This is a story viewed from 2 vintage points, JJ a dominant master and Tom, the male half of a couple of would-be slaves.
I was invited to a party by one of my suppliers, this Saturday afternoon. The weather was great and everybody congregated in the garden around the swimming pool. Many people actually were in the pool, but I did not have my swimming trunks, so I had a drink (a Negroni, my favorite) in my hand and was watching the people around me.
I am a dominant male and have a sense that detects subs (or would be subs) just watching them.
I noticed a couple in their late thirties/early forties who was having a drink too, and when our eyes met, I lifted my glass to them. Two minutes later, they come to me and introduce themselves.
“I am Tom, and this is my wife Sarah.”
“Nice to meet you, Tom and Sarah, you are very attractive. What are doing here?”
“My boss, who is the host, invited us to this party.”
“I am JJ and I am a customer of yours, maybe we have talked over the phone. And you, Sarah, what do you do.”
“I used to be a teacher, but now I am a stay at home mother.”
“You know, I like you very much and I’d like to know you better.”
It was a beautiful sunny Florida afternoon and my wife Sarah and I were at a garden party that my boss has asked me to attend. Company-related parties were about my least favorite thing to do, especially on a nice summer Saturday, but it was a good excuse for time away from the kids (we arranged for them to have a sleepover at Sarah’s sister’s house) and Sarah had been quick to let me know in eager, no uncertain terms that we were going to this party, period. As a stay-at-home mom, Sarah’s “adult” moment were few and far between, and she practically jumped at the opportunity to get out and feel like a grown up again. With intelligence, adult conversation and no “Mom! Lizzie pushed me!” “We’re going, sweetie,” Sarah told me with an excitingd smile as she went to see if she still had a summer dress that fit. “There’s NO way you’re not taking me.”
So there we were at the party, which was being hosted outdoors on the spraying lawn and shaded patio of a country club, with a pool and bar and more. I alternate between schmoozing with customers of ours and singing hugs and kisses with Sarah. Now that we were here, I felt almost as giddy as Sarah was to be kid-free for the weekend. I supposed it wasn’t all bad. I could suffer the party for a little alone time with Sarah. In fact, the thought of a kid-free home when we returned after the party led me to hopeful anticipation of relaxed, uninterrupted lovemaking with Sarah and maybe even a little light bdsm play. We could take turns being the submissive, the role we both wanted to play. I wanted Desperately to ditch the party and just take Sarah straight home and fall into bed with her. But when I suggested it she just laughed and turned at me and said there was NO wayI was bailing on this party with her.
“Our first real date out in a million years? No way, Tom. I want to mingle and have fun. We’ll have plenty of time for ‘us’ stuff when we get home. Kelly is keeping them overnight, remember?”
I did remember, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t still desperately anxious to get Sarah home to our temporarily-empty house and fuck her silly! It had been a week and a half since we’d last had a chance to sneak in a fuck. I needed her. Desperately. But i would have to wait just a little while longer. We had been at the party a little while, enjoying the hors-d’œuvre and mingling, when a gentleman a little older than us and quite handsome caught my eye. I’m not sure what it was about him that caught my attention other than the friendly, familiar way he lifted his glass to us across the patio. Was it my imagination or did he check Sarah out just a little bit? I tingled. My dom-sense kicked into high gear. This man was dominant, I could tell. Sarah andI are both submissive at heart and we both fantasize about submission a lot, and sometimes I just get a sense about someone who seems to be at the dom end of the spectrum.
Somehow Sarah and I found ourselves gravitating towards our mysterious stranger, and before long we were drawn into conversation with him. Sarah seemed oddly excited to chat with him. But maybe that was just her pent-up excitement at being out at a party and kid-free. He introduced himself as JJ, and standing there socializing with him I realized that he was a customer of my company and that i had spoken with him on the phone on several occasions. A hot flush crept over me. My experience with JJ over the phone, and now in person as well, was that he was quite independent and firm, even dominant, and never hesitated to come right out with whatever he wanted and fully expect that it would be done. As a customer it made him something of a challenge to deal with (we always ultimately ended up giving him what he wantsed, the customer is always right as they say. As a submissive man now standing in front of him chatting in the middle of a garden party with my wife at my side, it made me hot with embarrassing arousal. Even though I am staunchly heterosexual, I had a feeling I would be having dark fansies about JJ tonight, and what he might do with Sarah and I in some alternate reality. But perhaps that reality wasn’t so ‘alternate’ after all? I began to wonder as JJ focused his conversation more and more directly on Sarah, relegating me to the sides even though I was right there at her side. Or wasn’t she at my side?
“So what are you drinking?” JJ asked Sarah with that pleasant, charming smile.
“Oh, nothing,” Sarah laughed.
“Nothing? Oh come on. You’re kidding.”
“I guess I’m just so used to having our kids around that it didn’t cross my mind,” Sarah said.
“Well, your kids are not here, are they?,” JJ said with a wink. “As you said, it’s a kid-free weekend. So letsgo get you a drink.”
JJ took Sarah by her arm and guided her towards the bar. I hesitated. Was he getting Sarah a drink, or both of us? The way he had written it, it was almost like he was inviting Sarah for a drink and not me, her husband! Confused, uncertain at what was happening here, not sure if he was inviting her or both of us (how could it not be both of us!?), I fell into step behind JJ and Sarah and followed them towards the bar.
I am taking Sarah by the arm and guiding her to the bar. Tom is following us. “So what will it be? Let me tell you, You will have a screwdriver, sweet and strong. Tom will have a Jim Beam on the rocks. I do not let you choose your drink, as, later I wont give you many choices. What do you think of this party? Wouldn’t you rather be somewhere a little quieter and more intimate? I told you I find you both very attractive and I’d like to know you better. If you don’t live very far, maybe we could go to your home and relax. I canAlmost smell your arousal and know you both are going to be mine. Yes????” We now leave the party and get our cars.”Tom, why don’t you drive your car? and I’ll drive mine with Sarah as my guide to your place. OK, let’s go.”
I drive in a haze, following JJ and my wife back to our suburban home. My mind was muddy with a mess of stark arousal and nervous fear. My wife was in a car with another man, taking him to our home. And I was following. To be what? JJ’s slave? He sure seemed to assume so. His comment about not giving me many choices went straight to my core. I shivered with nervous anticipation. Crazy as it was, my penis was rock hard with arousal. Sarah and I had never done anything even remotely like this. And I was staunchly heterosexual. What if JJ wanted something along those lines? Perhaps I should have clarified that to JJ back at the party. But somehow I didn’t think that my own notion of my sexual orientation would matter much to JJ.
Mymind wouldn’t stop racing with dark, lurid, nervous wrapping possibilities. For the moment I even forgot how desperate I was to make love with Sarah and I began to slip deeply into wondering what JJ had in store for us at our home.
It was a short drive and we soon arrived at our home. We live in a modest, typical suburban home, three bedrooms and a garage, nice yard, and even a little gazebo which at the moment was straight with children’s toys. I parked in the driveway and got out. JJ shut his car off, but he and Sarah sat without getting out. I waited nervously. JJ was talking to Sarah. Sarah was listening intently with a blush in her cheeses and an occasional nod. Every once in a while she would say something only briefly. It almost looked like she was saying “Yes sir.”
Finally JJ emerged from his car. He came around and opened Sarah’s door. To my surprise she emerged barefoot with her cute little black pumps in her hand. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes down. JJ took herby her hand and led her towards me.
I swallowed hard, my throat dry. “Hey sweetie,” I started to say to my wife, but to my shock JJ led Sarah right past me and up to our front door.
“Do not expect her to answer you,” JJ said. “I have instructed my slut that for the time being she is not to speak to you without my permission.” JJ slipped his arm around my wife’s Waist and held her nestled at his side. “Now, slave, listen carefully. You are to stand there where you are for ten minutes exactly, no more, no less. Do not move an inch. I will be watching you through the window. When ten minutes are up, go into your garage through the side door, strip naked and come join us inside. Leave your clothes in the garage, you wont be needing those any more today. Yes I Know this is unfamiliar territory for you, but you will just have to trust me. You and Sarah will be doing many unfamiliar things for me. I suggest that you simply accept it, as I sense you want to, and focus on doing asI say. You definitely do not want me displeased with you.”
Trust JJ? When he had his arm around my wife’s waist and I was standing here frozen in place, compelled by his command to remain unmoving while he said these things to me?
JJ unlocked our front door – apparently Sarah had relinquished our house key to him during the drive home – and they went inside, closing the door behind them and leaving me standing in the middle of our driveway. I remained unmoving. I lifted my wrist just enough so I could glance down at my watch. My penis was rock hard. Ten minutes had never seemed so long in my entire life.
When my ten minutes were up I went into our garage through the side door. It was cool and dark inside. It felt strange and darkly erotic to enter my own home through the side door at another man’s command. My heart was pounding and my cock was so hard. I undressed quickly, throbbing with arousal and excitement. The hope of strong domination overrode all of my hesitation and nervousness. Finally I opened the door between our garage and laundry room and went in.
It didn’t take me long to find JJ and Sarah. They were in our living room. My cock swelled even harder. JJ had stripped Sarah naked and he was fingering her pussy while he stood talking to her, right in front of our wide-open curtains where anyone who came up our driveway would be able to see. I Stared, the color rising in my cheeks. The sight of another man – a dominant man – fingering my naked wife was starkly erotic.
“Ah, Tom, as you can see, Sarah and I have become better acquainted, come here.”
I came over closer as JJ instructed me to, very aware of how naked and exposed I was, and how hard my erection was. JJ grabbed my hard cock in his warm, strong hand and pulled me Shoulder to shoulder with Sarah. We were on display for him, fully exposed. JJ kept holding my erection and stroking me slowly while he fingered Sarah. Without even thinking about it I moaned.
“OhMaster, please.”
JJ chuckled and kept struggling my erection. “Yes Tom, I am your Master. You want that, I can see. I’ve known since the first time I talked to you on the phone. And I didn’t exactly have to force that confession from you, did I? I think you’re even more of a slut than your neglected wife.” JJ stroked my erection slowly, sending waves of pleasure Flooding through me. No one had ever touched me so gently yet with such deep ownership. He stared into my eyes as if searching my soul. I didn’t have to look down to know that he was still fingering my wife, sliding his fingers through her soft tuft of public hair, struggling her clip, sliding his fingers up into her. Sarah’s breath came in excited, embarrassed pants beside me. I could only imagine that she felt as confused and aroused and excited by all of this as I did.
“Spread your feet apart, my sluts,” JJ said without taking his hands off of us. “Interlace your fingers behind your heads.”
Sarah and I did it, sprereading our feet and interlacing our fingers behind our heads for our Master, shoulder to bearder. I wanted so desperately to look over at Sarah, maybe have a few minutes alone with her to discuss all of this, but my entire focus was captured by JJ and his possessive grip on my penis.
JJ focused his attention on me again. “Tell me, slut, what is your name?”
I frowned, confused. Was This is a trick question? “Tom, sir.”
JJ let go of my cock and instead gripped me by my balls, encircling their base and squeezing firmly. I gasped with the switch to his powerful, possessive grip.
“Is Tom short for something, slut?”
I could hardly think with the distraction of JJ holding me by my balls. His possessive grip tapped something deep and unfamiliar within me. “Thomas, sir.”
JJ kneaded my balls gently. “Last name?”
My heart pounded harder. “Denner, sir.”
“And do you have a middle name, slut?”
My heart sank. We were barely inside our home and already I was failing our Master. “Everett, sir,” I said softly.
“Then what is your name, slut?”
“Master, my name is Thomas Everett Denner.”
JJ squeezed my balls harder. “You always answer me in the fullest, slut. No secrets between us. No holding back. When I ask you a question, you give me a full and vivid answer. No matter how embarrassing or confusing.”
I nodded, tears welling in my eyes as JJ’s grip on my balls crossed from pleasantly to too-tight. “Yes Master, I will, I promise.”
JJ looked to Sarah. “What is your name, slut?”
“Master, my name is Sarah Isabel Denner.”
“You’re a quick learner, slut. That bodes well for you.”
“Thank you Master.”
It shocked and aroused me to hear Sarah answering so easily to JJ this way.
JJ let go of my balls and went back to stroking my erection. I was beginning to leak precum. He gathered a little bit on his fingertip and swirled it around my swollen head.
“Have you ever been with anOther man, my little slut?”
“No Master,” I replied.
“But you want to, don’t you?” JJ stared deep into my eyes, searching. “You fantasize about it? Yes, I can see many things in you, my little slut.”
My cheeses burned crisis. JJ’s words sent a wave of deep humiliation and embarrassment through me. This was the one area where I had never been able to quite grapple with my confusing fansies, or to even share them with Sarah. “I… I don’t know master,” I stammered. “I… i want to please you.”
“Yes, you do want to please me, don’t you my little slut?” JJ said. “You certainly are a giver. But you need so much more than that. You need someone to truly own you, don’t you?” JJ stroked my leaking cock a moment longer and Then he let go. I actually whimpered with the loss of his touch.
JJ resumed struggling my penis.
I was so aroused by my Master’s words. And his touch on my penis felt so good, so unfamiliar and possessive. Without even thinking about it I began moving my hips almost imperceptibly, sliding my desperate erection in his gentle grip, drawn by the delicious sensings. Waves of pleasure and shame flooded through me.
JJ laughed. “That’s it my slut, fuck my hand, fuck your Master’s hand. Embarrassing that it’s my hand you want to fuck and not your wife’s sweet cunt, isn’t it?”
I moaned and nodded. Yes it was embarrassing. And confusing, and so many other things. I moved my hips a little more, sliding back and forth in my Master’s warm grip. My cheeks burned to do this in front of Sarah.
“Stop.” JJ commanded suddenly.
I froze, my cock pushed forward in his warm grip. He held me calmly, swirling his thumb around my leaking slit and teasing my wetness around my swollen head. I moaned softly.
“Resume.” JJ commanded.
I fucked my master’s hand again. My movements created a soft slippery sound in the quiet of our living room as my wetness spread and made his grip on me messy.
“Stop,” JJ commanded again.
I stopped with a whimper. This start-and-stop was killing me. I was so close to cumming. My cock twitched. I could cum in his hand right now, I was so close.
“You no longer own your orgasms, my little slut,” JJ told me. “Or your cock. Or sex with your wife. I own it all, completely and unconditionally. I alone will determine when, how and even if you get to enjoy Any of it, or anything else for that matter. Got it?”
I nodded. Oh my god. What was happening to me? To us, Sarah and I? This was so much deeper and more real than anything I had ever fantasized. And JJ was taking it so quickly.
JJ let go of my erection. I whimpered at the loss of his touch. He brought his hand to my mouth and smiled. “Lick, slut.”
With my cheeses burning I licked my sticky pre-cum off of my Master’s hand. I had never done this before, never tasted myself. The salty, musky, unfamiliar taste sent tingles down my spine. I had a feeling that this first little taste of male essence was only a precursor of much to come.
JJ lowered his hand. He was smiling. “Go stand in the corner, slut. Nose to the wall. Feet apart, fingers interlaced behind your head. You do not speak, you do not turn around.”
I nodded meekly. “Yes Master.” And I went and stood in the corner as instructed.
I had my two new sluts in the palm of my hand, ready to be molded in anything I wanted. They must have been deeply repressed in their need for a master. They did not resist at all. As soon as I told them, they did and even went beyond. I was very pleased. A beautiful young woman and a handsome young man under my thumb. They just were hoping I was going to make them my slaves, obedient, eager and loving.
Tom was in the corner like a punished bad boy and Sarah was in my arms eagerly waiting to be taken.
I was playing with her cunt that was so wet… I introduced 2 fingers in her pussy and fingerfucked her while at the same time nibbling on hertits. She was grunting, moaning, panting with total abandonment. She was giving herself to me without any shame or reluctance. She just wanted me, her master, to take her.
And so I did. She came under my fingers with a long howl and I had to hold her for her not to collapse.
I kissed her mouth with a long French kiss she returned with password.
This slut had really aroused me and I needed Some release.
“On your knees, my slut.”
She knelt in front of me.
“Open my fly, my slut, and suck my cock.”
“She did as she was told and her mouth was over my cock, licking and sucking.”
“Tom, come here now.” You rush to me, your cock still fully erected, since listening to your wife cumming kept you even harder. I grab your cock and stroke it slowly.
“Fuck my hand now, my slut, you can come now.”
Your hips, going back and forth, faster and faster until panting and moaning you throw your cum with a cry of triumph against my belly.
“OK slut, clean your cum off me, lick it clean.”
You do it greedily. “You like your cum, my slut. You will love mine even more.”
After I am clean, “On your knees, join Sarah and share my cock.”
You are both kneeling in front of me, sharing and competing for my cock.
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