Thirsty Ch. 05

He supported her elbow as he guided her back out of the restaurant. He noticed that she was completely oblivious to her surroundings upon their exit. He chuckled softly, for he knew if she took notice she would have seen much more play than when they first arrived. He also noted that she did not appear to care that her own appearance was far from the perfectly groomed woman who first walked into the establishment.

The limo was right outside the door. The driver stood stoically, giving no indication as to the activities that occurred on the long drive from the hotel to the restaurant. He stepped between the chauffer and his pet as she attempted to crawl in the rear of the limousine.

He quickly climbed in after her and pulled her onto his lap, and covered her still trembling form with his suit jacket. He pressed his lips to her hair, and inhaled. The smell of sex permeated every pore in her body. He observed her willingness to please him overcome her inhibitions throughoutthe course of the evening. She pleased him well tonight, very well. He listened to the quiet for a moment, and felt her soft steady breaths and knew she’d fallen sleep. Gently, he combined her tangled tempers with his fingers, his thoughts traveled ahead, to what he had in store to cumulate their first night together.

He felt his cock twitch as the rest of the night unfolded behind his closed lids. Yes, he thought. She’s done well, but will she reach down to what’s truly in her heart and give to him? He knew he could get her to respond to sexual stimuli, one touch and her body he knew was his. He knew he owned her body in the physical sense, now it would be the test to see if he would own the mind. Once he was sure of that, the heart and soul would follow naturally.

The limo pulled up in front of the hotel. He waited until it stopped completely before he roused her from her slumber. He heard her groan when she attempted to stretch. Her muscles rebelled against any movement.Slowly she pulled herself from the warmth of his body and moved to the side so he could disappear first. She hesitated a moment before following him, why she wasn’t sure, but she did. His quiet voice broke the silence.

“Come pet.” He issued softly but firmly as he extended his hand to her.

She placed her fingers in his and felt the surge of his strength flow throughout her. She noticed for the First time, her disheveled appearance, but quickly dismissed any embarrassment when she remembered how much pleasure he’d given her. She stood with confidence by his side as he paid the driver, and wondered how much more, if any there would be tonight. She was exhausted from both travel and the multiitude of orgasms. Her pussy throbbed in reaction to her thoughts, her nipples tingled. She was amazed at her body’s Response. How could she want more? She thought about his statement in the restaurant. His claim to ownership. She knew in her heart there was more. A shiver ran down her spine and she shuddered.

“Cold pet?” He queried.

“No Sir. Quite the opposite.” She quipped back with a soft smile.

As if he read her thoughts, he smiled back knowingly.

“Yes, pet. I’m sure. Come let’s get back to our room.”

They entered the vacant lobby. A fire crackled in the huge stone fireplace, she longed to sit before it with him. As they waited for the elevator to arrive, she envisioned his powerful body over hers, their eyes locked as he slowly entered her warmth. That vision stayed with her throughout the short ride to their floor and the walk that ensured to their room.

He opened the door and stood back for her to enter. Once they were both in the room, he hung the do not disturb sign on the door and secured all the locks.

“Pet.” He said sharply.

She jumped and turned quickly. “Yes Sir?”

“Strip for me.” He said flatly.

He watched her swallow hard, and her eyes widen.

She watched him move the desk chair to the middleof the room and subsequently sit. His eyes never left hers as he loosened his neck tie. She knew there was no saying no. She knew her hesitation was silly, she stripped for him nightly on the web cam. He’d already seen her naked in person, many times over since they first touched only hours earlier. With a deep breath, she untied the sash on her dress. The dress parted and hung alone, she moved her hands up her sides Until she cupped and squeezed her breasts. There was no music to tease him with, but she knew he wasn’t looking for a tease. He wanted her flesh exposed for him. She slip the soft white silk from her shoulders, and caught it in her fingertips before it pooled on the carpet. She casually tossed it to the bed. She hoped her bra was in his possession, she couldn’t quite remember when she lost it, or the wisp of material that was her panty. She stepped out of her heels and unfasted the delicate garter belt from the stockings. Carefully she lowered each one down her leg so as not to cause a run. Lastly she lowered the garter belt over her hips and let it fall to the ground. Nonchalantly, she kicked it to the side, and once more met his eyes.

“Very good girl.” He commented.

Slowly she turned her back to him and ran her hands over her hips and ass cheeses. She gripped each chef firmly in her fingers and spread herself for him. She heard his soft moan behind her, and nothing more. She stood there motionless as she felt his eyes bore into her. She reached at that moment to hear his voice, to feel his touch, to taste his lips. There was nothing, no indication that he was even still in the room, nary sound except for her heart pounding in her chest.

At last, after what seemed like minutes had passed, she heard his heavy sight. It was a forlorn and tired sight. She had a moment of panic, and wondered what she did to displease him. She had a glimmer of hope when she felt his hand wind in her hair.

“Go draw yourself a hot bath and soak before we retire.”

“Yes Sir.” She whispered dejectedly.

She bit her lip and blinked back tears. Silently she walked away, all hoped dashed by his comment. He said they would retire. That means they were done. Once in the bathroom, she let the tears flow as she turned on the water. What did she do wrong? Where had she erred? She replayed the entire evening in her head as she lowered herself into the water.

She absolutely lathered the washcloth and gently cleansed her body. The later caresed her skin, as the heat from the water soothed her aching pussy. Tenderly, she drew the washcloth between her legs and washed away the remnants of their union. She cursed as she felt that now familiar ache settlement in her core. She needed him again. When was her body going to be sated? How could he possibly have this effect on her? She was a grown woman for goodness sake, she couldn’t ever remember needing and aching this much ever.

There was nothing in her opinion she could have done differently, she’d done whatever he asked of her and he appeared pleased. Although, she silently concurred, her opinion was not needed or required. Maybe she reasoned within herself, he will tell her. Only then would she be able to change.

She stepped from the tub and patted her skin dry. Her flesh tingled from the contrast of the heat from the tub, to the cooler air in the room. She paused in front of the mirror to comb her hair. As she looked at her reflection, she noted a change in herself. She couldn’t pinpoint it, but it was there. With a deep breath, she dropped the towel and turned to open the door.

He began his preparations while she bathed. He purposely let her believe that they would be retirement, and they would, just not right away. He imagined her skin pink from the water, her cunt pulsing as she cleaned. His cock twitched and hardened. He gripped his shaft tight in his hand drew a bead of precum from his crown. Soon her tongue would lap the nectar from his cock, soon.

He walked around the room and lit a few candles, any of which could be used to drip streams of melted wax across her flesh. He lined up his flogger, crop and paddle on the desk next to the couch. He wasn’t sure which he would use, but wanted them all there for the taking.

When he heard the door knob turn, he walked to the further part of the room and sat quietly. He watched her step into the room.

“Stop.” He commanded. “Wrong.”

She stopped dead in her tracks and looked at him with questioning eyes.

“I said wrong. Do it again.”

She stepped back in the bathroom and shut the door. She leaned her forehead against the door. What did she do wrong? Once again she opened the door and cautiously took one step into the room.


She sent him a pleading look, but all he did was give her a blank star. With a heavy sight, she returned once again to the bathroom. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. What did he want? Was she supposed to read his mind all of a sudden? He never indicated in all the months they talked that there would be certain protocol when she entered a room. Wait! A smile of satisfaction slowly crept across her face. Triumphantly she returned to the door and turned the knob slowly. She straightened her shoulders in an effort of resolution. Yes, I can do this. She thought. I can.

She opened the door slowly, instead of stepping into the room, she lowered herself to her hands and knees and crept beyond the doorway into the main room. This time there was no voice telling her she erred.

She could not readily see him across the room at this level, the bed was too high for her to see over. Slowly she crawled, each stride becoming more comfortable, defined with a purpose. Maybe, she thought, they we’re not done for the eve. She chatised herself for first of all doubting his intent, second for giving into her fears. Silently she strode across the room. As she crept, she feel more catlike. Her bodyswayed with each movement, her eyes glittered as he came into view. Her eyes narrowed when she realized he sat there nude. Her attention was drawn to his hard cock, which rested against stomach. Instinctively she licked her lips as she drew closer. She needed to taste him, the need turned to an ache as she reached him.

She longed to crawl between his legs and take his crown between her lips and lay his silken flesh with her tongue. She stopped less than a foot from his feet, and rose up on her knees. She parted her thighs wide and rested her ass upon her heels. She held her shoulders straight, her nipples tingled with excitement as her breasts thrust forward. She cast her eyes to her hands which rested palms up on each thigh, and waited.

“Very good girl. You have pleased me. Give me those eyes.”

She looked up at him the desire obviously Her lips parted slightly as she felt his gaze delve deep into her soul. She gasped and shivered when she saw his eyes narrow.

“Now pet, show me how you worship the cock that owns you.”

She closed the space between them on her knees and took his cock in her hand. She cupped and kneaded his balls in her other hand. She held his gaze as she lowered her lips to lick the tip of his now glistening head. She retired the fact that he was so aroused by her. Proud of the fact that she remembered how she needed to present herself to him.

She molded her lips over his tip and slowly pushed her head down until his head popped through her oral barrier. She kept just the crown in her mouth easing it in and out slowly, but kept a tight seal with her lips. She felt him shift in his seat as she pleasured him. She gave a soft moan as she inched her mouth down his thick shake. She felt his crown slip into her throat as her nose nestled in his pubic hair. Instinctively she swallowed and heard him groan as her muscles caresed his shake.

She pulled her lips back until they hugged the underside of his head. Her tonguess flicked and rolled over him as she suckled. Her fingers kneaded his sack as she drifted to where there was nothing in her mind but his cock. Her fingers circled the base of his shake and she held him firm while her lips and tongue bobbed around his bulbous tip.

She gripped his head tight with her lips and grew when she felt his hands wind in her hair. He gathered all her hair into his hands and twisted his fingers in it. He twisted them tight enough to cause her to yelp. She yearned for his touch, the moment she knew it was time for her to yield to him.

He felt the instant she gave herself over to him. He was pleased at how much she learned tonight. She knew his cock well and how he wanted her to please him. He used her hair to guide her mouth over his cock. He took his time and varied the pace and depth as he played. He enjoyed watching her ass squirm as he toyed with her. Oh yes, squirm my pet. He thought.

He untangled one of his hands from her hair and reached beside him. He thrust his cock deep in her mouth and held her head down. Her nails gripped his tights as she began to struggle for a breath. With a slight flick of his wrist he brought the supple tip of his crop down on her ass cheek.

Her cock filled mouth stifled her cry, and before she had a chance to grap and absorb the first slap, he pulled her head up so she could take a breath. He slammed her head down as he brought the crop down on her other chef. He observed how her body flinched, noted how she didn’t scream with this slap, liked how her lips tightened around his cock.

Her eyes filled with tears as he used her mouth on his cock. The sting from the crop flooded her body with a heat she’d never felt before. She was surprised that the hurt quickly spread through her and made Her pussy tingle. Within seconds the second slap of the crop landed on the opposite cheese. This time she felt prepared even though she fought not to bite down on his cock. She whimpered as hedeftly brought the crop down on each chef in swift succession. Her hips compromised and she felt the spittle ooze from the corners of her mouth.

He used his grip on her hair to control her mouth on his cock as he reddened her ass with the supplies leather. He watched her flinch and squirm, felt her saliva drip from her lips and coat his heavy balls. He retired each moan, whimper, and yelp of pleasure he heard.

He dropped the crop at his side and pulled her head from his cock. His pet did well with the crop, he was pleased. He reached down and pulled her across his lap and gently kneaded her cheeks. He watched her turn her head to the side and close her eyes, absorbing his tender touch to her enflamed flesh. Quickly he raised his hand and swiftly brought it back down with a loud thwap on her backside. He Watched her head rise up off the couch cushion, heard her loud gasp, felt her body tension.

He smiled as he watched her wince relax into a small smile accompanied with a soft moan.

“My pet like her ass cheeks red, does she?” He said with a low growl. Her hips compromised on his lap. He brought his hand down again on the other cheek.

“Oh God, yes Sir… very much.” She moaned as his fingers kneeled her flesh. She heard his low growl as his strong fingers spread her ass cheeks wide, exposing her anal opening to him. Instinctively she lifted her hips, pushing herself into his hands. She reached to have him inside her, feel his cock press into her. This need was more than desire, more than she had ever felt before. She gasped as the crop danced once more across her tender cheats. The sound filled her mind, the heat of each rapid slap enveloped her in warmth. His hand cupped her sex, one finger slide between her lips. She moaned and ground back against his hand. Her moans turned to whimpers as he toyed with her sodden slit.

Thwap, thwap, thwap, thwap sang the crop on her flesh. She cried out softly as he maneuvered the leather tip to her sensitivethighs. He was pleased with both the immediate pink tinge of her skin, and her moans and whimpers. He watched her body flinch and understand. He spread her tights on his lap to glimpse her glistening pussy… his pussy. He dragged his finger along her slit and spread her nectar all over her labia and inner tights. He then thrust two fingers in her and slowly withdraw them. He watched her muscles tighten around his digits in a feeble attempt to keep them inside her.

Her moans filled the room as he twisted his wrist back and forth. As his fingers scholarsed inside of her, her juices flowed freely, her hips rocked on his lap. His pet was in heat, and soon she would beg him to fuck her. The thought made his hard cock twitch. He continued to tease her. He occasionally brushed his thumb over her clip as he slowly fucked her with his Two fingers. He tormented her with long easy strokes, and watched her ass rise up with each stroke.

He heard her fingernails scrape the fabric of the couch. Her head rolled from side to side. Soon he thought, I will have her beg for my cock.

Her mind flooded with emotion. She knew not where or what to concentrate on. His finger fuck drove her to near frenzy. Then his hand came down and he spanked her at the same time. She felt as if she was caught in a tidal wave of desire. Her body churned and reached from his delectable torque. She needed a release, but he kept her floating on the precipice. She knew it was intentional, and she loved and hated it at the same time.

She gasped as he pulled his fingers from her depths, and pressed his slick fingers to her tight pumped hole. She frozen for a moment, expecting a bit of pain, but his finger slipped past her muscle easily. She raised her ass to his hand eager for more.

He watched her tense as he pressed his finger against her anus. Her abundant juices left his finger well lubed for entry as he pushed past her barrier and into her ass. He moaned as her anus gripped his fingerr tight. He watched his slut’s body beg for her ass to be used.

He kept his finger only at the first knuckle as he rotated his wrist and finger. He watched her muscle relax, while her body compromised on his lap. When he had her anus sufficiently relaxed he slipped a second finger inside her and slowly pushed into her ass deep. Her head arched back, and she thrust her ass up high. Yes his slut was ready for his cock. Now it was time to hear her beg to be taken.

“Does my slut need to be fucked?” He whispered.

“Yes Sir, please yes Sir, she needs to be fucked.” She gasped.

“Are you sure?” He asked as he forcedly thrust his fingers deep in her ass.

“Yes Sir, your slut is more than sure.” She cried out. “Please Sir, fuck and use your slut, please.” Slap. “Please!”

She rose up off his lap on her hands and knees to meet the thrust, only to have her head pushed back down to the cushion.

“Did I tell you to rise slut?” He sneered. He scooped up the crop and repeatedly brought the tip down on each chef as he rapidly finger fucked her ass.

She cried out as he used her cheeses and ass. She didn’t know where the pain ended and the pleasure began, but they soon melded together in harmony. Her cries reduced to mere whimpering when he replaced the crop with his hand. Instead of slapping her flamed red cheeses he began to care each one. His touch soft and gentle, while his fingers remained deep inside her.

“Please…please…oh God Sir, please.” She whimpered.

“My, slut does like her ass used. That pleases me.” He prayed in a low whisper.

He slowly pulled his fingers from her tight opening, twisting his fingers as he pulled, thus relaxing her sphincter even more. Her moans and mewls were music to his ears. He scooped her up from his lap, and turned her so she was cradle in his arm and against his chest. His fingers combined through her hair as she huddled against his body.

“My pet?” He whispered softly as he turnsed her face up to meet his.

“Yes Sir?” She managed to squeak out.

He searched her expression for any signs of hesitation, anger, hurt, or confusion. Her eyes were soft and gentle and full of love. He peered deep into her soul at that very moment, and what he saw warmed him to his core. At last he’d found what had been lost to him all these years. He was home.


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