To Tame a Desert Fox Pt. 02

The Game Begins

Sultan was savouring his first free time that day. To rule the kingdom, is not easy. They are always enemies outside the borders of his modest kingdom, but he was not afraid of them. In fact, he defeated most of them on the battlefield in the days gone by. Instead, the real enemies are within the borders. The shady, cowardly plotters, the small souls hoping for small gains, no matter the damage they do to the others and to their homeland.

He witnessed. Time to relax. He will worry about them tomorrow. He opened a bottle of wine, and savoured the whiff of it. Sultan knew that his religion doesn’t approve of consuming alcohol, but he considered it more as a guideline than a rule. After all, he was the Sultan – the chosen one and he was convincing himself that Allah would look at his life in entirety and, in sight of all good deeds that he did, forgive him occasionally indulgence.

Talking about indulgence, and now his energy perked, he hada special treatment tonight. That defiant slave girl, who call herself Desert Fox. “Tahelab Alsahar” he murmured to himself, savouring the sound of it. It sounded as erotic and exotic as she was.

She accepted the game to endure and try to earn her freedom. Sultan could always cheat or even renegade on his word, but that was not who he was. He was the man of honour. However, he would not want to lose her. She was very special. He will be fair, but by Allah, he will not make it easy for her.

Sultan hear multiple footsteps coming closer to his chamber. The heavy fall of guards’ boots and soft pattern of bare feet. Good, his prey (and advocate in his wicked game) is being brought in.

Guards knocked at heavy wooden door of his chamber. “Enter!” he shouted.

Two guards were holding Desert Fox by her biceps. Her hands were tied behind her back. She seems to be struggling. That was strange, unlike how she was behaving last time and he didn’t remember telling them to tie herdown. Then he noticed a nasty scratch at guard’s face. He knew that man, he was a trouble and Sultan was not really taken to liking him. In fact, there was something sleazy about him, but as a ruler – he had to be just and not act on his feelings. Well, not always, anyhow…

He looked the salve girl in her eyes. In her eyes was rage, pure white rage, but as she looked at Sultan, it started softening. Sultan didn’t even need to ask what happened, he knew. But he had to do the game.

“Ibrahim, how did you get that nasty scratch and why is the slave girl tied?” he asked innocently

“My Lord, she tried to escape, we entered the chamber and she jumped at us and then…” Ibrahim started.

“You lying filterthy pig!” Desert Fox locked at him, trying to bite him or hurt him in any possible manner considering that she was held with the hands behind her back “You tried to touch me and you should be lucky that I missed your eye – you swine” and she spat at him.

What a fire – Sultan thought. She is truly special. Ibrahim raised his hand to strike her across the face, but Sultan was faster “ENOUGH” he boomed.

That quietly opened them all down. Now, the fear started to see into Ibrahim. “But My Lord, she is a slave girl and she didn’t want to listen…”

“Is she yours or my property, you worm!” Sultan was getting angle. His kingdom is patriarchal, but even slaves deserves some respect, especially if they are his.

“Yours Sultan” Ibrahim was crushed.

“I will not tolerate this by one of my guards. Should I castrate you or…” Sultan started – Ibrahim’s eyes were full of terror! Sultan wouldn’t go that far, but Ibrahim didn’t know that…

“No my Lord, be merciful, by Allah!!!” Ibrahim prostrated himself in front of Sultan, trying to kiss his feet.

Sultan was disgusted – he kicked him. “Take him away, get him branded at Guard’s dawn assembly as an example to the others and explore him out of my Guards, if he wants to stay in kingdom, he can work in stables. Take him away!”

The other guard took out whimpering Ibrahim and closed the heavy door.

They were finally alone. Sultan turned around and looked Desert Fox straight into her deep dark eyes. “And you should learn some manners”

“But,..” she started

“ENOUGH, did I give you permission to speak? That will be five extra lashes!” He barked and kept his gaze, challenging her to defy him.

Tahelab Alsahar was about the speak, but she saw the anger and lust in his eyes and thought again. She stayed silent.

“Good. At least you are not dumb.” Sultan was calming down. Time to play.

“Tonight we will play. We will play for three nights. If you are strong enough to endure all my tests, you will be free to leave. All my tests will be playful, but painful. You can endure it, if you calm your mind. You will not be permanently damaged; you are too valuable property for permanent damage” Sultan spoke slowly and that had a curious calming efaffect on the slave girl. Her anger was slowly being replaced with anxiety and strange tingling between her legs. The tingling that she definitely tried to ignore.

Sultan walked around her. When he was behind her back, he reached out and gently squeezed her nipple. She flinched but steeled her self and stayed still. He was impressed.

“We can remove those, as you want to do this, don’t you” he whispered in her ear while undoing ties that kept her hands tied behind.

She nodded.

“But if the test becomes tough, you can ask me to tie you down and just endure – I will not count it as a failure”

She was grateful to hear that. This man was strong and wicked. Sexy as well, but she quickly tried to change her train of thought. She will endure and if she needs to be tied to gain her freedom, so be it.

“Are you ready to start my little fox”, Sultan was toying with his prey.

Another nod.

“Alright then, assume punishment position on the bench” The bench in question was hard wood, with luxurious black leather padding on which she obediently lied. Her knees rested on the support benchmark below. Her bottom was lovingly presented and just inviting all kind of abuse. Without a doubt, she will get some.

“You will keep this position. If the test becomes too much and you are struggling to keep it, you have two choices. Either you will ask to be tied and we continue, or you give up your chance of getting your freedom back. Do you understand?”

Another barely observable nod, as her head was resting on black leather.

Sultan has moved slowly, savouring the moment and the view of her white, perfectly shaped bottom. Her pussy lips were also visible and inviting. Well, he will do something about colour of her bottom very soon.

He picked up a flogger. This one was not too harsh, but heavy leather tussles can put the subject to much pleasure but much pain as well, sometimes both at the same time. That was what he was hoping to ahieve.

He let the tails slowly trail the curve of her back, from the shoulders to the crack between her bottom. He did it a few times. She was obviously relaxing. Then, with a flick of the wrist, he sent the flogger in arc ending up in satisfying sound of later meeting the virgin flesh. This caught Desert Fox by surprise and she flinched but stayed quiet. He kept wielding the flogger in figure of eight, hitting Each buttocks equally. Each hit was of moderate strength and soon both her buttocks were turning pink and then deeper shade of pink. Her breathing was getting more urgent, as she struggled to stay still.

Sultan kept the pace for a few minutes and despite the redness of her bottom, Desert Fox relaxed into the flogging and processed the burning sensing of it. Her body was starting to physically relaxed into it and soon barely audible moans escaped her resolve to put a brave face. She was starting to welcome the flogger tails and her bottom was rising above to meet thekiss of the whip.

Sultan stopped and let go of the flogger. There was a sheen of sweat on that beautiful slave girl body. He gently traced with a finger a line from her neck to her now warm and redish bottom. He did it slowly and deliberately. As his finger enter the crack, he let the whole palm rest on her bottom. It had a satisfaction heat emanating from it.

Desert Fox was still and tense, while she was telling herself that she is glad that the ordeal stopped, there was a fire between her legs that begged for more. No matter how she tried to ignore it, it was there and it was getting stronger. The flow of blood to her bottom, by now lovely dark pink colour, was not helping.

Sultan looked at his collection of whips. One might think that he was a cruel man for having a collection punishment tools, but he didn’t see them like that. In right hands, these can transform into tools of pleasure, designed to bring recipient to heightened state. But that is dependent on a person on receiving side. If they fight, they will feel the pain and nothing but the pain. If they manage to surrender and accept it, without judgment – that is another story. Old mystics and yogis know how to transcendent pain and use it for spiritual growth.

“Are you one of those, I wonder…” Sultan murmured to himself while looking at the beautiful and strong female, waiting for him. She was now relaxed, and her breathing has slowed down – she was enjoying the afterglow of her first trial and the redness of her bum was receiving.

Sultan picked up the next instrument. This one was a short leather whip, about a meter long,, well oiled and made of black leather. Not too hard, but flexible enough and heavy enough to hurt, if even modernate force is applied.

Sultan brought it in front of Desert Fox. He didn’t say a thing – he let her understand and anticipate what comes next. Without a word, he stepped behind her and started overhand rhythmic whipping – alternative strokees on her bottom. It was delicious how the blows were bouncing of her bouncing flesh. In no time, the redness has return to her bottom, with a vengeance. Unlike uniform distribution of flogger, the short single tail whip was making thick, but not too deep or terribly painful, marks.

Sultan didn’t mind. He didn’t want to permanently damage her skin, or even break it. Well not today anyhow. He wanted to challenge her slowly, to allow her to catch-up with building sensings.

As the lines are getting piled upon her skin, the slave girl’s bottom was bouncing deliciously and she was starting to battle to keep position. Sultan was impressed by her will and decided to give her a break.

“Very good, it seems that it is true what they say about your tribe. You deserve respect”


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