to all sexual acts.
Toni felt a little tired after being awakened at 4 a.m. to perform oral sex for her Mistress. Recently, Kat had taken to awakening Toni early so that she had plenty of time to serve her Mistress coffee and breakfast, before taking her place Between her Mistress’ legs to worship her pussy properly. Although these sessions often lasted an hour or longer and certainly made Toni very aroused, she was never allowed to come so early in the day. Kat took every opportunity to train Toni that good submissives served their Mistresses without thought of their pleasure.
Toni started the car and headed towards her job at the bank. Feeling especially horny since her Mistress had not allowed her to come for two days, Toni felt up her tits through the thin fabric of her sundress. She had been forbidden to wear a bra or panties for two weeks now. She pulled her breasts out of the top of her sundress while driving and tugged at her stiff nipples. Although Toni longed to fondle her pussy, she knew her Mistress did not allow it. When she arrived to work, she realized her wet pussy was driving onto her dress. She parked the car and gave her nipples one last pinch before tucking them back inside her sundress.
Toni waved as she walked past the cute female security officer out front, but was surprised when she whistled at Toni and said, “Good morning Miss, you just made my day!” Toni smiled as she took in the security officer’s adorable short haircut, her bangs covering part of her sunglasses.
Toni realized the security officer had been reacting to her top, which was not pulled up completely, exposing the top half of one of her large breasts. She adjusted this before entering the bank. She was met at the door by one of her bosses, a young man dressed sharply in a suit, Mr. Wilson, who escorted herinto the office of the CEO, Mr. Harder, a handsome man in his 50s. Once inside, Mr. Wilson closed the door and the three of them sat down. Mr. Harder began, “Toni, we need to talk. You do a good job on your paperwork and the supervision of the clerks. However, we have some concerns about your attire and the fact that you don’t seem to be wearing a bra. Why did you decide to stop wearing a bra to work?”
Toni blushed and did not know what to say. She told them the truth, that her dominant wife had forbidden her to wear it, and would punish her if she broke the rules.
Mr. Harder chuckled and said, “I see. This is making more sense now that I know you have a Mistress, Toni. However, Mr. Wilson is a young man and he gets an erection whenever he sees you without a bra. Stand up, Wilson!” he commanded.
Mr. Wilson reluctantly stood, bringing his crotch to the eye level of his boss and Toni.
“I can’t have him waving that lewd site at the customers, can I?” asked Mr. Harder.
Toni looked at Mr. Wilson’s large erection, which was extremely obvious under his suit trousers. She replied, “No Sir, I guess not.”
Mr. Harder suggested that they call Toni’s wife on the speakerphone right away to discuss this matter. Toni gave them the phone number. When Kat answered, Mr. Harder, introduced himself as the bank manager and explained that he had the call on speakerphone with Mr. Wilson, a supervisor, and Toni also present.
He continued, “We have called Toni in this morning to discuss her attire because we have had complaints from some of the employees and customers. Plus, Mr. Wilson here keeps getting a hard-on, which is making it difficult for him to do his job.”
Kat laughed and responded reassuringly, telling the men that she did not want Toni to Cause any more problems at work, although she was glad to hear that Toni was following her instructions not to wear a bra.
Kat informed the men that she was training Toni to suck cock and that she had practiced on dildos of all sizes. She permitted Toni’s bosses to discuss her at work for teasing them and to have her perform oral sex for any employees who became aroused by her. She also explained that Toni was to be used for oral sex only, and not vaginal or anal sex. She also forbade anyone to touch Toni’s pussy or to make her come, as she strictly regulated her submissive’s pleasure and orgasms.
“Is that understand, Mr. Harder? Kat asked firmly.
Mr. Harder replied, “Yes Ma’am, it is crystal clear. And do stop by at any time to ensure that we are following your instructions. So to clarify, we have your permission to use Toni as needed to service our employees with oral sex, but no vaginal or anal sex, is that correct? We may also touch Toni’s breasts and discipline her if we need to, do I have that right, Ma’am? How would you suggest that we discipline your wife?” he asked.
“Yes, you have my permission to spank her,” said Kat. “She is certainly welltrained to bend over for a good spanking. She is also trained to stand in the corner with her red bottom on display and to take care of the housework, of course. She enjoys serving her superiors domestically, as well as sexually. It is of the utmost importance that Toni is not allowed to climax. She is only allowed to come for my pleasure, no one else’s, understanding?” asked Kat.
“Yes, Ma’am, we will not allow her to come. She will only come when you decide. We will supervise her sexual favorites to make sure. But we will punish her as needed and we may send her home horny!”
Kat replied, “I will look forward to that. Goodbye Mr. Harder.”
Toni’s face was bright red at hearing how her work life was changing. She could not bear to look at Mr. Harder or Mr. Wilson. She felt humiliated to be put in this position with her coworkers. She feel like a real slut because she would now have to service her coworkers to earn her paycheck. However, her new prediction was also exciting for her because being directed to perform oral sex was extremely exciting to Toni.
During the call, Mr. Harder felt his erection growing in his pants. He responded to hearing Toni’s Mistress dictate how her submissive would conduct herself at work.
Mr. Harder pulled himself together. He explained to Toni, “You will receive the same pay rate going forward, but you will no longer supervise the clerks. You will now be paid to service the employees, and to perform any other tasks you are asked to do, including your usual paperwork or domestic work such as cleaning or making coffee. You will sexually service anyone we tell you to. Those who don’t want you on your knees, may instead want you to fetch them coffee, or to clean their office in the nude,” chuckled Mr. Harder. “Just think of all the possibilities.”
“Now, since you have not been a part of the decisions that have been made here today, I will give you a choice of who you would like to service first. Toni looked at each of the two men and then looked down, embarrassed. Finally, she stated that she would first like to service the security guard out in front of the bank. The two men started laughing and asked how she knew that the female security guard would be interested.
“I believe she will be interested,” insisted Toni, “since she made comments to me on my way in this morning.”
Nodding, Mr. Harder directed Mr. Wilson to go and get the guard. He walked out, using the files he was holding to cover his erection.
Toni could not help but smile and exchange a glance with Mr. Harder as they appreciated the younger man’s prediction. She enjoyed how Mr. Harder was tormenting Mr. Wilson and making him walk past his co-workers with an erection.
When the two of them were alone, Mr. Harder asked Toni how she came to be in a dominant-submissive relationship. Toni was embarrassed but honest, explaining that she was in a domestic discipline relationship with her wife which started beforeThey wed. She told Mr. Harder that she had always felt submissive and that it was natural for her to perform services for her wife. Mr. Harder then asked Toni if she was comfortable being in this type of relationship. Toni replied that she loved it and that it was the best relationship she could imagine. Mr. Harder asked if she felt any differently now that Kat was allowing her to perform oral sex at her workplace.
Toni replied that she was nervous, but also very excited about her new duties. She explained that all the services she provided at work would show her submissiveness to her wife since Kat had directed her to perform them.
Mr. Harder advised Toni that he required her to check in with him each morning when she arrived at work. Toni smiled, happy to know that he wanted time with her. After all, she thought, it is always important to please the boss first.
Although Mr. Wilson was technically also her boss, he was so young that she didn’t think of him with thesame type of respect she had for Mr. Harder. The idea of him walking outside, trying to cover his hard-on with files, amused her. Toni enjoyed thinking that Mr. Wilson had to wait for his relief, just as Kat made her wait for hers.
Mr. Wilson returned with the female security guard, Brittany. Toni looked up at her and blushed. Brittany was so attractive and Toni hoped she had guessed right About her.
Mr. Harder explained to Brittany that he had heard that Toni had teased her on her way into the office this morning. Brittany smiled and nodded. Mr. Harder explained that Tory was now employed in a somewhat different position at the bank and would be providing oral sex for any interested employee. He asked Brittany if she would like to receive oral sex from Toni. Brittany responded, “are you kidding? I would love to have her go down on me. I have been thinking about it since the little slut teased me this morning.”
On cue, Toni rushed over to the security guard and dropped to her knees. She looked up at Brittany, practically salivating to taste her pussy. Toni had only dated a few women and a couple of men before her relationship with Kat. However, she had tried many sexual activities since she had been with Kat, and they had only made her hungry for more!
Since she had heard her boss confirm with her Mistress that her coworkers could touch her breasts, she pulled them out over the top of her sundress, offering them to the security guard. Brittany pulled a chair over for herself. Sitting down, she grabbed Toni’s breasts and ran her thumbs over the very hard nipples. After a minute or so, Brittany slapped Toni’s breasts, enjoying listening to her gasp and watching them jiggle. Finally, she pinched Toni’s nipples and tugged on them. Toni displayed her enjoyment, moaning and holding her breasts up higher for the security guard. Mr. Wilson started strokeing his cock over his clothes but stopped when Mr. Harder gave him a look.
Releasing the newOffice slut’s nipples, Brittany stood up and placed Toni’s hands on her belt buckle. Toni eagerly unbuckled her belt and opened the top of her critically ironed uniform pants. Toni unzipped the security guard’s pants while gazing up into her eyes. Brittany grabbed her pants before they could fall to the ground. Ensuring that the equipment strapped to her belt was safe, the security guard lowered her pants to the ground.
Toni began kissing Brittany’s firm stomach and tugging at her boy-style boxer briefs, excited to get inside them. Toni slowly pulled the cute security guard’s underwear down, moaning her excitement for all to hear. Brittany spread her legs to allow Toni access to her pussy, which was neatly trimmed and getting very wet. Toni began licking the security guard, who was soon exclaiming her approval of Toni’s skills.
Brittany grabbed Toni’s hair and told her, “Oh, aren’t you a perfect little slut. Just like that, don’t even think of stopping until I tell you. JustThis morning you teased me, but now you’re my bitch whenever I want!”
Toni did not stop to answer her but did murmur an affordable response into Brittany’s pussy as she licked her pussy and sucked on her swollen clip.
“Oh yes, I’m coming!” Brittany announced. She held Toni by the hair until her orgasm subsided. Toni’s heart raced when the security guard commanded her, “Take your clothes off, slut, and bend over so I can fuck you.”
But Mr. Harder stopped her, explaining that they were not allowed to fuck Toni. “We can punish her, however,” he said, grinning ear to ear.
“Punish her?” Brittany asked, as she pulled her pants up and bucked her belt. “Can we spank her? Wait, we can spank her but we can’t fuck her?”
Mr. Harder explained Kat’s authority over Toni and the new conditions of Toni’s employment at the bank. The men looked to Brittany to decide how to proceed. Brittany grasped Toni’s chin and lifted it so that their eyes met. She said, “bend over the boss’ desk for your spanking, little slut.”
Maintaining eye contact with Brittany, Toni cooed, “Yes, Ma’am.” Toni was very excited to receive a spanking from Brittany after licking her pussy. She was even more aroused because the supervisors were watching.
Toni hurried to Mr. Harder’s large wooden desk and separately bent over it. Brittany flipped Toni’s dress up over her Waist, revealing her gorgeous, perfectly round butt. All three of them gasped.
Mr. Wilson said, “Sir, don’t you have that paddle you got as a joke to scare the office whiners? Now we have the perfect use for it!” Mr. Harder found the paddle in his desk drawer.
Brittany seized the paddle, playingfully tapping it on Toni’s ass. It was a hard rubber paddle, thick and heavy. She said, “I am proud to initiate the Office Slut into her new role at the bank. Are you ready to be punished for being a tease, Toni? For walking around here for weeks with no bra or panties?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” replied Toni.
It was humiliating to Toni that before today, she would not have been spoken to in this manner by a security guard. And now the security guard had her bent over the boss’s desk to be distributed in front of the bank supervisors!
Toni’s cunt was throbbing with desire after everything that had happened today. Being humiliated and treated like a slut had made her incredibly hot.
Brittany instructed Toni to count Each strike with the paddle or else she would start over. Toni had been trained by her wife to count her spankings. “Yes, Ma’am,” she said just as Brittany brought the paddle down hard in the center of Toni’s ass, causing her to yelp with the sudden pain.
“One, please may I have another,” said Toni obediently. She continued to count as Brittany paddled her 20 times, each just as hard as the first one. Brittany moved closer to admire her work. She ran her hands over Toni’s warm and reddened ass, reaching between her butt cheats to feel her sopping wet slit. Toni moaned.
“That’s enough,” said Mr. Harder, you know her wife says she’s not allowed to come. Brittany, go back to your post. You can have another turn with Toni later in the week, supervised of course.” The security guard replied, “Yes, Sir, thank you for the opportunity. She ensured her uniform was in place before heading towards the door.
“See you real soon, slut,” Brittany said, teasing Toni. Toni’s face turned as red as her bottom.
As soon as the security guard left, Mr. Wilson stepped up and gave Toni’s ass a few more slaps. “Did you like that, you little tease? You’ve been strutting around here, showing everyone your nipples, and making my cock hard as a rock while I’m trying to work! How do you think that makes me feel?
“I know, and I’m sorry, Sir,” Toni explained. “I was just following my wife’s rules! I signed a contract and everything, so I’m obliged to follow everything she tells me!”
Mr. Wilson then ordered Toni to get back on her knees. Toni hurried to follow his commands. Mr. Wilson had his stiff penis already out of his pants, and he approached her to shove it in her mouth.
Just then Mr. Harder intervened, telling him, “just a second, young buck, you’ve waited this long, what’s a few more minutes? I want to ask this young lady a few questions.
Mr. Wilson yielded to his boss’ authority reluctantly, already imagining his hard cock down the slut’s throat. He groaned as he stuffed it back in his pants.
“Toni, is this the first cock you’re going to suck?” asked Mr. Harder.
Toni replied, “No sir, I sucked my boyfriend’s cock back in high school, and then another young man’s cock during college.” Her boss then said, “I see, so you have some experience then. But you don’t prefer cock, do you, since you’re in a lesbian marriage?” And Toni explained that while she preferred pussy to cock, she was sexually aroused by any sex acts her wife instructed her to perform.
Mr. Wilson stammered, “If you’re finished with your questions, Sir, may I please have my turn now? My hard-on is getting painful!”
Mr. Harder gave the go-ahead and turned to his paperwork. Mr. Wilson turned away from his supervisor’s gaze and pulled out his very large, stiff penis. He had an urgent need and did not want to be licked or caressed. He grabbed Toni’s hair and repeatedly slammed his member into her mouth and down her throat. Despite her training with dildos, Toni gagged and had difficulty breathing. Saliva ran out of the corners of her mouth and onto her exposed tits. Mr. Wilson lectured Toni about how her teasing had impacted him over the past weeks and how it was now her responsibility to make it up to him.
He stated, “as one of your supervisors, I will have access to this mouth as often as I need. And as you can see, I have a huge need! You will be an obedient office slut and will take care of my erections no matter how many I have each day. I will simply call you into my office, or text you,and you will rush over to perform your duties and satisfied me.” Mr. Wilson yelled, “Oh, Yes! You’re sucking it good, slut!”
He soon pulled out and came onto Toni’s face and exposed breasts.
After Mr. Wilson was finished, Mr. Harder dismissed him to supervise the bank clerks. Mr. Harder then stepped up to the plate so to speak. He explained to Toni that his needs were rather different from Mr. Wilson’s. He told Toni that he would be waiting to see her alone in his office each morning. He explained that he wanted Toni to paddle him. Toni was shocked that this powerful boss would want to be paddled but to each his own, she thought. She believed she would enjoy helping him out.
She asked him, “But Sir, I can see your erection, is there anything I can help you with now?” Mr. Harder told Toni that he would like her to paddle him.
Toni tried to think of what Kat said to her when she got paddled. “Mr. Harder, you need the discipline to help you do your job better. You are a hard worker, but you could be more forceful with your employees. They need better leadership. Now, get down and crawl. Fetch me the paddle right now!”
To her surprise, it worked! Mr. Harder dropped to his knees and crawled to retrieve the paddle from the coffee table where the security guard had left it. He crawled back to Toni while holding the paddle with his teeth. She made him hold it for a While and continued to lecture him, as she took a tissue to wipe Mr. Wilson’s cum off of her breasts and face. Pulling her dress up to cover her breasts, Toni told Mr. Harder he looked like a cute puppy dog holding his bone.
“Assume the position for your spanking, little puppy” she commanded.
Mr. Harder rose from his position on his hands and knees, dropped his pants, and bent over his desk! He gasped as his hard cock was pressed into the wooden desk. Toni was surprised but she kept in character. She leaned over his body to retrieve the paddle from his mouth. She pressed the paddle to his lips, ordering him to kiss it. He kissed the paddle profusely and begged her to spank him. She asked him if his penis was still hard and he said it had gotten even harder! “I can tell how much you need this spanking, Mr. Harder,” she whispered in his ear.
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